Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Crackpot Prophet Brags About Spanish Language Articles While Not A Single One Talks About Jesus

Where's Jesus? Can you help Bob Thiel find him? 

There is one thing about Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior of 299 Caucasian and 3,000 Africans, is that he is consistent in the fact Jesus is the most ignored Bible topic he never speaks about. There are hundreds of useless irrelevant articles on nothing but just plan crap that top his priority list for his few followers.

Here is the list of articles that he is bragging about that are now available in the Spanish language. Jesus is nowhere to be seen. 

Not one single article talks about grace, justification, or sanctification. Not one single article about why none of the crap posts below would be worrying to any follower of Jesus. Not one single article about putting one's faith in things higher than the worthless crapfest of worrisome things he posts daily and that not one single person in Africa gives a rats ass about. 

Jesus has always embarrassed Bob Thiel and a host of other COG leaders. They would rather play themselves as painted whores to the law than ever delight in being a follower of Jesus.

The Continuing Church of God continues to get additional materials translated into the Spanish language.
Here are links to the latest news posts we received today: 
‘Is Biden’s relationship with Europe beyond repair?’
‘Está la relación de Biden con Europa más allá de toda reparación?

‘Gold Will Explode; The Dollar Will Implode When The Markets Figure This Out’
‘El oro explotará; el dólar se desmoronará cuando los mercados entiendan esto’

BBC: Mass protests in Poland amid EU exit fears
BBC: Masivas protestas en Polonia en medio de temores de salida de la UE

CG7-Denver member decried loss of doctrine
Miembro de CG7-Denver condena pérdida de doctrina

ZH: “So Deeply, Deeply Wrong” – Lithuanian Without Vaccine Pass Describes Life Under Medical Tyranny
ZH: “Tan profundamente, profundamente malo” – Lituanos sin pase de vacuna describen la vida bajo la tiranía médica

Evidence of the Great Flood from China
Evidencia del Gran Diluvio desde China

DW: EU-UK trade war looming as Northern Ireland Protocol tensions hit boiling point
DW: Guerra comercial UE-Reino Unido tejiéndose mientras tensiones por el Protocolo de Irlanda del Norte alcanzan el punto de ebullición

FT: Europeans Should “Prepare For Demographic Replenishment By Arabs And Asians”
FT: Los europeos deberían “prepararse para reabastecimiento demográfico por árabes y asiáticos”

WND: Jonathan Cahn finds remarkable ‘harbinger’ in Afghanistan withdrawal
WND: Jonathan Cahn encuentra notable ‘presagio’ en la retirada de Afganistán


Jewish perspective of the role of Christianity in God’s 6,000 year plan
Perspectiva judía del papel del cristianismo en el plan de 6,000 años de Dios

First Baptist Pastor Alan Rudnik posted seven reasons he feels that a Christian should celebrate Halloween
Primer Pastor Bautista Alan Rudnik publicó siete razones por las cuales él siente que un cristiano debería celebrar Halloween

Forbes’ article predicted 2020’s could be worst USA decade–it will get even worse than we have seen
Artículo de Forbes predijo que los años 2020s serían la peor década de los EE.UU. – ella será incluso peor de lo que nosotros hemos visto

‘BREAKING NEWS: More Than A Dozen Shot, One Dead After Shootout In St. Paul Bar’
‘BREAKING NEWS: Más de una docena de hridos por disparos, un muerto tras tiroteo en bar de San Paul’

UK and USA want more surveillance, yet do not consider them privacy invasions. What about 666?
El Reino Unido y los EE.UU. desean más vigilancia, no obstante no consideran que ello sea invasiones a la privacidad. ¿Qué hay acerca de 666?

