Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Gerald Flurry: Premaritial salvation?

Gerald Flurry is on a roll lately in finding new ways to intimidate and make his dwindling flock of followers fearful of their standing with Flurry's creature god. 

The most urgent prophecies in the Bible are directed at God’s Spirit-begotten people. Why? Because eternal life is on the line. If they rebel and fail to repent of their sin, they will lose the opportunity to live forever in God’s Family. 

This is the very first paragraph in Flurry's article. PCG members are immediately threatened with not being a "spirit-begotten people", that their eternal life is on the line and that they will lose out on being a god in Flurry's god family. What a cheerful start!

A few have asked, “What is so bad about being dead for all eternity?” Looking at it physically, it isn’t that bad at all. But if you look at it spiritually, it’s catastrophic! It’s like turning away from a pile of precious jewels to a pile of dung. But even that comparison is inadequate to explain the firstfruits being called to marry Christ and then obscenely rejecting that invitation!

How can they "marry" someone they know nothing about? 

Then to scare people further and to further alienate his followers from family members no longer a part of the PCG, Flurry says this:

God’s loyal people who are in this marriage relationship are protected by Christ from the Great Tribulation—in His “skirts”! Remember Ezekiel 5, where, in the midst of the threefold destruction of Israel, God will take a few and bind them in His skirts (verses 1-3). God will protect His loyal Philadelphians. Those who aren’t protected (verse 4) will be cast into the fire. The Laodiceans are not bound in God’s skirts. They have rebelled against God and must also be punished in the Great Tribulation to get them to repent.

Everyone who has left PCG, refused to follow him into the PCG, or refused to heed his message is now Laodicean and MUST be punished by his angry god.

Only if PCG members heed the call of Flurry will they be protected.

To be bound in God’s skirts is God’s coded way of saying the Philadelphians grasp the marriage covenant with God and the Laodiceans don’t! The Laodicean Church has lost sight of this mind-staggering future as Christ’s wife.

Then the creep factor of Flurry's demented mind really kicks into action. Apparently, his creature called "christ" has already consummated his marriage to PCG members though they aren't married to him yet. Is this premarital salvation?

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready” (Revelation 19:7). Christ’s wife must be ready when He returns. We are now to be preparing for that fabulous marriage—which Christ looks upon as already being consummated! That’s why we are called His “wife”—not His fiancée. We must think about this marriage as our Husband does!It is extremely urgent that we get ready to be Christ’s wife for all eternity! This is the most exalted reward ever offered to any human being at any time! 
At baptism, the firstfruits make a marriage covenant to obey God and be born again as Christ’s wife. This far transcends the marriage covenant He made with the physical nation of Israel! Ours is a special marriage covenant available only to the firstfruits.

In order to whip his few followers into a premarital frenzy, Flurry states:

The highest level of priests for God in the World Tomorrow will be Christ’s wife! His wife has the responsibility to be king-priests forever—for all eternity! That is our calling today. This is why we must be tried and tested. This is the highest calling God has to offer! We can’t stumble into this responsibility. “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. …” (Revelation 19:7-9).

Nothing excites legalists in the COG more than thinking they will be gods in some future kingdom where they will wield rods of iron as kings and priests. What a miserable thought!

Did you know that COG members in other COG's are committing spiritual fornication? Flurry claims the god they follow is not the same as his god. Thus, they are engaged in fornication with that god.

Some Laodiceans think God will give them this mind-splitting reward if they just stay in a church! A church is not our husband—Christ is! We must learn to follow Him wherever He goes.

Why is there such a preoccupation with COG with sex and sexual innuendo?

“But thou didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornications on every one that passed by …” (Ezekiel 16:15). The word fornications should be translated adultery! This is a higher level of sin. Ancient Israel was married to God. True Christians are married to Christ today. If we turn away from God to another god—as the end-time Laodiceans have done—it is adultery!

Flurry's god does not even exist so he has no foothold in lecturing the COG's about the god they follow. 

Remember, this is prophecy for today. Only God’s firstfruits can commit adultery in this end time, because only they are married to Christ.

