Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 6, 2021

Doug Winnail On Modern Misguided Leaders


It is time once again for the weekly Friday night smackdown, but this time it is not LCG members who are the targets but everyone around them in the world. Everyone rejects LCG teachings and the so-called prophetic warnings they are dishing out, though if one was to really pursue LCG's literature and broadcasts those warnings are nothing new and many of them are just as loco as Bob Thiel's warnings.

In LCG's eyes, everyone in the world around them are hypocrites and mockers of LCG's bible-based values. We are also supposed to forget the hypocrisy of LCG  and other COG leaders that are supposed to be leading the "true" Israelites into the Kingdom of God. It's always the other guys that are so bad, not the current church regimes. Never has the COG movement been such a pathetic cesspool of hypocritical weak leaders.

Please tell us what message that LCG leaders have taken to world leaders? None of them, including every single COG leader out there, has gone to speak to any world leader for decades now. They all believe that was Herbert Armstrong's job, but today in 2021 not one single person in any of those countries could tell you what HWA's message was or even who he was. Some gospel message that was! Some warning!

Modern Misguided Leaders of the LCG would be more appropriate.

Modern Misguided Leaders: Some of the strongest condemnations in the Bible are directed at the leaders of Israel who “cause My people to err by their lies and by their recklessness” (Jeremiah 23:32; Isaiah 3:12). Many do not realize these prophetic warnings are dual and apply to leaders in modern Israelite nations today! Not only atheists and agnostics deride belief in God and the Bible, but so do leaders in schools, churches, governments, and the media. The claims that Bible-based values are outdated and repressive, and behaviors condemned in the Bible can be promoted, are going to bring serious consequences on modern Israelite nations who have “forsaken” God and will “reap” what they have sown (Jeremiah 2:17–19). Part of our mission as God’s Church is to be a “voice... crying in the wilderness” (Isaiah 40:3), warning Israelite leaders and nations about the serious consequences that lie ahead. This will take courage and clarity in today’s dark world. Let’s do our job and pray, “Thy kingdom come.”

Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail


  1. The "cause my people to err by their lies and by their recklessness" thingy also applies to splinter ministers and leaders. And their judgment is stricter.

  2. Doug says:
    "...Part of our mission as God’s Church is to be a “voice... crying in the wilderness” (Isaiah 40:3), warning Israelite leaders and nations about the serious consequences that lie ahead..."
    Isaiah 40:3 says: The voice of him that crieth in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God."

    Doug Winnail thinks he and his organization are some John the Baptist!
    Talk about mis-applying God's Word!

    Sorry, Doug, y'all ain't that significant, and are a part of a dying voice in the wilderness among other similar voices.

    God already fulfilled that responsibility you strive to take to SELF!
    Luke 3:4-6 As it is written in the book of the words of Esaias the prophet, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.
    Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth;
    And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
    God does not need your help or your Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM), or for that matter, your 3rd resurrection!

    Doug, still spiritually blind, cannot see that he, himself, is one of those misguided leaders!

    Doug further wrote: "...Let’s do our job and pray, “Thy kingdom come.”..."

    Doug, when will that kingdom come? Prior to your MMM?

    You saw the answer: "And all flesh shall see the salvation of God."

    God didn't lie to us! It is pictured by the 8th day, one of God's annual holydays, but you don't know that yet, and if you did know it, you don't believe it. You don't teach it! You, by another spirit, teach a MMM, and a false Jesus and a false gospel, because you are a misguided leader, and a former hiring of the former wcg.

    The real, true, Evangelist of the Bible preached a true gospel of God's Kingdom, not the false one that you have in mind. As to when All flesh will see that salvation, and see that kingdom, you are over a thousand years off the mark, from the truth!

    Doug, you among other hirings of the former wcg, were all fired!
    Ezekiel 34:10
    "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them."
    Is Doug's voice and the voice of his organization part of a dying, and CRYING, voice among other voices?

    Time will tell...


