Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 16, 2021

Commercial Break: Special One Time Offer



  1. I suppose you are talking about covid. I suppose you are saying those that don't get a vaccine will die like a peasant. Some will die. Most certainly will not. Rand Paul recommends to those that HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN COVID not to get the vaccine. He recommends the vaccine for the more vulnerable. Natural immunity is excellent for most.

    I think that is modern medicine.

  2. How about Fauci's book "Trust me and my fake science and live under medical tyranny"


  3. The fake vaccine is killing more people than covid and the PCR test is a fraud. Lawyers are filing a suit for crimes against humanity for forced experimental injections which are proven junk science.

  4. So true. LOL @ HWA & the idiots who follow him.

    Altho, when the chips are down, HWA sneaks off to doctors..
    Shhh, don't tell his sheep!

  5. Hi cannot see the above pics thx to central almost blindness (can see light & dark) so if one of y'all would be kind enough to describe them I'd be grateful :)

    I had covid-19 last march back when the ventilator crews where accidently killing people cuz they thought they needed to set for lung failure instead of altitude sickness :shrug: thats doctors for ya.

    Still a bit messed up from my 2nd pfizer shot (was not fun the first 48 hours or past 3 weeks)

    Oh and I read what was said above... have u heard delta (aka covid-21) is differentenough from previous covid that it could be called it's own novel virus?

    Oh well thats all from me ATM have a good one l8r :)




  7. So glad that Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media did not get Bad Government to mandate Thalidomide in the past. Modern medicine could get you flippers like no medieval peasant ever had.

  8. There are numerous highly effective treatments for covid and the vaccine is not one of them. Tricking your body into producing the very toxin it is supposed to fight is a dangerous slope to get onto. Apparently it crosses the blood/brain barrier. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few years to those that were injected.

    Simply applying critical thinking skills to the stories coming from the government, along with the effort to force the vaccine on everyone, should reveal that there is something rotten in Denmark.

  9. The amount of disinformation about Covid that a few people nurture is dismaying. And the illogic with which they use their scant medical knowledge is also alarming. I know that such minds, proud in error, cannot be reasoned with along normal lines of logic.

    So, resonate with this exercise in simplicity. The Great Disinformer himself got vaccinated last January. And the Great Disinformer was not eager to let you find out about this. In fact, the Great Disinformer is a germphobe. But he does not mind sending you into harm's way while he snuggles under protection far behind the lines of engagement. Some of the most pitiful of his human chattel do not believe he was ever vaccinated. But it is well established. So the Great Disinformer, thanks to medical science, will be around for a while to, well, disinform.

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    1. Interestingly, he also received remdesivir... which is only FDA emergency approved as well.

  10. 11:02 You only ride safely on an airplane or drive in a car because mistakes in early airplanes and cars were experienced and corrected. Unlike religion of course which makes the same mistakes over and over and then blames and punishes others for noticing. There is always a price to pay in the journey from ignorance to enlightenment.

    1. 6.58 AM
      Dennis, but people were not forced to get into cars or planes in the early days. Those who did so, knew and accepted the risks. By contrast, these COVID vaccines are being forced on people. People do not have a right to play Russian roulette with others lives. But as a former Herb (mis)trained minister, freedom of choice is not your strong suit.

  11. 11:02 So glad that Big Pharma and the Mainstream Media did not get Bad Government to mandate Thalidomide in the past. Modern medicine could get you flippers like no medieval peasant ever had.

    It's not like the Church didn't screw up families with their Divorce and Remarriage belief and practice before they learned to mind their own business or had their own divorce and remarriage issues to deal with.

    The "Cutter Incident" when defeating Polio in the 50's happened but today we still have no polio to stalk our kids. Mistakes is how one learns in all fields. "Experience may be the best teacher, but the tuition is high" is one way to look at it. In church, It usually means "let's read this Bible story and then don't do what they did." However, in reality, experience is the only teacher. The rest is just hearsay. It can be costly as we learn along the way to success but beats not doing anything and in the case of public health thinking that prayer and anointing is good enough forever more or even solves the problem, which of course it doesn't. "Jesus is my vaccine" is probably the most classic of defensive ignorance to arise out of the Covid pandemic.

    1. Before they learned to mind their own business...

      But they haven't learned. The is still to this day small pockets of "marriage experts" trying to interfere with others lives, who they can marry and even with the already married.

      Still. To. This. Day.

  12. Since AIDS is still around, and there is a current epidemic of STD's , shouldn't there be a mandatory wearing of CONDOMS 24 hours a day??

  13. Dennis wrote, "Unlike religion of course which makes the same mistakes over and over and then blames and punishes others for noticing."