Bible translators don’t understand about God’s marriage and God’s Family. That’s why they use the word fornications instead of adultery. 
Revelation 19:7 and Ezekiel 16:15 reveal how God views our calling now. This is why we can view this marriage as already consummated and yet to be consummated. All too often, we view this marriage humanly. We need to view it through God’s Holy Spirit. God views the marriage through perfect character. God made a covenant. It is as good as done. By labeling His people as His wife, God is teaching us to build His character and think as He does. When God says He will do something, it is always done. He never breaks a covenant. So when we are engaged to Christ, it’s the same as a marriage. A covenant to be married is the same as a marriage—the way God views it. With God’s Spirit we should view it the same way. 
However, there is the human element. We can fail and never be a part of that wedding. The lesson God is trying to teach is that a covenant is a promise to keep your word. And our word should be fulfilled, if we manifest the character of God. Our word should never be broken. So God judges us on the basis of our promise, or our covenant. At baptism we said we would marry Christ and meet all the covenant conditions. So God judges us on the basis of our word, or covenant, to become His wife. Once we actually become His wife, we cannot commit adultery, because we’ll be God—members of the God Family—and God cannot sin. Viewing it spiritually, we can commit adultery only during the engagement period.

Carnal-minded men can’t grasp the magnitude of our reward. It takes the Holy Spirit of God to grasp what God is offering His firstfruits! The Laodiceans have lost this marriage and Family of God concept because they are spiritually blind. This is the greatest mistake they or anyone on Earth can make today! God says this adulterous sin is no “small matter” (Ezekiel 16:20). We know that many of them will wake up before or during the Tribulation. But why must they be so rebellious that they allow Satan to turn them away from their most noble, majestic crown? On Pentecost: Remember the Marriage Covenant

I guess when you ignore everything about Jesus and his salvational works one is left with this kind of malarkey. Basic Christianity understands the works of salvation, why can't these perverted purveyors of Armstrongism do the same? 



  1. Sounds like ole Gerald is following in the footsteps of his idol, HWA. Both seem to share an obsession with sex in their remaining years. I remember hearing about HWA talking about sex to young AC students to the point of causing female students of blushing and bring completely inappropriate. I also heard that HWA bragging about receiving oral sex from Ramona after their honeymoon, much to the chagrin of Ted and other family members. I guess ole Gerald has a secret stash of sildenafil hidden in his jet.

  2. You need to submit to God by following his laws, which is why Islam is valuable along with other reasons which is why lawless Christianity is useless and should be abolished.

  3. 6:45. Is this Wade Cox or Russell Hilburn? There are a lot of dumb things said by current COG members on this blog but yours is by far the dumbest. Following the law as COG describes it is not valid and is not part of the New Covenant. Christianity has it right. The COG does not and Islam does not. It is just as bad as the PCG, PCG, LCG, and other COG's.

  4. No how does Christianity have it right if Jesus actually commanded that whosoever enter into life keep the commandments a true Christian would be submissive to the laws of God like how Christ was the problem is people get too carried away with the grace stuff and encourage people to sin and the truth is living a lawless life is living a sinful life since sin is the transgression of the law and all unrighteousness is sin.

  5. A true Christian would be subject to the laws of God and would properly worship his creator by obeying his laws. Anyone who disagreed is a servant of Satan.

  6. 7:37. Anyone who likes lawless Christianity been deceived by Satan the god of this world and has been spoon-fed with doctrinal falsehood we must accept the commandments of God and obey them rather than reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition. Christians are supposed to walk as Christ walked live the way He lived and since Christ kept the law we should too. The biggest mistake worldly Christianity has ever made was leaving the Sabbath and acting like it is not made for Christians because Christ kept the Sabbath on the seventh day. It was his custom so it should also be our custom too. The ten commandments are not just in the old they are all of the Ten Commandments that were preached throughout the New Testament. The Sabbath was observed on Saturday by the apostolic and post-apostolic Church it was the false Satanic Catholic Church that changed Saturday to Sunday Satan is using the Catholic church to deceive the whole world and if you like Satan's Churchianity then Joe Tkach has deceived you like Mike Feazell and the others they are the enemies of God and will not be in God's family because they betrayed the true church.

  7. Even PCG can't follow the Law as they're supposed to. They just pick and choose the ones they like, especially those they can leach money from members. The ministry is married to money not Christ. If they are truly married to Christ and really knows Him, they wouldn't be in the PCG. Plain and simple.

  8. I thought that in the kingdom, you will not be married, or given in marriage. As a straight man, I have to wonder if Jesus is Bi, and why he would want men as a bride. Why would he want them in his skirt? What sort of deity goes around wearing skirts anyway? How many brides does this Bi deity need until his desires are satisfied? I know we are promised a mansion with many rooms, but will I have to share it with other "brides" like I was in a harem? This article brings to mind so many questions.

