Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 13, 2021

LCG Expecting East Coast Members To Drive To Church Two Days In A Row This Weekend, In Spite Of Crippling Gas Prices

As LCG gears up for Pentecost this weekend, HQ wants to make sure LCG members have both of their gas tanks full, their car, and their Holy Spirit tank. 

LCG members may be struggling this week to keep their physical gas tanks full in order to drive to church this weekend and for the next few weeks. A wise church leader would have said due to the current gas shortage on the east coast we will only be holding services only on Pentecost instead of forcing you to spend money traveling to church two days in a row. 

Better yet, Weston should have said, "we will be streaming services on Saturday and Pentecost in order to make your lives a little easier during this crisis."

The ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline here in the United States has shut off fuel supplies to Southern and Atlantic Coast states, causing more than a thousand gas stations to run out of fuel. North Carolina is the hardest hit, with about 70 percent of gas stations shut down. Panic buying in Florida, which is not dependent on the Colonial Pipeline system, has shut down 16 percent of their stations. This will affect in-person Sabbath and Pentecost attendance in some of the states hardest hit, but we are thankful for the infrastructure we have in the Church, due to the pandemic, to transmit services online. Of course, we all know that anything involving the Internet is vulnerable, and it is a good practice to have back-up available. As we see our world going from one disaster to another, let us remember God as our Creator this Sabbath, and the millennial rest the Sabbath foreshadows; and let us rejoice in the calling God has given to us as firstfruits of His harvest.—Gerald Weston

LCG members are also encouraged to send in offerings online, particularly if they can't drive to church.  It is always more important to have the money clinking in the till than worry about members struggling to make ends meet with food and bills while also having to deal with high gas prices and shortages. Offerings always trump food on the table. Besides, this way their hands don't have to touch the filthy lucre.

Pentecost Holy Day Offerings: U.S. Churches Only—Repeat Announcement
As we prepare for Pentecost, we want to let the brethren know how we will be handling the Holy Day offering. We encourage those who are able and want to donate online to make online Holy Day offerings. This greatly cuts down on the time and work required to process checks. Congregations holding in-person services on Pentecost will have an offertory message and collect an offering as we have normally done. If you attend in person and choose to donate online, simply write “online” on your offering envelope collected at services. For those who will not be able to attend services in person, we encourage making online donations, if possible, just as we did for the Days of Unleavened Bread.—Finance Department

LCG members must also never forget to keep their Holy Spirit tank topped off, even though the church generally depletes that account thanks to abusive ministers, draconian non-biblical rules, church government demands, and oppressive law-keeping. But, no matter what, have a profitable Pentecost!

Are You Filled with the Spirit? We read in the Scriptures inspiring accounts of numerous people who were “filled” with God’s Holy Spirit—John the Baptist, his mother Elizabeth, and his father Zacharias (Luke 1:15, 41, 67). On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were “all filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4). Later, Peter and Paul are described as being “filled” with the Spirit (Acts 4:8; 9:17; 13:9). Paul admonished brethren, “do not be drunk with wine... but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). How do you become filled with the Spirit? If we repent and make a commitment at baptism and receive the laying on of hands, we are promised the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). God gives His Spirit to those who obey His commandments (Acts 5:32). However, that Spirit must be nourished daily by regular prayer and Bible study if we are to be “filled” with the Spirit (2 Corinthians 4:16). Paul told Timothy to “stir up” the Spirit, indicating there are things we can and must do to become “filled” with the Spirit of God (2 Timothy 1:6–7). Let’s make sure we are doing our part to nourish and exercise the fruits of God’s Spirit so we can be instruments in His hands.
Have a profitable Pentecost, 
Douglas S. Winnail


  1. How can LCG members be filled with the Holy Spirit when they do not hear about Jesus? The law does not lead anyone to the Holy Spirit.

  2. They do hear about Jesus who do you think will rule as King of Kings and Lord of lords? Stop lying that they do not hear about Jesus just because the true Jesus Christ wants you to obey him rather than your lawless version of Jesus. True Jesus Christ is unheard of to a lot of people because they only know of the catholic long haired piece of the crap version of Jesus. Go on the LCG website they preach about Jesus articles about him.