    Let me point out that there is a yawning gap between what I think you mean, in the absence of any definition from you, by the term "religion" and the activities of true Christians. I don't know much about Shinto or Bhuddism or many other religions that might fall under your umbrella. I can speak to Christianity.

    Whatever humans interact with will get politicized. In some cases, science itself, as practiced, has been unwelcoming to new insights and seeks to badger those who advocate those insights. Everyone knows the physics of seatbelts but school buses still operate without them.

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  14. church screw-ups from ignorance

    I digress...
    At one time in Puritan New England, if a baby was born on Sunday, the parents were punished. The reasoning was the baby must have been conceived on Sunday, which to them was forbidden. [I remember a WCG pastor joking about a wife telling her husband, "No sex on the Sabbath!!"]
    The law was apparently revoked when a church leader's wife gave birth on Sunday. [Surely bishop so-and-so wouldn't have done that!]

  15. Dennis, atheists don’t have to worry at all about answered prayer. As predicted, you cannot receive answers. 64. …they will call, but I will never answer, then they may seek, but never shall they find me. 1:28 \[Ever notice unanswered prayer is one of the "main" proofs the a-theist offers against YHWH? Well, that is absolute proof He does exist. He doesn't and will not answer them, just as He said here! Every time they make the unanswered prayer statement they prove YHWH exists and keeps His word!!]

    However, many believers still receive answered prayers, and healings, including myself and family.

    As to your apparent reliance on the medical system, why do you folks never mention the third highest cause of deaths in America? Many children are in those deaths, and you never criticize those deaths, which range in the 100’s of thousands EVERY year. Far more than ever died each year among those you criticize. Typical atheist agenda, accuse everybody you don’t agree with,and praise those who do worse things, as long as they are on your side. I suppose you can’t grasp this, but the deaths caused by the third reason each year are more than all the rcg/wcg splinter group members combined! Atheistic mindset always blinds the eyes to the truth.

    Be glad to compare answered prayers and healings, and doctor visits with you since 1959 to the present anytime.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    6.58 AM
    Dennis, but people were not forced to get into cars or planes in the early days. Those who did so, knew and accepted the risks. By contrast, these COVID vaccines are being forced on people. People do not have a right to play Russian roulette with others lives. But as a former Herb (mis)trained minister, freedom of choice is not your strong suit.
    No one at the moment is forced to do anything. I doubt they ever will be. And your anal-ysis of me back in the day is not even close. Freedom of choice was a hallmark of my advice on all topics from healing and hospitals to those emergency work or whatever weekends one had to go in on the Sabbath. The rule was "go ahead" see you next week. I didn't grow up around the WCG mentality nor bought into it when it was better not to. You have no clue what my strong suits are when it comes to common sense pastoring back in the day.

  17. NeoTherm said...
    Dennis wrote, "Unlike religion of course which makes the same mistakes over and over and then blames and punishes others for noticing."

    Let me point out that there is a yawning gap between what I think you mean, in the absence of any definition from you, by the term "religion" and the activities of true Christians. I don't know much about Shinto or Bhuddism or many other religions that might fall under your umbrella. I can speak to Christianity.

    I was speaking of Fundamentalist/Literalist Evangelical Christianity


  18. FREEDOM: How You Can Reject Modern Medicine And Die Like A Medieval Peasant
    by Rand Paul

    Dying like a medieval peasant sounds wonderful.

    I do not want to be done in by modern medicine's Clot Shot.

  19. In reference to the Cutter Incident, if the same standard were applied today the COVID vaccine would have been pulled early on.
    Medical care is being politicized, and weaponized, which is apparently the reason behind the Obamacare push.

  20. The Elephant in the Room:

    The hallmark of the Philadelphian attitude is brotherly love according to orthodox Armstrongism. This means Philadelphians everywhere would have a high view of the words of Jesus when he said "... Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

    The science is that if you do not get vaccinated or do not wear a mask appropriately, you place your neighbors in jeopardy. You may be an asymptomatic spreader. People you come into contact with may die. Even if there were no science, just anecdote, Paul says, "Abstain from all appearance of evil." And if you do not believe in vaccination because it is a denial of faith in God, then you should renounce all medical procedures not just vaccination. It is not a game of selectivity.

    There is a word for those who do not warm to brotherly love, who would renounce vaccination or mask wearing. It is called Laodiceanism. These are people who place their personal freedom, even when it does not involve anything demanding, ahead of the well being of their neighbors.

    It is ironic that they Armstrongists who deny brotherly love in this way would probably characterize themselves as Philadelphian, conservative, faithful and moral. When in fact they are worldly, following the populist political ideology that is undermining our nation. They entered the Laodicean zone and never really even reflected on it. The have become Tribulation fodder.

