Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 23, 2021

UPDATED: Gerald Weston, His Wife, and Others at Texas Teen Camp Contracted the Delta Variant of Covid

Greetings from Charlotte, 
Everyone should now be home from the Texas Teen Camp that we shut down because of COVID—most likely the Delta variant that is sweeping across the world at this time. Both Carol and I, as well as others who were at the Texas camp, have come down with it. I took Carol to the emergency room per doctor’s orders, but she was not put in a room and was sent home after a long day sitting up. 
It is truly remarkable how so many threads are coming together to present a picture leading to the end time and affecting some of our brethren here in the U.S., South Africa, and elsewhere. Leviticus 26 points out that when we come to despise God’s commandments, terror (terrorism) would follow. And following that would be wasting disease. This scourge of COVID has not gone away. And then it says in Leviticus that we will sow our seed in vain, for our enemies shall eat it. Mr. Gene Hilgenberg reported that there are shortages of food supplies, as he was having trouble getting some basic products for the camp. We see the western United States and Canada experiencing extreme drought conditions and high temperatures never before seen. Serious floods have ravaged parts of Europe and China. South Africa, countries in the Middle East, and parts of Asia are facing internal turmoil. See below for news about the situation in Haiti. We are now in a cyberwar with many bad actors disrupting basic services, such as water treatment plants. The big picture shows that this world is entering a time of trouble. Now is no time to fall asleep. While we pray for God’s Kingdom to come, we need to realize that very difficult times are ahead.— Gerald Weston

Church of God News has this up:

Announcement from Gerald Weston, Living Church of God, 22 July 2021: 
“By this time all of you are aware that we had to shut down the teen camp in Texas.
Tuesday morning we had a case of Covid from one of the ladies. We quarantined several of the ladies downtown in separate hotel rooms for several days as a precaution. One of those ladies, my wife, came down with Covid. The others seem to have escaped it, for which we are thankful that it was not any worse. The regular camp program began Wednesday morning. We seemed to be containing it, but then on Thursday and Friday we had several other cases … it seemed like there would only be about five total. Never the less, we could see a trajectory that, if we got into the next week, it could escalate significantly. It has, because some have come home from camp with it, so we know that more people were exposed, more people have caught the virus than we knew of for certain on Friday. 
Friday I called a meeting for all our department heads and all our our ministers … We realized that either we take control of the situation, or this could get out and outside authorities could take control of it and shut us down, so we decided to shut it down ourselves. 
We are not going to hide the fact that there was a Covid outbreak. We could have decided not to test and simply say there was some sickness, but the fact of the matter is it was Covid, we tested for it when somebody got sick.” 
This camp in Athens, Texas, has also been utilized by COGWA, which had one report of Covid during camp, and by Church of God Assembly, which has not made any public announcement.


  1. What a joke! COVID isn't real.

  2. Covid is very real. If its not real then why don't you volunteer to help out at a local hospital. No didn't think so.

  3. If you think it isn't real just wait a few months and see how many people you know die!

  4. Covid 19 is real and more deadly then the flu but only slightly so. The death rate is only about .4%. The flu is about .1-.2% death rate. A bad flu season may have a death rate close to .4%. The CDC is lying, asymptomatic people do not spread covid because the amount of the virus is so small that the people that are asymptomatic have no symptoms. It is only people that have symptoms that need to be quarrentened because they have such a high amount of virus that they are very much contagious. The shut-downs where totally unneeded all that needed to be done was quarrentening the sick.

  5. it's probably not a big deal, the delta variant is over 97% the same as the original...if you've had covid the delta is unlikely to cause you much trouble...your immune system will recognize it and fight it off.

  6. What about anointing? Even liberal ministers in WCG would recommend anointing someone before sending her to the doctor. What kind of an example is Weston setting here? By not mentioning anointing at all, we can draw one of two conclusions, either his wife wasn't anointed before going to the hospital, or anointing just isn't that important to LCG leadership. A big change from the old days, that's for sure.

