Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Bob Thiel, Z List COG Prophet Suffers Another Melt Down - Hilarity Ensues!


One thing you can say about Armsrongism and its crazy offshoots is that it is NEVER boring! No one would have ever dreamed in the 1960s or even in the 1980s that so many raving lunatics will be leading Churches of God today and would be preaching such crazy stuff as we are subject to today. They all claim to be Herbert Armstrong successors carrying on the baton as they march towards the kingdom. The one thing we can be assured of is that Herbert Armstrong would have kicked their sorry asses to the curb so fast their heads would be spinning. That includes every splinter group leader out there today. Hundreds and hundreds of them.

Never would Herbert Armstrong have imagined that the COG would end up going to Oregon and digging up a dirty old rock that he had supposedly knelt by and placed it in the very center of the doctrines of that church. Nor would he have ever believed that Christ was coming back to sit on the rock to be crowned King of Kings while at his right hand would be the human self-appointed King, Gerald Flurry.

Herbert Armstrong would never have claimed that Christ was coming back to walk the hallowed grounds of Ambassdoar College when he returns for the third time, though Armstrong did have ministers claiming that the campus was so extraordinary that the German would use it as their headquarters during their occupation of the US during the tribulation. They would be so in awe that they would spare the campus. That has not deterred Dave Pack and his lunatic belief that his "christ" is returning to Wadsworth Ohio BEFORE he returns to punish 2/3rds of humanity.

Herbert Armstrong would never have stood for the direct rebellion of United Church of God leaders as they plotted and schemed while still employed by the Worldwide Church of God on how many members and how much money they could take with them when they started their new church. He would be even more appalled to see COGWA form in self-righteous indignation as they rebelled against the government of UCG because they thought they could do things better, which they haven't.

Herbert Armstrong would have kicked RonWeinland and his lunatic wife out of the church so fast that even the taxman couldn't keep up with them.

This brings the most mind-boggling Church of God leader to ever exist in the history of the church. No human has ever been as exalted and doubly blessed as this man. He is our modern-day Elisha, Elijah, Joshua, and one of the future two witless witnesses. He is the world's most sought-after historian and the most theologically educated man that church history has ever seen. Never has the church been blessed with such a man, even Jesus pales in comparison to this mighty man. The problem here is that Bob Thiel talks more about himself than he ever has about Jesus in the entire time he has ever been preaching. Never has the church had a leader that has had so many miracles showered upon him to make him the rightful end-time leader of the Church of God as it trudges towards Armageddon. 

Because Bob Thiel has self-appointed himself to such lofty positions of supposed authority in the church he takes great umbrage whenever some attacks his credibility. Of course, his easy out is that it is Satan leading the attack instead of people genuinely criticizing his outlandish lies and half-truths. In his eyes, no human should ever criticize him or call him out. His god has placed him there and no one is to question that! NO ONE! So STOP IT, Gary Leonard!  STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP IT, NOW!!!!!!!!!!

The almighty one writes:

Some of Satan’s allies at Banned by HWA website continue to post lies about those of us in Continuing Church of God (CCOG) as well as other COGs. 
That is consistent with Satan’s hope as he is called the “accuser of the brethren” which he does do day and night (Revelation 12:10), so it is no great surprise if his lying human assistants spread lies regularly. 
If you are not part of a COG (Church of God), Satan hopes you will dismiss the true Christian faith as a false cult–this is something he and his followers have done throughout history.

I can state for a FACT that Bob Thiel's self-made and improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" is NOT part of the true Christian faith. In fact, it is not even Christian! That may sound harsh, but it's a personality cult filled with followers who look up to Thiel as something great and spiritual, which he is neither. His group is a pseudo-Christian imitating personality cult made up entirely from the mind of Bob Thiel. A man who was rejected by Rod Meredith for his continual rebellious attitude and self-righteous attempts to "correct" the Living Church of God. The improperly named "continuing" Church of "god" came into existence after Thiel was widely mocked in Living Church of God and elsewhere for his sanctimonious self-righteous attitude.