104th anniversary of the ‘miracle of the sun’
104° aniversario del ‘milagro del sol’

‘China’s Xi Vows ‘Reunification’ with Taiwan, but Holds Off Threatening Force’
‘Xi de China expresa votos por la ‘reunificación’ con Taiwan, pero rechaza amenazar con la fuerza’

Clean and unclean meat arguments, COVID, and scripture
Discusiones sobre carnes limpias e inmundas, COVID, y la Escritura

NTEB: Yes, Bill Gates Is Working Around The Clock To Bring A Global Identification System Based On The COVID Immunity Passport To Every Nation On Earth
NTEB: Sí, Bill Gates está trabajando contra el reloj para conseguir un sistema global de identificación basado en el Pasaporte de Inmunidad COVID para toda nación sobre la Tierra

The Hill: The real reason Biden is going to the COP26 climate summit
The Hill: La verdadera razón por la que Biden va a ir a la cumbre climática COP26

WND: Catholicism’s ‘final trial’ before Jesus’ return?
WND: ¿’Prueba final’ del catolicismo antes de que regrese Jesús?

CBS: Biden-Harris Administration unveils $1.75 trillion spending plan; PCG: When America Defaults, How Will Europe React?; COGwriter: PCG left out Habaakkuk
CBS: Administración Biden-Harris revela plan de gastos por $1.75 trillones; PCG: Cuando América se quiebre, ¿Cómo reaccionará Europa?; COGwriter: PCG dejó por fuera a Habacuc

‘Vatican conference convenes experts to study early Christian history’
‘Conferencia vaticana convoca expertos para estudiar la primera historia cristiana’

Metaverse and ‘Europe’s Digital Services Act: on a Collision Course With Human Rights’
Metaverse y Acta de Servicios Digitales de Europa: En curso de colisión con los derechos humanos

ZH: MEPs Protest “Oppressive” Vaccine Passports, Question Why “Political Elites Push This Agenda This Hard”
ZH: MEPs protesta por “opresivos” pasaportes de vacuna, pregunta por qué las ‘élites políticas impulsan esta agenda tan fuertemente’

AP: UK’s Johnson warns of ‘doomsday’ as climate summit begins; BB: France Says Britain Must Be Punished for Brexit, Leaving EU Should be ‘More Damaging than Remaining’
AP: Johnson del Reino Unido advierte del ‘día del juicio final’ mientras comienza cumbre del clima; BB: Francia dice que Betraña debe ser castigada por Brexit, dejar la UE debería ‘ser más nocivo que quedarse’

YouTube censors: COVID-19: Eat what is good!
Censuras de YouTube: COVID-19: ¡Coma lo que es bueno!

Joe Biden pledges to 2030 at COP26; Moshe Feiglin warns climate, like corona, is the ‘new paganism,’
Joe Biden se compromete para 2030 en COP26; Moshe Feiglin advierte que el clima, como el corona, es el ‘nuevo paganismo’

CBS: A potentially faster-spreading Delta variant, A Y.4.2, has been spotted in 8 states; CMI: Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 efficiently evades vaccine-induced immunity
CBS: Una variante Delta que potencialmente se esparce más rápido, AY.4.2, ha sido detectada en 8 Estados; CMI: Variante emergente A.30 de SARS-CoV-2 de manera eficiente evade inmunidad inducida por vacunas

US voters push back against some ‘progressive’ matters
Votantes de los EE.UU. presionando para echar hacia atrás algunos temas ‘progresivos’

Revelation 2 & 3: Seven Churches and Messages
Apocalipsis 2 & 3: Siete Iglesias y Mensajes

How did early Christians view the Godhead?
¿Cómo veían a la Divinidad los primeros cristianos?

‘Iran Warns Nuclear Talks Would Fail Unless Biden Provides Guarantees’
‘Irán advierte que conversaciones nucleares fracasarían a menos que Biden dé garantías’

Metaverse religion, Big Tech censoring, WND de-monetized by Google: What’s next?
Religión metaverso, censura de Big Tech, WND desmonetizado por Google: ¿Qué sigue?

Boris Johnson and Franklin Graham: Doomsday, 1 Minute to Midnight?
Boris Johnson y Franklin Graham: ¿Día del Juicio, 1 minuto para la media noche?

Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero and 666
Alianza Financiera de Glasgow por Net Zero y 666

DW: Can Africa achieve universal internet access by 2030? COGwriter: There are still many open doors with the Internet
DW: ¿Puede África alcanzar acceso universal a Internet para 2030? COGwriter: Todavía hay muchas puertas abiertas con el Internet


  1. Damn! The butthurt is strong on this one!

  2. Unless you're a fire and brimstone preacher, it is unlikely that you'll use Jesus when fearmongering.

  3. The Pharisee's rejected Christ, so it's no surprise that today's Pharisaic leaders do the same.

  4. If it helps...I have finally found Jesus. In the damn picture! Took forever! :)

  5. I've never been one to think of demon possession as real, but Bob Thiel is starting to make me a believer that demons are controlling his mind.