  3. Remember, LCG members, if your church makes you drive to and from services on Saturday and Sunday, the letter of the law allows you to deduct your travel expenses from your second tithe OR from your previously planned offering amount.

  4. 7:20. You are correct that LCG members do not hear about the TRUE Jesus! Nothing Jesus did was as important as the law. You are a broken tired old record.

  5. 7:37 LCG members hear about the true Jesus it is the world that is closed off to him. Some of the people here at banned by Hwa and GCI claim that Cog does not talk about Jesus but we do and only we have it correct.

  6. 7:46. "Some of the people here at banned by Hwa and GCI claim that Cog does not talk about Jesus but we do and only we have it correct."

    And I have the Brooklyn Bridge up for sale. Too funny!

    1. I attended services for a decade, and Jesus's name was rarely spoken from the pulpit. Herbs name was spoken way more often, and in reverential tones.

  7. In my area, the gas is close to 5.00 a gallon, and have 70 some miles to drive one way. We will be staying home and not driving to church. I am tired of the church being out of touch with reality.

  8. Those who keep God’s laws are righteous those who don't are unrighteous.

    1. We are all unrighteous... just some more than others.

  9. Anonymous of May 13, 2021 at 8:40 PM said:
    "Those who keep God’s laws are righteous those who don't are unrighteous."

    There is so much wrong in such a brief sentence.
    It displays COG indoctrination and is not biblically accurate.

    First, COG's do not keep Old Covenant laws very well and have no idea what is commanded under the New Covenant.

    Second, humans cannot be righteous by their own efforts - no matter how hard you try to keep the law you cannot obtain righteousness by it.

    Romans 3:20 - No one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law.

    Romans 3:21-22 - But now apart from the law the righteousness of God has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify. This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.

    COG indoctrination excludes all verses about righteousness being imparted to the believer because of the righteousness of Jesus.

    COG theology doesn't know Jesus as an all sufficient Savior and Redeemer.

    The poor COGlodytes are working to save themselves, while rejecting the grace, justification, and redemption offered by Jesus.

  10. I have an LCG relative who brags about LCG talking about Jesus more than they used to.

    During the last few years of RCM's life, this relative bragged about how RCM was embracing Jesus.

    Of course, I said that if you are interested in getting to know Jesus you should run away from a preacher who gets a little cozy with Jesus at the end of a lifetime of ministry.

    I do acknowledge that LCG has given more attention to Jesus in recent years.

    It's a good start but doesn't take them too far because they reject the core attributes of Jesus being Savior; they have no interest in the grace, justification, and sanctification of the New Covenant.

  11. It's great that Doug is writing about the Holy Spirit - maybe that will help his people finally embrace Jesus as the Sabbath Rest.

    I like to pull out the verse below when I'm done arguing with LCG friends and relatives, and I offer it as a sincere hope for blessing to all people of the COGs, as they approach their Sabbath:

    2 Corinthians 13:14
    May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

  12. "Herbs name was spoken way more often [than Jesus], and in reverential tones."

    It's true, and Roderick Meredith's name also: Look at all his flawed booklets they still try to peddle to a disinterested public!

    Another name rarely heard by Meredithites is that of Paul - a forgotten name in Armstrong/Meredith theology: Paul says don't let anyone try and take you back to the old testament shadows - the rudiments - kosher laws, sabbaths, new moons, holydays which were nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:16,17)

  13. A woman said to me (after my WCG years had passed) that she heard "Church of God" people were only allowed to travel short distances on the Sabbath.
    Whichever COG group that was, they appeared to follow the "Sabbath Day's Journey" tradition.
    I heard about one WCG member who always tried to get to services and back without having to buy gas on the Sabbath, and frequently ran out and had to call AAA for an expensive refill...

  14. In this instance I don’t understand your reading of what Gerald Weston is saying.

    You suggest that “A wise church leader would have said due to the current gas shortage on the east coast we will only be holding services only on Pentecost instead of forcing you to spend money traveling to church two days in a row.”