Satan has nothing to do with anyone criticizing this fool. I imagine Satan sits there many times thinking "What the hades did I just see him do? Why did he say that? Even I never thought of that!"

Thiel then trots out Jesus to back up his accusations. Never one to quote Him or teach what He accomplished, Thiel loves to quote him on this though:

Jesus, Himself, said that people who claimed to believe the Bible often denounced God’s prophets:

11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Matthew 5:11-12)

Thiel isn't God's prophet. So what's the point he is trying to make here? 

The Great One was really ticked off at this comment:

Notice the following evil that was posted at Banned by HWA:

Bob Thiel has lied to us from day one about God speaking to him in dreams, that he is the only COG doing the work, that he is a prophet, that he is Elisha, Elijah, Zephaniah, Joshua, and many other appropriated personalities (about the only thing left to call himself is Legion). Has Bob ever apologized and will he EVErRapologize for lying to us? 
Now the above is false witness from Gary Leonard (the webmaster of the above site and the one who posted that).

Here Bob, you really need this:

Never have we had such a weak COG leader who lives in a constant state of butthurt as we have in Bob Thiel.

As usual and right on cue, Gaylyn Bonjour gets dragged back out as PROOF that Thiel was doubly blessed by God to start some mighty end-time work. Thiel demands that I repent of calling him out and supposedly lying about him.

There is no point in me, Bob Thiel, apologizing for telling the truth.

Gary Leonard and those who believe his lies need to repent.

The truth is on December 15, 2011, LCG minister Gaylyn Bonjour, while laying hands on me, was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray that God would grant me a “double portion” of His Spirit, which Gaylyn Bonjour said was reminiscent of the passing of the mantle from Elijah to Elisha as recorded in 2 Kings 2:9-13. He has always publicly concurred with me that is what happened.

The fact was and still is, that Gaylyn Bonjour has no authority or power to pass on any mantle that is supposedly reminiscent of the mantle passed on from Elisha to Elijah. It is an impossibility. No Church of God minister has that authority. It is not even a logical premise!

Furthermore, on November 28, 2019, Gaylyn Bonjour stated that he believed that God answered his prayer regarding Him granting me a double-portion of His Spirit.

Additionally, on November 28, 2019, Gaylyn Bonjour also stated that he tells those who ask: 
I have known Bob Thiel since 1986. He has always been honest, dedicated, and sincere.

And that includes what I have written about him, dreams, and the prophet matter. My teaching about what happened is accurate and not false. I have not lied about this.

Dreams and nightmares by Bob Thiel are not from God and never have been. If Thiel wants to trot of his "satan" for something, this would be it. Those dreams certainly are not God-inspired. 

Satan hopes that YOU will be lazy and not believe. Satan hopes YOU will not take the time to check out the truth on this. Satan does NOT want YOU to accept that God really has been providing and fulfilling dreams in the 21st century. 
Satan wants YOU to think that there are no serious differences between the legitimate COGs so not being part of CCOG is fine. 
Satan wants YOU, like most Christians these days, to be Laodicean and not see if these things are so?

This is such a load of baseless crap that it is laughable.  As usual the above is entirely focused upon Bob and NOT on Jesus, that really irritating dude that destroys all that Bob teaches. Its always about Bob.

Thiel is so ticked off that no one believes him that he says his god is going to puke you out of his mouth for mocking him. Oh, and there's the Laodicean threat too. That one has been thrown around so much in COGland that no one even cares anymore.

Because he knows Jesus said for unrepentant Laodicean Christians, “I will vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, ‘I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing” (Revelation 3:16-17). 
The bulk of end time Christians do not truly believe that the New Testament shows that in the end of the last days God will provide dreams to His most faithful. God proceeded the start of the Philadelphia era with a dream to a woman and the start of the CCOG with a dream to a woman.