  9. "The highest level of priests for God in the World Tomorrow will be Christ’s wife! His wife has the responsibility to be king-priests forever—for all eternity!"

    This statement has a curious slant to it but it comports with orthodox Armstrongism. First, it makes a distinction that is nowhere made in the NT. The distinction is that only "the highest level of priests" will enter into the status described by the marriage analogy in the NT. This suggests a hierarchy in the Kingdom of God that will implement at least one major division - there is a blessed elite to whom the wording of the NT marriage analogy pertains and then there are all the subordinate tiers.

    I believe that the congregants in this Splinter group should ask their preacher to clarify how he envisions this hierarchy. My guess is that they would be surprised and appalled to discover that though they are receiving a stern admonition so as not to lose their reward, they are not really even seen as belonging to this elite. Those seats and parking spaces are already reserved for Splinterist leaders.

    This tension between pulpit and pew concerning ultimate reward carries forward a theme that was highly developed by HWA. HWA frequently belittled congregants of the WCG based on his perceived belief that they wanted to "get salvation". He maintained at other times that the only purpose of the WCG congregants was to support him in "The Work" - a duty at which they were constantly failing. Near the end of his life, I heard him on tape state that he felt that the WCG congregants were so remiss in their dedication him and his activities that he expected only the WCG ministry would receive salvation. He formed a kind of Anti-Gospel that was intended control the behavior of the hearers through deprecation and fear. I saw this theme escalate over the period of his life as if it were a gradual revealing of his innermost thoughts about his followers.

    The other problem with the statement cited above by the Splinterist preacher is that the NT does not speak of "king-priests." The KJV translators used the language "kings and priests" when the accurate translation should have been a "kingdom of priests." You would think someone would do a little lexicon work before preaching on this important topic. All those who receive salvation are to be a part of this kingdom of priests not just some denominational elite. The idea of "kings and priests" has had some mileage in the WCG. I heard a sermon in which the WCG minister stated that few would be kings and most would be priests. He separated these into two disjoint vocations and made being a king a much higher status. Once again, the lure of the hierarchy. Sorting people into different eternal privilege classes by preachers here and now is a blatant usurpation of God's judgement.

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    1. But it does say that David will be king over Israel, do I presume that there will be kings over other nations.

  10. Anon 7:37

    Again, "New Covenant" is the, uh, "trump card" used to answer any question on Law. No one yet has answered (accept in very vague guesses) what, where and how the terms of the New Covenant are. How about an easier one: who is the New Covenant between?

  11. The Splinters and the original wcg are/was simply weird.

  12. I always felt being , as a male, "the Bride of Christ" kinda creepy. But women got to be "Son's of God" so I guess that is the balance.


  13. There is something even worse than being Laodicean.

    All the old, lying, slandering, sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG and in the PCG “ministry” are downright Satanic.

  14. Anyone who enjoys lawless Christianity has been deceived by Satan, the god of this world, and has been fed doctrinal falsehood, we must accept God's commandments and obey them instead of rejecting God's commandment, so that you can keep your tradition itself. Christians are to walk as Christ walked, live the way He did, and since Christ kept the law, so must we. The biggest mistake worldly Christianity ever made was leaving the Sabbath and acting like it wasn't done for Christians, because Christ kept the Sabbath on the seventh day. It was his custom, so it should also be our custom. The ten commandments are not just in the old, they are all ten commandments that have been preached throughout the New Testament. Saturday was observed on Saturday by the apostolic and post-apostolic Church, it was the false Satanic Catholic Church that changed Saturday to Sunday. Satan is using the Catholic Church to deceive the whole world. Anyone who enjoys lawless Christianity has been deceived by Satan, the god of this world, and has been spoon-fed with doctrinal falsehood, we must accept God's commandments and obey them instead of rejecting God's commandment, so that you can keep their own tradition. Christians are to walk as Christ walked, live the way He did, and since Christ kept the law, so must we. The biggest mistake worldly Christianity ever made was leaving the Sabbath and acting like it wasn't done for Christians, because Christ kept the Sabbath on the seventh day. It was his custom, so it should also be our custom. The ten commandments are not just in the old, they are all ten commandments that have been preached throughout the New Testament. Saturday was observed on Saturday by the apostolic and post-apostolic Church, it was the false Satanic Catholic Church that changed Saturday to Sunday. Satan is using the Catholic Church to deceive the whole world.