    Surely Gerald Weston is going further than that – he writes ‘This will affect in-person Sabbath and Pentecost attendance in some of the states hardest hit, but we are thankful for the infrastructure we have in the Church, due to the pandemic, to transmit services online.”

    Surely reading this as it stands, he is saying that online services are available BOTH days for those that want it?

    I may not be a fan of Gerald, but let’s be honest in what he is actually writing.

  15. There is a place in the Bible for what is called "The Ox in the Ditch" situation in regards to observing the Sabbath.

    Things like severe weather, natural disasters, civil unrest, or a gas crisis , certainly qualify as "Ox in the Ditch" situations. With modern technology like Zoom , meetings can be held and messages still delivered.

    The way of God has allowances for practicalities, mercy, and emergencies, even within the Torah.

  16. If you think LCG says nothing about Christ you should listen to COGWA the silence is deafening. At least LCG says something about the gas shortage COGWA says nothing especially in Roanoke VA. They care about the younger members who can contribute money service (etc). But the elderly can go jump off a cliff as far as their concern.

  17. Does Splinterdom overlook Jesus? I believe a good sample of the Splinterist view is the statements issued by various Splinter leaders that appear in this blog. And in this sample Jesus is typically only a passing mention - a kind of semantic tag. There is limited Christology in Splinterdom and, especially, there is limited discussion of the major achievement of Christ: the inauguration of grace. Instead, there is a lot of brash talk about keeping the law as if the commenters are actually doing so. I find that such people not only do not keep the law, they cannot tell you what the law is. And their befuddlement undercuts the sharpness of their commentary on law keeping.

    We still need that non-existent booklet titled "Just What do You Mean . . . the Commandments of God?" I think this attitude of exalting the law over Christ originated with the idea that we must not believe "on" Christ but "in" Christ. HWA felt that the pagan churches, as he would term them, were preoccupied with the person of Christ and not with what he said. And what he said was all about obedience to the law. And in HWA's mind the law was that peculiar conflation of the OT and NT that Herman Hoeh wrote some articles about.

    For this reason talking about Jesus is not appropriate for Splinterists. But talking about some of what he said is. And what he said was, apparently, "keep the law." Yet, Jesus is himself the Word of God in action. And this Logos in action fought a continuing war with the greatest putative law keepers of all - the Pharisees.

    Christ is fully god and fully man. In being fully man, he is a unity of both soma and persona. But HWA would have us recognize only some of his spoken words. For this reason, Splinterist have no depth in understanding about the Incarnation. They have never heard of the Hypostatic Union, and in the spirit of the Anti-Christ, would even disparage such ideas. As John wrote:

    "For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist." (KJV)

    And the use of believing "on" instead of believing "in" Christ is a red herring. In scripture, the use of "on" is not destructively deceptive but leads to salvation, as in:

    "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."

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  18. The Cogs primarily talk about Jesus Christ being sacrificed for our sins (I hope you feel guilty) AND Christ returning as a vanquishing King (better be ready...fear).

    The Cog Christ primarily rebukes and overturns tables ("righteously"- true, but shouldn't be the focus).

    But, little is said of the love, how He took on our sin and even became sin. How He had patience and spoke lovingly to Mary who did not know where her Lord was, compassion on the hungry crowd, compassion on the crowd that seemed like sheep without a shepherd, prayers of comfort and protection for His sheep due to His approaching crucifixion, wanting all to be saved, addressing a small group as "little flock", healing, loving, praying for His flock and those that will come later, etc.

    Tonto, you forget one "ox in the ditch" - preserving one's spirit from hearing their awful sermons that teach a false doctrine often focused on all those fake Christians out there.

  19. NEO,

    I was considering recently when the Jews (or perhaps only the Jewish leadership) first began to move into stubborn unconverted status (for lack of a better term).

    We certainly don't hear about Jesus claiming their lack of conversion before He began His ministry. As the Jews began to not accept Jesus as the Messiah they became more out of favor (right?). Were the Jews pleasing to God in their law keeping before Jesus began His ministry and not as pleasing the moment they did not accept Him as Messiah?