In his desperate attempt to imitate Herbert Armstrong and Loma Armstrong's dreams, the Great One claims he has legitimacy due to someone woman in the Australasia region dreaming a dream about him.

Now, what about the dream complaints from Gary Leonard? 
The Bible records that God often has used dreams to give messages, mainly to men (Genesis 20:3-7, 28:10-17, 31:10-13, 31:24, 37:5-10, 40:5-18, 41:1-32; Numbers 12:6; Judges 7:13-15; 1 Kings 3:5-15; Daniel 2:3-45, 4:4-27, 7:1-28; Matthew 1:20-25, 2:12, 2:13, 2:19, 2:22; Acts 16:9), and possibly at least once to a woman (cf. Numbers 12:6; Judges 4:4-16). Though most dreams that people have are not from God (Ecclesiastes 5:7; Zechariah 10:2). 
Well, although all real Christians claim to believe the Bible, many do not take all of it seriously enough. 
Like, for example, the following:

6 “Hear now My words:
If there is a prophet among you,
I, the Lord, make Myself known to him in a vision;
I speak to him in a dream. (Numbers 12:6)
Notice that the above says that God will speak to His prophet in a dream.

If Bob were a real prophet he might be correct, but he is not a prophet. The church has no need for them in this age. 

Christians understand that the foundation of the church rests on the writings of the prophets in Hebrew Scriptures and in the writings of the apostles where Jesus is the cornerstone. Prophets and apostles are not needed anymore because the foundation has been laid, the cornerstone is in place. Armstrongism seeks to rebuild something that is already in place.

Every single Church of God prophet in the last 80 some years has been a false prophet. They have all lied. Every single one of them. Every single one of them made a prediction that failed. All they needed was just one to fail, and they all hit that mark, including Bob Thiel. One failed prophecy invalidates all that they say.

Deuteronomy 18:22 ESV

When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. You need not be afraid of him.

The Doubly-blessed one continues his whining:

If God is not speaking to any dreams, then it really is not the last days. 
Yet, the Continuing Church of God DOES have the signs of Acts 2:17-18. 
Satan does not want you to take inspired confirmed dreams seriously. He wants you opposed, or at best lukewarm, to that biblical idea. Satan wants you to have enough doubts about God and His promises so that you will be “a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways” (James 1:8).

The only double-minded men we see in the Churches of God today are in its leadership. Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, and Ron Weinland have set that bar so low even an ant would have trouble getting over it.

Satan is not setting about trying to deceive members in the COG to not follow God just because these raving lunatics say he is. The large majority of COG members see through the lies of these men and that is why they have such small followings. It's not a Satan issue but the liar issue of men who have no credibility.

It is nice to know that Bob prays for me though:

Those who believe the false assertions at the Banned by HWA website are among those that love and practices lies. 
Those who do so should repent. 

I have nothing to repent of when it comes to exposing lying false prophets of the Church of God who set themselves up in positions of authority as agents of a man-made creature god they have created in their own minds.  

Jesus taught:

44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, 45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (Matthew 5:44-45) 
Gary Leonard remains in my prayers.

Thanks, Bro!

Bob ends with this:

The Continuing Church of God has been the fastest growing xWCG group in the 21st century. The fruits are there for those with eyes to see and “ears to hear” (Mark 4:23)–but non-believers (Deuteronomy 29:4) and the bulk of end-time Christians do not (cf. Revelation 3:14-22). 
Anyway, what Satan continues to hope is that you will believe lies, not believe that God actually has sent fulfilled dreams to those in the Continuing Church of God, and that you will not look into the details to see if it is so–like the Bereans of old did in Acts 17:10-11. 
If you are not part of CCOG, Satan wants you to stay away from it.

Apparently, even Satan knows a bad thing when he sees it! 

There is nothing and I repeat NOTHING that Bob Thiel says is of value for a follower of Jesus. No matter how many hissy-fits he throws, dreams he dreams, and blessings he receives, he is not the legitimate leader of a church that is following Jesus. No one ever needs to fear not joining his cult.




