Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Gerald Flurry Now Sending Offering Envelopes To Children In PCG


Church of God leaders have always been good about how much money they can milk their members out of. Due to the tithing hoax that the Church of God has promoted for decades by having members tithe 30% of their income, tithe on their tithe, give money to building funds, fund private jets and airplane fuel funds, give special offerings, host garage sales/fundraisers, and those idiotic Member/Co-worker letter end-time push solicitations. Not satisfied with the amount of money they are currently raking in, they expect more from their members. 

Gerald Flurry and his elite boys in Edmond, who live on the cult compound in housing with free maintenance and upkeep, are now sending out offering envelopes to children of members. This is a great way to keep tabs on parents to make sure they are teaching them cult doctrines and also monitor the youth to see how engaged they are in the church. If you don't send in the money you won't be going to summer camps!

Exit and Support Network has this up:

GF Says Children Will Now Receive Offering Envelopes:
August 4, 2021
Andrew Locher sent a letter to the members which included their offering envelopes for the fall holy days. In this letter he said that GF “has requested that offering envelopes also be sent to the children of members and prospective members so they might be taught the principle of cheerfully giving back to God according according to how He has blessed us.” You can read the letter here in PDF: Offering Letter 2021 –Anonymous

While members are being milked to send their tithe money for the final end time push, Gerald and Lil'Stevie are spending money as fast as it comes in. The Edmond cult compound is on a building spree with all kinds of new buildings. The Edstone England cult compound is building and buying new farm animals. Flurry's grandkids have new modern state-of-the-art dance studios built so they dance their Dance of David. Flurry's grandkids are flown to dance competitions. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are being bankrolled into Celtic Throne dance productions in various cities and members are told to give money to buy fuel for Flurry's private jet.



  1. Whats next???... offering envelopes for you pet cat and dog?

  2. I don't quite understand. If we are in the remaining last years like Flurry claims, why is he building more complexes at the Flurry Compound. He is practicing the HWA way of YOU give, HE GETS.

  3. Train up a child in the way he should go....

  4. Well Tonto,
    offering envelopes for your pet dog and cat is an excellent idea.
    My cat left an offering in the litter box this morning, so……………..

  5. Building sprees = "Of course we don't believe any Jesus is really coming back anytime soon"

  6. "Train up a child in the way he should go...."

    which way is that? Be baptized into the cult and tithe? The New Covenant does not require tithing. Any COG that says it does is lying to their followers

  7. This is nothing new! My child was receiving them 20+ years ago.

    Who send this crap in? Yes they do it. No it’s nothing new.

  8. Chill out 8:46! Bloody hell! Take a deep breath and relax.

    My children never received an offering envelope until their late teens and then it was because they were involved in the youth program.

    1. Sorry not true…….they mail them out immediately when they are born and get entered in to their data base. I’m sure there are other x or current PCGers out there who can back this up.
      My point is only that the information should be accurate, when it’s not it gives people who may be on the fence doubts and and make it easier to believe the Pcg’s propaganda that people who leave are all evil, and liars and nearly speaking to them will put your enternal life at risk.

  9. 7:43

    Train up a child in the way he should go....

    No child should ever be "trained" in the church of god. They aren't dogs to be trained.

    1. 10.53 PM
      My elementary teacher often said that if our class was born in China, we would believe things very different to what we presently believe. It's true. It's universal. Children have, and always will be trained as dogs. It's whàt God created.
      Btw, it's why God instructs to "prove all things" in later years.

  10. I remember similar things from when I was a Catholic/Protestant (a family thing...)child. At catechism class we were instructed about 10% tithing, and I remember asking the nun about people who make, say, $500 a week, must they give $50? - to me that must have been a lot of money. Asking around, I got answers of yes, no, and "no one makes that much money". And I remember lots of collections during mass.
    Then in Sunday School we were shown a slide show style animation about tithing and how important it is and where the money is used. And there was the handout of envelopes -- no decorations, just a place to write your name.
    So COGs aren't the only groups that start young with calling in the cash...

    1. Thought you supposed to be CGI born and bred Hoss ?

  11. The latest wind of doctrine trend emerging seems to be twisting and messing around with tithing and offering. Weirdos doing weird things. Nothing new.

  12. Hoss said, "Then in Sunday School we were shown a slide show style animation about tithing and how important it is and where the money is used." "Where the money is used" without being very specific. It might be very awkward today for the RCC to explain how the money is used. "Pay for sexual abuse lawsuit settlements $____________.00.

  13. Thought you supposed to be CGI born and bred Hoss ?

    No, I had the "Orange and Green" upbringing, German Catholic and Irish Protestant. My background may still be posted over at the Painful Truth website.

    Another anecdote... when I was in the Protestant camp... One day my mother received the church receipts for the IRS, and joked that my annual total was only $5. Perhaps she didn't appreciate that it represented the tithe of my $1 weekly allowance.

    1. German Catholic and Irish Protestant. What a very strange background....then how did you end up in CGI ?

  14. ut there also arose false prophets among the people, as among you also there will be false teachers, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, denying even the Master who bought them, bringing on themselves swift destruction. Many will follow their immoral ways, and as a result, the way of the truth will be maligned. In covetousness they will exploit you [KJV- make merchandise of you] with deceptive words: whose sentence now from of old doesn't linger, and their destruction will not slumber. 2 Peter 2:1-3 WEB

  15. "Train up a child in the way he should go..." (and when old he won't depart from it)

    This tends to be true in 90+% of cases, being one of those occasional bible verses that actually correspond to reality.

    I remember as early as 9-10 yrs old, being encouraged to give 10% of my allowance, which I obediently did. Well, it became a behavioral habit that continued on into my late teens and college, and was difficult to eventually break away from.

    PCG (and the others) do this because they know it works in the long term. Not that tithes/offerings from children are going to significantly support his private jet, but what it means when they get jobs and continue the practice.


  16. We had these in the Baptist Church when I was growing up. They were passed out in Sunday School. Peer pressure dictated that you put some coin in. It had a place for your name, and Sunday School class. I remember they played the classes against each other to achieve 100% giving.

    Looking back on it, I suppose they meant well, but coercion is not the best way to teach anything.

  17. A smiling cartoon dog with a human tee-human is suppose encourage a young humans to give money? Did not think COGs had much use for cartoon; so what is the ploy here on the minds of children?

  18. "A smiling cartoon dog ..."

    It reminds me of a Simpsons episode, in which Maude Flanders said that Todd used to watch "Davey and Goliath" but stopped because "he thought the idea of a talking dog was blasphemous."

    But talking jackasses are okay...

  19. Just realised that the the new information is that they are sending offering envelopes to the children of prospective members. They have always been sending them to members children. But to the children of people who aren’t even members is PATHETIC! But then again they are quickly shrinking in membership so every penny counts!

  20. ...then how did you end up in CGI ?

    No, never did...
    I started listening to GTA in my early years, and once I left home joined the WCG. After the Tkatch breakup, I went dormant, but started splinter hopping when websites began popping up.
    CGI was one consideration, but I only got as far as email contact. My next stop was CEM, but nothing permanent. It was while reading Ron Dart's book on "Laws and Covenants" that I realized something was fundamentally askew in the COG structure.

  21. Just wondering, have any of the leaders like Flurry or Pack ever subjected themselves to a pay cut or decrease. I know HWA never did and was known to keep a stash of several thousand $$$ after the state of California receivership. I never have known any of these self appointed apostles to deprive themselves of any expense.
