Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 20, 2021

Church of God Love



  1. People at church who look like freaks, generally speaking "are".

    At least they have an outward "warning sign" and thus can be said to be "more honest and upfront" about it than this next group. .

    Its the "pretty people" , and conformed "spic and span" folks, or the "snakes in suits", who are at times, hidden sociopaths that are the most dangerous, as they can appear very appealing at first glance.

    Buyers Beware!

    1. Buyers Tonto ??
      Are you running a slave industry?

      God doesn't look at the outward appearance but looks at the heart of a person Tonto. Too many ministry AND their wives look at the outward appearance. Very telling.

  2. In all of my years in the church, I have never seen such a judgemental group of people claiming to be Christians than I have in the Church of God. It was appalling the things I heard people say about others in the church, people that they were supposed to be united in Christ with. This is what we were supposed to believe was "first-century Christianity".

  3. Listen to Johnny Paycheck's "The Outlaws's Prayer" Really tells it like it is!

  4. Annonymous at 1:14

    Everyone judges by outward appearance, if they were honest about it. Pretty girls and handsome guys get more dates. In todays political world, looks mean a lot too. Hollywood knows this, and even extras in the background are attractive people.

    In business, sales reps, and ads , always feature attractive well dressed people.

    I am not in any formal titled ministry in any org. The reality of life is ... should people judge from the outside? No. Do they do so anyway?..universally YES. I didnt create this paradigm, but hey, it is what it is.

  5. 1:14 AM said: God doesn't look at the outward appearance but looks at the heart of a person Tonto. Too many ministry AND their wives look at the outward appearance. Very telling.

    Tonto responded: j I am not in any formal titled ministry in any org. The reality of life is ... should people judge from the outside? No. Do they do so anyway?..universally YES. I didnt create this paradigm, but hey, it is what it is.

    Inside, outside? Which should be used?

    From a marketing point of view, most good marketing coaches say the outside makes the sale, or attracts the buyer by 85%. And that would reveal to some degree how the marketer feels about themselves on the inside.

    On the other hand, the main argument used in religious circles to excuse something, or cover over something is the use of “The Eternal looks at the heart,” you know, the inside. That is very true. What is never quoted by any I’ve heard this from is Jeremiah 17:9. So what does the Father see when he looks on the heart?

    Jer. 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