  7. Covid is real, I am a medical professional who grew up in Worldwide in the 70's & 80's. We have to forget politics somehow in this. It obviously it came from the Wuhan lab even though bogus news services such as CNN, MSNBC & ABC refuse to report it. I guess their loyalty lies with the Chinese Communists. That being said, if you don't have major cardiac issues, I would get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine. It's benefits outweigh the risks. Covid is not gonna go away. It is here to stay.

  8. Whether we be in the "End Times" or not, it does appear that we are at a civilizational turning point with a confluence of many factors occurring in the social, political and economical areas, along with several others.

  9. None of the people downplaying Covid here cite any underlying research or data for their views. Are we really supposed to believe someone who can't spell the word quarantine? A slight increase in death rate translates into many people dying across a nation of a third of a billion people. Moreover, there is an engine running and we need to turn it off. The engine is called Natural Selection. It means the virus will mutate as a survival mechanism. The more efficient strains will survive and proliferate. And a by-product is human death.

    We are in competition with the virus to see who will live - the virus or the hominids. The virus, unless we stop it, will keep coming back in more efficient forms. It will even find a way to kill people who thought they had escaped for whatever reason. Why is it not just a flu? It is a different virus with different molecular structures and a different potential for lethality. So today's death rate will be replaced by a higher death rate tomorrow and the next day and the next day. We must destroy its reproductive reservoir by getting out in front of the Natural Selection process with vaccines, if possible. I expect to wear a mask in crowds the rest of my life.

    Your life is in play whether you like it or not. Natural Selection is impersonal and indefagitable. It doesn't care what Rand Paul says. You don't have the freedom to ignore the virus and yet be assured that you will live. If you do nothing - you and your descendants may be eliminated from the gene pool. And one day there will be a healthier, smarter American population because you and your genetic line are extinct. And apparently it is going to be a more Democratic and less Republican nation. More mainstream Christian and less Evangelical.

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  10. "It is truly remarkable how so many threads are coming together to present a picture leading to the end time and affecting some of OUR BRETHREN here in the U.S., South Africa, and elsewhere." -- from this post

    After this statement there is he usual apocalyptic Millerite round-up of curses and darkness. But there is a paradox here. Why would it affect "our brethren?" I thought the apocalyptic Millerite faithful were to be held inviolate from such currents of history. I remember the Golden Era of Armstrongism where if you got sick church members believed it was due to sin - either spiritual or physical (whatever physical sin is). Is that basis for invidious judgment now gone?

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  11. Anon 7:16 blurted out: What a joke! COVID isn't real.

    You're thinking about The Goon Show (BBC) November 1954 "Lurgi Strikes Britain". A fictitious disease (lurgi) gets the attention of the British Government. It was found that people who didn't play brass band instruments were immune, so the government buys millions of pounds (sterling) of musical instruments from Boosey & Hawkes. Of course the fault was the gullible Dr. Neddy Seagoon (Harry Secombe).


  12. If you want to see what is already in progress (and it isn't pretty), look at Mercola's article of the day -- for today.

    God have mercy on us all!


  13. I guess all the anti-vaxers will come to light now. I know some of these folks coming down with COVID were the ones about a year ago who were saying "it's not a big deal" or "getting sick from it isn't all that bad...". What fools. Now they're getting a taste of what it's like. It's hard to have any sort of sympathy for those who made light of it when others came down with it at the FOT.

  14. What about anointing?

    July 23 at 6:23 AM asks, "What about anointing?"

    Anointing is risky in the COGs. The anointed might misconstrue the ritual designed for healing as one conferring status as an apostle or prophet. Who needs another Bob Thiel?

  15. Anointing is risky in the COGs. The anointed might misconstrue the ritual designed for healing as one conferring status as an apostle or prophet. Who needs another Bob Thiel?

    You mean if Gerald Weston anointed his wife, she would try to sideline him as head of LCG? She's no Loma Armstrong.

  16. To 6:24am Anonymous.....Thanks!!

    COVID is real, we knew a church member (in good fit health) dying of it in our region!

