Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Stephen Allwine, UCG Elder Who Shot His Wife, Is Back In News Claiming Innocence


Fox9 out of Minneapolis, MN had a breaking interview tonight with Stephen Allwine, the United Church of God elder who shot his wife dead, leaving his 5 year old son to find her body.

(FOX 9) - Five years after killing his wife Amy, her enigmatic husband Stephen Allwine claims he was the victim of a high-tech framing. 
"When you look at all the scientific evidence when you look at the hard physical evidence, I couldn't have done it if you know me as an individual. I couldn't have done it," Allwine said.

Allwine was convicted of first-degree murder in the November 13, 2016, killing. Prosecutors and police said Allwine tried to hire a hitman on the ‘Dark Net’ to kill his wife, and when that plan turned out to be a ruse, he killed her himself and staged the crime scene to look like a suicide.

In his first interview, Allwine talked to the FOX 9 Investigators in the chapel of Stillwater Prison, where he is serving his life sentence. 
Allwine offered no hard evidence proving his innocence, but rather tried to cast doubt on compelling computer forensic evidence found on 64 electronic devices taken from the Allwine home in Cottage Grove.

Allwine claims the real killer planted evidence on his electronics to implicate him in the murder. He suggests physical evidence at the crime scene that could exonerate him was ignored or discounted.

It is interesting to note how those involved in the case know he did it, well, except for the UCG members who stand by him tis day.

The sick part of this is that Allwine found killing her less offensive than UCG kicking him out of the church over getting a divorce. Allwine had been found to have had several adulterous relationships after his Ashley Madison accounts were exposed. Not being able to keep his pants zipped and being faithful, he decided to kill her himself after failing to hire a paid killer.

See:  Convicted ‘Dark Net’ killer claims innocence: ‘I couldn’t have done it’



  1. I'm not shocked. When I attended services in the HWA era, it was obvious that many members were doing no prayer and bible study. Bible study changes peoples attitudes for the better. It shows in their body language and involuntary reactions.

  2. Stephen Allwine is a very evil person.

  3. Why how utterly shocking! (just kidding)

  4. It sounds like Allwine planted exculpatory evidence at the crime scene, and is so arrogant that he can't believe the investigators were smart enough to discount it.

  5. This brings out one of the frightening problems with Armstrong theology.

    If Allwine privately believes that God isn't calling him now, he knows that Armstrongism teaches that he will be reborn in the White Throne Judgement and will only then get his chance for salvation.

    The ACOG theology gives the not-called tremendous liberty to do awful things in this life.

  6. I wonder what his now 20 year old son would think if he saw this interview?

  7. Jumping to conclusions No2HWA. Whilst blind supporters of Allwine do exist in UCG also exist non blind UCG members who thought Allwine strange even before he murdered his own wife.

  8. 6.08 AM
    I question your conclusion. That God is a God of vengeance, and that He's the avenger of the brethren was often taught. And that a person's behavior prior to baptism strongly affected their post baptism behavior was obvious to all, as well stated in the parable of the sower.
    That said, I know that some members who spiritually fainted, fancied themselves above the natural consequences of their sins. But that view is wishful thinking.

  9. I hope that his adopted son , who went thru the terrible experience of finding his dead mother, is working past all of this and finding some degree of happiness.


  10. The UCG has many totally godless people attending. The UCG is not the sort of place where you would want to take anyone that you care about.


  11. LOVE in the Worldwide Church of God


    “Love” in the disUnited Church of Godlessness

    In the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong, the teaching was that the Ten Commandments show how to love God and people, with the first four commandments showing how to love God and the last six commandments showing how to love other people. “And this is love, that we walk after his commandments” (II John 1:6, KJV).

    In the UCG, the teaching is quite different. The UCG has been influenced by the apostate Tkach way of seeing things. All sorts of unrepentant, unconverted, unbelievers hang out at the UCG meetings to behave very badly while playing church. The old “ministers,” and especially the newly credentialed fake “ministers,” expect people to put up with all the ungodly perverts and stalkers who hang out at the UCG in order to “show love” to them. In the UCG, “showing love” means putting up with evil people and their evil behavior. That is why the UCG keeps and supports the godless perverts and stalkers and kicks out their victims and accuses them of “not showing any love to anyone.” The twisted UCG “ministers” think that they are somehow “standing in the gap” by helping the wicked to harm the righteous.

    1. 10.36 AM
      Well put. Another trait of these churches is that they "breed" victims. There's endless talk of turn the other cheek, a soft answer turns away wrath, be forgiving, be kind, do good to your enemies etc. All while ignoring scriptures about rebuking and ignoring such people if warranted. It's like the fox breeding chickens or the wolf breeding lambs.

  12. WOW T.C. You hit the nail on the head.

    Tonto agreed, I wish as much joy & good health physical, mental and emotional as possible for him since it’s always the children that Armstrongism harms the most

  13. Allwine may have convinced a few local members or family that he is innocent, but the vast majority in UCG who know about this believe he was/is guilty and have moved on.

    1. Totally agree Anon 1:11. I think it is in dreadful bad taste for certain comments regarding their son.

  14. If you are a Christian, you are supposed to be living a new life! The new life means Jesus Christ in you. Unity and the freedom of Jesus is that all are living this new life, separating oneself from sin. Those within the Christian community who do not participate in this are parasitic, feeding from and diminishing those who do.

    I've never been real big on the disfellowshipment kind of thing, but there are certain behavioral patterns for which there should be no second chances. Some sexual behavior is pathology, repeating itself over and over, and not an individual act of weakness. Turning the other cheek never was intended to include turning the other "ass-cheek".

  15. Surely we have all witnessed on a national level what happens when someone "uncancels" despicable people, brings them in under an umbrella, and acknowledges their voices. Neo-Nazis, militia types, white nationalists, people who willingly destroy the environment for riches, people who accuse others of "fake news" while becoming the biggest generators of fake news propaganda themselves, and all to preserve their own authoritarian power. Subversion of a once pretty danmed good politicsl party.

    Why would you want to bring this type of behavior into your church?


  16. All the nice-sounding UCG church talk about members being true Christians with the Holy Spirit can make it take longer for people to wake up and realize that some attendees are really just malicious perverts with evil spirits.

  17. Anonymous 8:23 AM...tell me a COG, or any religion for that matter, that doesn't have perverts and evil spirits in their midst? Do you think yours doesn't?

    1. 12.44 PM
      Try reading about the seven churches in Revelation. They were the same religion, but had different traits. Ancedotal evidence about the UCG is unflatteringly.

  18. Ah yes, the seven churches argument. All COG's are Laodicean except mine, my church is Philadelphia.


  19. Another incident proving that once again ARMSTRONGISM is **NOT** THE ANSWER!!
