Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 5, 2021

Jesus and LCG Turn To TikTok Leaving Bob Thiel Behind In The Dust!

What is the Mark of the Beast (Part 1) - Tomorrow's World - Living Church of God

If the video stops working, check it out here: emilynicole1983/video 

Poor Bob Thiel. The poor guy just can never get a break from Living Church of God overshadowing all that he does. The world's greatest theologian and animator thought that when he started making animations that the world would come to his doorstep and COG members would repent and turn to the One True Church he was leading. Nothing like that has happened. No one seems to care.

Today, LCG announced that one of their "whiteboards" on TikTok gained 5.4 million views in less than a week! Here is the mother church of Bob Thiel, the one that he claims is not doing anything right now leaving him behind in the dust. Poor little guy! Then to add insult to injury, it is a young woman who did this and she has gained over 219,000 followers, something poor Bob has never been able to do. Imagine that, a woman doing better "work" than he is doing. A female!

We held an informative and exciting online ministerial conference on Wednesday, in which we answered questions coming from our ministers around the world. It is eye-opening to learn about the challenges other regions are facing. We covered subjects such as vaccines, masks, potlucks and refreshments following services, family weekends, Tomorrow’s World Presentations, and more. Dr. Winnail encouraged us to maintain our focus and stick with the mission given us. Mr. Ames updated us on the very encouraging progress of the Work. One point of interest is the viral nature of a new whiteboard posted to Tiktok, which garnered over five million views in less than a week! While I mentioned Mr. Michael DeSimone, who is the voice of these whiteboards, he was quick to remind me that these are a real team effort involving Jacob Hall, Josh Lyons, Ryan Dawson, and Jonathan Riley. Those who work behind the scenes in all our departments are absolutely essential, and without the positive support of all our members around the world we would not be able to accomplish what we do. Then we must never forget that it is Christ who opens the doors and God who gives the increase (Revelation 3:8; 1 Corinthians 3:7). As the Apostle Paul reminded us in 1 Corinthians 12:12–25, all parts of the body are necessary and work together in harmony.—Gerald Weston

Viral Tiktok Video
Last Thursday we added a whiteboard video about the Mark of the Beast to our YouTube channel, and one of our members shared it on Tiktok. Within a day or so of that posting, the video had garnered over one million views, and as of today (October 4), the video has over 5.4 million views! 
The person who shared this video now has over 219,000 followers, up from a couple hundred or so a week ago. 
This viral video has positively impacted our YouTube channel subscriptions and overall engagement and has even resulted in several requests to attend services. In answer to the question, “Where did you hear about the Living Church of God?,” those people specifically referenced the Tiktok video. 
This is exciting news for the Work, and it shows that Christ is the One in control and is the One who will make things happen for us, as there were no plans, intentional efforts, or expectations of ours that prompted this.—Mike DeSimone


  1. Bob is so pathetic that I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

  2. According to Wikipedia, Tiktok videos last 15 seconds to 3 minutes. It must be a short video.

  3. The video stops abruptly midstream with no indication as to how to restart or continue. Anybody know what they think the mark of the beast is?

  4. I know that this is out of order, but TheTrumpet.com has an article posted called "What happens when Queen Elizabeth dies?" This article by Gerald Flurry states that when the queen dies, England will have "a new Stone and a new king." So their dug up Herb stone will be this new Stone, and Gerald Flurry will be the new King of England during the tribulation.
    Everyone shout "long live king Flurry."

    1. 1050, I had to look that up. Chuckled frequently while reading it. Poorly written garbage, but it was entertaining.

  5. In modern times, Kings and Queens are no longer rulers. They have been largely symbolic, almost relegated to the status of mascot.

    When Queen Elizabeth does pass away, there will be great sadness for a while, and Prince Charles will assume the throne, assuming that he is still alive. People will make of it what they make of it. Elected officials will continue to do the actual governing, and those with religious agendas will attempt to exploit it

  6. 10:38
    I noticed that too and was like What the?! I was just getting into it! LOL! So I did a quick search on YT and found it:

  7. I watched the entire video on YouTube.
    It has a better presentation feel than most LCG productions.
    However, the content was just useless speculation - or worse, in the case of people who are deceived into taking this as truth-bait that leads them down the dark path into the COG.
    The LCG conclusion was emphatically stated as the Mark of the Beast is Sunday Worship.
    While the Bible does not directly state this - LCG stated it as truth.

    In the video, a couple of verses were cited about the Sabbath being an eternal sign between God and his people - those verses are the bait.
    LCG is preying on those who don't know the Bible and those who don't reason well - they are the ones who may take the bait.

    LCG's conclusion about what the Mark of the Beast is fails when you examine the scriptures that state circumcision was also an everlasting sign between God and his people.

    LCG's entire theology fails because they do not understand the difference between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. They don't have God's New Covenant law written on their hearts because even while they recognize that circumcision is no longer commanded, they do not see how Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath command. Worse yet, they reject Jesus as the Sabbath Rest and refuse to enter that Eternal Rest.

    LCG's stuck trying to work for their salvation; including working for their salvation on Saturdays. The LCG keeps people in this trap, instead of accepting salvation as a free gift and entering the Sabbath rest depicted in Hebrews 4.

    Any church that preaches more about Beasties, the supremacy of Old Covenant law, and memes like "the Germans are coming, the Germans are coming" or US & Britain in Bible prophecy - more than they do about Jesus surely has the mark of a false prophet.

    John 14:6 - Jesus is the truth, the way, and the life.