  15. Love is the fufilling of the law. Referring to God's laws.
    " Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law."
    Romans 13:10 KJV
    " if you don't obey God any prayer is better left unsaid."
    " if you don't obey God he won't listen to you any prayer is better left unsaid.''
    And if you don't obey God your prayer will an abomination. An abomination is something God hates.
    He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.
    Proverbs 28:9 KJVA
    God does not listen to sinners. But if any many be a worshipper of God and does / doeth his he will him he hears / heareth. Meaning God listens to the prayers of those who worship him and does his will.
    "Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth."
    John 9:31 KJVA
    God doesn't hear sinners prayers. He does not listen to sinners. He listens to those who worship him and does his will.
    When the world disobeys God. It is actually worshiping Satan.

  16. Anonymous 5/13 @ 10:02,

    Man, did you drink the Kool-Aid of Armstrongism or what? You have parroted the anti-Catholic teachings of Herbie very well - too bad he was WRONG!

    In its article on "Divine Law," the Catholic Encyclopedia states: "Divine Law is that which is enacted by God and made known to man through revelation. We distinguish between the Old Law, contained in the Pentateuch, and the New Law, which was revealed by Jesus Christ and is contained in the New Testament. The Divine Law of the Old Testament, or the Mosaic Law, is commonly divided into civil, ceremonial, and moral precepts..."
    Continuing, we read: "Christ is the author of the New Law. He claimed and exercised supreme legislative authority in spiritual matters from the beginning of His public life until His Ascension into heaven. In Him the Old Law had its fulfilment and attained its chief purpose. The civil legislation of Moses had for its object to form and preserve a peculiar people for the worship of the one true God, and to prepare the way for the coming of the Messias who was to be born of the seed of Abraham. The new Kingdom of God which Christ founded was not confined to a single nation, it embraced all the nations of the earth, and when the new Israel was constituted, the old Israel with its separatist law became antiquated; it had fulfilled its mission. The ceremonial laws of Moses were types and figures of the purer, more spiritual, and more efficacious sacrifice and sacraments of the New Law, and when these were instituted the former lost their meaning and value...
    It was otherwise with the moral precepts of the Mosaic Law. The Master expressly taught that the observance of these, inasmuch as they are prescribed by nature herself, is necessary for salvation — "If thou wouldst enter into life keep the commandments", — those well-known precepts of the Decalogue. Of these commandments those words of His are especially true — "I came not to destroy the law but to fulfil it." This Christ did by insisting anew on the great law of charity towards God and man, which He explained more fully and gave us new motives for practicing. He corrected the false glosses with which the Scribes and Pharisees had obscured the law as revealed by God, and He brushed aside the heap of petty observances with which they had overloaded it, and made it an intolerable burden. He denounced in unmeasured terms the externalism of Pharisaic observance of the Law, and insisted on its spirit being observed as well as the letter. As was suited to a law of love which replaced the Mosaic Law of fear, Christ wished to attract men to obey His precepts out of motives of charity and filial obedience, rather than compel submission by threats of punishment..."
    (continued below)

  17. Anonymous (10:02)

    "Just what do You Mean God's Commandments?" That sounds like the title for a booklet that was never written but should have been. The first place you stray from a Biblical understanding in your rehearsal of Armstrongism is at the point where you use the term God's Commandments. That is something that needs to be carefully defined through exegesis.

    Let me raise seven issues:

    1. Christian's do not reject God's commandments. The observe what Christ stated in the Sermon on the Mount. Further, the epistles contain much about practical Christian behavior. To assert that Christians do not observe laws is a calumny.

    2. Christians are not to walk as Christ did in law but in spirit. For instance, Christ was circumcised as a sign of the Abrahamic Covenant. But the rite of circumcision was abrogated in the NT, remember. Christ fulfilled the law when he was on earth but he also transformed it and made it honorable. He told us what he wanted us to do in the Sermon on the Mount and it does not include all the Torah. The Torah is not written on our hearts. In fact, you are probably familiar with the understanding that the animal sacrifices are no longer in force.

    3. Christianity did not leave the Sabbath. Just as circumcision is of the heart, the Sabbath is the rest that we have in Christ. The spiritual principle is retained. Christianity left only the outward, physical form of that rest.

    4. The Sabbath was Christ's custom but so were animal sacrifices. What Christ did on this earth should be thoroughly examined for its meaning - not simply for its form.