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  21. NeoTherm at 6:53 AM said...“There is a word for those who do not warm to brotherly love, who would renounce vaccination or mask wearing. It is called Laodiceanism. These are people who place their personal freedom, even when it does not involve anything demanding, ahead of the well being of their neighbors.”

    Demanding that everyone get untested, unsafe, ineffective “vaccines” that are injuring and killing people like never before is NOT showing any sort of intelligence or love at all.

  22. Neo,
    You know that is a bad argument.

  23. NEO
    I attended church services for eight years during the 1970s, and wouldn't categorize those years as Philadelphian. People wore their Sabbath masks, so there was superficial friendliness, but nothing beyond that.
    That the church was Philadelphian, then Laodicean just after HWAs death, doesn't make sense. People are trying to put a square peg into a round hole.

  24. So let's be logical. This discussion about covid19 and vaccinations is not about Trump or politics but TRUST! We are to trust these institutions responsible for the 3rd leading cause of deaths in this country and whose irresponsibility factors into the 1st leading cause, heart disease? So instead of "learning from our mistakes" we have the opioid crisis, the over prescribing of antibiotics and the over medication/poly pharmacy debacle to name a few! And Big brother pharma, JJ, Pfizer, and AZ, convicted and fined for misconduct, spreading misinformation and fraud? Sounds like rank laziness and greed, not "experience being the best teacher"!!

    Trust whom you will, but I can't trust institutions whose sole purpose and service to mankind is to get rid of the consequences of sin without getting rid of sin itself! If the " love of money " doesn't apply to these guys, it doesn't apply to anybody!

  25. Anonymous (9:10), you wrote "untested, unsafe, ineffective “vaccines"

    This is an assertion without support. There is plenty of support that contravenes your assertion. I suggest you cite your sources on this. And Marjorie Taylor Greene is not a source. And saying that science cannot be trusted is not a valid counterpoint. Hearing this on Faux News is not evidence. It is just a sophomoric argument.

    This line of reasoning is why I think that some in Splinterdom deny that Covid even exists. They know that if it does exist, they have failed their neighbors and failed Jesus. And there may be a special place in Gehenna for them.

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  26. Anonymous (9:52) wrote "You know that is a bad argument."

    I think it is an incisive argument. I suggest you tell me how it is "bad."

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  27. NEO, I did not say "science" cannot be trusted. I said I don't trust institutions, whether they be medical or religious, with such a dismal record of mistakes and corruption as the AMA and Big Pharma. Go back and read the post again and research the assertions made. Unlike Pfizer and their conviction, Nothing I said was misleading!

  28. Public health measures related to Covid-19 are like so many other issues currently confronting our society - uninformed OPINION has been given equal weight to scientific research. Yes, it is certainly true that the pharmaceutical industry has many problems (largely motivated by their insatiable appetite for profits), but the development of mRNA vaccines has been a very positive development. Moreover, things like quarantines and face masks are just plain old common sense tools to mitigate the spread of disease. Are they 100% effective? NO, nothing in this life is! Microscopic germs are going to sometimes slip through the obstacles we erect and infect people, and no vaccine is completely effective in preventing disease. Unfortunately, bacteria and viruses mutate and develop resistances over time (and all of that is aided and abetted by people who refuse to get them). Science seeks truth - it tests hypotheses. By its very nature, Science is continually accommodating new and better information - THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO IGNORE IT or give equal weight to some nut job's conspiracy theory!

    The real question for Christians is: What is the appropriate Christian response? In other words, what should a follower of Jesus Christ do in this instance? For those of us so inclined, we have a record of the things Jesus Christ taught to his followers known as the New Testament. In that book, we are told that Christ taught his followers to be respectful and deferential to government authorities and to accede to their will as long as it doesn't contradict or conflict with their obligation to obey God (and even in those instances, Jesus taught that his disciples should submit to whatever penalty or punishment those civil authorities wished to impose on them in such circumstances). Christ also stressed that we should love each other and minister to each others needs. Moreover, Christ's chief apostle (Paul) taught that your rights and freedoms as a Christian should NEVER be used as an excuse to violate your brother's or sister's conscience. Finally, when Christ was confronted by Satan about God's ability and willingness to protect him from harm, he reminded Satan that God's protection was not something to be tested or taken for granted - that faith didn't need a demonstration or proof. Hence, it is very hard to see how someone who professes to be a Christian could justify being part of the anti-vaxxer or anti-mask crowd!

  29. BP8:

    I did not respond to you but to Anonymous. I do not need to research your assertions. You are setting forward a novel view. The burden is on you to demonstrate that what you are saying is valid.