    ....Worldwide then and most COG's only see the politics, "this virus isn't real" "it's just a conspiracy" ... and of course, "Vaccines are the mark of the Beast" ....

    We try and reason with them, but its like Biology they scorn but Quack cures they love

    I hope they wake up before its too late!

  17. Vic Kubik in his weekly UCG update reports a number of staff and campers who returned from a camp tested positive for COVID.

  18. I currently have Covid and I have prayed for the health of Mr. & Mrs. Weston.

    I’m guessing Mrs. Weston may be in high-risk category and that is why she was told to go to the hospital; I imagine his age also puts him at higher risk.

    Regardless, people are suffering from Covid and Weston used this to opportunity to spew the false manta of the signs are pointing to the end, it's all coming together now, the last days are upon us.

    Hopefully, it is not his wife's last days - but, it certainly is the last days for a good number of people.

    These people could use hope, instead of Weston's babblings, which are Pavlovian signals for the sheep to send more cash.

    Anyone facing their last days, whether due to Covid, or any of the ailments common to humans, would benefit from being reassured by a passage such as:
    Ephesians 2:6-9 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast.

    Weston is so contemptable, he will deny preaching grace to the dying and the living (soon to be dying).

    This disdain for grace is a sure sign that LCG is not the true church.

  19. How come none of you on here are asking yourselves: "Where is the one true church that Jesus Christ built?" How come none of you are wondering: "Where is that one UNDIVIDED CHURCH?"

  20. Satan is most probably sitting back on his rock somewhere laughing at all of us "church people" and how we are all fighting over masks, Covid, etc instead of loving our brethren and doing the things Christ tells us to do to be better Christians. Knock it off already and let's get back on track, do our part ( and stop telling others what or what not to do ) and help and love people. We are in a sorry condition spiritually.

  21. 7:22 Because the Church of God is a spiritual organism comprised of those with God's spirit, wherever they may be. They are undivided spiritually, in union with each other and with God the Father and Jesus Christ. The Church of Cod is not ultimately a physical organization.

  22. The Ekklesia (the church) are Christ’s and undivided. This is not true of the organizations. Wish people would get that.

    1. Many do get that. Its always the ministry that don't. I wonder why.

  23. Sending them to a hotel to quarantine was the WORST!! thing to do. The delta variant is up to 30% more transmissible than other variants.
    Hotel air con spread the disease through the Hotel. Did LCG inform the hotel ?

    Uggghh the entire camps should have been postponed or done smaller camps in local areas. What is wrong with these leaders? They cannot or will not adapt to the situation and wait for safer times. King Saul refused to wait for Samuel. The Priests on Temple Mount Passover 70AD refused to acknowledge their situation and paid the high price.

  24. It may be forgotten now, or not recognized, but the old WCG had a policy of not going to doctors, and trusting God to heal without medical intervention.

    That "Hangover" or "Zeitgeist" still haunts much of the COG today as evidenced by many in leadership and the laity, who do not heed practical medical advice or service. Im not giving a "blank check" to the medical community either, but the old WCG healing policy was unenlightened and bizarre, and many people died from simple curable ailments like appendicitis, or even a bowel blockage like HWAs own wife.

  25. Weston displayed how far his religion has moved away from the "truth" Pervie Herbie supposedly restored.
    Weston wrote: "I took Carol to the emergency room per doctor’s orders."
    Herbie would have ridiculed that lack of faith in God to heal and idolatrous worship of the medical profession.
    Weston did not mention any anointings - is that because he no longer believes in it - or was the laying on of hands what spread the COVID?

  26. Anon 6:51.
    You stated Herbie would have ridiculed that lack of faith in God to heal……

    Herbie may have ridiculed someone else for lack of faith. But Herbie would have had the best doctors tending to him. Herbie was on heart medications for several years before he died. He also had doctors watching over him. He had a personal nurse who attended to his needs and gave him his medicines.