    Bob Thiel was rejected by Rod Meredith.

    Rod Meredith was rejected by the Global Church of God and also rejected by Herbart Armstrong in 1986.

    The Global Church of God was rejected by the Worldwide Church of God.

    Herbert Armstrong was rejected by the COG 7th Day. and then rejected by the Worldwide Church of God in the 90s.

    THUS, and THEREFORE ---- Bobby Thiel is a REJECT , descended from a long line of REJECTS!

  2. I guess I missed the moment in 2019 when Mr. Bonjour confirmed what he did for/to Dr. Thiel in 2011. Did you have extensive coverage of that? Like you do so many other things with CCOG?

  3. Herbert Armstrong occasionally wrote about his parents and his boyhood. Rod Meredith talked often about his parents and his boyhood.

    Bob Thiel NEVER talks about his parents or his boyhood. Is it possible that Bob in his youth was a disappointment to most of the responsible people in his life, before he became a flim-flam man as an adult?

  4. Well at least we know Dr Rabbi, Booby, Elijah, Amos, Prophet, one of the Two Witnesses, saviour of all Africa, square pants, sponge bob Thiel reads Banned by HWA.
    The only other comment I will make, is I believe the comments section of this particular post will be great reading,lol.
    And …..we all know Booby boy will be reading them with righteous indignation.

  5. Bob is very secretive about his strict upbringing. What he has mentioned is him having to do things he did not like doing. For being such a perfect embodiment of god he covers up his past really well. I do know that he is an embarrassment to his extended family. If yiu think we mock him overt this church stuff it’s worse with them.

  6. Bob The Builder…LMAO! That was great!!!

  7. Bob is very secretive about his strict upbringing. What he has mentioned is him having to do things he did not like doing.

    Having to do some things we don't like doing is one of the basic lessons that comes with maturing from childhood into adulthood. Only a few sociopaths, malignant narcissists, and Petulant Prophets fail to learn that lesson.

  8. In Genesis 32, Jacob wrestled with God.

    If God appeared to Bob and tried to wrestle, things would have turned out far differently, as Bob would have refused to wrestle, preferring instead to lecture about the dangers of wrestling and the need (at a very minimum) for well-padded headgear and a sturdy groin cup.

  9. It's a nice gesture that The Prophet Bob is praying for NO2HWA - however, since The Prophet Bob does not preach the doctrine of Justification, he lacks the righteousness required for his prayers to be effective.

    The prayers of a righteous man are productive - so I will continue to pray for NO2HWA - since I have been made righteous by the righteousness of Jesus (Doctrine of Justification).

    And no worries if Bob is praying those curse prayers suggested by Bill Watson, because the poor prophet's prayers are powerless due to him being alienated from Jesus and fallen from grace.

    Galatians 5:4
    You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.

    Romans 5:18
    New International Version
    Consequently, just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.

    Acts 13:38-39
    “Therefore, my friends, I want you to know that through Jesus the forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you. Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.

  10. Is it possible that Bob in his youth was a disappointment...

    Bob may have been one of the case studies in The Disappointing Child, by Dr. Beverly Hofstadter.

  11. Elijah said it was a difficult, hard thing that Elisha asked for: a double portion. But it will be so if Elisha saw when Elijah was taken. What did Bob see? Nothing.

  12. Sorry Bob, but I'll just stick with the ICG.

  13. Bob is praying for you? When Woodrow Wilson had is stroke he was visited by one of his political opponents. He assured the president that he was praying for him.
    Wilson replied, "Which way?"
    Anyone who makes his living selling nutritional supplements does not have good critical thinking skills. The industry is unregulated. What is on the label is not always what is in the bottles. The proof they offer for their effectiveness is anecdotal evidence (testimonials) not peer reviewed, replicated, double blind studies. I would't trust his theology if I can't trust his health recommendations.
    From what I see, I imagine him as a very insecure person who always wanted to be viewed as important and respected, like many in the WCG leadership of the 60's-70's. Again, I don't know him personally, nor did I know Raymond F. McNair, but I think they have much in common. People with a desire that exceeds their potential.

