Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Dave Pack: "we are "swimming in metrics"


From an RCG source

According to the master, prophesy is an "enigma" and an "obscure saying". So, I suppose this means that God was simply drawing our attention to these enigmas for the last six years, not actually solving them through His chosen apostle of glory. Huh, you still get disfellowshipped for respectful disagreement with his interpretations. I'm confused, is God's authority behind His word or the man He so obviously has chosen? Interesting times.

Also of note, shout it to the whole world... we are "swimming in metrics"... we are IN the season of the anti-christ. But not to worry, 100 Billion people will soon be resurrected to face the judgment of David C Pack in a 75 day window in an environment of paradise.

We are left to ponder the addition of a new glass to the table and an ominous question mark indicating its time signification. 

A personal note: I know most of the people sitting in that hall, attending these insane Bible studies. They are in a hopelessly trapped position, unable to speak anything that would even remotely undermine the authority of the series while at the same time planning Church events months into the future, ie into a time which they are duty bound to believe and speak as though will be a time of prophetic fulfillment. Many of these individuals/couples/families have liquidated their assets and given the proceeds to the Church. They now live in homes owned by the Church and they derive their household income from the Church. One misstep or misspeak and they lose it all... they're out on the street with nothing. They have fallen into a trap that is very difficult to get out of. Pack has them right where he needs them, constantly lending their credibility to the derangement of the RCG with no ability to escape.


  1. So, when I flush the toilet, those little brown logs that go down the drain are "metrics"?

    Thanks for educating me, SuperDave!


  2. How To Tell If David C. Pack Is The Right Leader For You

    Would you be a suitable follower of Dave Pack? Kindly allow me to help you determine the answer. Ask yourself the questions listed below. If any or all of these lack-of-character traits apply to you, consider giving Dave Pack your life to dispose of.

    1. Do you like “reasoning” that is never reasonable?

    2. Do you like “logic” that is never logical?

    3. Do you like “proofs” that never really prove anything?

    4. Are you a noise addict who likes endless noise?

    5. Do you like to be lied to shamelessly?

    6. Do you like to be robbed and plundered shamelessly?

    7. Do you like doctrinal instability?

    8. Do you like never knowing what you will be expected to firmly believe next week?

    9. Do you want to end up destitute?

    10. Are you a masochist?

    11. Are you a blankety-blank idiot?

    12. Is it okay with you if your leader is demon-possessed?

    13. Do you like it even better if Satan himself/herself/itself has possessed your leader?


  3. People can knock him all they want to, call him names, and say that he is crazy, but Dave Pack is the one who ended up with the followers and all their money.

    Maybe someone needs to knock Dave Pack's followers, call them names, and point out that they are the really crazy ones.

    1. Half are loons, for sure, but the other half has been there since before Dave went off the rails.

  4. "Swimming in metrics" shows what the real problem is.

    God's inspired US/UK measuring system has pounds, inches and yards.


  5. OMG! Those facial expressions give cara de nalgas an entirely new meaning!

  6. I was just cleaning my desk out and found an old CD of one of Dave's sermons. I miss Dave, so I had to play it.

    What did Dave have to say? He asked do you know what makes God's church different than all the other Christian churches? We obey all that God commands us to do including obeying the traditions established by the righteous servant and apostle Herbert Armstrong.

    He then went on to explain that a number of ministers and members had left the church in the last two weeks. One of the ministers was found to be quite bad in his conduct but Dave and headquarters never knew.

    To fix this situation from never happening again, he went on to quote Paul who told the brethren to mark them that are disorderly and sow division. This is a command the THEY have to obey he told them, even if that person is a minister.

    It only takes one quick glance into the RCG to see who is perpetrating great disorder and division.

    For the past 10 years the all brethren reunited and greatest story never told series has amounted to at least half of all of those sermons being either completely thrown away or completely reinterpreted. I would say that is division.

    For the past 10 years Dave has defined himself as the person or role fulfillment of at least a dozen named individuals in the Bible. That means 12 people just got kicked out of the Bible to make way for Dave. I would call that division.

    How many marriages, how many families and how many homes did Dave divide in half for his take of the money via "Common"? That is called division.

    How many people were terminated, excommunicated and publicly humiliated for calling out his lies? That is disorder.

    Who has unashamedly led his membership on a wild farcical Adventist ride that has been nothing short of shameful? That is a disorder which creates much disorder.

    Is there not even one obedient Church of God member out there who will obey God and mark this man?

  7. You just gotta leave, folks! Even if you're financially dependent on RCG, put it in God's hands. Step out (and away) in faith. Your spiritual condition depends on it.

    1. If actually-enslaved people could flee from deepest darkest Mississippi and Alabama all the way to Canada despite professional trackers, the patroller system and the Fugitive Slave Act, people can leave Dave Pack's group.

  8. Dave "Jaws" Pack had devoured his followers.


  9. Some people put their faith in Dave Pack and gave him everything they had.

    They do not have faith in God to take care of them if they leave Dave Pack.