  27. Mr. Weston's decision to close the camp and also to be completely transparent in reporting the situation was absolutely the correct actions to take under the circumstances. LCG's MISTAKE in my opinion was moving forward with the 2021 camps in the first place. (A mistake not owned solely by LCG - as reports show that COGWA, UCG, and COG Association have all experienced varying degrees of negative impact for downplaying the severity of the COVID virus and its subsequent mutations.)

    As to whether or not Mr. Weston anointed his wife prior to taking her to the hospital - are you kidding me right now? That's your takeaway in the matter? I can assure you that the LCG adamantly teaches and follows the admonition in James 5:13-16 regarding calling upon the elders and anointing those who are sick.

    Of course I wasn't present at the Texas camp at the time - and apparently neither were any of you - but I can tell you this based on my personal experience: I'm 100% certain that he or one of the other ministers or elders present did indeed anoint his wife (and all of the other afflicted people as well).

    And if the ONLY passage one ever reads regarding anointing is James 5:13-16 - it should be glaring evident that those in the body of Christ are NOT promised immunity from sickness and injury - otherwise what would be the need for anointing?

    As I said at the beginning, the mistake ALL the COGs appear to be making with regard to COVID-19 and its variants, is minimalizing its severity, and thus taking unnecessary and irresponsible risk of exposure by reinstating their summer camp programs.

    Some, I believe, will learn from their mistake and not repeat it.

  28. To Anonymous at 12:44 am

    A good number of youth camps were enjoyed and were a success this year. With all the craziness over the past year and a half (+), in my opinion, the camps were what the youth needed. Survival rates in young people are very high if they contract COVID. Their chances of death by a lightning strike is higher than by COVID. Besides, the way things are going there might not be many more opportunities for camps if the ridiculous regime in the USA gets their way. Put needless fear aside.

    1. I'm 12:44 Long Covid is a illness affecting previously young and healthy teenagers. The medical experts are still learning about Long Covid.
      Name a COG summer camp that has had zero covid outbreaks.

  29. Shawn, if what you say is true, why was Mr. Weston too embarrassed to tell us that he anointed his wife? Or, even worse, maybe he thought it didn't matter enough to mention. You're apparently too young to remember this, but there was a time when anointing was "front and center" in any and all WCG-related medical situations. It's the visit to the doctor that might or might not have been pursued or mentioned. You apparently don't realize how far LCG has drifted from what Mr. Weston was taught at Ambassador College.

    LCG is good at damage control, and I expect in future tellings Mr. Weston will remember to mention that he anointed his wife before sending her to the doctor. But that doesn't change the fact that, when he first thought it important enough to mention, the important part was the doctor's order, not any assumed anointing. That's classic liberalism, and it's a big change, at least the openness about it is a big change, for LCG.

  30. For those who still believe every word of the bible:
    What day of creation did God create viruses - and why?
    Same for bacteria.
    Why are some bacteria necessary for us to live - our microbiome?
    Is 53 - they will neither hurt nor destroy in my Holy mountain - does this apply to viruses and bacteria as well?
    There are millions of different viruses - only a few are bad for us - they have to be able to use our cells to replicate to do us harm.

    I recommend reading "A planet of Viruses" by Carl Zimmer if you want to learn more about viruses.

  31. at Anon 3:42 PM

    A: God's people ARE his church
    B: 4 walls a floor & ceiling do not make God's people God does
    C: A lot of us that grew up wwcg or any of it's daughter churches are permanently scar'd by the teachings of HWA and everyone that continued on his path
    D: I do not know about some others but my journey through Armstrongism (wwcg, gcg & lcg) have left me so traumatized that I cannot even listen to a Bible (centrally blind so no more reading God's word myself)
    E: If there was a 7th day church that does not use brainwashing , scientifically/medically known as thought reform cuz they start slow then after awhile your suddenly doing & acting in ways that made you say What... You fell for that drivel before they hooked you

    And that's all that I can think of ATM.

    Let the Trolls warm up their flamethrowers cuz according to wwcg & it's spinoffs I WILL be burned to ash cuz I have a mind that I'm learning to use and most evil of all in their eyes I am starting to learn what human emotions are which ACOG's say are of satan even though Jesus had them and showed his emotions.