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  30. NeoTherm said...
    Anonymous (9:10), you wrote "untested, unsafe, ineffective “vaccines"

    This is an assertion without support.

    Bullshit! The Painful Truth has reported on this for a year and a half. There are virologists all over the world that say its not a vaccination including the former CEO of Pfizer. It is prion creator (bio-weapon) which turns the 'vaxed' into a carrier. Where the fuck do you do your research?

    A example can be found here.

    There is a shit load you can do for yourself to protect yourself from any cold virus like covid19. But some people cannot or choose not to do the proper research.

    My advice is to skip the jab. It gets into your DNA and chromosomes. When rats were tested on they all died within 6 months. It most likely will take 1-3 years for a human being to bite the dust.

    I would rather trust my own research over medical charlatans like fauci.
    Didn't any of you learn anything from your cult experience? Apparently not.

  31. Miller Jones
    The science of face masks is debated within the medical community. The recycled air one breathes when mask wearing is medically harmful. Governments have politicized COVID to acclimatize their subjects to tyranny. This is not what Christ had in mind when he instructed Christians to submit to government.
    In my books, you and NEO agree with the narrative and goals of the left wing mainstream media. These goals are not Christian.

  32. Kate Mullane (an infectious disease doctor at the University of Chicago) explains the way that mRNA vaccines work on their website: "The mRNA vaccine platform mRNA or messenger RNA, vaccines teach the immune system to make memory cells. So that if you are exposed to the virus at a future date, the immune system has the ability to rev up production of antibodies rapidly and fight off the pathogen again. An mRNA vaccine is a copy of the genetic code used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to make the spike protein. When the COVID-19 epidemic arrived, researchers from around the world sprang into action to identify and insert the correct genetic code into the mRNA platform.

    mRNA vaccines give that recipe to our immune system. Rather than presenting your body with the dead virus or parts of the virus, mRNA vaccines show your body the blueprint needed to make a viral protein. Your body uses that blueprint to make the SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins without including any part of the virus itself. Once the body has created those spike proteins, the proteins are seen by our immune system and the immune system is able to respond in the same way it would to being infected with a live virus."

    Are they safe? According to her: "In this way, it works just like any other vaccine platform. Preparing your body to fight against the virus if it's ever encountered in the future. However, unlike attenuated or killed vaccines, the person is not infected with a virus, not even one that's been weakened or killed. mRNA is a small fragile fragment of genetic information that's rapidly broken down within the bloodstream and within cells.

    Well, it's a type of genetic material. It cannot interact with, bind to, or affect DNA. It cannot even enter the cell's nucleus where the DNA resides. mRNA is broken down rapidly by enzymes in the bloodstream and in the body once its code is translated to make protein. With advances in technology, it's much easier and less expensive to make messenger RNA and mRNA vaccines in the laboratory, making it easier to produce lots of vaccines, fulfilling the hope for rapid production of safe and effective vaccines during a global pandemic.

    So far, the COVID-19 vaccines appear to be extremely effective, up to 95% effective, and very safe, with allergic reactions reported in only 6.1 cases per one million doses administered."

    You may read her comments in their entirety here: https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/forefront/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/what-is-an-mrna-vaccine

  33. The Painful Truth is reliably anti-science where Covid-19 is concerned, but it is NOT a reliable source of medical information. Herbert Armstrong is the one who denigrated and dismissed ALL human authorities (science, medicine, religion, education, history/politics, etc.) Hence, from my perspective, the cult mindset is perpetuated by those who continue his practice of denigrating and rejecting those authorities.

    There is a right and a wrong way to do research - all successful college students learn this their freshman year! All sources are not equal. Hence, a few good sources buries a multiplicity of bad/inferior/unreliable sources. Moreover, just as scripture is best interpreted in context and by the entire weight of the references/evidence contained therein, scientific or medical advice is best received in the same fashion. In other words, outliers (medical professionals, scientists and studies) should not be given the same weight as the consensus opinion in the field. Finally, if you reject/take yourself out of the mainstream, you are by definition outside of what is regarded as orthodox/normal/conventional.

    Finally, with regard to masks, when one compares the pandemic experiences of Western nations (like the U.S. - where mask wearing is considered awkward and restrictive) with those of Eastern nations (like China - where mask wearing is culturally acceptable), it appears that mask wearing has been efficacious in reducing the impact of the pandemic. Now, admittedly, this could be considered anecdotal evidence, but sometimes good old common sense goes a long way in demonstrating the more appropriate course of action!