    In other words, in some ways it seems law keeping was highly valuable, but then of little value if one did not accept Jesus as Messiah after His ministry began either before His Crucifixion or after.

    To think this delineation was discrete is, I'm sure, not accurate, but at some time law keeping ceased to have much value if not paired with Jesus as Messiah.

    From "chosen people" to having their branch removed happened at what point? With unbelief after the Crucifixion? During the Age of the Gentiles? I find it interesting to consider when not accepting Jesus as Messiah was viewed as stubborn/unconverted. Of course, this is on an individual basis too.

    Anyway, maybe you have thought about this, maybe you have seen a study/book that considered this.

  20. "The Ox in the Ditch" situation

    And as one pastor said, Sometimes we push the ox into the ditch.

  21. The cool thing with Jesus is that he did not need an "ox in the ditch" to do what he wanted on the sabbath. He just did it and did not worry about the consequences from the whiney legalists.

  22. Zippo,
    From a legalistic standpoint, I would use the example of pastors that don't prepare food on Friday, just so they can hire someone to work for them at a restaurant on Saturday.

  23. Jim, you wrote "We certainly don't hear about Jesus claiming their lack of conversion before He began His ministry."

    One of the motifs of the NT is the corruptness of the Jewish society in which Jesus lived. This is not solely an issue with the Jesus. I think Christ would have condemned Gentile societies, too. But the Bible is about God's interaction with the Jews. The Jews were distinct in their rejection of Jesus. But other societies would have done the same think if they had been given the opportunity. Paul writes about the global nature of evil.

    You also wrote: "In other words, in some ways it seems law keeping was highly valuable, but then of little value if one did not accept Jesus as Messiah after His ministry began either before His Crucifixion or after."

    I think your observation is right. There was a change in covenants. Law keeping under the OC was highly valued but nobody could do it:

    "For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it." (Heb 4:2)

    So this watershed change in covenants resulted in grace and faith being implemented in the NC - making salvation actually possible. Law keeping did not get discarded with the implementation of grace and faith. The NT is abundantly populated with laws.

    I don't have a book on this particular topic. A good general work is "Christian Theology" by Millard Erickson.

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  24. Some COG congregations have prepared for this weekend, even before the gas panic/pipeline problem happened. They combine groups in a central location for services Saturday and Sunday. People rent motel rooms (2T OK, I trust) for two nights and don't drive as much.

  25. I must have skimmed right by the part where the members are told that they're required - or even "expected" - to attend either service in person. Would you point out that passage, please?

  26. It's great that Doug is writing about the Holy Spirit - maybe that will help his people finally embrace Jesus as the Sabbath Rest. I would like to give Doug a pass on his latest message because what he wrote is not technically wrong - but yet, all his instruction about the Holy Spirit is given within the GOG dogma that rejects Jesus, and therefore also rejects the work of the Holy Spirit.

    Jesus said in John 15:26, “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father — the Spirit of truth who goes out from the Father—he will testify about me.

    Winnail's ministry, and the entire work of the LCG, cannot be characterized as testifying about Jesus. In fact, Winnail has written, in accordance with the official LCG doctrine, that Jesus is not the Gospel.

    Most Christian writers, unlike this demonstration by Winnail, would not write about the Holy Spirit, with out linkage to Jesus.

    St. Paul wrote about this sad topic, which has become the COG spirit, in Galatians 5:4
    “You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.”

    Winnail, a teacher of the law, is alienated from Jesus - as can be seen in everything he writes - it is all devoid of Jesus. Winnail is not at all moved by the Spirit to preach about grace and righteousness through faith in Jesus, as expressed in Galatians 5:5.

    Since Winnail relies on recycling material, I have again provided a message which I encourage him to reuse to bless his people. On Pentecost, his church desperately needs to be refreshed with fresh insight on the Holy Spirit.

    Please Doug, share the Holy Spirit with your people; publish something like the piece below:

    Romans 5:5 blesses us with the beautiful assurance that God has given us the Holy Spirit and thereby, God's love has been poured out into our hearts. Titus 3:4-7 expounds on God's love by declaring our Savior saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior. Having been justified by his grace, we are heirs to eternal life. Ephesians 1:13 and Ephesians 4:30 assure us we are sealed in that inheritance, by the Holy Spirit.