    1. Woodrow Wilson quote ha ha ha. When asked if he had a word for the American people by a reporter. He replied " Yes goodbye".

  14. There is something that has always perfectly explained the Armstrongite and Armstrongism's teachers. It also explains the great political divide we are currently experiencimg in the USA. It's illustrated by a conversational exchange I shared with an acquaintance the other day. He had mentioned the importance of good information, and the search for correct facts in accomplishing his work. We discussed research techniques, and the advent of the internet, which was ballyhooed at its inception as being the "information superhighway". We also discussed the quality of many of the sources listed in internet searches, and how any number of them were obviously very amateurish and questionable, and so many people cannot tell the difference. And, then, I made an observation. I said, "Like myself, you obviously value truth, and want the best possible factual information. Unfortunately these days that doesn't matter to most others. They only care about agenda, and go around trying to find references that support their agenda!"

    We both laughed and agreed. It is so refreshing when we occasionally encounter people who have some of our same paradigms and values.

  15. Bob is representative of the ACOG ministers. As a group, they are morally challenged and habitual liars. Bob only differs by being easier to read.
    A bible quoting liar is hard for many people to comprehend.

  16. There is a lot of verbal abuse against God's true servants and leaders on this blog, but remember that God always wins.

  17. Anon 2:29 am Bob is not a liar he will rule in God's kingdom.

  18. The reason we never hear about Bob Thiel's family and particularly his father and mother is that he was born by immaculate conception. That is why he sees himself so perfect.

  19. The comments here never disappoint! Bob is such a tool!

  20. Bob Thiel is not a bad guy certainly he has a lot of fruit of God's spirit.

  21. What fruits of the spirit does Bob Thiel have? I seriously want to know.

    All we see is a psychotic narcissist self-absorbed in his own perceived greatness.

  22. What fruits of the spirit does Bob Thiel have? I seriously want to know.

    Bob doesn't have the fruit of the Spirit; he has the spirit of a fruit!

  23. Anon 12:28:00 PM PST

    I don’t doubt Bob Thiel is a decent chap on a personal one on one level. I don’t know, I have never met him personally.

    However the issue here is the doctrines he espouses are blatantly, provably, incorrect. And highly suspect.
    British Israelism for example, the biggest elephant in his ‘house’ of theology. A ‘core’ doctrine for Armstrongism. And a doctrine soundly discredited. It is up there with the ‘flat earthers’.
    Holding a theological stance so unsound and discredited, should raise serious doubts in ones mind to the credibility of his positions on other ‘core’ and widely accepted Christian doctrines.

    1. Nah, many of his personal opinions are those of a disgusting, craven little man. But I applaud your approach in attempting to assume good faith (really!).

  24. Has Bob ever explained why God has never until now made a Prophet out of a guy with a developmentally disabled son who needs constant care?

    It just seems so unlike God that He would ask the parent of a disabled kid to spend time on being a Doubly Blessed Prophet instead of doing the natural Christian thing and devoting time to the care of a son in need. If Bob is a Prophet, then I'm not very impressed by the god he serves, who chooses to promote a Petulant Prophet of Possiblys at the expense of a suffering human being. If Bob were a legit Prophet, surely his god would heal his son.

  25. I don’t doubt Bob Thiel is a decent chap on a personal one on one level. I don’t know, I have never met him personally.

    Even Bob's own followers know better than that. I met one of his (white) local leaders, who admitted to me that he was with Bob because of Bob's supposed hyperfocus on correct doctrine, not because Bob was a "decent chap." In fact, this local leader agreed with me when I said my experience of Bob was that he was a narcissist, very emotionally needy, and capable of unpleasant mood swings. "God doesn't only use perfect people," was what this white Bobist told me.