    I'm going away for now l8rz :)

  32. Hotel quarantines are what Canada has done for months as a COVID-19 travel precaution. That's on order of the Trudeau government.

    But what strikes me more about this is that Mrs. Weston contracted COVID for a second time. Remember her getting it a few months ago through walks with her neighbors?

    This should remind Sen. Rand Paul and others that it's not a "one-and-done" virus.

  33. Them boys in LCG seem to be getting hard all of a sudden. Word being passed around is that Dougie Winnail and both Rod and Jonathan McNair have COVID. On top of that, a video is starting to be passed around of a LCG minister who, in sharing his own opinion, makes it known that taking the COVID vaccine is a lack of faith.

    1. @Anon 10:20pm...an LCG minister or Sheldon Monson?

    2. An LCG minister from Arkansas.

  34. from simply looking at the numbers one would conclude that the vaccine is more dangerous than the disease....

  35. Lots of medical professionals don't believe that ANY viruses are what we are told. It is a money making scheme for Big Pharma. Look into the debate between germ theory and terrain theory. Viruses are created by your cells to eliminate toxins, mostly from processed food.

  36. The mask is a degrading symbol of submission to Fauci, the god of the plandemic.

  37. The mask is a degrading symbol of submission to Fauci, the god of the plandemic.

    That anti-mask statement was written by a man who wears a tie to Sabbath services every week, spitting in the face of the true God, demonstrating his submission to the Roman god Priapus.

  38. "How come none of you on here are asking yourselves: "Where is the one true church that Jesus Christ built?" How come none of you are wondering: "Where is that one UNDIVIDED CHURCH?""

    --It looks like Dave Pack was posting here.

  39. "That anti-mask statement was written by a man who wears a tie to Sabbath services every week,
    spitting in the face of the true God, demonstrating his submission to the Roman god Priapus."

    Actually, I don't go to services and I almost never wear a tie, and where the heck did you get your information about the rest of it? You are clearly a fool who jumps to conclusions based on NO evidence.

  40. I almost never wear a tie

    OK, you are a lukewarm worshipper of Priapus. I apologize for my mistake.

  41. "Most sartorialists agree that the necktie originated in the 17th century, during the 30 year war in France. King Louis XIII hired Croatian mercenaries (see picture above) who wore a piece of cloth around their neck as part of their uniform. While these early neckties did serve a function (tying the top of their jackets that is), they also had quite a decorative effect – a look that King Louis was quite fond of. In fact, he liked it so much that he made these ties a mandatory accessory for Royal gatherings, and – to honor the Croatian soldiers – he gave this clothing piece the name “La Cravate” – the name for necktie in French to this day."

    Seems innocent enough, so that's as far as I read.

  42. It has been admitted by a UK government official that the purpose of the face diaper is not to stop the spread of disease but as a means of social control. i.e. to shame people who don't follow the herd and to make the mindless herd think covid was a big scary thing.

  43. Covid is very real. If its not real then why don't you volunteer to help out at a local hospital. No didn't think so.

    Watch the video of the undertaker who dealt with many "covid" corpses and was perfectly fine. He's now telling people the whole thing is a hoax. The health officials tried to manipulate him into blaming the deaths on covid.

  44. OK, you are a lukewarm worshipper of Priapus. I apologize for my mistake.

    You are a zealous worshipper of Fauci. That's the mistake you should apologise for.

  45. For some reason some Armstrongite's have been obsessed with the sexual imagery, especially the penis, and went out of their way to find anything society they could associate with it. Neckties, steeples, topiaries (the tall shrubs with round balls at the base in front of ambassador Hall) , tampons, cucumbers, and on and on the list goes. If craziness is out there an Armstrongite is sure to find it!

    I remember the day that GTA made fun of a group of church members who were claiming that the Auditorium pillars represented penises since they were upright and firm. GTA then went on to say these same people probably got turned on by piano legs.