  6. Pot calling kettle black. You don't teach about Jesus either.

  7. Ok, Bob, no one has seen you (11:01) talk about Jesus here. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! Hypocrite!

  8. Hey November 9, 2021 at 11:01 PM: Though NO2HW does not consider himself a prophet and is not interested in starting a Church, he has actually preached more about Jesus on this blog than the Prophet Bob and the other COG leaders.

    Just in this post, mentioning grace, justification and sanctification is going deeper into preaching Jesus, than the COGs care to go.

    The Prophet Bob is wise in his own eyes but his glaring lack of Jesus, the wisdom from God, is the main proof, among many, that he is not a prophet from God.

    1 Corinthians 1:30
    It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God—that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption.

    1. An athiest blog that dwells in secrecy attacking others yet convincing themselves they teach Jesus.

  9. Maybe you should not be looking at the "prophecy" channel and instead focus on the church youtube channel where Jesus and His coming Kingdom is the central focus.

    Do you do this deliberately? Of course, you do.

  10. What is Bob telling CCOG members about COVID vaccines and boosters?

    Despite Gerald Weston's moderation, LCG's anti-vax faction is getting the upper hand. They just published an article pointing out that the Food and Drug Administration in the USA has recalled nearly 400 previously approved drugs in the last 4 years. They say this in an article that specifically rejects the popular call to "follow the science", a term specifically used by Covid vaccine promoters.

    Follow the Science?

    Not only has LCG taken a political stand here against one side of the vaccine controversy, their article implies that without any scientific training you may be closer to scientific truth than actual scientists are, and that you don't need to follow the science if you think you know better. What rubbish! Scientists aren't perfect, so you should get your science from LCG ministers instead?

    This article could be responsible for the deaths of innocent people who read it and then decide not to "follow the science" of Covid vaccines. I'm shocked that Weston let it run after his earlier statements that seemed to be so much more balanced.

  11. Was curious about the 'CG7-Denver member decried loss of doctrine' booklet
    Looked it up, it's more Hoeh/Armstrong CG7-bashing, labeling them 'Sardis', warning of their 'watering down Sabbath doctrine (just before the imposition of the Mark of the Beast' in these Last Days.)

  12. Beto Thiel está mierda de murciélago loco

  13. Beto Thiel es muy estúpido y incorrecto !

    Roberto Thiel es posiblemente el proveedor más afeminado del mundo de profecías mayas y católicas romanas. El patético profeta de las posibilidades necesita establecerse y casarse con un joven agradable que pueda ayudarlo a arreglar sus cortinas torcidas y estanterías.


  14. Bob Thiel es cristiano solo de nombre

  15. While LCG has at least taken a position, albeit weak, against vaccines/drugs, at least that is better than UCG, which has cowardly taken no position at all, leaving its members without any guidance at all.

  16. LCG's weak sauce position against vaccines/drugs is purely political. They are seeing many members leave for openly anti-vaccine CGA, and many more sympathetic toward them. It's a case of the leaders seeing which direction the people are going and then getting out in front.

  17. it is quite obvious who the owner of the blog is and who Dennis is. There is no secrecy here other than allowing anonymous people to comment about issues in their church because they fear the wrath of church elders. That is what you should be moaning about instead of popping on and whining like a Karen. Someone needs to hold these crazy church leaders accountable because they will not restrain themselves and act like real Christians.

  18. The church of God does teach about Jesus all the time.

    1. 2.08 PM
      Ministers and church leaders usurp Christs role by claiming that members follow Christ by following them. It's a monster lie motivated by power lust. Christ directly leads every Christian, often contrary to the meddling, self serving minister "counsel."

  19. "The church of God does teach about Jesus all the time."

    Are you for real? Where? How? They say the name and it looks ok with the reader but there is no substance of anything Jesus accomplished.

