Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 14, 2022

LCG: Is It Finally Admitting It Doesn't Practice Godly Love?


Well, no, they aren't.  But, as usual, it's the members who are not practicing it. Can the members EVER do anything right? LCG members need to let the Spirit inspire them to love just like the leadership loves!

The Most Important Quality: The people of God understand the importance of keeping the commandments and watching Bible prophecy. Yet, in our zeal to obey God, we can sometimes overlook another important quality—the need to develop and exercise godly love. Jesus said that the second of the two greatest commandments is “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:36–40). The Apostle Paul said that without godly love, all other things amount to nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1–3). The word for love (agape) in these verses refers to an unselfish outgoing concern for others: being patient, kind, not proud or rude, and not sitting in judgment of others, but focusing on what is positive, right, and good (1 Corinthians 13). This special type of love is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit that needs to be visible in our lives as Christians (Galatians 5:22–25). Let’s ask God to help us develop this most important quality.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail


  1. Not a new admission. Winnail has published this same comment at least three times previously, and probably more, with just a few words juggled around each time. LCG is the "nothing new to see here" church.

    Sing to the Tune "What the World Needs Now"- Jackie DeSannon 1965


    What the COG needs now is love, sweet love
    It's one of many things , that there's just too little of
    What the COG needs now is love, sweet love
    No not just for the ordained , but for everyone

    Lord, we don't need another COG splinter
    There are cults and schisms all full of slime
    There are ministers and prophets enough to cross
    Enough to last 'til the end of time

    What the COG needs now is love, sweet love
    It's one of many things, that there's just too little of
    What the COG needs now is love, sweet love
    No, not just for the ordained , but for everyone

    Lord, we don't need another apostle
    There is the Thiel, Pack, and Flurry combo!
    There are prophecies and edicts, a real dumb show...
    Oh listen, Lord, if you want to know...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The bible instructs to not add or subtract from God's word. Yet Doug has added "unselfish outgoing concern for others" to 1 Cor13. This does not appear anywhere in the bible. All the ACOGs parrot this lie as part of their corporate business model. The expression is the game of the unjust steward applied to emotional currency.
    The expression is deliberately never defined and kept hazy so that its definition can be changed half way through a sentence if challenged.
    To extend to strangers the same feelings one has towards ones pet or family members is insanity.

  5. Dangerous Doug starts his recycled indoctrination with this COG staple:
    "The people of God understand the importance of keeping the commandments"
    Thanks to the leadership of ministers like Doug, LCG members do not know what the commandments are.
    The COGs keep some Old Covenant commands, some they partially keep, and many they ignore - all while not grasping what's required under the New Covenant.
    Doug rehearses the COG indoctrination catechism so that the people believe they keep "the commandments" and have no interest in the New Covenant.
    Doug deceives the people by using Matthew 5:18 to indoctrinate them with the falsehood that nothing has changed from the law.
    The brainwashing is so thorough that when mentioned to them, the people cannot discuss how that jibes with their understanding that laws about animal sacrifices or circumcision are no longer required.
    Doug deceives the people about how the finished work of Jesus and how the law changed with the change in the priesthood - Hebrews 7:12.
    Doug wants the people to believe that keeping his COG-odd, COG-concocted version of the law makes them righteous and the people of God; however, that is contrary to Holy Scripture:
    Galatians 5:4
    You who are trying to be justified by the law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
    Doug deceives the people away from Jesus and grace and denies them the opportunity to be made righteous by the finished work of Jesus.
    Acts 13:39
    Through him everyone who believes is set free from every sin, a justification you were not able to obtain under the law of Moses.

  6. On 2 April 2005 a sermon titled, Who Overcomes What, Part 1, was spoken to brethren, but it sure can apply to former WCG hirelings, who fled from Pasadena, leaving their ministerial credentials behind. For example, it could be applied to Doug Winnail, Kubik, Weston, Franks, Weinland, Flurry (no, he was disfellowshipped), but pick a hireling name:

