Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Update from the Apostle Pack: When "I am sadly and completely mistaken" is simply too hard to admit

 "Prophecy Update

Since Parts 307 & 308, the picture you heard has further solidified! The overall Kingdom structure remains the same, with a slight modification to timing.

Recall there is a small Kingdom leading to the Man of Sin and Day of Christ—the 1,335 days. Then is a 45-day Kingdom before the 1,290 when the abomination is set up and the “devour” month begins. All this is correct! What further clarified is when the month begins.

There was certainly a strong case for Trumpets, but many verses suddenly came together in an unexpected way that makes the Day of Atonement the apparent backstop for the 1,290. In fact, it is clear Israel keeps Trumpets before captivity and appears to be in captivity for Atonement! Thus the tiny Kingdom of Israel before the Day of Christ could start any time in the coming days. Rather than “time is running out,” or even “has run out,” the picture has instead ripened to “any day from now on.”

Brethren, let’s remain alert with our “lights burning” (Luke 12:35). Let’s continue praying God’s Kingdom come more than ever. We look forward to seeing all of you soon!"


  1. Dave Pack lies as much as Bob Thiel does

  2. Come Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement and his creature has not returned to walk the hallowed grounds of the Wadsworth campus, what will his excuse be then?

  3. NO2HWA said...
    Come Feast of Trumpets and Day of Atonement and his creature has not returned to walk the hallowed grounds of the Wadsworth campus, what will his excuse be then?

    Mercifully, God is giving us more time!

  4. Agents Mulder and Scully, here's your next X-File!

    "We look forward to seeing all of you soon!"

    Uhh--- NO THANKS!

    Remember , your mother was right when she said "not to take candy from strangers"!

  6. From "Old Neo's Book of Practical Millerites," 3d edition, p. 257.

    Testimony from William Miller:

    "I believe that the second coming of Jesus Christ is near, even at the door, even within twenty-one years — on or before 1843."

    Miller's special talent:

    "What Miller added to the traditional fire-and-brimstone mixture was the ingredient of mathematical computation as an ‘infallible’ method of unraveling mysterious prophecies. This appealed strongly to Yankee ingenuity, and challenged the competitive spirit of
    thousands of amateur Bible interpreters.” (from Larrabee, H. A. "The Trumpeter of Doomsday." American Heritage 15 (April, 1964)).

    (Both citations taken from: Platon, Bogdan. "The Impact Of The Imminence Of The Parousia On The Mission Of The Seventh Day Adventist Church")

    What goeth around, cometh around . . .

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    1. 7.20 AM
      I read a book describing American Christian cults in the 1920s and 1930, and most of their ploys were used by HWAs church. For instance, they all deliberately mentally weaken and chain members to their group. They constantly quote the bible, but are morally in the toilet. And like all victims in a toxic relationship, their members become acclimatized to the abuse.
      The ACOGs are all Pharisaic churches, with some truth and much error. They are all very partial to evil.

  7. The term "Happy Sabbath," is not found in the Bible, and neither do the people today in God's true Church use that term. Because it came from Mr. Joseph Tkach Jr. and the other apostates, after the death of God's great servant Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. That's why it is so offensive to me, and to those in Restored Church of God, that term, why we don't use it.

    1. Actually that was Tkach Sr... but more to the point - maybe I'm going blind, but I do not see that phrase used anywhere in the post or current comments?


  8. Thankfully, this makes no sense to me!


  9. True [Nut] at 7:25 AM said...“The term 'Happy Sabbath,' is not found in the Bible, and neither do the people today in God's true Church use that term. Because it came from Mr. Joseph Tkach Jr. and the other apostates, after the death of God's great servant Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. That's why it is so offensive to me, and to those in Restored Church of God, that term, why we don't use it.”

    So a harmless little saying like “Happy Sabbath” is offensive to you because you think it came from the apostate Tkaches, but all the endless and truly outrageous doctrinal changes and perversions of Satan's #2 false prophet David Pack are okay with you?

  10. Anon 7:25

    !שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם

    Lots of common expressions aren't found in the Bible. Doesn't mean people didn't use them.

    Just because people one finds to be of ill repute use an expression shouldn't matter. But it may be offensive since it reminds them of someone.

    !אוי ואבוי

  11. The term "Happy Sabbath," is not found in the Bible, and neither do the people today in God's true Church use that term. Because it came from Mr. Joseph Tkach Jr. and the other apostates, after the death of God's great servant Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. That's why it is so offensive to me, and to those in Restored Church of God, that term, why we don't use it.

    Fine. Now let's talk about the term "Pastor General" in the Bible.