  8. You are all missing the key point.
    The TikTok video was posted by a woman.
    If the COGs would get over their obsession that only men should preach, then they might attract a larger following.
    They are ruled by Paul's brief comment that women should let the man handle public speaking and keep quiet. The epistles and Acts do have some examples of prominent women - but in Jewish religious thought of that time, women were inferior beings and it was much more blessed to be a man.

  9. Oh, so Sunday worship is the Mark of the Beast? Never knew.

    But, in the Western Hemisphere, what about Sabbath worship on Saturdays?

    The Sabbath day in the Western Hemisphere, whether it’s the Saturday of each week, or the (yes) Friday, is controlled by where the International Dateline is located. By international convention, it’s in the middle of the Pacific. But, Biblically, it should be in the middle of the Atlantic.

    Crucial fact. Each new calendar day on the earth starts at the International Dateline, wherever that is placed or recognized. For putative Sabbatarians, the proper, Biblical dateline must be respected, international treaties and calendars, etc., notwithstanding.

    Key is this. When Adam and Eve’s children (or Noah’s children) disbursed to the east, the Sabbaths followed them; never changing. Eventually, they (humans, originating from the Eastern Hemisphere) crossed the Pacific and settled into all of North and South America. The Sabbath day never changed in any of this. Neccesarily, it went with them.

    That means, of course, that in the modern calendar, because the Biblical International Dateline would be in the Atlantic, not the Pacific, the true Sabbath starts each week at sundown on each Thursday evening (in the present calendar). The true, Biblical Sabbath in North and South America is, in reality, each Friday. The International Dateline in the Pacific is without any Biblical validity.

    All these years, since 1492, in the Western Hemisphere, Armstrongists and other Sabbatarians have worshiped on the wrong day, on Saturday. Biblically, it should have been, in North and South America, each Friday. Biblically, the International Dateline has been, from the Creation Week, always in the Atlantic. Observing a Saturday Sabbath in either North or South America is totally wrong. Biblically, off by a day.

    A Saturday Sabbath in the Western Hemisphere? Mark of the Calendar Beast. Big error; all these years.

  10. OK, then if the mark of the beast is Sunday worship, the USA has pretty much already had that from its inception. The only difference in the future would be a global mandate enforcing it upon everyone.

    Can anyone in their right mind imagine a powerful leader from Europe enforcing this on atheistic communist countries such as China, Russia, and North Korea? How about Muslim nations, where radicalism has been refined into an art form? Israel? African nations ruled by tribalist warlords? Considering the current political polarization of the USA, we can expect many people to dig in their heels and resist. People are already giving up lucrative jobs to defy vaccine mandates.

    LCG is lifting a nebulous concept from prophecy and creating an enemy which will allegedly weaponize an opposing tenet of worship against them and any others who do not worship on Sunday for any reason. They treat this as if there will be nearly 100% compliance, with the only possible resistors being themselves, the guardians of the truth of the sabbath.

    This does not make sense on any level. Even in the original Roman Empire, vanquished nations with Rome as their overseer governed themselves and were permitted to maintain their own cultures. That was one of the key differences between the Roman Empire and its predecessors.

  11. Sunday Worship is not the mark of the beast. Christians be they of Sunday or Saturday worship need to work together when possible. Too much complete hatred towards any belief of Judeo Christian traditions are becoming mainstream. Focusing in on Sunday Worship as the mark is a failure just like HWA's 1975 prophecy or all those failed prophecies by Gerald Flurry.

  12. Anon 3:38 AM

    Yes Jesus is the way, life and truth.
    Remarkably He taught very little about prophecy, it was not the essence of His message. But He did teach us how to love our fellow man. He condemned the self righteousness of the religious leaders of the day and that no doubt goes for the religious leaders of this day and age.
    His message of love compassion forgiveness and selflessness and service is not often heard in Churches now, sadly.
    And the scripture is indeed full of warning to us if we forsake ‘the weighted matters of the Law’ by the prophetic writings of the prophets.

  13. Weston has become a liberal.

    If HWA or RCM had a woman in a congregation who was outshining what the ministry was doing, they would have beaten that woman into submission and possibly thrown her out of the church as a threat.

    Notice that LCG already had a Spanish-language TikTok for a couple of years, and that it has gotten pathetic results. Now, a woman shows up out of nowhere and outshines both the English and Spanish Work of the LCG. How will Weston handle it when other women step up and use intelligence and creativity that the LCG ministry does not possess? Will they also be welcomed and praised, or will the hammer start coming down on these women?

  14. What kind of viewer numbers is Cartoon Bob's animations pulling in? I haven't seen any Cartoon Bob animations lately. I thought almost arrested for sabbath keeping Bob once heralded that God opened the door of animation to the Continuing Church of God. Is Cartoon Bob no longer walking through God's open door?


  15. LCG appears to be increasingly going the clickbait route. It will be interesting to see what they reap from going that route.

  16. Neither the wrongly named LCG or Bobby Theil have any idea who the “beast” is to begin with….highly doubtful they have any clue about the “mark”.

  17. Folks... on TikTok there is a video of a guy picking his noise... which got over 30 million views in a couple of weeks. There's a video of a woman burping her name... which got over 42 million views in a short period of time. Evidently getting a lot of views on TikTok doesn't take great "material" and certainly isn't any badge of honor lol. LCG might as well have Doug Winnail pick his noise and burp his name... them maybe... just maybe... they'd have a chance to REALLY attract the average TikTok viewer. This all just shows how pathetic these COG groups like LCG have become. Poor Bob Thiel better start a TikTok channel soon... and throw away his Q-tips and start drinking a lot of carbonated sodas.