  20. This blog grows more worthless by the day. Concentrate on the teaching's of the Christ and how the cog's get it wrong.

  21. "This blog grows more worthless by the day. Concentrate on the teaching's of the Christ and how the cog's get it wrong."

    If you're that delicate then don't read it! What do you think this blog does? it exposes the lies of the COG's that's a fact we all know and that's why we come here.

    Send something constructive to the administrators here so they can post it. But you won't do that, will you?

  22. Said by Anonymous of November 10, 2021 at 12:20 PM:
    "An athiest blog that dwells in secrecy attacking others yet convincing themselves they teach Jesus."

    Your comment is a fascinating looking into the COG-odd way people twist reality to conform with their group-think.

    This blog does not specifically seek to preach Jesus and does have atheists who post their views on the blog - yet despite those two facts, this blog does more in-depth preaching on Jesus than the Prophet Bob or the COGs do.

    Instead of attempting to insult the blog, you'd personally gain more from doing a Bible search of the terms justification (also justified), sanctification, redemption, and grace - then do a search of the COG websites to find resources about these terms. If the COGs are not preaching about these terms as much as the Real Apostles of the Bible did - you've identified Fake Church.

    Unlike this blog, the COGs should be preaching Jesus. If the COGs are not conversant in the concepts mentioned above, they do not know Jesus.

    I believe that exposing the craziness of the COGs is the, or at least a goal, of this blog.

    To both Christians and atheists, it is crazy how little the COGs care about the concepts that define the work of the Savior. Apparently, one must be brainwashed to be unable to see this glaring relationship problem that the COGs have with Jesus.

  23. This post should not concern us. What we need to be concerned about, is to make sure we are doing the RIGHT THING, living the way we should and set the right EXAMPLE for people. And even then, they are going to speak badly about us, behind our back, same as they did to our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST and to all the righteous men who ever lived, calling us every vile name under heaven that they can think of and conjure up. They persecute us, and would kill us if they could. They murdered almost all the righteous men who ever lived, starting with righteous Abel, and even Christ Himself had to be murdered that way, by His/ our enemies. If you don't want to or are unwilling, to be evil spoken of and murdered that way, then that means you don't understand your calling, or don't want to respond and don't want to serve God. Are you unwilling to become a Christian in the face of severe trials and persecution? even if God will help you? Have ANY OF YOU with God's help figured out HOW TO properly listen to God-inspired preaching, of God's Word, by Herbert W. Armstrong and David C. Pack, as the spokespersons?

  24. This post should not concern us. What we need to be concerned about, is to make sure we are doing the RIGHT THING, living the way we should and set the right EXAMPLE for people. And even then, they are going to speak badly about us, behind our back, same as they did to our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST and to all the righteous men who ever lived, calling us every vile name under heaven that they can think of and conjure up. They persecute us, and would kill us if they could. They murdered almost all the righteous men who ever lived, starting with righteous Abel, and even Christ Himself had to be murdered that way, by His/ our enemies. If you don't want to or are unwilling, to be evil spoken of and murdered that way, then that means you don't understand your calling, or don't want to respond and don't want to serve God. Are you unwilling to become a Christian in the face of severe trials and persecution? even if God will help you? Have ANY OF YOU with God's help figured out HOW TO properly listen to God-inspired preaching, of God's Word, by Herbert W. Armstrong and David C. Pack, as the spokespersons?

  25. 9.10 PM
    I've never seen a person won over by a good example. It seems to be a myth.

  26. "Have any of you with God's help figured out how to properly listen to God's inspired preaching, of God's Word, by Herbert W. Armstrong and David C. Pack as the spokespersons?"

    Why, yes! God guided me to Deut. 18:22. The proper way to listen to them is not to listen to them. They are not from God. They are presumptuous charlatans.

  27. Hey True Christian, DP wants your house, at least with the house flipper scumbags you get half your house value, with Apostle Pack you get nothing!

  28. You say NONE of the articles listed mention Jesus. And yet you include this title:

    WND: Catholicism’s ‘final trial’ before Jesus’ return?

    Please don't overexaggerate.

  29. W.A said: "You say NONE of the articles listed mention Jesus. And yet you include this title: WND: Catholicism’s ‘final trial’ before Jesus’ return? Please don't overexaggerate."