    Today, as we rejoice in God's love demonstrated by the gift of the Holy Spirit, let us share that love; 2 Corinthians 13:14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

    Have a profitable Sabbath (by embracing Jesus as the Sabbath Rest),

    {Note to Doug: feel free to insert your name and recycle this to refresh your people. Furthermore, please remember that the Holy Spirit testifies about Jesus, as should a minister of Jesus Christ.}

  27. Jesus's name was rarely spoken from the pulpit. Herbs name was spoken way more often

    I listened to an archived sermon by Dr Hoeh, at least 10 years ago. Now I think it was about CG7/RCG/WCG history, so it may be no surprise that HWA was quoted almost exclusively, and instead of Bible verses, references were made to pages in HWA's Autobiography.
    Coincidentally, Bob Thiel is on his second sermon dealing with the "Sardis Era". Dr Hoeh was a tad better...

  28. This is a question for any LCG or COG member observing Pentecost tomorrow, May 16th. The mainstream Christianity will be observing it on May 23rd.

    May I know how the LCG came up with May 16th as the 50th day ...

    According to RCM's booklet "The Holy Days: God's Master Plan" under the section "Step 3:Pentecost":

    The “waving ceremony” took place on the Sunday immediately following the weekly Sabbath during the days of Unleavened Bread (v. 11).
    The Israelites were to count 50 days beginning with this Sunday:

    According to LCG's calendar, DUB was from Mar 28th Sunday to Apr 3rd Saturday. Thus, the count should have started on Apr 4th, not Mar 28th.

    Btw, LCG's DUB was different from the Orthodox Jews which was from Mar 29th Monday to Apr 4th Sunday. Also, Hillel II fixed Shavuot on the 6th of Sivan which falls this year on May 17th Monday (Shavuot in Israel is on May 17th but those outside observe it on May 17th and 18th).

    Fyi, I'm not advocating the LCG's nor the Orthodox Jews' observance of Pentecost/Shavuot. I will be observing Pentecost/Shavuot on May 23rd. I just want to know the LCG or other COG's reason for setting the date of Pentecost given their own booklet contradicts their set date this year.

  29. Bob's Sardis sermon
    He said HWA didn't come up with BI because other Church of God wrote about it.
    And Bob said HWA got some of his doctrines from G.G. Rupert and others.
    And "despite what {Banned} wrote, Gaylan Bonjour gave {Bob} a double portion and the mantel and said that's what he did in front of witnesses. So why didn't Gaylan join Bob's doctrinally super correct Philadelphian church?

  30. Bob is no more a Christian than Dennis Diehl is. The difference is that Dennis has the man-balls to admit that he is not and Bob is still looking for his as he continues to lie to us. Dennis is honest with us, Bob is not.

  31. @Anon 5/15 1:57PM

    1DUB falling on a Sunday doesn't happen often. Lev 23:11 does not specify that the Sabbath before the wave sheaf must fall within the Days of Unleavened Bread.

    AFAIK, LCG, UCG, COGWA, etc. all follow counting from the Sunday within the Days of Unleavened Bread when the calendar aligns like this. Here's one article that specifically addresses it:


  32. why in the hell would you use UCG crap as proof of which day is right?

  33. Anon 7:02pm,

    Thank you!

    P.S. I'm sorry I made an error in stating that the Orthodox Jews' DUB is different from LCG. I was looking at Chabad's calendar which has an 8th day because it is located outside of Israel. I started from this 8th day thinking Chabad's 1st day is the 14th as they call the entire DUB Passover.