    "...All right. Start to ask yourself these questions. You can write them down if you want.
    • Who overcomes what?
    • Can you overcome sin? Do you actually think you can overcome sin? Because, like I’ve said, in 50 years, I’ve never seen anyone do that, of and by themselves. You can’t do it. Can you overcome sin?
    • Can you fight Satan and all of his power and win? As a mere mortal, can you stand up and fight Satan? Can you overcome Satan?
    • Wait a minute; how about this: Can you USE God’s Holy Spirit to fight Satan?
    Oh, I bet you all think you’re getting the right answer on that one. Well, ...all of you on the Internet, and all of those out there in those scattered “churches of god” out there...Can you use God’s Spirit to fight Satan?
    • Can anyone, or anything resist God’s power? Can you resist God’s power? Can Satan resist God’s power? Can anything resist God’s power?
    • Can you, in some form or fashion, can you overcome sin and present yourself in front of God perfect, or almost near perfect? Can you do that? Isn’t that what we’re all trying to do? But can you do it? I’m talking about you. Can you? Can you make your choices? Do you think you’re a free moral agent and you can make choices, so you will present yourself in front of God? Hey, He’s going to judge you, isn’t He? Isn’t that what everyone believes: that He’s going to judge you? And if one sin slipped by, you’re a “dead man walking!” So, how is that going to work?
    The answer to all of the questions that I just asked you, and I’ll go in order: Is No, No, No, No and No! It’s a “No” to every, one. Can you use God’s Holy Spirit to fight Satan? Oh, you can’t!
    Do you think God’s going to allow you to use some of His Power in your imperfect way? Oh, I don’t think so! That’s a big “Duh” for everybody. It doesn’t work that way – and we’re going to learn why.
    Jesus Christ, as He was here, the Son of God, He’s the only human being ever to have God’s Holy Spirit at that time. Period. The only one on the face of the earth at that time, and we all know and accept that He was absolutely perfect: perfect to the Law, perfect to all the Will of God, all of it. He had God's Spirit. He’s standing there, just like us. Alright?
    He’s standing here. Of course, He was perfect, and none of us are. Having God's Spirit and being the only Son of God, He says, and I’m paraphrasing a little here. He says, “I can do nothing without My Father. I can’t do anything without Him.”
    He wasn’t being cute. He says, “I can’t do anything without Him. Nothing.” The Father had to give Him the words; The Father had to instruct Him to do whatever He had to do. He had to guide Him and control Him and maneuver Him. Yes. Jesus Christ – I know this is a dirty word out there in the Internet land and in the Church – Jesus Christ was a pawn...
    ...So, let me ask you:
    • Are you better than Christ? Are you better than Christ? He said He couldn’t do anything. Are you going to do something now?
    Are you going to draw way back into that character of yours, the character you’ve been building, and you’re going to come out and do something right, holy, righteous?
    You know the answer again is “No!” You can’t. You can’t..."
    So, if Doug does not demonstrate this holy, righteous, character, then why does Doug impose this burden on any who may be looking up to him?

    Doug wrote: "...Let's ask God to help us develop this most important quality..."

    Will Doug (any xcog hireling) ever explain how God helped Doug develop love in his own life, b/c just asking won't "cut it!"

    Time will tell...


  7. Very few people know that Tonto, in addition to being an outstanding lyricist, is also a great singer. He can only hit one note, however . . . Tonto Sings!

  8. Poor COGlodytes are so numb to Doug's recycled words that they cannot comprehend them at face value.
    In Doug's second sentence, he actually tells the truth - but in so doing, he really is admitting (as the title of the post says) that the zealous COG commandment keepers are not keeping one of the greatest commands.
    Doug wrote:
    "Yet, in our zeal to obey God, we can sometimes overlook another important quality—the need to develop and exercise godly love."
    In a rare move, Doug dares quote the words of Jesus by citing Matthew 22:36–40:
    Jesus said that the second of the two greatest commandments is “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”.
    Of course, COGlodytes have been taught to recite the COG catechism describing the first four commandments are about loving God and the next six commandments are about loving your neighbor - and if you keep these ten, you are keeping the commandments.
    This COG indoctrination has deceived the people into believing that if they are not murdering, or lying, then they are loving their neighbor.
    Because Doug does not preach the New Covenant, the people are conditioned not to care about it and miss out on how Jesus fulfilled and magnified the Ten Commandments.
    I know at least one LCG members who does show signs of actively loving their neighbors in ways that go beyond just avoiding the prohibitions of the last six commandments.
    However, I know several groups of LCG members who show something like love toward the members of their own clique and try to avoid breaking the last six commandments, yet they exhibit disdain for those outside of their clique and show no signs of actively loving their neighbors.
    However, these cliquey members have been deceived into believing that when they pay their tithes to preach the COG version of the gospel, that is all the love they are required to show their neighbors.
    LCG's love and righteousness in not better than that of the Pharisees.
    The lack of caring about, and instruction on, the work of Jesus and the New Covenant is devastating to the poor people of the LCG.

  9. I just read the living Church of GOd's "God's Church Through the Ages"
    It is very poorly written with misleading interpretations of scripture and many references to dubious authors. Certainly this is a dangerous cult.

  10. I just read the living Church of GOd's "God's Church Through the Ages"
    It is very poorly written with misleading interpretations of scripture and many references to dubious authors. Certainly this is a dangerous cult.

    You want to read The Incredible History of God's True Church, by LCG member Ivor Fletcher. Rod Meredith didn't want to offend John Ogwyn's groupies by withdrawing God's Church Through the Ages, so when Fletcher joined LCG Meredith thought he could avoid confrontation simply by publishing Fletcher's book. Unfortunately, that sent Bwana Bob into a frenzy, as Fletcher's book corrects many of Ogwyn's errors, the same errors Bob kept pestering Meredith to fix.

  11. 4:48 wrote: "You want to read The Incredible History of God's True Church, by LCG member Ivor Fletcher. Rod Meredith didn't want to offend John Ogwyn's groupies by withdrawing God's Church Through the Ages, so when Fletcher joined LCG Meredith thought he could avoid confrontation simply by publishing Fletcher's book. Unfortunately, that sent Bwana Bob into a frenzy, as Fletcher's book corrects many of Ogwyn's errors, the same errors Bob kept pestering Meredith to fix."

    That is hilarious! Bob is always a dollar short on everything. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride. He is a loser no matter which way he turns.

  12. The Satan's Counterfeit Christianity is worse. This "church" portrays satan ruling o over a kingdom while Jesus waits to rule over his kingdom. It is like they don't know that Jesus was/is victorious. This church takes legends and attempts to portray them as facts. Like building their two Babylons story, they take the legend of Semiramis and state it like they found it in the Bible. The Bible does not mention Semiramis, and does not state that Nimrod was the father of Tamuz. This group likes to build fables and preach them like gospel, this is a very deceptive group.
