Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Dave Pack: With Jesus Ready To Return Any Day Now, Pack Is Buying Up More Houses Next To His Cult Compound


We have reported here before about how Dave Pack was buying up houses that sit next to his cult compound in Wadsworth, Ohio. That program continues on as he is rushing to buy up all of the houses that form the boundary close to his property.

Exit and Support Network reports:

David Pack Trying to Purchase More Land Again:
August 7, 2021 
I was told by an anonymous and reputable source that David Pack is trying to purchase the homes surrounding his property. When others spoke to people around town, including contractors that visited the campus, alleged strange stories and shady dealings arose. Overall, Pack has purchased many homes along SR261 and Hartman Rd. His goal is to own them all. Facebook is a great place to help spread the word. –[name withheld]

We have been told for months and months that the return of Dave Pack's creature he calls "christ" is imminently ready to return any day now.  During all of this he has been telling his members to give all the money they can give, because of his asinine "all things common" teaching.

There are reports that some of the worldly people living on the grounds next to Dave's compound that RCG has intensified the pressure on people to sell their property to Dave. Once he accomplishes his program to buy all the properties he will have successfully isolated his property from any prying eyes from the unwashed masses when Jesus arrives on the campus. 

RCG members will continue to give Dave millions of dollars to accomplish his desires, all the while they suffer financially.

Also, see:

David C Pack On A Land Buying Spree As Income Declines

Dave Pack adds another home to his growing list of Wadsworth real estate

Restored Church of God looking to expand property


  1. His actions indicate that he doesn't believe his own words (about the imminent return of Christ). That is, he is a knowing deceiver, rather than being self-deceived. If he was sincerely self-deceived, he could receive more mercy.

  2. I'm $ensing a certain in$incerity in hi$ "It won't be long now" fake $ermons and Mini$try

  3. Why does Dave covet his neighbors land so much? He certainly is rich, and increased with goods. It almost seems like he believes that the Lord delays his coming or something.

  4. Sooner rather than later, David Christ will be caught up into the clouds, in this case the clouds surrounding the airplane that jets Dave to safety in some offshore location with no U.S. extradition treaties.

  5. Could it end up being another Jonestown or Waco, only this time in Ohio? There is no one to stop him, he's very unpredictable. All he has to say, maybe during some feast or holy day, all of those of you who can, need to move to Ohio to be on the grounds when Christ returns next week. They'd all go the next day.

    Sing to the tune of the "Addams Family Theme" 1965


    The Restored Church started...
    When Davey C. Pack farted...
    His doctrines are retarded...
    The Dave Pack catastrophe!

    Pack is creepy and he is kooky...
    Mysterious and spooky...
    He is all together pukey...
    The Dave Pack catastrophe!

    The compound is a mausoleum...
    When people come to see 'em
    Pack makes you want to scream...
    The Dave Pack catastrophe!

  7. In Ohio, church owned properties can be exempted from property tax - "but this may be changing". If it does, Dave will be squeezing his members for more money to pay Caesar...

  8. Maybe. The reason he's buying up so much property is when his Christ creature comes back, he's got to have housing for all the angels and saints the CC us going to bring with him! You can't have them stay at a Motel 6 or a Super 8. It wouldn't be 'Ambassador'quality you know.

  9. He's imitating his hero Herb who kept pushing 1975 while building the opulent Ambassador auditorium just prior to the date.
    There's The Herb and the little herbs.

  10. Dave has assured the brethren that the acquisition of houses will not cost the church any money. On the contrary, he said that the money received from rent for these acquired houses will make the church money.

    Dave is just running a non-profit organization for the sole purpose of making a profit - something the lay member and outside observer shouldn't be concerned about at all, right?

  11. It sounds like he's getting ready to become a slum lord. Buy up houses, lure members to sell their own propety then rent them out to the minions at a premium price. Who can't see this?

  12. Not to change the subject but, does anyone have a list of those who left RCG not only at headquarters but members as well?

  13. Not to change the subject but, does anyone have a list of those who left RCG not only at headquarters but members as well?