  34. If the DUB were observed Nisan 14-20 - Eze 45:21; Deut 16:2-4; Mat 26:17; Mark 14:1,12; Luke 22:1,7 - and noting the feast, the NTBMO, is commanded for only the 15th and there is no command to begin the 7 day festival on the 15th - Lev 23:6 - (there's no Hebrew word for "begins" in the NIV) then there is no problem in 2021 AD. Both the weekly sabbath and the wave sheaf offering on the next day Sunday are during the DUB. Differing counts are acknowledged:

    1. 50th day from Saturday during DUB 14-20 of Nisan counting exclusively – May 16.
    2. 50th day from Saturday during DUB 15-21 of Nisan counting exclusively – May 23.
    3. 50th day from Sunday during DUB 15-21 of Nisan counting inclusively – May 16.
    4. 50th day from Sunday during DUB 15-21 of Nisan counting exclusively – May 17.
    4. 50th day from Saturday during DUB 15-21 of a calendar beginning first day of the first month one day later than Nisan 1 counting exclusively – May 23.
    5. 50th day from Sunday during DUB 15-21 during first month of a calendar which begins April 14 (Day 1) after the spring equinox counting inclusively – June 20.
    6. 50th day from Nisan 16 counting inclusively – May 17.
    7. 50th day from first Sunday after DUB 15-21 of Nisan counting exclusively – May 24.

  35. Thank goodness the New Covent and Christ do not require this of us anymore. What a waste of time-fighting over which day is right. When we place our rest in Christ this kind of nonsense is proven useless.

  36. My understanding is the Orthodox Jews believe that non-Jews are under a different set of commandments/laws - Noachide/Noahide Laws, which do not include the Sabbaths and Holy Days.

    Although I do not believe in the authority of the Jews (rabbis/pharisees/Hillel II) and the church (mainstream or COG), I do not think it is wrong for anyone to observe a Holy Day based on their understanding of the Hebrew Bible.

    I appreciate the person above who gave the link to the UCG article. I was never a part of UCG nor intend to be. I read their article and found it answered my question, and cleared the doubt I had with the way LCG/COG counted the Pentecost this year.

    Does this mean I'm observing Pentecost today, May 16th? No, I will still be observing Pentecost/Shavuot on May 23rd. I follow a calendar where each month begins with the sighting of the new crescent moon. No, I'm not in Jerusalem nor I go out to see if I can spot the new crescent moon. I rely on astronomical charts primarily.

    In the absence of the Temple and the High Priest, I believe, there is no right or wrong when a Holy Day or new sacred year or new month begins. Of course, it should be supported by the Hebrew Bible and within reason. For Pentecost, Lev 23:16 (KJV) states "Even unto the morrow after the seventh sabbath shall ye number fifty days;...", which tells us that Pentecost is always on a Sunday. I do not consider Talmuds et al as part of the Torah. I'm not aware that what's written on Babylonian Talmud (Sanhedrin 11b) regarding equinox can be found in the Torah. Perhaps someone can tell me the Hebrew bible verse so that I can study this further.

    Isa 66:22-24 “For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make shall remain before me, says YHVH, so shall your offspring and your name remain. From new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before me, declares YHVH. And they shall go out and look on the dead bodies of the men who have rebelled against me. For their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”

  37. I wonder if anyone was inspired by Doug's encouragement to stir up the Holy Spirit and went all original Christianity at Pentecost services by bursting out in speaking in tongues?

  38. From the UCG art. linked earlier: “The New Testament offers little explicit information on how to count Pentecost.”

    On the contrary, I reject the Armstrongist lie that Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday ie He was 72 literal hours in the grave. The NT gospels reveal He died Preparation day ie Friday, the next day was the weekly Sabbath, the day after the Sabbath He rose again, which was Wavesheaf Sunday. So the days were clearly consecutive if you follow the gospel writers accounts ie 14th, 15th, 16th. Incidentally on that year He died and rose the Wafesheaf was on the same day for both Pharisees and Sadducees if my understanding is correct hence He proved to both He was the Wavesheaf.

    I agree with what he said: “We also agree that the count for Pentecost should always begin on a Sunday and that the Sunday should always fall during the Days of Unleavened Bread.”

    I agree with no. 3 of 11:40’s list of possible Pentecost calculations ie “3. 50th day from Sunday during DUB 15-21 of Nisan counting inclusively – May 16.”

    So I kept Pentecost last Sunday May 16 although I have friends with a COG background who’ll be keeping it tomorrow. So each to their own and Happy Pentecost whenever you observe it! May the day when Christ comes and we all see eye to eye be near!
