Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Commercial Break: Still on Track!


Prophecy Update 

"We are entering the final window these next few days and are STILL right on track! It would take several hours to explain all the wonderful things that will happen sooner than we thought. Again, we are EXACTLY—I might say even EXQUISITELY—where we should be, particularly with the Sabbath just ahead. Keep watching!"

-Mr. Pack


  1. I'm soooo excited. I can hardly wait for Dave's new revelations. Aren't his members blessed to have him as their leader?

  2. When does it end!!! Oh wait…. That would expose too much.

  3. Dave should do what Dr Tkach has done: appoint some stooge to run the show and retire on his $$$ HUGE ARMSTRONG-like EXECUTIVE SALARY $$$

    1. Dave would never let someone else run his show.

  4. Watching the latest Polk County video report on the recent child predator sting, I sometimes marvel at the parallels of the revelations of the guilty persons conduct with that of the leader of the Restored Church of God.

    Many of the arrested work in and operate in a sphere of splendor and beauty that comprises many of Florida's entertainment venues populated continually with children and teens.

    Who has ever gone to one of these perfectly manicured beautifully designed venues with their families and ever thought for a minute that there is much evil working out front and lurking behind the scenes?

    One of the guilty persons prior to showing up to engage with a presumed 13 year old girl said he wanted to enjoy this opportunity - not wanting to rush things and liked to play "games" of real life role playing.

    Dave Pack, before showing up to engage his membership this weekend, tells them that his fantasies - "all the wonderful things" that are to happen will take several hours to explain.

    Another of the guilty persons who was caught abusing an eight year old girl and told the arresting officers he knew what he was doing was a horrible act, must have thought in his mind that irregardless of the horribleness of this act, he was exactly and exquisitely where he wanted to be, which is right where Dave in his intercourse with his membership tells them they are at in this present time.

    That same man who abused the eight year old girl admitted to the authorities that the young girl would need a lot of counseling to overcome what he did to her. Would Dave admit the same thing after this once again weekend act of fancy?

    Dave Pack works and lurks in a little piece of Ohio splendor preying upon the pious with childlike personas to fulfill his warped mindful fantasies. There isn't any differences to what happened in Polk County except those in Polk County are going to jail for a long time and the man hailing from the town of Elijah Wadsworth said he is going to go on and COMPLETE THE CAMPUS.

    In the end, where does this leave the spiritually and physically ravaged membership? And what do they go on to?


  5. "It would take several hours to explain all the wonderful things that will happen sooner than we thought. Again, we are EXACTLY—I might say even EXQUISITELY—where we should be, particularly with the Sabbath just ahead. Keep watching!" -- Dave Pack

    More likely, it will take Dave Quack hundreds of hours more to make up all the stupid and evil things that will never happen even much later than they ever thought. Stop watching!