  26. 4:28 wrote: "this local leader agreed with me when I said my experience of Bob was that he was a narcissist, very emotionally needy, and capable of unpleasant mood swings."

    This was my experience with Bob when he was in LCG. Bob exhibits all the classic symptoms of narcissism. The focus is entirely upon him. If he did not get the attention he thought he deserved he created some upheaval or disturbance till he was the focus again. His constant need to correct Meredith and the church caused him a lot of negativity in the church. That's why when he left no one from LCG went with him, Why suffer under his neediness in the new church. We all felt sorry for his wife and kids, especially his mentally disabled son. He spends all of his time writing papers and researching for articles and had little time for his family. It's even worse now for them. He can't even travel to the Feast without turning it into some podcast sideshow for his silly program. We saw how he treated his family and it's not pretty!

  27. It's difficult to assess what could or might be driving Bob Thiel. He goes way beyond the normal obsessive-compulsiveness of a typical Armstrongite, and his OCD has not abated or faded for decades. One would think that the scorn and ridicule would eventually get to him, causing him to reassess, but it has not. I wonder if it isn't his son's disability that drives this, that maybe he feels that if he finds what his God requires in terms of appeasement, the son would be healed. This could be a subliminal driver for him, and it would explain everything about the man. What we interpret as ego could be his wonderment about the total ineffectiveness and lack of acceptance by others of the things he feels his God requires of him. Most of those around us behave in typical patterns, patterns which we hold in common with them. They vary slightly, but not substantially. We are often mystified by abnormal psychology and don't have the skill set to correctly assess it. A cult or cultic beliefs can feed into and magnify one's abnormalities.

  28. "Every single Church of God prophet in the last 80 some years has been a false prophet. They have all lied. Every single one of them. Every single one of them made a prediction that failed. All they needed was just one to fail, and they all hit that mark, including Bob Thiel. One failed prophecy invalidates all that they say."

    Please show us the failed prophecy or prophecies of Bob Thiel, if the above is the case.

    1. 10.44 AM
      Bobs fake prophecy predictions (eg, likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly) have been addressed umpteen times in previous articles. He has been asked many times on this blog to make a plain prediction as a prophet. He has never obliged.

  29. Even if Thiel did list them all he would lie and say they all had come true.

  30. "I expect that the time will come when deepfake technology will be used to make it seem like I, and others in the CCOG, say and/or do things, that we did not say or do..."

  31. "I expect that the time will come when deepfake technology will be used to make it seem like I, and others in the CCOG, say and/or do things, that we did not say or do..."

    Bob lives in fear that there is security camera footage, or closed circuit video, of him engaged in some activity that is incompatible with being a Prophet and Overseer of a Church of God.

    You and I, not being narcissists, would relax and assume that the video was overwritten a week after it was taped. Bob, however, lives in a fearful fantasy world where someone who knows about Bob's importance will find and release the video to discredit him, so Bob is busy preparing his followers to discount what they might see.

  32. Bob Thiel, professed prophet, or rather a prophet falsely so-called, confessed the following two sentences:

    "...Those who believe the false assertions at the Banned by HWA website are among those that love and practices lies.

    Those who do so should repent..."

    What would the prophet, falsely so-called, think about those who believe the true assertions at the Banned by HWA website...?

    Would they be among those that love and practice truth, and thus not need to repent?

    Might Bob have a change of heart: repent?

    Time may tell...


  33. Bob Thiel, professed prophet, or rather a prophet falsely so-called, confessed the following two sentences:

    "...Those who believe the false assertions at the Banned by HWA website are among those that love and practices lies.

    Those who do so should repent..."

    What would the prophet, falsely so-called, think about those who believe the true assertions at the Banned by HWA website...?

    Would they be among those that love and practice truth, and thus not need to repent?

    Might Bob have a change of heart: repent?

    Time may tell...

