Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 6, 2021

I'm smelling another Elijah the Prophet about to break forth onto the scene...


Aside from Bob Thiel being thrilled that the sermon mentioned Elijah, Bob Thiel, and a double portion of the spirit in the sermon, Bob is hardly going to be capturing hearts and minds with sermons, or rather Bible Story reading, as this. The translator should have just read the story to his own people and cut out the middleman Nelson. Nothing here actually needed a translator. Bob could have saved the airfare as well for Mr. Nelson.

I honestly don't see the point in this presentation. Bob sends a minister to read what anyone in the native language could read to the people and gets all excited that in some way, this is an amazing occurrence and proof to Bob of who knows what.  

With whatever all due respect I can muster, this is a pretty poor presentation. Lifeless, listless, and lazy comes to mind. The applause at the end by the three people sounded more like claps of joy this is over. 

Personally, I'd be embarrassed by this presentation, but Bob does not seem ever to suffer embarrassment. 

With breathless amazement Bob announces...

"The Continuing Church of God is pleased to announce the following sermon from its CCOGAfrica channel:

The Story of Elijah in English & Chichewa

In Malawi, Terry Nelson speaks in English, in a sermon that is also simultaneously translated in Chichewa by Radson Mulozowa. He talks about the story of Elijah the prophet and goes over numerous scriptures. Terry Nelson also mentions Elisha, Bob Thiel, miracles, and a double-portion of God’s Holy Spirit."



  1. He just wanted his little white man there to oversee things.

  2. Damn, Bob's helpers are just as bad as he is, or worse.

  3. Well at least you give Bob free advertising,that's Awesome, check out his new animation video

  4. I've taught pastors and church members in Tanzania numerous times. Many are illiterate and others don't have their own Bibles in their language. Another problem is that my interpreter was not a professional and I always wondered how much was getting to the people accurately. At least the people knew that I cared enough to visit them, regardless of how accurately received the message was. Swahili, the langauge of Tanzania and a few other countries nearby, is not widely spoken so there aren't as many books, etc. translated into their language.
    Since many shoppers can't read, the manufacturers of food products have photos on the label of what is inside the jar or can. A baby food manufacturer had a picture of a baby on their jars of baby food. It didn't sell well bacause mothers thought that baby food was actually food made from baby parts. The market for such a product would be limited to cannibals.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Well at least you give Bob free advertising, that's Awesome,

    Free advertising won't, in the least, aid in spreading his message.

  6. 5:72 That sounds very reasonable and thank you for sharing your experience and how one might have to go about presenting anything outside the local education level or culture.

    If this is the case, Dr Bob might do well to explain why and how this is a great step for CCG etc. His noting that HE was even brought up in the Elijah and double blessing of the spirit context seemed more his excitement, knowing Bob as we might. It seems a segway into what one could easily suspect lies in Bob's delusional future. Declaring himself to be yet another rendition of the Elijah to Come. Should this be the case, I would think it to be yet another hint of his personal decline into fanaticism and delusional thinking.

    Dave Pack is on the edge and we have all watched his decline into theological madness over the past few years with it ever accelerating and obviously so. The obsessions with all things "prophetic" as if they had special insights into it or were called by the Deity with voices in their heads and dreams, has and always will be the Achilles Heel of their kind of true splinter.

  7. Its not like Thiel is excited about going to this place with the Good News of Jesus, forgiveness and the Wonderful World Tomorrow which might actually encourage them in their present distresses in this world. That would have to come out of the New Testament, of course, which is not as attractive as Prophet Amos Bobalonia finds the Old Testament to be. Classic Church of God mistake and over emphasis.

    The Old Testament only exists in the Christian Bible because the NT uses it to weave it's Gospel tale about the down to Earth version of Jesus and his parallel and typological connection to the OT.

    I also feel the OT was used to flesh out a pacifistic Jesus as opposed to the zealot and Rome annoying to say the least militant Jews and Christians that caused nothing but problems for the Romans who finally took care of business, again, and scrapped them off the Earth. A pacifistic and Rome obeying Jewish and Christian faith, "render unto Caesar...", and Romans
    13, kind of Christianity, was going to make it a much more peaceful empire and it was the version that stuck through the rest of history. Noticeably, in the NT one would scarce know the actual historical context of the Roman occupation and Romans who show up in the story are near Jesus supporting and almost Christians. Nuther story I suppose.

