Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Is there any good in this world?


Is there any good in this world?

After making the points that I've been making about a Christian's responsibility to avoid becoming a part of this world's human systems, some will inevitably throw the proverbial baby out with the bath water. Yes, there is a great deal that is wrong with this world, and that should be avoided by Christians. Nevertheless, it is also clear that this present world has a number of features that are very good!

Indeed, after every act of creation enumerated in the first chapter of Genesis, we are told: "And God saw that it was good." Likewise, when everything was finished, we are told: "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." Moreover, as "everything" which God had created is encompassed by this language (light, darkness, sky, hydrologic cycle, oceans, land, plants, animals, humans), we are forced to conclude that ALL of those things were/are very good.

And, if we focus our attention exclusively on what is revealed in the first three chapters of the book of Genesis about the human portion of that creation, we are forced to conclude that humans are NOT inherently evil. In fact, if we stick to the text and avoid reading our own notions into what is revealed there in black and white, we see that evil entered into the human experience through the lies of the Serpent, the choices that the humans made for themselves, and engaging in sinful behaviors (doing those things that were contrary to God's instructions). In other words, God did NOT make humans evil.

In this connection, we should also note that there are a great many scriptures which speak in very positive terms about the God-given capabilities of humankind (e.g. the ability to imagine, create, fashion). In short, God has distributed a whole host of talents to the humans which he created. And there is also the phenomenon of Divine inspiration of humankind. Of course, we all recognize that there has been a great deal of spiritual inspiration down through the millennia of human existence, but there has also been the inspiration of human emotions like love, kindness, compassion, and empathy. Moreover, many of us have discerned God's inspiration in various areas of human endeavor like art, music, literature, architecture, science, etc.

Hence, it would be very inaccurate/misleading to characterize everything in the present world as evil. An oak tree is a good and beautiful thing. There is much to admire in some of the music of Mozart, Handel, Beethoven, The Beatles and John Denver. Likewise, more than a few of us have found great joy and benefit in the discoveries and inventions of science. Thus, we must conclude that any blanket condemnation of all that currently exists as a part of this world as evil is obviously wrong! Moreover, we know that Paul instructed the Christians at Philippi to focus on the good (Philippians 4:8). To be sure, there is a lot to avoid/shun in this world; but there's a whole lot of good around us as well (and I'm thinking it's probably a sin not to acknowledge that stuff too). What do you think?

Lonnie Hendrix


  1. Lonnie wrote:

    "...we see that evil entered into the human experience through the lies of the Serpent, the choices that the humans made for themselves, and engaging in sinful behaviors (doing those things that were contrary to God's instructions). In other words, God did NOT make humans evil..."

    When it comes to evil it appears that God is in the details (Isaiah 45:7; Prov 16:4); however, it also appears that Satan is in the details (I John 3:8; 2 Tim 2:26; James 4:5; Matthew 12:34, 23:33-35) too.

    I'm looking forward to the day when Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41,46; Ezekiel 28:19) are no longer in the details; however, ...

    Time will tell...


  2. Lonnie: I especially appreciated what you had written earlier about Christians not getting highjacked by politics.
    That was a great reminder about the need to be a Christian above my strong political leaning, and put promoting Jesus above my political opinions.
    Yes, I do think there is a lot of good in the world and that we should dwell on that good.
    It is the COG way to focus on the world as only evil - they see evil everywhere and the gloom sinks into their spirit.
    In the US, I think we've grown toward respecting all people and their differences.
    Yes, the Me Too Movement and the racial tensions have exposed some hideous problems, yet I think that exposure has brought more people toward caring about their neighbors.
    I believe society has evolved to a better place over the past few decades, despite our obvious problems.
    I also appreciate the concern shown for our precious natural environment - conservation efforts that have protected, animals, land, and resources.
    I find so much beauty in the world and when I do, I recite this verse:
    Isaiah 6:3
    “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory.”

  3. Lonnie: thank you for seeing the good in the world and taking the time to point that out - I appreciate your efforts!

  4. I thought this was the way Christians view the world by default. I certainly do.
