Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, December 3, 2021

Gerald Weston: Did he really just say that????


I am shocked that the boys in Charlotte thought this was a good thing to publicly post. Completely out of touch, as usual.

Greetings from Charlotte,
COVID-19 has been an inconvenience for almost everyone, a significant trial for some, a tragedy for others, but a huge boost to the Work of God. As we come to the close of the second year of the virus, we see literature requests around the world up substantially—especially the Bible Study Course. Our Social Media advertisements have produced large increases in subscribers to the magazine along with booklet requests. For the first time in the history of the Living Church of God, with the January issue we will be crossing the 540,000 mark in Tomorrow’s World magazine subscriptions. At the same time, we face significant challenges when it comes to manpower, especially in some of the international areas. These are exciting times. Let us make sure that we stay close to our Creator and pray to the Lord of the harvest for more laborers, especially in the ministry. Thank you for your dedication and love for one another.—Gerald Weston



  1. Hooray for bad news- the worse the better.

  2. And this is bad in one man’s opinion, how??

  3. Leave it to a COG minister to gloat over the misfortunes of others in order to elevate the COG ever upwards! When people suffer they obviously will need to turn to the "true" church to find peace.

  4. This could have been worded a little bit better for sure, however, I doubt that they are trying to be "rejoicing" over any manner of current tragedies, including COVID.

    It is true though, that major trying events do cause more people to think about destiny, God, and the meaning of life. After 911, there was a huge up turn in the number of Bibles that were purchased and upticks in church attendance of all manner of denominations of every kind.

  5. LCG gets lots of money from dead members who will their estates to their church. So, I'm sure this message is exactly right. Every COVID-19 death among LCG members means more money for Gerald and his fellows.

  6. What a telling statement. No love for those who have suffered from the virus in that statement. Just a selfish, cold comment. Too bad most in LCG, including Weston, are so asleeo they can't see how that comes across. But what else should one expect from the Loveless Church of God.

  7. "...brethren, let's pray for more virus, earthquakes, floods, drought and general human misery, that our work can grow even more!"

  8. LCG doesn't need Gerald Weston! What they need is a new Charlton Heston!

  9. yeah......the work of god of this world.

  10. Perhaps he needed to add Romans 8:28 to this.

    If "all things work together for good", can't God bring triumphs even from a pandemic? Whether personal or larger?

    1. 8.30 PM
      Romans 8.28 is a mistranslation. It should read something like "God is with us in all our trials." And no, all things do not work for good to those who love God. It's not the way the world works.

  11. Weston boasts: "...COVID-19 has been...a huge boost to the Work of God...For the first time in the history of the Living Church of God, with the January issue we will be crossing the 540,000 mark in Tomorrow’s World magazine subscriptions..."
    But, aren't Weston's boasts just more superficial than anything else? It only presents a surface appearance of some group that is without any substance.

    Wasn't the WCG a "living" church of god, and wasn't there a January issue that had something in the area of, not just a mere 500,000 subscriptions, 8,000,000 magazine subscriptions?

    How long has Weston's "living" group been in existence?

    If Weston, and his partner, former WCG hireling Doug Winnail who left his ministerial credentials behind in Pasadena, want to add some substance to their organization, then perhaps they may want to share with us some "NEW" growth in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ that their group has obtained since 16 January 1986. We know Doug can only repeat, and repeat, some of the same old things he learned in WCG, and rarely much else, and that is mostly about self, and striving to earn salvation by doing works.

    Will Weston and Winnail, for a change, provide their group with some more substance?

    Time will tell...


    1. Does Weston really need to be lectured by you John ?
      500,000 a mere number to you John. That's interesting.

  12. "gloat over the misfortunes of others"

    That's schadenfreude, a word I learned years ago from Lisa Simpson.

  13. Weren't the first century church being persecuted? Wasn't Paul in prison a few times, shipwrecked and beaten several times. Wasn't the Apostle John on the island of Patmos?

  14. You need MUCH MORE than laborers!! You need to pray for humility and understanding for your so called leaders because you are not even in the game!!

  15. Without God no Church is going anywhere anytime soon. The Churches of God as exWCG know it, has become entrenched in a system that makes them so far removed from God that they cannot see the hills for the trees.
    The sermons that are preached are so Godless it defies belief. To proclaim to have the truth but not be able to be truthful about the situation the Churches of God are in is lunacy.

  16. Anon, Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 1:19:00 AM PST, said:

    "...Does Weston really need to be lectured by you John ?
    500,000 a mere number to you John. That's interesting.
    What's interesting about that? I agree with the individual who wrote: "I am shocked that the boys in Charlotte thought this was a good thing to publicly post. Completely out of touch, as usual."

    I think I said a similar thing, but in different words. Could more have been said? Yes, for example:

    Weston wrote: "...At the same time, we face significant challenges when it comes to manpower, especially in some of the international areas. These are exciting times. Let us make sure that we stay close to our Creator and pray to the Lord of the harvest for more laborers, especially in the ministry..."

    Weston mentioned elsewhere that his organization has been around since 1992. This is 2021! How more years does Weston need? What is really a significant challenge about manpower? Not enough hirelings? What is really a significant challenge about, especially about the "living" ministry staying close to "our Creator (The God? Jesus Christ? The Word?) and pray to the Lord (The God? Jesus Christ? god?) of the harvest?

    Almost 30 years have passed since 1992. Does Weston want 540,000 magazines to reach at least 8 million subscriptions? Is that a significant challenge?

    How about maintaining a $paycheck$? Is that a significant challenge? It's been 29 years now, and other splinter organizations exist and did not follow Rod Meredith b/c many of the former hirelings of WCG, who left their ministerial credentials behind, refused to ever again "go under the Rod!" Was that a significant challenge?

    Oh, United Ass. and CogwAss. and other xcogs aren't doing much better as they face similar significant challenges as Weston says "Living" is facing.

    Which of these organizations is driven by another spirit, evidence by their preaching another Jesus and another gospel, and perhaps even preaching the spirit of antichrist. And remember, we were told there were/are many antichrists. Was Jesus 100% human like you, me, us? Or was Jesus part human (pick a percentage) and part God (pick a percentage)?

    Some say Jesus Christ is God of the Old Testament. Some say that God, The God (Greek: ton Theon), not the Word, and not Jesus Christ< is The God of the Old Testament (one e.g. Acts 3:13; Deut 32:40; Psalm 86:10).

    Elsewhere Weston said: "...we trust that Jesus Christ is in charge..."

    Which Jesus Christ? Is is possibly one of those "another Jesus" types?

    No, Weston does not to be lectured by anyone, b/c he does enough to shoot himself in the foot, if it's not already in his mouth. Weston, like all of the rest of the former WCG hirelings, is doing the best he can with what he has, but:

    What does Weston have and how much of it does he have?

    Time will tell...


    1. Time is indeed telling on you "john". How will you cope as you continue to grow very very old and the Sabbath keeping churches naturally move on without you. If you consider Sabbath keeping and Holy Day keeping churches as 'anti christ' then why do you still remain amongst them?
