Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, September 16, 2021

LCG: One of the great blessings of the Holy Days is that they teach us about Christ…Oops! I mean MONEY!


Gerald Weston admits what the Holy Days are all about in the LCG:

Greetings from Charlotte,
One great blessing of God’s Festivals is that they teach us lessons in the use of money. We learn budgeting from faithfully saving a second tithe, but there are other lessons. A lesson I learned early on was that it is okay to spend money. My parents came through the Great Depression and taught me to save, but not how to spend on myself—and that was not all bad. But guilt is removed when you save for a specific goal and spend it accordingly: “I know that nothing is better for [men] than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God” (Ecclesiastes 3:12–13). Another lesson is found in Acts 20:35: “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Enjoy the fruits of this past year’s labors, share with others, and have a profitable and wonderful Feast of Tabernacles!—Gerald Weston

Get behind me, Jesus! 


  1. Yeah right. How many of the elite in LCG will take any of the lowly members out to dinner? As they are ensconced in their ministerial dining rooms and luxury suites, the rest of the masses are at Motel 6 or Denny's.

  2. Yup. Three feasts. But seven holy day offerings. How's that for increase...uh, I mean....extortion?

  3. Money, money, money. Give (to us) give (to us) give (to us). I had to look outside of LCG for healthy attitudes on money and really to have a decent understanding of money. I’m glad I did.

  4. Give until it hurts! Don't forget that tithe of the tithe. That's one percent for the top one percent to keep the lamest show on earth running.

    1. 12.16 AM
      The line was 'give until it hurts, then give some more.'
      Btw, the ministers were takers, not givers.

  5. Crown Financial Ministries (founded by the late Larry Burkett) says Jesus talked about money more than any other subject.

    So if He can do it....

  6. There is much to be gleaned from studying (or even observing) the festivals, but how to spend money on yourself isn't one of them!

    Some thoughts on the proper relationship of those days to New Covenant Christians:


  7. Anon, September 17, 2021 at 7:29 AM, said:

    "...12.16 AM
    The line was 'give until it hurts, then give some more.'
    Btw, the ministers were takers, not givers..."
    Wow, that makes it sound like the ministers, some of the former WCG hirelings who were supposed to guide and feed God's flock, professed to do so, and then got members to serve them by having them cut their lawns, babysit their kids (did any ministers ever babysit your kids?), paint their homes (any help paint your home), take a vacation for a week or two in one of your vacation condos free of charge, sit in the special "higher places" of the Feast of Tabernacles, etc.

    Is there anything new under the sun in this regard?

    Is it blessed are the takers? Blessed are the givers?

    Time will tell...


  8. Re: Some thoughts on the proper relationship of those days to New Covenant Christians

    Very good, nice work! Ron Dart was probably the closest splinter leader to first century understanding. But, there were a few throwbacks in his understanding, and one was about tithing. Where I think Ron really lost it was his attempt to prove what was in and out of the New Covenant. For that, his response was a lot better than the other weak attempts I've read, but Ron was still unable to provide supportable proof of what he claimed.

    'give until it hurts, then give some more'

    The problem is always give what, and give to whom. When Jesus 'spoke about money' He would say 'Give to the poor'.

  9. This is the time of the year when feast going Armstrongites probably imagine those of us who became enlightened and left as wearing T-Shirts that read "Screw the Sabbath! Eternal Death is a Gas!" Or, " Kiss me! I'm Antinomian!" But, I'm into the whole brevity scene, so my T-Shirt simply reads "Science!"


  10. G. Weston said: "My parents came through the Great Depression and taught me to save, but not how to spend on myself—and that was not all bad. But guilt is removed when you save for a specific goal and spend it accordingly: “I know that nothing is better for [men] than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God"

    From my vantage point, Gerald, by quoting this verse in Ecclesiastics just unbound the requirements of tithing and offerings. "Of all" does mean of all.

    Since no one will be laboring (for money) during the Feast, we know this isn't just a Feast message.

    So if "all" of the reward of a man's labor is dispersed for food and drink and enjoyment and rejoicing and doing good, where does that leave the boys in Charlotte?

  11. So wished the LCG leadership showed real leadership and make the Feast an online event. Or maybe even a shared reading event done at home. Tell everyone to read certain Biblical passages or writings they made at a certain time. I cannot imagine how anyone could order people to gather together while Covid Delta is causing so much pain and misery.

  12. Don't know about about Tabernacles being a online reading event Redfox712 but the is tremendous danger in the 'proceed as usual' attitude that prevails throughout the church at the moment. This attitude not only prevails in LCG but throughout all of them.

  13. Typical of Weston, his writing is lacking Jesus.
    The unabridged collection of all COG writings proves that Jesus is not highly valued in their belief system.

    Luke 12:34
    For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

    Unlike the LCG, there are several Christian ministries that have "Treasuring Christ" as their motto, title of a book, study series, children's books, etc.

    Philippians 3:8
    What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.

    Weston could have used Philippians 3:8 for a lesson, or even the theme, of the Feast - but according to the abundance of his words, his heart is not there.

  14. Surprising to see Weston mentioned giving to the poor.
    The COGs have no legacy of taking care of the week, needy, or poor.
    The official COG doctrine, echoed in every Spokesmen's Club, and church conversation, was that only the Kingdom will take care of these needs in the world.
    While that is ultimately true, that sentiment is against all the words of Jesus instructing us to care for the poor.
    Weston, and the rest of the ministers are not poor, so I encourage the people to spend their tithe of the tithe and offering money on those who need some help.

  15. I think the weekly services should only be streamed let alone the FoT.

    But on the bright side my Dad will be gone so he cannot interfere with some of the work needed around our place.

    Oh and since he is an anti covid vaxer maybe I can get my little brother to come see Mom & me next weekend (he's not blood but as the saying goes A friend that sticks closer than a brother). My Bro. is fully vaxed as am I, he got the vaccine to avoid covid, I got it to get rid of covid long haul and thankfully did :)

    Hope Y'all have a good one,

  16. “Support the weak”!! That is a complete JOKE!! If you do not tow the Party line they CAST YOU OUT AS TRASH!, It is PRAY, PAY, and OBEY!! If you don’t believe me; try telling Scott Winnail or one of them that they are WRONG!! They do not tolerate anything but their own TWISTED reasoning!!! They have a WARPED perception of reality!! If you want to make God laugh, TELL HIM YOUR PLANS!!😂😂

  17. I wonder why some of these ACOG leaders don't just set up a church marijuana dispensary to fund their ministries. I understand that these are very profitable, plus they deal strictly in cash. It'd be a hell of a lot more effective than the personal appearance campaigns that unknowns with no drawing power attempt.

    1. They would have to set up an entirely new church called the CACCOG. (Cheech And Chong Church Of God!)