  12. Isaiah 58:13 speaks of calling the Sabbath a "delight." The Hebrew term implies "exquisite delight." See Strong's 6027, oneg. So, wishing someone a "happy" or "delightful" Sabbath is perfectly within the realm acceptable behavior, from a biblical standpoint. The term "Shabbat shalom", means "Sabbath of peace", and didn't originate with Joe Tkach, but is a Jewish greeting.

    The term "Pastor General" however, is a different story, with the word "pastor" being derived from the word for shepherd, and the word "General" being used in titles carrying the sense of "having general authority or jurisdiction, chief." (see etymonline.com) So, the term "Chief Shepherd" or "Pastor General" is a term that should only be used to refer to Jesus Christ. 1Peter 5:4 There is only one Chief Shepherd.

    Concerned Sister

    1. Didnt Tkach have some other phrase for that too? Seems to be it wasnt Hebrew.


  13. https://easierwithpractice.com/what-does-shallot-shalom-mean/

    Shabbat shalom שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם Peaceful Sabbath. [ʃaˈbat ʃaˈlom] Hebrew. Used any time on Shabbat, especially at the end of a Shabbat service. What do I reply when someone says Shabbat Shalom? Originally Answered: How must I respond to Shabbat Shalom? The appropriate response is " Shabbat Shalom".

  14. The so-called "true christian" said:

    "The term "Happy Sabbath," is not found in the Bible, and neither do the people today in God's true Church use that term. Because it came from Mr. Joseph Tkach Jr. and the other apostates, after the death of God's great servant Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. That's why it is so offensive to me, and to those in Restored Church of God, that term, why we don't use it."

    This truly has to be the stupidest thing I have read here in the last day or so and believe me there are a LOT of stupid things being sent in as comments lately. This is coming from the same guy who claims Dave Pack and the RCG is the one true church. That alone lets us all know what a moron the guy is.

    1. Ah, Gary, after Velvet, TradingGuy, the GodsGoodLaws guy, the "joined to baal peor" lady, the various BEWAREFOOLSYOUMOCKGODSSERVANTS spewers and so on, whats one more?

  15. Well...how could one have a "Happy Sabbath" anyway being in RCG and having to listen to Dave Pack speak way too long about way too little ad nauseum? More like, "Endure your Sabbath!"

  16. Chag Sameach

    Happy festival or happy feast as he claimed

    1. That was probably it. There was a brief period where they kept promoting things like that.

  17. RSK "Ah, Gary, after Velvet, TradingGuy, the GodsGoodLaws guy, the "joined to baal peor" lady, the various BEWAREFOOLSYOUMOCKGODSSERVANTS spewers and so on, whats one more?"

    I forgot about those fun people! what a tri that was. The difference is that the current batch is nasty and are huge anti-semites. Sadly, these too are traits of Armstrongism. These guys are no more god's servants than the past bunch of entertainers was.

  18. This blog goes weirder by the day.

  19. The so-called "true christian" is more appropriately named "total crap." With all of his supportive comments regarding Dave, I thought he was a bit misguided. But he is equally supportive of Bob and Gerald, et al! He is spouting crap that even he doesn't believe. He is just yanking your chain and enjoying the comments about him.

  20. The value of false prophets:

    While we regard the apocalyptic Millerite prophets and their melodramtic fabrications as parasitic or even droll, they do serve a useful purpose. Not everyone in Splinterdom has the will to understand theology. They may have the capability but they don't have the will. I think often their will to understand is counterworked by other vested interests. On this blog, for instance, I have noticed people out of the Armstrongist sphere who have competency in language but do not seem to be able to use verbal reasoning. I think this stems from committment rather than handicap.

    I do not think, for instance, that the average Splinterist is going to sit down, focus and wrestle with the complex issues of The Law that will lead to the knowledge of the New Covenant. They are going to instead just go ahead and accept the flawed Armstrongist view without question. They capitulate their individual right to (or responsibility for) religious self-determination although they might be strongly libertarian in many other dimensions of life. A paradox.

    Though they may not have the will to parse through complicated theological issues, they can understand intuitively the drama of failed prophecy. (Like there were people in First Century Judea who could not understand complex prophecies concerning the Messiah but could understand a miracle when they saw it.) Failed prophecy is the hallmark of these little apocalyptic Millerite denominations - like fractals drawn from the original Great Disappointment. Failed prophecy may well be the nagging witness to these people that they are at the wrong place. Like someone walking down the railroad tracks who keeps hearing a whistle intermittently and it keeps getting louder and louder.

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  21. The cogs mess with people's brains, but some of the cogs sadly turn them into truly weird people.