    1. Miller Jones
      While HWA did denigrate all human authorities (a major criticism of Mystery of the ages), it was also compartmentalized since he kept pushing that "government is everything," as did his ministers. About of third of the sermons from my first minister were on government.
      But I don't think the compartmentalization worked. As a generality, authority of every manner is esteemed by church members.

  34. Anonymous (2:19) wrote: "In my books, you and NEO agree with the narrative and goals of the left wing mainstream media."

    If I were to claim that the rock beds under Lake Ozark are sedimentary and not igneous would that be liberal or conservative? Is there not a scientific answer to that question without resort to politics? Use of political terms like "liberal" and "conservative" in this context is nothing but special pleading.

    I could claim that the fact that you must drive on the right side of the street is acclimatizing you to tyranny. You should discard your driver's license and drive wherever you want. But as a conservative I would not encourage you to do that because I believe that neighborhood effects must be appreciated. You might kill someone besides yourself.

    Governments advocate opposing Covid with medical science because they have a responsibility to support the welfare of citizens. The politicizers of Covid are on Faux News and those who traipse obseqiously down to Mar-a-Lago.

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  35. NeoTherm said...
    The politicizers of Covid are on Faux News and those who traipse obseqiously down to Mar-a-Lago.

    Seriously, that is your defense. Fucking loser.

  36. "Trust the science" is a slogan to divert attention from the fact that the real science proves covid is just the flu and the fake vaccine is a depopulation bio-weapon.

    What people are really trusting is not the science but Bill Gates, the liar Fauci, the Drug Companies, the CDC (largely privately funded), the Chinese Communist Party, and a pack of cowards afraid to speak out against what they know is a lie.

    The so-called vaccine is a bio-weapon. Medical science at its most sinister. Genocide. Trust the science. Works better than a nuclear bomb. That is science also. People might as well trust in nukes.

  37. Didn't any of you learn anything from your cult experience? Apparently not.

    Right on James. It reminds me of the saying, "a fool at 40 is a fool for life." But it will be a much shorter life now that they got the "vax". Perhaps some are lucky and just got a placebo, but Dr. Charles Hoffe found that 60 % of his patients already have permanent damage (probably fatal) from the "vax."

  38. The "science" was rushed. What kind of science is that? This is totally EXPERIMENTAL science. The results are just now coming in, and the conclusion is that a massive genocide is underway. Worst calamity in human history, by far. Welcome to science, lab rats.

  39. Covid Vaccines: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly


  40. One of the thing this comment section shows is the continual conspiratorial mindset of those who were once entangled in COG communities. It's not just a fluke they got duped, they are the types of people who are always falling for dumb arguments, mistrusting people who know more than them, and always believing they know the "real" truth after reading a few non-mainstream articles about it.

    Oh, and that they're predominantly American. Only Americans are so worried about being anti-Vax and Covid conspiracy-theorists. The rest of the world just laughs at you guys.

  41. One thing should be clear to both sides of this debate: This is NOT just a typical difference of opinion - The stakes here could not be higher - This is a matter of LIFE and DEATH! The consequences of being wrong on this one will have real physical and spiritual consequences for those who are mistaken.

  42. James or whoever wrote "Seriously, that is your defense"

    No, Mr. Potty-Mouth, of course, that is not my defense just an observation. You seem to be really emotional about your idiosyncratic and untenable view point. You might tell us what the real reason is behind your objections to science and medical protocols. I am sure it is just as tawdry as your attitude.

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  43. NeoTherm at 11:22 AM said...“Hearing this on Faux News is not evidence.

    Any resistance by scientists and doctors to Big Government's and Big Pharma's COVID-19 Jab Agenda is BANNED at Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.

    The Mainstream Media is now trying to stir up everyone against the un-Jabbed.

  44. Neotherm,

    I am a researcher and have medical training. Medicine has been politicized. Otherwise it has become corrupted by politicians and others for a agenda. Basic medical knowledge is being ignored. But then again, some people are followers others are leaders.

    Which are you???

  45. "You are setting forward a novel view. The burden is on you to demonstrate that what you are saying is valid".

    Seriously NEO? Do I really have to validate information that has been front page news for years? If you are indeed that lazy, I will make it simple. Go to Wikipedia and look up

    --Medical Errors
    --Healthcare fraud
    --Pharmaceutical medical fraud, corruption, settlements

    BTW. You should talk! You use the word "science" like Armstrongites use "the truth". Without any clear, definitive, and meaningful substance both are just empty terms!

  46. Neo,
    You asked why i thought you gave a bad argument about being a caring christian and not getting vaccine or mask:
    A caring Christian should do those things that would help his fellow man. If masking and the vaccine are believed not to provide that then a caring Christian would not do them.

