Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, July 30, 2021

Living Church of God Continues to Struggle from COVID and Delta Virus Infections


The latest from the LCG:

Greetings from Charlotte, 
As Mr. Weston reported last week, both he and his wife have contracted the coronavirus. Be sure to pray fervently for their healing as well as others who became ill at or after the Living Youth Teen Camp. Several have already recovered, but the global danger has not significantly diminished. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has even recommended that vaccinated individuals wear masks “indoors and in certain parts of the country” (“CDC Changes Guidelines on Indoor Masks,” Wall Street Journal, July 28, 2021, p. A1).” Several headquarters employees are under quarantine and working from home. But the Work is moving ahead powerfully. We just received newly printed copies of Tomorrow’s World magazine, August edition, which posts a circulation of 488,000. We anticipate passing the half-million mark within the next two issues! This afternoon, our television crew will be taping my program “The Dangerous Times of the Gentiles,” offering The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor or Soon-Coming Reality? The three-and-one-half years leading up to the return of Christ will be very dangerous and ultimately include World War III and Armageddon. Be sure to read Luke the 21st chapter, in which our Lord admonished us to watch and pray always! The TV department is also working on the November Semi-Annual DVD “Taking a Stand: Three Censored Tomorrow’s World Telecasts.” 

Weston is apparently not well enough to write this week's update to the brethren.

As for the rest of the above comment by Richard Ames, it is the same old WCG message of doom and gloom that has been preached for decades. Can LCG not come up with something new and original? Perhaps talk about finding peace in the grace of Jesus Christ? If LCG members were encouraged to find that rest and peace with Jesus then they would not be so consumed by who the Beast is and the myths and metaphors of Revelation. Does anyone outside of the COG even care about the "times of the Gentiles"? Those that are at rest with Christ do not need to let this consume their daily lives. 

Headquarters is looking forward to the new semester for on-site Living Education students who will be arriving Friday, August 6. They will study a variety of subjects and experience challenging real life adventures in their pursuit of “Recapturing True Values.” We all should strive to be living those biblical values as we overcome day by day. 

Just what "true values" are they recapturing? Twenty-some years out of the Worldwide Church of God and they still are seeking those elusive true values.  Perhaps if they sought the things Jesus brought to the table instead of worshipping the feet of Moses, those "true values" might actually be found. 

Mr. Peter Nathan visited our ministers in western Kenya where churches are not allowed to congregate. He writes, “Most of the congregations have been meeting in small groups in members’ homes to avoid the regulations. The actions of the pastors to care for their flocks has been most commendable.” Mr. Nathan then flew to Accra, Ghana to meet with several groups. Next he will be visiting the Ivory Coast and Togo before returning to the UK. Your prayers for Mr. Nathan’s travels will be appreciated. It’s encouraging to know that God has called or is calling people “out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9).—Richard Ames


  1. Any gathering of non vaccinated crowds inside closed environments for prolonged time will ultimately result in rampant outbreaks of Covid 19.

    It's the modern day equivalent of the Jerusalem Temple priests still having multitude crowds of Israelites swarm into Jerusalem in such political unrest of 70 AD.

    God has given every human a free thinking brain and expected it to be used.

  2. At least LCG is being open about members having been exposed or contracting Covid. Meanwhile, in PCG with all their activities, and camps..not a word about those who are sick.

    Even 86 year old Gerald Flurry was with the campers. It's hard to believe that old kook is still alive, when many that I have known who were much younger and/or healthier than him are dead.

  3. I just had a look at their Tomorrow's world magazine articles. They are all fundamental. Unless a person is new to Christianity, it amounts to spiritual milk for its readers. Many members have never read a recent self help book. If they did, it would be obvious that they are being fed spiritual milk rather than spiritual meat.

  4. Agree Ex-PCG. Although other groups are being open about outbreaks, it's not being reported on this blog.

  5. Well, 8:43. Instead of complaining that other groups do not get equal time, then why not send in links to their issues. Most of the stuff posted here is from links people send to us. The links to the email addresses are right at the top of the home page.

  6. I can almost guarantee you No2 that 8:43 is too lazy to send anything in. He would rather bitch, moan, and cry like a sad little baby. Typical of him.

  7. 8:43 sent a snarky comment that he wouldn't lower his standards to bother to email any of us. The poor little guy is all bark and no bite. All I could do was laugh when he sent what he did. All of these guys think they are being such alpha males and the reality is that they are anything but!

  8. The German lawyer, Reine Fullmich, who successfully sued VW is suing the government for the PCR test hoax. Churches who think Covid is real (it's just a computer model) are deluded by Satan.

  9. Consider Dr. Mike Yeadon, a dissenting scientist on the covid narrative. He talked to several experts in virology and privately they all agreed with his dissenting opinion. Yet none of them would come out publicly and admit that. They are all afraid of losing their grant if they publicaly tell the truth about covid. So the scientists are under tyranny, and as a result of their compliance (cowardice), the whole society is also under tyranny.


    Despite that, thousands of doctors are speaking out, but the media totally ignores them. This alone proves the media are evil. Yet church leaders have been known to steer their members away from "conspiracy theories" (some of which are just facts) and direct them towards the mainstream media.

  10. According to several groups of lawyers, forcing people to take an injection or any medical procedure is contrary to the Nurenberg code and is a crime against humanity. If the legal system follows the rules, a great many people could be executed for mandating vaccines.

  11. The reason they don’t come up with anything new is simple. They are NOT in a direct relationship with God and He is NOT teaching them anything new because they KNOW IT ALL!! It is called ARMSTRONGISM and it is a BRAND!!! Just follow Herbert’s magical formula and you can keep bringing in the cash!! NO mention of LOVE or GRACE because they have NEVER heard of that!! “God *IS* LOVE” so therefore they do not actually KNOW God but are instead WOLVES masquerading as sheep!! ArnstrongISM!! Incidentally, the ISM stands for I, SELF, and ME who is their ACTUAL god!!

  12. P.S. Doom and Gloom SELLS because it capitalizes on people’s FEARS!!

  13. @ 5:36AM, LCG's Tomorrow's World magazine is so basic because most of its half-million readers know little or nothing about Armstrongism or even about LCG's more unusual beliefs, and some don't know much about any kind of Christianity. It is milky bait to hook new tithe slaves. What's a scandal is that their member magazine is almost as milky as their magazine for outsiders.