    5. The Jerusalem church under James may well have met on Saturday. There is nothing wrong with that. The question is was that a custom or a commandment? Paul makes it clear elsewhere that the Old Covenant was abrogated.

    6. The ten commandments reflect God's eternal law. They are also repeated in various places in principle in the New Covenant. The Old Covenant was abrogated because it was only an instantiation of God's eternal law in force for a period of time. You need to study the Hebrew word "Ólam".

    7. Your cut and paste got out of hand. You repeated a section. Where did you actually get this text?

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  18. Anonymous 5/13 @ 10:02 continued

    That doesn't sound like lawlessness to me. I'm not a Roman Catholic, but it seems to me that they have a great deal of reverence and fidelity to the concept of Divine Law.

    And, NO, the Catholic Church did NOT change the Sabbath to Sunday. To make them responsible for Sunday observance among Christians is either a barefaced lie or gross ignorance of history! (And, just in case you were ready to pounce, I am a Sabbath observer) While Jewish Christians continued to observe the Sabbath, most Gentile Christians NEVER observed the Sabbath. And, as the number of Gentile Christians grew and eventually surpassed the population of Jewish Christians, the number of saints who continued to observe the Sabbath became a smaller and smaller percentage of the total over time. Moreover, the brutal Roman suppression of all things Jewish in 70 CE had a similarly devastating impact on the Jewish portion of the Church. Indeed, by the close of the First Century, the vast majority of Christians were observing Sunday as a way to honor the day as a memorial of Christ's resurrection (And, yes, the resurrection did take place on Sunday - the Jewish Sabbath always ended at sundown, and the first day of the week began on what we now refer to as Saturday evening). So, finally, all of this happened long before there was such a thing as the Roman Catholic Church (and long before the Emperor Constantine recognized Sunday as a day for worship).

    We read in the Gospel According to Mark: "John said to Jesus, 'Teacher, we saw someone using your name to cast out demons, but we told him to stop because he wasn’t in our group.' 'Don’t stop him!' Jesus said. “No one who performs a miracle in my name will soon be able to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us. If anyone gives you even a cup of water because you belong to the Messiah, I tell you the truth, that person will surely be rewarded." Mark 9:38-41
    We read in the Gospel of Matthew: "But when the Pharisees heard about the miracle, they said, “No wonder he can cast out demons. He gets his power from Satan, the prince of demons.” Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “Any kingdom divided by civil war is doomed. A town or family splintered by feuding will fall apart. And if Satan is casting out Satan, he is divided and fighting against himself. His own kingdom will not survive. And if I am empowered by Satan, what about your own exorcists? They cast out demons, too, so they will condemn you for what you have said. But if I am casting out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has arrived among you. For who is powerful enough to enter the house of a strong man and plunder his goods? Only someone even stronger—someone who could tie him up and then plunder his house. “Anyone who isn’t with me opposes me, and anyone who isn’t working with me is actually working against me. “So I tell you, every sin and blasphemy can be forgiven—except blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. Anyone who speaks against the Son of Man can be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either in this world or in the world to come." Matthew 12:24-32
    Paul wrote to the saints of Rome: "If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by openly declaring your faith that you are saved." Romans 10:9-10
    Paul wrote to the saints of Corinth: "So I want you to know that no one speaking by the Spirit of God will curse Jesus, and no one can say Jesus is Lord, except by the Holy Spirit."

    So, I'd be more careful if I were you about declaring anyone to be a servant of Satan who professes to be a follower of Jesus Christ - a Christian. I think that determination is above our pay grade!

  19. Some of the comments went way down the rabbit hole. That being said,Flurry is as mad as a March Hare.

  20. "Some of the comments went way down the rabbit hole."

    Anytime the diehard legalists start splitting their sacred britches over grace you know that they have no understanding whatsoever what grace really is. All they can do is parrot Armstrongite silliness that they learned from Armstrong and Meredith.