  3. Winnail wrote "Many do not realize these prophetic warnings are dual and apply to leaders in modern Israelite nations today!"
    However, he provided no biblical proof of that belief.
    The same prophetic warning HWA preached from the 1930's until the 1980's did not apply to the world leaders that he tried to reach.
    I would guess that all the leaders HWA met with are either dead or gone from power.
    None of the famine, plagues, or other calamities HWA warned about in the printed record, ever came to pass - therefore, HWA's warning to the leaders was useless to them in their lives and not applicable to their nations, past or present.
    Sadly but with premeditation, Winnail counts on members who forget or are brainwashed to overlook HWA's failures in warning world leaders and nations.
    So many years after the worthless HWA, and Winnail and LCG have the same prophetic warnings.
    However, LCG is not even trying to reach any world leaders - and Winnail counts on members not to notice that.
    LCG is reaching a very small fraction of the world with it's prophetic warnings - yet, hardly anyone is responding to the LCG.
    Winnail counts on the members believing that LCG is doing a powerful work with a more sure word of prophecy.
    Seems like prophecy warning leaders of misleading and abusing their people applies to Winnail today.
    I hope the members of LCG will wake up to this truth.

  4. Winnail's statement 'prophetic warnings are dual" does indeed has no scriptural basis as anon 4:20 indicates. I remember a minister thought Isa 41:22 "proves" duality but the word "or" in that verse shows the verse states not at all that prophecy is dual. The duality idea is a deception of Satan and Herbert. The "great tribulation" prophecy of Mat 24:21 occurs only once and has already happened long ago. A prophecy for Jerusalem occurs only once - Eze 5:9.

  5. The plague of hypocrites has been upon Christianity for some time.

  6. I agree that Winnail is obviously wrong about "prophetic warnings are dual"
    However, Anon of 4:20 said that LCG has the same prophetic warnings as HWA.
    That's kinda true - but kinda not.
    Yes, LCG relies on the same false prophesies HWA gave, and failed to come true in his stated timeframes.
    However, LCG has subtly, purposefully, changed those prophesizes.
    LCG no longer shouts, "the Germans are coming, the Germans are coming"
    LCG has toned down HWA's prophesies to try to be less provably false, over time.
    Winnail has seen that LCG needs to phrase the prophesies differently than HWA did - so that those prophesies cannot be proven to be false too soon.
    Winnail is purposefully being deceitful in his subtle changes to the prophesies first prophesied by Herbert the Pervert.

  7. In the OT, God warned ancient Israel to repent over many generations. Instead they slid backwards, resulting in military defeat and slavery. The 70 AD horror siege of Jerusalem was one instance of this repeating pattern. Since history does repeat, there will be a modern version. The parallels between the 1920s and the present day is striking.

    Did the OT prophets who warned about a coming disaster waste their time since their nations failed to repent? Most certainly no! A loving God fulfilled His responsibility of giving people the chance to repent and escape harsh punishment. It was a valuable service.
    So any modern version of OT prophets, be it a church leader or church group, should should not be judged by whether their targeted audience repents. It's the opportunity they give that matters.

  8. COGlodyte of August 10, 2021 at 3:25 AM asked: "Did the OT prophets who warned about a coming disaster waste their time since their nations failed to repent?"

    That was said in attempt to cover up Hebert the Pervert's failures, as the COGlodyte goes on to say, "So any modern version of OT prophets, be it a church leader or church group, should should not be judged by whether their targeted audience repents."

    The people Herbie preached to could not repent in response to his warnings because those warnings had nothing to do with their lives.

    The written truth is that Herbie set dates and timeframes to go with the warnings. He prophesied that very certain things would happen within specific timeframes.

    None of Herbie's hundreds of warnings came true. Therefore, Herbie was a false prophet who had no viable message for anyone. The people who heard Herbie did not hear a warning from God or a message that had any relevancy to their lives.

    Fortunately, thousands of more people heard another message - not so much a warning - but a message of hope; one of salvation. Those people did respond, repent and received grace.

    Real Christians have been spreading the message of the gift of salvation through Jesus while COGlodyte prophesies have done absolutely nothing good for the world.