  22. Anon 2:33 AM actually I am a RCG member even have access to the member site and am in contact with the minister and I can attend services.

  23. Hello banned by hwa, Somebody once told me something that I suspect is probably true. He said that everybody sometime during his/ her human life-time stumbles across, or encounters THE TRUTH of God; but most people (almost everybody) just trips over it, and falls down. He acknowledges it (THE TRUTH) for what it REALLY IS, but he/ she just stands up again, brushes himself off and continues to trundle off —in the same old direction, as if nothing significant really happened. He/ she does not let the truth CHANGE his direction in life (does not become converted), and does not LIVE BY (obey) it. He just dismisses it as gravel, instead of as PRECIOUS JEWELS. I have done it myself, when God at first CALLED me 30 years ago, when I was 18 years old. I did not take my CALLING from God seriously enough right at first —for about 2 years. But I want to REPENT of that, and take my calling seriously. THE TRUTH is like the PEARL OF GREAT PRICE, spoken of by Jesus Christ in Matthew 13:45-46. It is more valuable than all the riches in the whole world —and than all created things which God has created in the ENTIRE VAST UNIVERSE! You and I, and all people, and all the angels and everything else that God has created is not worth nearly as much as the PLAIN TRUTH. And yet almost nobody (ever since Adam and Eve tasted of the FORBIDDEN FRUIT) even seems to want it, because they don't know how valuable it is. When God REVEALS the truth to a person —that means He is calling him! But He does not continue revealing new truth to us (does not continue calling us), unless He sees our CONDUCT —that we LOVE and follow it. Because we would rather live by lies, and deceit, and corruption; because that is what we have become deceived and conditioned by Satan to LOVE, and to LIVE BY. Because Satan and the demons have transmitted their NATURE (what we call “HUMAN NATURE”) into our (all people's except Christ's) unsuspecting minds, starting at a very young age (Revelation 12:9). We have to sell absolutely EVERY-THING we have, in order to BUY the truth. The KINGDOM OF HEAVEN is likened unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:44. Buy THE TRUTH —and sell it NOT; also WISDOM, INSTRUCTION, and understanding. Proverbs 23:23. If we seek to gain our physical, corruptible life —we will lose it in the end. But if we lose it, because we recognize and acknowledge that it is completely worthless, then we just gained it. And we also receive a BIG BONUS from God —everlasting life in the KINGDOM OF GOD! Then said Jesus unto His disciples, If any man [or woman] will come after Me, let him DENY himself, and take up his cross, and FOLLOW ME. For whosoever will save his/ her life shall LOSE it: and whosoever will LOSE his life for My sake shall FIND IT. For what is a man [or woman] profited, if he/ she shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man shall come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and then He shall REWARD every man according to his WORKS. Matthew 10:34-39, 16:24-27 KJV. Now I have a question for you: Where were you, and what were you doing, and when (how long ago) was this —when you encountered the (the most valuable asset in the entire vast universe) THE TRUTH but you decided to reject it, You stumbled across the truth —you tripped over it, fell down, and realized and acknowledged it for what it really is, but you didn't then, and still don't want it? even now?

    1. 20.24 AM
      Well if Satan and his demons have transmitted their nature into our unsuspecting minds, then why should we listen to the ramblings of your demonic mind.

    2. TC, I stumbled across Armstrong's "truth" 50 years ago. In 1982, God graciously started to show me the Plain Truth wasn't the real truth. Years of studying Christian history showed me that the Christian church wasn't a Judaizing, sabbatarian sect. No, it was the Catholic Church that Armstrong called Babylon that was the historical Christian church. All the writings of the Post-Apostolic Christians show a church that is undeniably Catholic in its teachings and structure. Judaizing sabbatarians were strictly minor league and regarded as heretics. They would crop up from time to time in the life of the church, but the majority of the Christians ignored them, and the church officials would quickly take action against them to keep them from drawing away too many members. Nope, I don't want to acknowledge your "truth". It's nothing but classical Judaizing, mixed in with Adventist fantasies from the 19th century.

    3. I'd say True Christian name is a troll. Would go as far as asking arguing with self ?

    4. You really believe that is how it works? You believe that people will conclude that they have the truth, but then they don’t want it?

      I know that for 30 years you have heard the wcg and splinters tell you people willfully throw away the truth because they don’t want it, but that is not how it works generally.


  24. True [Sucker] at 10:24 AM said...“Now I have a question for you: Where were you, and what were you doing, and when (how long ago) was this —when you encountered the (the most valuable asset in the entire vast universe) THE TRUTH but you decided to reject it, You stumbled across the truth —you tripped over it, fell down, and realized and acknowledged it for what it really is, but you didn't then, and still don't want it? even now?”