  21. Legalism is good because it maintains order in the world and it would be a better world if everyone kept the commandments of God the pure truth is that the Law of God is generally expressed in the Ten Commandments first 4 is love for God and the last 6 is love towards our neighbor those who do not follow the first 4 do not truly love God, despite what they may proclaim anyone who does not repent of breaking the ten commandments will burn in the lake of fire and will not be in the first resurrection for those who are called now and those who aren't called now God is blinding them making sure they can't understand his plain truth until a better time and they can't follow Christ if they do not understand how to obey the truth since God is hiding it from them. Those called now who understand the truth and grasp it but reject it or reject God's way of life will be sentenced to the third resurrection to be judged by God and be in the book of death and get the lake of fire and those who are called now who act upon calling who obey God and live his way of life who repented and got baptized and received the holy spirit and built enough character will be in the first resurrection which will be to live and rule with Christ and be with God and be God To join the God family those saints those called now will be risen from the graves and become from mortal to immortal. And those who are still alive who are qualified to rule in the kingdom of God Will also be transformed And also those still alive in the millennium will get to be called and live God's way under his government Christ and the saints will rule over them for a 1,000 and there will be world peace! But then after the 1,000 years are up God will release Satan.

  22. "Legalism is good because it maintains order in the world"

    What a hoot! Everything Christ did and said was to do away with legalism. What utter nonsense.

  23. No Christ did not do away with the law until heaven and earth were passed away.

  24. Is Bob Thiel an adulterous Laodicean? Could he be? Will he be?

  25. Anonymous (5:50)

    You erroneously equate "the law" with legalism. Christians believe in a Bible based code of ethics. Christ did not do away with the eternal law that backs up the OT but re-implemented it in the Sermon on the Mount. If you don't understand this you immediately get into trouble. Because then you can't explain why you are not sacrificing animals. The concept of sacrifice lives on. It lived in Christ's life and it lives in every Christian's life.

    Legalism in this context is the perfectionist belief in keeping the conflation of OT and NT that Herman Hoeh came up with. And it is about making this observation of law the cause of salvation. Hoeh strayed way outside of the NT mandate. It is about something called "nomism." (Look it up in Wikipedia. It's a short read and well understood outside Armstrongism.)

    This is an involved and lengthy discussion that we cannot have in this type of venue. But the literature on this is voluminous.

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  26. Interesting how legalism is never defined.

  27. HWA predicted that most in the Church got doctrine very well, but not spiritual knowledge. That's why people do not understand the foundational spirit of law and descend into legalism, tradition and ritualism.


    1. Nck
      If I was going to use an argument from authority, I would not point to HWA.

    2. 2:59
      Hi idiot.
      To PCG members hwa is the ONLY source of authority. Despite all your snarky or scholarly quoting.

      So again HWA said many times, legalists within the COG movement, especially high ranking ministers, did get doctrine, but did not comprehend spiritual knowledge. Flurry is the fulfillment of those sermons about legalism in the flesh. Dave Pack is just a wizzard of deception compared.


  28. Anon 5:50

    You reference the verse that states, "For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled."

    My friend, when Jesus said on the cross, "It is done", all was fulfilled.

    When the sacrificial system and circumcision were done away, that was more than one jot and more than one tittle removed from the Law.

    So, "all had to be fulfilled" between Jesus saying this and these changes in the Law (Acts 15 doing away with circumcision at least).

    That fulfillment occurred at the Crucifixion.

  29. Isa 66:22-24 “For as the new heavens and the new earth which I will make shall remain before Me,” says YHVH, “So shall your descendants and your name remain. And it shall come to pass that from one New Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another, All flesh shall come to worship before Me,” says YHVH. "And they shall go forth and look upon the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worm does not die, and their fire is not quenched. They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.”

    Isa 56:4-8  For thus says YHVH: “To the eunuchs who keep My Sabbaths, and choose what pleases Me, and hold fast My covenant, even to them I will give in My house and within My walls a place and a name better than that of sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. Also the sons of the foreigner who join themselves to YHVH, to serve Him, and to love the name of YHVH, to be His servants— Everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, and holds fast My covenant—Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Adonai YHVH, who gathers the outcasts of Israel, says, "Yet I will gather to him others besides those who are gathered to him.”

    One must be circumcised in the heart AND flesh to enter YHVH's Sanctuary:
    Eze 44:9 Thus says Adonai YHVH: “No foreigner, uncircumcised in heart or uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter My sanctuary, including any foreigner who is among the children of Israel.

  30. 7:12 PM said “One must be circumcised in the heart AND flesh to enter YHVH's Sanctuary”

    That might be true, but modern male circumcision (or the Judaic brit periah) in which the entire foreskin is removed is not the original biblical circumcision (or brit milah) which only comprised of a small fraction of the excess foreskin being cut off which the patriarchs, Moses, David, Jesus and Paul all underwent prior to the extreme change by the Talmudists of the 2nd century to differentiate themselves from the gentiles.
