Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Living Church of God: How Truthfully Charitable Are They?

A reader sent this to me today asking me to post this. This is the financial statement that the Living Church of God has to present annually to the Australian Government.

The reader asks:

"When has the Living Church of God EVER taken care of financially disadvantaged people in their communities? When has the Living Church of God ever assisted homeless people in their areas?

The Living Church of God has never taken care of the world around them let alone care for many of their actual members. Even though 3rd tithe is one of their commands, many LCG members never receive help from the church.

When I was a student at Ambassador College, Rod Meredith had been found to have used 3rd tithe to remodel his home on Waverly Drive when the Pasadena church area had lots of widows and unemployed members who needed assistance.

When has the Living Church of God ever done charitiable work, particuarly in Charlottee?"

Their Summary of Activities states: 

The Living Church of God Ltd continues to promote the Charity's principal purpose as a Christian Church which includes organising local congregations, promoting spiritual teachings, religious festivals, Bible education and pastoral care. The Church's broadcasting activities include weekly messages aired nationwide on Channel 7Two offering to the general public free magazines, DVD's, booklets, Bible-study courses and other literature to assist improve their personal and spiritual lives. The Bible Education Centre continues to provide students with an education founded on Biblical principles and is based on the Living Education (USA) curriculum and the Bible Study Correspondence Course. 
The Church assists, were possible, in emergency relief and humanitarian efforts throughout Australasia, the South Pacific and South East Asia, including during the current COVID-19 Pandemic.

You can see LCG's profile here: Living Church of God Ltd 


  1. Their summary of activities is a good example of ACOG ministers having learnt from accomplished marketeer HWA.

  2. The same could be said of PCG. They're out for themselves only, especially the top-tier ministers.

    1. https://www.acnc.gov.au/charity/charities/f6a9ebf0-38af-e811-a95e-000d3ad24c60/documents/cd81da4a-22f0-eb11-94ee-000d3acc2e41

  3. It is disappointing to see this but unfortunately it seems to be the norm. While growing up in Worldwide, I noticed how most of the "big shot" ministers lived quite well and seemed to have a gigantic disconnect from the average lay member who was just scraping by.

    1. Worldwide Church was nothing but a money making machine. Pastors enjoyed the best. They had the best cars. Members paying Third Tithe and they are excluded from paying. These churches operate as a business. Christ is not in the equation. Nothing but hirelings.

  4. I've never known ANY of the Armstrong churches to step out and help the less fortunate.

  5. Revealing the actual monetary contributions to those categories would tell the story of the lie

  6. There is surely "some" token efforts done by ORGS in those areas. However, the question has to be asked on whether this is simply primarily "window dressing" and "image branding" rather than primary concern for the disadvantaged.

    The primary expense in all the ORGS is ministerial compensations. This ranges up to 50% of revenue for the COGS. Until the money element is eliminated from the ORGS, they will not ever be much more than hirelings. I fail to understand why the ORGS do not have an unpaid elder model, and local collection of donations.

    The centralized Marxist business model of the ORGS , like all Marxist countries and economies is doomed to failure. In such systems there is an elite upper class, and a large burgeoning poor lower class. It has no mechanism in place to respond to its markets, and allows dead weights to continue on in the bureaucracies without accountability or creative replacement.

  7. Lol. As a long time member of LCG, no they do not do charity. Why feed hungry bellies when you can feed hungry souls? That’s the reasoning. Don’t give food or clothing; just give literature. Plenty of members do charity, but the organization does not, and even frowns on those who do for “diverting resources” that could go to HQ to make more TV programs and booklets.

  8. Over 25 years I have seen many and I mean many hundreds neglected and told they deserve the job loss, house loss, can't afford food, and that the ministry leaders and HQ can't get involved to help when God is choosing to punish a person. They let several families go through Major hardships and these families were consistent with tithes, offerings and the 3rd. tithe....Did the so called Church help them out when they needed it most? HELL NO they watched as they suffered and told them they deserved it and as soon as they figured out what God was punishing them for then they would come out of the trials. LOL The leaders tell you to GIVE GIVE GIVE and you are ONLY Converted when you give a LARGE amount. WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING!!!!!

  9. At a glance, it looks like LCG is filing false or perhaps even fraudulent annual reports to the Australian government. Are there no penalties for filing a false Annual report in Australia? Perhaps the Australian government should be notified to commence an investigation.


  10. Same for cogwa, they do not help anyone the Caribbean Minister visits the island and stays in a top tier hotel and only make contact with a handful of bretheren. He doesnt check in to make sure people are ok. He only attends the funeralnof those whom he deem as 'important'. The thing is that there are not even 250 persons in the Caribbean congreagations. Services are held either at the funeral home or at a burual site yet which is against what scripture says. There solution helping others is to pray but yet the Minister a few years ago said that he has to hold on until he gets his pension. He does nothing when it comes to leading the flock but accepts the partiality and condones all the adulterous and toxic behaviours of the bretheren.