    Kieren, way too simple to categorize the masks and vaccines as falling for conspiracies. I’m an engineer/scientist, and statistics is almost a hobby. There is some point where vaccines are not age appropriate. Looking at the statstics and risks/rewards, I believe for a healthy person under 60 it is better for all to not get the vaccine. Some go with 70. Some 50. Do you believe those under 30 should be vaccinated? This isn’t black and white.
    I have no desire to have special knowledge (red pill stuff). I’m not given to complete trust in any institutions either. The faults of man are enough to explain the dreadful response to covid without any full conspiracy. There are many in the cogs willing to believe conspiracies as you say, but having moved to being simply a believer in Christ I am exceedingly thankful to no longer be that kind of “special”.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. BP8

    Once again, I was not responding to your original post. I just now went back and read it for the first time. I am not interested in it. I retract what I said about you needing to provide support for a novel view. In fact your view is well worn. I confused you with another thread.

    I believe the term "science" refers to fields of inquiry that use the scientific method. I do not intend to unpack that word every time I use it.

    Let me state it clearly: I was not responding to your original post. I think the topic you brought up is worthwhile. I just am not interested in it in this context. Medical science does make errors, I strongly dislike big Pharma, etc, etc. I believe this has only oblique relevance to the vaccination controversy.

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  49. NeoTherm

    You can accept or deny my credentials. It means nothing to me. I have the experience and wisdom to make rational choices. I will NOT sit idly by and allow others be misled by those who promote a certain ideology or a uneducated point of view that buys them psychological comfort but is detrimental to others.

    So with that said, don't forget to get your third ...fourth and many other jabs that will follow if you will.

  50. Anonymous (2:18) wrote "If masking and the vaccine are believed not to provide that then a caring Christian would not do them."

    I cannot be the judge in this matter. You must make a decision for yourself as to whether or not you honestly believe that vaccines and masking are ineffectual. But it ceases to be a private and personal issue when you one day stand before Christ in the Judgment. There will be a denouement. I am not saying that I always helped when I could but some things are painfully obvious.

    You said "I’m an engineer/scientist, and statistics is almost a hobby." So here is a recent statistic from the Governor of Louisiana: In Louisiana, 97% of the state's COVID-19 cases and deaths since February have been in unvaccinated people, Gov. John Bel Edwards said Friday. (ABC News and also Louisiana Illuminator)

    I am sure you can sort out the meaning of this statistically. I hope you are not to be classed with those poor and wretched souls who use the fabricated excuse of "fake news" to create their own self-serving reality - you know, the people who grovel piteously before the statue of the apotheosized Donald.

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  51. I don’t agree with Neo’s political views regarding Trump. But Trump is gone and I hope Trump finds it in himself to back a less polarizing but similar philosophy of common sense liberty based populism. And no, populism is not a bad word when it is based on freedom to individually create and grow rather than take from others.
    Back to Neo, he sure turns a phrase well.


  52. Bad Government, Big Pharma, and the Mainstream Media Are Conspiring Against You

    This orchestrated mad rush to terrify and vaccinate everyone does not seem like real science. It smells more like political science. That is, it stinks.

    Why were known, safe, and effective treatments for COVID-19 ignored and even forbidden?

    Why would people who had COVID-19 and recovered, and now have immunity, need to be vaccinated for it?

    Why would people age 18 and under who are at virtually no risk from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated for it?

    Why are people who have had all their other vaccinations but who are wary of these rushed, untested, different types of so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” suddenly being labelled as anti-vaxers?

    Why are scientists, doctors, and nurses being censored and deplatformed by Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for their views on COVID-19 and these new so-called COVID-19 “vaccines”?

    Why don't these COVID-19 “vaccines” prevent people from catching COVID-19, or from spreading it to other people, or from developing new variants of it?

    Why is the effectiveness of some of these COVID-19 “vaccines” suddenly dropping from the claimed 95% at the start down to 42% already?

    Will people require regular booster shots every year, or even every few months, forever, to be considered fully vaccinated?

    Why will everyone now need a “COVID-19 vaccine passport” to go anywhere or to do anything?

    Why are all the injuries and deaths from these COVID-19 “vaccines” being totally ignored when they exceed all the injuries and deaths of all the other vaccines combined?

    Why is there such an incredibly wild slander campaign going on now against the unvaccinated?

    This crazy COVID-19 “vaccine” push does not look like merely the usual medical incompetence leading to the usual large medical disasters. Rather, it looks like there is a deliberate and extremely sinister agenda.

    1. "Why were known, safe, and effective treatments for COVID-19 ignored and even forbidden?"

