Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dave Pack "...has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful"


I was just cleaning my desk out and found an old CD of one of Dave's sermons. I miss Dave, so I had to play it.

What did Dave have to say? He asked do you know what makes God's church different than all the other Christian churches? We obey all that God commands us to do including obeying the traditions established by the righteous servant and apostle Herbert Armstrong.

He then went on to explain that a number of ministers and members had left the church in the last two weeks. One of the ministers was found to be quite bad in his conduct but Dave and headquarters never knew.

To fix this situation from never happening again, he went on to quote Paul who told the brethren to mark them that are disorderly and sow division. This is a command the THEY have to obey he told them, even if that person is a minister.

It only takes one quick glance into the RCG to see who is perpetrating great disorder and division.

For the past 10 years the "all brethren reunited" and "greatest story never told" series has amounted to at least half of all of those sermons being either completely thrown away or completely reinterpreted. I would say that is division.

For the past 10 years Dave has defined himself as the person or role fulfillment of at least a dozen named individuals in the Bible. That means 12 people just got kicked out of the Bible to make way for Dave. I would call that division.

How many marriages, how many families and how many homes did Dave divide in half for his take of the money via "Common"? That is called division.

How many people were terminated, excommunicated and publicly humiliated for calling out his lies? That is disorder.

Who has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful? That is a disorder which creates much disorder.


  1. So much pain and anxiety he has caused among those in rcg. Truly saddens me.

  2. Anybody who claims to be the human head of God's one and only true church has his members over a psychological barrel. He's got them in a position where they will do anything they are told in order to remain a member in good standing. Hence, all of the sublime ridiculousness which we witness daily in all of these little inconsequential ACOGs.

    The problem lies in the greater question. What if that church is not God's only true church? What if it is simply a grift and God has nothing to do with it. The acid test would be can you anchor your life around it? Is it a firm and reliable foundation? What we witness in all of them is nothing less than the constant fomentation of mental instability. It is worse than the foolish man's foundation of sand. It is quicksand!

    1. Is there a religion or sect that CAN be relied on? Heard a lot of folks get touched over at the Catholic church... and not in a good way.


  3. Q & A & C

    Question: How is a raging false prophet like Dave Pack able to do so much evil?

    Answer: Dave Pack has many followers and accomplices who financially support him and enable him to do evil.

    Comment: Imagine if all the time, energy, and money of Dave Pack's foolish followers had been put to some good use instead of to supporting evil.

  4. When is Pack going to make the prediction that Jesus will return on Feb. 30th , 2022 ??

  5. We obey all that God commands us to do including obeying the traditions established by the righteous servant and apostle Herbert Armstrong.

    They don't obey all the commands, misconstrue or reinterpret some that they do keep, and some traditions contradict scripture and are enforced more strenuously than given commands. Yeah, pegs RCG as the "True Church" perfectly Dave!

  6. Dave is riding on the coat tales of ACOG culture. While I was attended services for a decade, at least every fourth sermon was on church government. "Prove all things" was misinterpreted to mean that the ministers did all the proving, with the members blindly believing what the big people decided. Questioning church teachings was met with an attack on independent thinking itself.
    Dave has cashed in on this Borg doctrine by feeding his followers all manner of nonsense. The blood of his victims is also on the hands of former ministers who taught and enforced blind obedience to the big people.

  7. My Minister was fired and humiliated by this poor excuse of a human being, for standing up for the truth. He went on to thoroughly expose David Pack and other false ministers and continues to hold fast. Sadly I can not name him, because he has been ridiculed here also, but the good work he does continues...

    1. May I ask which minister?

      Yes, the guy is devilish...

    2. Sorry, I can't leave his name here. Like I said, he is ridiculed here, even by people who know nothing about him.

  8. It might be time to get a 3D printer, Dave! Those vases and spoons you use to represent the three day, five day, 10 day, 16 day, 19 day, and 75.234 day kingdoms is so passé! Consider how cool a little 3D-printed Nebuchadnezzar would look on your table! You can get one for like, $300 on Amazon.

  9. Then why in hell would you bring this up, 10:10?

    Oh well, someone else will probably figure it out and share!

  10. One would think that an aspiring prophet could make bizarre prophecies about virtually anything, and elements of them would come true. After all, we live in totally insane times when a young vigilante can illegally take his assault weapon to a demonstration in the guise of protecting property against demonstrators, provoke an attack by his presence, and then kill the people coming at him, and get off scot free.

    But, the prophecies of all the people from COGdom have a 100% failure rate. Dave Pack is at the top of the list with failed prophecies. He should at least follow Bob Thiel's example of muting all of his prophecies with a condom.

  11. Ya, we live in a world where a pro football player by the name of OJ can murder two people in cold blood and walk away scott free, without riots and destruction of property. Id say yes we live in an insane society.

  12. Just had to reach back for a person of color there, didn't you 7:11 Robert Blake is a more recent example you could have used, but you didn't, so we see where you are coming from.

  13. Glad you are so perceptive to see the obvious double standards that exist in this country today. Wish more will start seeing this! And by the way, i will use any example i choose to.