    The PLAIN TRUTH is that David C. Pack is a FALSE PROPHET.

    Since 2013 Dave Pack has been coming up with wrong prophetic date guesses that continue to fail again and again no matter how many so-called “proofs” he comes up with for them. If you are in the RCG, you should have noticed that by now.

    How many times must you stumble across THE TRUTH about Dave Pack's wrong prophetic date guesses, trip over THE TRUTH about Dave Pack's wrong prophetic date guesses, fall down, realize THE TRUTH about Dave Pack's wrong prophetic date guesses, and yet reject THE TRUTH about Dave Pack's wrong prophetic date guesses and continue to support Dave Pack's wrong prophetic date guesses?

    If you are really serious about THE TRUTH, let me assure you that THE TRUTH is much better without Dave Pack's wrong prophetic date guesses and other lies added to it.

  25. "Anonymous True Christian said...
    Anon 2:33 AM actually I am an RCG member even have access to the member site and am in contact with the minister and I can attend services."

    OH, WOW!!! I didn't realize THAT!!!! LMAO. Why don't you tell Dave that you're reading and commenting on this website, I'm sure he will thank you profusely for "defending" him, along with "defending" Thiel and Flurry. Oh, wait! Dave has banned people from ever reading this site.

    If you really do believe the babble that Dave spews forth, you probably should confess to your minister that you are reading this website. He can tattle to his superior, and so on, all the way to Dave. You will be kicked out of RCG so fast, you'll be into next Tuesday!!

    If you feel that you've been called into the truth, and landed in RCG, you had better open those self-righteous eyes...and take another look around at where you are!! Believe me, Dave has gone further off the tracks than anyone I know... And I've known him for decades. He is so warped these days, he will probably never get his sanity back.

  26. Today God has only one true church, not churches and not many apostles, just one apostle, but defending some other splinter groups is not as good as defending Mr. Pack, but some of God's people are in splinter groups those are lukewarm brothers because they're not in the right group, once God shows you where it's leading, you must join the right organization or else you'll lose the holy spirit there some members of God's church outside the right meeting place, but they must go back to the home base if they want to stay in the true church, luckily we have an apostle and he is in the right meeting place.

  27. Poor deluded soul. First of all, one does not "Join" the true church of God. Secondly, scripture says: You shall know them by their fruits". Look at the fruits of your deluded "apostle" and you must admit that he is not of God. Thirdly, maybe you should consider that "your" organization is a splinter organization rather that self righteously accusing others. Fourthly, scripture reveals Satan as one who accuses the brethren. Consider whose footsteps you are in. Fifth, you are not in "the right meeting place". Your non-sensible rants prove that you have no Idea what you are talking about. Lastly in my opinion you are immersed in madness.

  28. Anon 1:05 PM Just being part of the RCG or WCG corporation doesn't mean one is apart of the church which is a spiritual entity, there were some in WCG who were never converted - never had the Holy Spirit of God - they obviously weren't part of the spiritual body of christ they may be in the WCG corporation, but they cannot be part of the Church of God. Those called with the holy spirit of God are part of the true church of God. Therefore in another cog is led by God but not at home base yet he still a called out one like us and should be defended.

  29. Leave Mr. Pack alone. I think he is doing a great work of God, his place has the most true and correct church government on this earth. God's government is always from the top down.

  30. Whatever happened to those three shepherds and that expected massive swelling of members in 2013 anyway?

  31. What you think is irrelevant. You shall know them by their fruits mr.false apostle. lol.

  32. I say True Christian is none other than The True Apostle himself, Mr. Madman, nutter than a fruitcake, one french fry short of a happy meal, .... Mr. pakster Himself!

  33. True Christian is Banned's court jester.

  34. True Christian, there are no apostles in this day and age. Pack can not pass the test nor can anyone else. Look up the requirements for apostleship. I could go around and say I'm a doctor but if I can't pass the test, then I'm no doctor, same with being an apostle.

  35. I was disfellowshipped from RCG in January 2015. Glad it happened because of what that lunatic has been teaching since. He has lied many times and been caught doing so. (one example is lying about the number of members who left the Atlanta congregation to join Mike Webster's group) I have never seen a better example of someone who was on track and completely went off the rails into the cuckoo's nest. That lunatic will change his mind about something in the same sermon..heck even in the same sentence. If he is the Elijah and "that Prophet" I'm Daffy Duck. Wasn't Messiah supposed to already have come to Wadsworth, at least twice? He apparently isn't getting his info from the Father. Sad what's happened to him and I'm even sadder for the friends left behind.