      Since you didn't name one, I can only guess you mean HCQ. It had mixed study results and the known side effects were too daunting for many doctors.

      "Why would people who had COVID-19 and recovered, and now have immunity, need to be vaccinated for it?"

      Studies on antibody presence suggested only 90 days initially. I do not know if that is still the pre-eminent result cited. The potential incubation period is shortened by vaccination, though, meaning that theoretically a vaccinated person has less opportunity to spread it.

      "Why would people age 18 and under who are at virtually no risk from COVID-19 need to be vaccinated for it?"

      Old info. Check the number of younger cases.

      "Why are people who have had all their other vaccinations but who are wary of these rushed, untested, different types of so-called COVID-19 “vaccines” suddenly being labelled as anti-vaxers?"

      Because the COVID vaccine is in the collective consciousness right now? I cant speak for every yahoo on the internet.

      "Why are scientists, doctors, and nurses being censored and deplatformed by Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube for their views on COVID-19 and these new so-called COVID-19 “vaccines”?"

      You'll need to cite a few examples.

      "Why don't these COVID-19 “vaccines” prevent people from catching COVID-19, or from spreading it to other people, or from developing new variants of it?"

      Bruh, do you know how vaccines work? Very few grant sterilizing immunity. They are not force fields from sci-fi films.

      "Why is the effectiveness of some of these COVID-19 “vaccines” suddenly dropping from the claimed 95% at the start down to 42% already?"

      The tweet you are likely referencing came from an unreviewed Mayo Clinic study that found the Pfizer vaccine 42% effective against INFECTION. That would not be news to anyone if the results were verified. Read actual documentation, not screenshots on social media.

      "Will people require regular booster shots every year, or even every few months, forever, to be considered fully vaccinated?"

      Unknown. Do you use this same complaint for other boosters?

      "Why will everyone now need a “COVID-19 vaccine passport” to go anywhere or to do anything?"

      You know perfectly well its not "everyone". Hyperbole is the same as lying.

      "Why are all the injuries and deaths from these COVID-19 “vaccines” being totally ignored when they exceed all the injuries and deaths of all the other vaccines combined?"

      Cite where these injuries and deaths are substantially higher. A source, not a random user-made video or a meme.

      "Why is there such an incredibly wild slander campaign going on now against the unvaccinated?"

      Hyperbole again. Where is this "wild slander campaign" going, Facebook? I can find a "slander campaign" about any hot topic if I generalize enough.

  53. "Why is there such an incredibly wild slander campaign going on now against the unvaccinated?" 10:08 PM

    All the misinformation, the mocking of people who the press and fauci disagree with, is all politically motivated. Control and I believe population control is the basis of this shot. The guy who invented the technology the jab is based on, said it should never be used on a human being. It is experimental, but some people, even here on this forum and others, push vacinations on everyone. If you don't agree a label goes on you like 'anti-vaccer'. One thing these misinformed cretins don't understand is that you can't hope to rid the world of a virus that can infect the entire animal kingdom. Its called 'animal reservoir, and such diseases are not eradicated.

    You learn this stuff when your a pre-medical student.



    Video on BITCHUTE (4 minutes, 15 seconds).

    Copy and paste this address into your browser:


  55. This blog has really degenerated with a couple a people dominating all posts. At least ncr is gone.



    Video on BITCHUTE (38 minutes, 50 seconds).

    Copy and paste this address into your browser:




    Derek Sloan is an independent Member of Parliament (MP) in Canada.

    Derek Sloan got expelled from the Conservative Party of Canada by its current “Liberal Lite” leader Erin O'Toole for a “pattern of destructive behaviour involving multiple incidents and disrespect toward the Conservative team.” Translation: For being a real conservative.

    Derek Sloan announced recently that he plans to start a new political party, to be called the True North Party of Canada if he gets approval for it.

    The current Prime Minister of Canada, and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is talking about having VACCINE MANDATES and VACCINE PASSPORTS.

  57. Ooh, you named someone who "talked about it". That certainly equals "everyone will now need" around the world.

    Talk to your god about the Ninth Commandment. And while you're at it, ask a college student how to cite something.


  58. Anonymous at 12:19 PM said...“Ooh, you named someone who 'talked about it'. That certainly equals 'everyone will now need' around the world.”

    More talk.

    Check out all the “wonderful things” in New York City, and the planned vaccination “Key to NYC Pass” that is being talked about to be allowed access to all of them.

    1. Oooh, a proposal in NYC. That definitely means everyone around the world won't be able to do anything anywhere without some vaccine passport. You exaggerate again.

      So were you born stupid, or is it the onset of senility?