    Are you for real? Please tell us where he discussed anything about Jesus other than mentioning the word "jesus". Where did Bob mention justification, sanctification, redemption, and grace? He did not say anything because he cannot. Without Jesus these things cannot be discussed. The law cannot produce any of these things. It embarrasses him.

  30. I believe it is obvious to those who think about it that the Law of Moses is at the center of Armstrongist belief. Armstrongism is about the sabbath, the holy days, tithing, racial purity/segregation, predictive prophecy and dietary laws with a little Jesus on the side. Though there is some talk of Jesus in Splinterdom, he is not the center. If you accept the physical observance of the sabbath as a requirement for salvation, the door is opened to the entire Mosaic Law in principle. This apotheosis of the Law of Moses is ironic beause he Law of Moses points to Jesus. Yet among Armstrongists, the Law of Moses seems to have displaced Jesus. Its like going on vacation to visit the highway sign that points to the Grand Canyon rather than going to the Grand Canyon itself. Go figure.

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  31. HWA often remarked that the gospel is the message Jesus preached, but that "Christians falsely so-called" had made it all about Jesus Himself.

    I never quite understood how you could preach salvation without it actually centering on Jesus, His life, death, and resurrection. To me, HWA appeared to be preaching only half of the gospel message, and he also apparently only had a limited understanding of 2/3 of God. In general practice, he made his "work" all about himself and his activities, and he replaced the work of the Holy Spirit with authoritarianism. The authoritarianism actually stifled the Holy Spirit.

  32. I figure: there's THE LAW (Ex 20-23; Gen 26:5) and the added law (Gal 3:17-19: tassels, tithing, Heb 9:10 as examples) which added law is now removed after Jesus came, and after sanctification, redemption the christian grows to maturity in Christ where THE LAW is not even thought of all the time as "law" but is simply a way of life. You live "in law" now. At a red light or stop sign you don't leap out of the car, stand on the hood and yell ...legalism!, legalism!...but simply stop, wait if necessary, and then proceed without thinking about "law".

    1. “…the Christian grows to maturity in Christ where THE LAW is not even thought of all the time as ‘law’ but is simply a way of life”.


  33. Heh! Years ago, on cruise nights, we used to stop at red lights, jump out of the car, run around it, and change seats, ending up with a new driver, and a new person riding "shotgun". We also did this on Colorado Blvd, New Years Eve, which was actually the largest version of cruise night known. But, there was no talk of legalism, cause you could get away with a lot of stuff that you couldn't on regular cruise night, like removing your mufflers and running open pipes, burning rubber, and drinking hot toddy.. In the early days, KRLA would be blasting from all the radios, but a few years later, it would be KMET.

    Anybody know of a phantom train that might could take us back to those times? I'd board it in a minute!

  34. Anonymous 12:15

    In your figuring, you are calling on a basic assumption that exists in Armstrongism and nowhere else. You are assuming the Law of Moses was put in force and then because of transgression the ritualistic law was added 430 years later. That is a mistake made by Herman Hoeh. But this idea is durably imprinted on the minds of Armstrongists. I wrote an article that addresses this and it is at:


    In the Hoehist formula, after you remove the "added" piece, you have remaining the Law of Moses as delivered from Sinai. So you are asserting that the Law of Moses is still in effect. And this, of course, underpins sabbath observance, tithing, etc. This is orthodox Armstrongism.

    It never becomes second nature to observe the Law of Moses, as you suggest. So much so, that in all of Splinterdom, nobody keeps the Law of Moses. They keep only select portions of it and they elide all the connections to the Temple in Jerusalem. Armstrong seems to use not the Temple-based Judaism of the time of Jesus but post-Temple Rabbinic Judaism as his model for what the Law of Moses is - a mistake that a non-theologian would make.

    The Christian belief is that the Law of Moses was added to the pre-Abrahamic Law (Hoeh admits that this existed) 430 years later and that the Law of Moses including its sacrificial and ritualistic expression was abrogated by Jesus and replaced by the Law of Christ.

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  35. NEO writes:

    “... the Law of Moses including its sacrificial and ritualistic expression was abrogated by Jesus and replaced by the Law of Christ.