    The point here is that the OT is where the COGs spend too much time drawing their analogies and titles about themselves from. Bob, Dave, Ron and Gerald all want to be an Amos or an Andy and not a Peter, James, John or Paul or Jesus for that matter.

    1. 6.47 AM
      There's a YouTube video on the inherent sadism of Roman culture. Throwing people to the lions was typical of this. They even lowered the severity of crimes committed in order to have sufficient numbers to feed to the lions. And not forgetting, Christ gross mis treatment by the soldiers before His crucifixion was typical of that culture. That NT writers pulled their punches, with no or scant mention of rights, is unsurprising.

  8. This spawned a brief study of Africa and its people on my part. It is a very controversial continent, one that is the topic of much debate on the highest levels. I'd encourage other readers to learn more, because just in 15 minutes of reading, I was surprised many times.

    My only hope regarding Bob Theil is that he does not do more damage by exploiting or taking as the colonialists of the past and others since then have done. Religious colonizers can be just as devastating as commercial colonizers. As we have all experienced, Armstrongism exploits its members. Bob is a product of Armstrongism, so has this exploitation model in his background. It would be very difficult for him to shake this just for the purpose of ministering to Africa.

  9. As of this writing the video has 153 views. Likely 95 percent of those views came from the link on this page!

  10. Touche, Tonto! Most likely true.

  11. I started watching this video twice, but stopped due to the to-and-froing of reading and translating. Some time ago when Bob was in Africa he did the same thing, but it was easier to follow.

    A question about "Cartoon Bob" (as someone called him in an earlier post) for anyone who ever had a face to face discussion with him: did he speak the way he did in the animation?

    Sola Scriptura - so, Martin Luther relied on scripture but added his own "traditions" along with his private interpretations. This seems a bit like the COG approach that HWA started - "don't believe me, believe your Bible" for outsiders, but once you're in, you must also believe sola crappola!

    And Bob does this in the animation: read the Bible and CCOG literature.

  12. Why do you guys go after Bob Thiel so much? I don't get it.. I've never seen him make any false predictions.. at least from my analysis. Sure he claims to be a prophet, but he's nothing like David Pack..

  13. Why do you guys go after Bob Thiel so much?

    Probably because he sets himself up for criticism. He makes so many speculative forecasts with so much "wiggle room". If something he speculated appears to happen, he'll say the event "aligns with" his prediction, if it happened, he "predicted" it, and if it doesn't happen, well, it hasn't happened yet. For example, he "predicted" COVID because he wrote of the possibility of a pandemic occurring some years ago; he "has an eye on" Karl zu Gutenberg, just like the WCG was watching Franz Josef Strauss as the possible beast.
    Bob's expertise is redicting things - that is, predicting things after they happen - for example, fires, floods, droughts in California are all because of LGBTQ legislation.
    There's more, but I think that will answer your question?

  14. "Why do you guys go after Bob Thiel so much? I don't get it"

    Everything about Bob is illegitimate. From his fraudulent claims that Living Church of God ministers doubly blessed him to be a prophet and to start a new splinter cult to the dreams, he uses to legitimize himself are products of a delusional mind. His claims that Dibar Apartian and Rod Meredith claimed he was a prophet in their midst and would be a thorn in the side of the Catholic Church is also a lie. He claims he had significant influence (for a while) in the doctrinal matters of LCG (which he did not). His fake theology diploma from an Indian diploma mill is also not worth the paper it is printed on. He fulfills all the qualifications for mental illness and narcissism as defined by the DSM-5.

    He also preaches heretical doctrines that are not requirements for being a Christian nor are necessary for salvation. The fact that the entire Church of God movement, specially LCG members, recognizes him as an illegitimate fraud is also held against him.

    Shall I continue on?

  15. Tonto wrote: "As of this writing the video has 153 views. Likely 95 percent of those views came from the link on this page!"

    Compared to the LCG young woman who gained over 200,000 new followers and had 5.2 million views of a whiteboard of LCG that she posted, Bob Thiel is in the minor leagues and is incapable of making any theological impact in this world. When he is so incompetent that he can only draw in around 300 former WCG/GCG/LCG members into his group shows how little respect the guy has in COG members' views.
