Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

UCG Ministers Critiquing Each Others Sermons


Imagine that, UCG ministers critiquing each other. All of that back-slapping must have been painful.

The Word Fitly Spoken Clubs: From all accounts received, the first round of The Word Fitly Spoken Clubs for all pastors was a great success. For eight weeks, eight ministers met online to critique one another’s sermons. There has been much camaraderie and good will in all groups and many have expressed how helpful it was in becoming more focused in their speaking.


  1. Well, this does not seem to have worked with our minister. His sermons are boring as hell. It's like he preaches the same sermon every 2 years or so, week after week.

  2. I guess we could call this "peer review". Not necessarily a bad thing if it was done a la Spokesmen's Club, in which one considered the dreaded "whitewash brush" as one evaluated. You'd almost have to have been there to determine whether this was done in any sort of constructive way, and without rank interfering. There was probably some backslapping, though.

  3. And the source is ??? This is not common knowledge amongst the UCG membership so how does NO2HWA know ?

  4. It might be more productive if the members were the ones asked to critique the sermons, since they are the ones who have to sit through them week after week. They would have to do it anonymously of course, so there would be no negative repercussions if someone gives a negative critique.

  5. There is no way UCG would ever allow members to critique ministers' sermons. They know what the outcome would be.

  6. Either you innately have the gift of speaking , or you dont. The proclivity is developed early on in childhood.

    Training can help , but only very marginally.

    Some of the UCG speakers have the power and presentation skills, but fail greatly at the content creation side of it. They may benefit from "script writers" who pre package boiler plate sermons for them.

  7. Some probably need to take a basic course on proper interpretation of Scripture. Many C of G folks just look up passages to support their views. They use the Bible like a drunk uses a lamp post, for support, rather than for illumination.
    They are famous for taking passages out of context, twisting them and ignoring any passage that might argue against their views.

  8. Sadly, one of the critiquers (and best speakers) was Pastor Ken Martin. He died weeks before the Feast.

    P.S. The source of this is the minutes from the summer Council of Elders meetings. If it's not "common knowledge," that tells you how well-read the minutes are.

  9. Oh Please! The spirit of political war and power positioning has so influenced the church of God in these latter days that I very much doubt half the 'new' speakers even write their own material.
    The biggest giveaway is when they hold Bible studies and the 'new' speakers can't even read and explain basic scripture. Yet there they are in services yapping away. Yeah, yapping away with another's script.

    I doubt even God listens to them. Has God turned His back on the COG ?

  10. Do you think that Dr. Doug Winnail is ghost writing canned sermons for these new speakers? He is known for recycling materials, after all!

  11. Another perfect example of the “BLIND leading the BLIND”!!

  12. Just about non of the Herb or splinter ministers were, or are book readers. And it shows. In fact I question whether some of them have ever read a book cover to cover after their AC or equivalent training. To me, there should be an intellectual wing that gives out material to these ministers. It's obvious that some tele evangelists have such people working for them, as does the Catholic church.
    Self help books leave ACOGs sermons in the dust.