    Ne 10:29 They clave to their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse, and into an oath, to walk in God's law, which was given by Moses the servant of God, and to observe and do all the commandments of the LORD our Lord, and his judgments and his statutes;

    Using Nehemiah, NEO’s sentence could read:

    “... God’s law including its sacrificial and ritualistic expression was abrogated by Jesus and replaced by the Law of Christ.

  36. Some Christians believe that since Christ rose from the dead on a Sunday, (which He did), the day of rest has been changed from the seventh day to the first day of the week. This is not my belief.

    Some Christians believe that the sacrificial system has been abrogated; this also is not my belief.

    Due to the continuing ‘failure’ of the Church to ‘convert’ the world, Jesus Christ has to return to restore the kingdom to Israel and give them a new heart and new spirit to enable to do so; then they will be a light to the Gentiles and God’s salvation unto the end of the earth (Isaiah 49:3b); as always intended (Gen 12:1-3).

    To enable Israel to do so Jesus Christ is going to have a dwelling presence in the Millennial Temple (Eze 43:1-7a; cp. 44:1-2), while in heaven; as in the OC (cp. 2 Chr 6:2, 18, 21, 23, etc).

    For the “Shekinah” to be maintained in the Temple animal sacrifices will be required so that animal blood may be used to clean and purge the Temple; and to make atonement [kipper] for the people (Eze 45:17).

    Eze 43:20 And thou shalt take of the blood thereof, and put it on the four horns of it, and on the four corners of the settle, and upon the border round about: thus shalt thou cleanse [ht’] and purge it.
    Eze 43:26 Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify [thr] it...

    Animal blood will be required to initially “purge” and “purify” the altar so that regular animal sacrifices can begin in the Millennium. (cp. Ex 29:36-37; Lev 8:15 - this was also the first ‘purification offering” [hatta’t] ever offered - from the piel of ht’ not the qal of ht’).

    (In 43:20 expiatory power is attributed to animal blood; cp. Lev 17:11).

    Lev 16:33 and make atonement for the Most Holy Place, for the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and for the priests and all the people of the community.

    Under the OC the annual ‘atonement’ of God’s dwelling occurred in the seventh month; in the NC it will take place in the first month.

    Eze 45:19 And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering, and put it upon the posts of the house, and upon the four corners of the settle of the altar, and upon the posts of the gate of the inner court.
    Eze 45:20 You are to do the same on the seventh day of the [first] month for anyone who sins unintentionally or through ignorance; so you are to make atonement for the temple. (NIV).

    (In 45:19-20, once again, expiatory power is attributed to animal blood).

    When comparing the annual OC ‘atonement’ with the annual NC ‘atonement’ there are three places where blood is applied: “the Most Holy Place, for the Tent of Meeting and the altar” (OC) and “the posts of the house, and upon the four corners of the settle of the altar, and upon the posts of the gate of the inner court” (NC).

    (The Ezekielian Torah updates the Mosaic Torah due to new circumstances; and abuses of the past).

    “The dynamic, aerial quality of biblical impurity is best attested by its graded power. Impurity pollutes
    the sanctuary in three stages: (1) The individual’s inadvertent misdemeanor or severe physical impurity
    pollutes the courtyard altar, which is purged by daubing its horns with the hattat blood (Leviticus 4:25,
    30; ...). (2) The inadvertent misdemeanor of the high priest or the entire community pollutes the shrine
    [i.e., “the holy place”], which is purged by the high priest by placing the hattat blood on the inner altar
    and before the paroket veil (Leviticus 4:5-7, 16-18). (3) The wanton, unrepentant sin ... pierces the veil
    and enters the adytum, housing the holy Ark and kapporet, the very throne of God (cf. Isaiah 37:16)” (Jacob Milgrom, Levitcus 1-16, AB, p.257).

    “... every sin carries its own penalty... A sinful act, in addition, unleashes impurity, which is attracted
    to the sanctuary” (John E. Hartley, Leviticus, WBC, p.lxxi)

    Impurity generated from sin is to be distinguished from impurity generated from severe uncleanness/ritual impurity - both are ‘dynamic’ - ‘defiling’ sancta.

    No purification offering - No covenant - No Christ.
