Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 6, 2021

LCG Continues With More Camps After Having To Close Down A Youth Camp Due To Numerous People Getting Infected With COVID

Just weeks after children and adults, including Gerald Weston and his wife, being infected with COVID and having to shut the camp down, LCG is marching forward with more summer camps for their kids. One would assume they would have erred on the side of caution and shut things down to prevent more infections, but this is a COG after all. God is on their side and no one will suffer.

Greetings from Charlotte,
We are thankful to have received the keys to the new Canadian office this last week, and our staff is now moving in. By the time you see this, the Adventure Camp will be underway in the spectacular Bob Marshall Wilderness Area of northwest Montana and the West Virginia Preteen Camp will be in the history books. The 2021-2022 Living Education on-site program is getting underway—orientation begins next week and classes begin August 16. Mr. Dan Hall will be filling in for me at the Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, Tomorrow’s World Presentation this Sabbath. Next week we have Tomorrow’s World presentations scheduled for Long Island, New York, and Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Smith announced that the September Tomorrow’s World magazine is now being printed, with 498,000 copies. As with others who contracted the coronavirus at camp this year, Carol and I are recovering. Carol is getting back to normal and I’m following close behind. Please remember to pray for those who have not yet recovered and are still battling this disease.—Gerald Weston

Living Youth Camp – Must Read if Someone in the Congregation Attended Teen Camp

This year, we concluded the Teen Camp in Athens, Texas, early because of concerns about COVID cases and exposure. Staff and campers received an email last week describing our efforts to relieve any financial burden that might have been caused by the early shutdown. We are refunding camper tuition and offering assistance to staff and campers who incurred additional fees for flight changes to return home early. As a reminder, the deadline for any requests for assistance is August 11. 

Rain miracles happen at Preteen Camp!  

West Virginia Preteen Camp

This is day three of preteen camp. We have 87 campers and staff enjoying the beautiful Mercer County, West Virginia, 4-H camp facilities. A week that was forecast to be filled with rain has turned into partly cloudy skies, sunshine, a breeze, and temperatures in the low to mid-70s— “Gorgeous” would be an understatement. We asked God to hold us under His wings and to give His angels charge over us, as Psalm 91:4 and 11 mentions. And wow!—has God delivered! Yesterday (Tuesday) was supposed to be rainy and we had many outdoor activities, including a bonfire and sing-along planned. All have been praying fervently for God’s intervention in the weather. During the sing-along, we felt a couple raindrops hit our sing-along books, but a glance a hundred feet to the side saw rain pouring down... rain that never reached our location. It was as if we had a giant umbrella over us. Overall, health has been good and we’ve had only a few bumps and scrapes and a couple of runny noses. We continue to pray for God’s protection for our health. Things are running very smoothly and there is a level of peace that I’ve not felt to this degree at any of the previous preteen camps I have attended (and I have attended some excellent camps in the past). Our camp theme this year is “God’s Way Works,” and campers and staff are intent on proving this theme to be true. Thursday is our last full day of camp and we are excited about our final activities. We are super grateful to God for His blessings, protection, and mercy.—Scott Winnail

Wonder if they will ever have a summer camp that is all about "Why Jesus Way Works Best"? 


  1. Well, this LCG parent refused to let my kids go to Adventure Camp after hearing about all the sick people exposed last month at an earlier camp. Our leaders show extreme stupidity at times.

    1. Wise thinking 7:15. You're not alone in thinking that way either. So not alone.

  2. "God's way works??"
    That has never been the Herb church culture. Which is why his church fell apart on his death. The under the table belief was that "bully morality works." And it does work. After all, Esau did get his bowl of stew. Hence the ministers under Herb lorded it over the flock, used extortion, threats, slander, character assassination. lies, verbal murder (tearing down members some, to make the controllable is 'good') etc, etc.
    And Joe Tkach was conviently used as the scape goat for the negative fall out. Herb is pure. It's all Joe's fault.

  3. Remove that abusive anti-child photo. It is appalling and a new low for this blog.
    That's what bad Ministry think of children and hiw strange you do to.

  4. These camps are important to LCG leadership because they are trying to preserve the supply of future tithe payers.
    It won't work.
    Most kids will grow up to see the truth about LCG.
    Even in Doug Winnail's family only one out of two remained in the COG.
    The few kids that remain brainwashed won't be able to sustain LCG's current "work" even as miniscule as it is.

  5. Reading the LCG info from the last blog entries, it seems that faith keeps way raindrops, but is powerless against Viruses.
    Viruses don't care what you think.
    For those of you who believe the seven days of creation -what day were viruses created? And were they very good? Why are they not mentioned in the Isaiah peace chapter?
    Same goes for microbes - some of harmful to us, and some we cannot live without.
    Why would humans be created with a need for microbes?

  6. Why are microbes important for the body, 8:34?


    When the spiritual body comes (1 Cor 15:44), there won't be a need for them anymore.

  7. Covid is a hoax. Churches who don't know that are led by bind fools. Stop listening to fake news.


  8. Another government official admits purpose of measures is to stop the spread of INFORMATION.


    Perhaps they have learned something from Flurry's no contact policy.

  9. Hey Anonymous Parent of August 6, 2021 at 7:15 PM - you made the right decision about protecting your children from COVID.
    Please consider also protecting your kids from LCG.

  10. Anon August 7, 2021 at 10:56 AM I agree with you that microbes are important for the body.
    My question is why we would have been created requiring them. Evolution looks like it has much more valid reasons.
    The Book of revelation after everyone has been made spirit then at the end has the tree of life (Rev 22 v2) with its leaves for the healing of all nations.
    Sounds like the author of the book of Revelation had different ideas from you on the needs of spirit beings.

    1. 8.43 AM
      The word "healing" in Rev 22:2 is translated as "household" in Matthew 24:45 and Luke 12:42. So it refers to the staff that keeps a large house running efficiently.

  11. The photo is from the St Trinian's movie franchise.