  59. Donald Trump on the plan for Covid-19 Booster Shots: “That sounds to me like a money-making operation for Pfizer.”


  60. Anonymous at 1:37 PM said...“Oooh, a proposal in NYC. That definitely means everyone around the world won't be able to do anything anywhere without some vaccine passport. You exaggerate again.”

    Check out what is happening in the nations of Australia and New Zealand.


  61. Anonymous at 12:19 PM said...“And while you're at it, ask a college student how to cite something.”

    Speaking of college students, ask them if the colleges they go to are requiring them to get vaccinated before they return to their classes this fall.


  62. Anonymous at 1:37 PM said...“Oooh, a proposal in NYC. That definitely means everyone around the world won't be able to do anything anywhere without some vaccine passport. You exaggerate again.”

    Check out what is happening in France.


  63. Anonymous at 1:37 PM said...“Oooh, a proposal in NYC. That definitely means everyone around the world won't be able to do anything anywhere without some vaccine passport. You exaggerate again.”

    Ask the US military what is coming this September 15, 2021.


  64. Anonymous at 1:37 PM said...“Oooh, a proposal in NYC. That definitely means everyone around the world won't be able to do anything anywhere without some vaccine passport. You exaggerate again.”

    “So were you born stupid, or is it the onset of senility?”

    Neither. I was born smart and got even smarter until I became a real smart-Alec.

    But as for you, you are running out of time to babble nonsense in your ignorance. The facts are quickly catching up with you. If you worship Big Pharma, hurry up and get your two or more, and possibly more and more, clot shots and your vaccine passport(s) before you are unable to buy or sell.

  65. (started this days ago, but was interrupted and never back to it)

    Brother Neo, I’ll look into that a bit, but I am the first to say vaccinations for the elderly save.
    It’s frustrating though when these Louisiana stats goes back to February because we were knee deep in the worst 3 months at that point and Louisiana only just began vaccinating in February. So, most were unvaccinated in February and march and April. Mid April the Louisiana (LA) vaccinations had only reached up to 10% at that time and most the deaths had already occurred. See what I’m saying? If the 97% number is accurate, most of the deaths occurred when the population was 0-10% vaccinated. So not unexpected and skewed to a time when the population was unvaccinated. Definitely changes the picture. But then may june and july brought the out of doors months and a drop in covid cases with an increase of shots particularly among the elderly. But, Louisiana has only reached 39% vaccination and now at this point when vaccinations are at their highest and the air conditioning indoor months are in full swing we have a spike. Maybe this is due to delta, but maybe an influx of elderly with vaccinations and noses as full of the virus as those with full blown covid passed it to their kids (1-5% of this million of vaccinated passing it on to their middle aged kids who pass it on to others plays a role in this spike).
    Looking at the weekly death chart for Louisiana from the cdc, it looks like 75% of deaths occurred before an appreciable number of vaccinations had been given and reached effective protection status (there is a time lag between vaccination and protection).
    So, if only 25% of the deaths occurred during a period when the population was advancing from a 10% to a 39% vaccinated population, it tells you the vaccinated did fare better but it seems it was only about 6-7% (my crude math: an average of 25% vaccination rate{average of 10 and39%} of the 25% of deaths that occurred after 75% had died before the vaccine had reached just 10% of the population) were vaccinated on average over the whole length of time. So if 97% of the deaths are in the unvaccinated and only an effective 6-7% were vaccinated over this time. The vaccine protected but only double that of the unvaccinated. So during the vaccinated portion of the Louisiana epidemic it’s closer to 67-70% of the deaths have been among the unvaccinated. So, vaccinations do provide protection but not at a 97:3 ratio as reported but rather a bit higher than 2:1.
    Significant obviously, but why do they have to obfuscate with the 97% unvaccinated number by going all the way back to February when the vaccine was just beginning to be introduced in Louisiana? It is dishonest. Btw my calculations are quite rounded off for easier illustration.
    But now at 39% of the population being vaccinated we have a spike. Somewhat counterintuitive to what most would expect...yes, delta has its effect. But, still, more deaths at higher vaccinations which as I stated above probably are due in part to the vaccinateds viral load giving a higher viral load than at any time during the pandemic.
    Anyway, I'll stop there. My point is that we are being lied to. Do I believe vaccines have helped the elderly? absolutely. Do I think they will help the middle aged? probably in the short-term. But, we do not know the long-term effects. That is a simple fact. People are not unreasonable to not trust those agencies that have intentionally deceived (e.g. 97% deaths are of unvaccinated).


  66. At ZeroHedge on August 23, 2021: Pfizer Jab Receives Full Approval From FDA, Pentagon Mandates Vaccinations For All Troops
