Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Crackpot COG Prophet Claims His Followers Will Soon Be Deceived By Chinese Deep Fakes Of Him

This is a deep fake propaganda photo 
created by the Chinese government 
to stop God's message from going forth into the world Africa!

Never has the Church of God had such a self-absorbed self-appointed prophet than we have in Bob Thiel. In his mind, he imagines what he says as the most important things necessary for people's salvation and so radical that the Chinese and others will hate him so much they will create animations to make him say things he never did.

As if China or some other government would find Bob to be feared so much that they would seek to imitate him!  Can he be that mentally ill and so self-absorbed?

One reader here writes:

Bob lives in fear that there is security camera footage, or closed circuit video, of him engaged in some activity that is incompatible with being a Prophet and Overseer of a Church of God. You and I, not being narcissists, would relax and assume that the video was overwritten a week after it was taped. Bob, however, lives in a fearful fantasy world where someone who knows about Bob's importance will find and release the video to discredit him, so Bob is busy preparing his followers to discount what they might see.

Bwana Bob writes: 

With modern technology, highly persuasive deceit is possible–and to a degree impossible in Paul’s day. But he warned to Christians to have assurance in true teachers. 
The Apostle Paul also taught:

21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1 Thessalonians 5:21, KJV) 
Once you have proven the truth, you need to hold fast to it so you will not be deceived like others. 
Or tossed to and fro by every wind purporting to be true, “that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting” (Ephesians 4:14, NKJV). 
Many post and say things that are not true about the CCOG. 
In addition to not believing lies being posted against the truth and church leadership happening now, more deceit is coming. … 
Yes, computer technology and artificial intelligence can make very convincing fakes. 
More deep fakes are coming. Some will be used for purpose of deceit and character assassination.
I expect that the time will come when deepfake technolgy will be used to make it seem like I, and others in the CCOG, say and/or do things, that we did not say or do. 



  1. Wow!

    Bob, we know you read this, so please follow through the logic of what follows.

    Imagine that you are the government, and you have a large but limited budget to spend on deep fakes. Why would you spend money to deep-fake CCOG's leader? If the purpose of a deep fake is to harm the leader's reputation, doesn't the leader need to have a reputation in the first place? To the extent that the world knows about Bob, it already disbelieves, distrusts, and even dislikes him. Wouldn't it make more sense to use deep fakes to make a popular figure unpopular, not to make an unpopular (and almost unknown) figure known to billions?

    Bob, your organic Web visit activity has decreased, not increased, since you started your group. Why would a deep fake maker want to give you more publicity when you're already doing such a good job of fading into even greater obscurity?

  2. How many of his African followers even have computers and internet access? Why would they even care? Only their church leaders have it and they weld that power over their followers just like Bob tries here. It is those men who will deceive (and are) these African followers, not some Chinese deep fake.

  3. He's dreaming. Everyone is going to be too preoccupied with the continuing new variations of Covid 19, the rapid exacerbation of global warming, and the right wing totalitarian takeover of the USA to pay any attention to Bob Thiel. Still, the prospect of him being caught in a deep fake involving questionable acts in some seedy public park bathroom might be mildly amusing.

  4. Bob needs his head examined.

  5. What happened to Bob's man in China?
    All I remember about him is his presentation style - he was in the novice stage with the hand gestures. Maybe the CCP recruited him to help with their fake Chairman Bob.

  6. Bobs a deepfake sent over by China to lead the people of God astray with deceitful doctrines and false prophecies!

  7. Deep fake can manipulate appearances, but not voices. Otherwise we would be hearing new Elvis Presley songs.

  8. Anon 6:40:00 PM PST
    ‘and the right wing totalitarian takeover of the USA’,
    well this is news.
    Sources please…..is this Booby writing here?
    Must be, simply delusional comment,lol.

  9. I'm a fairly skilled animator, I could lift a few screenshots and make a gif of Bob doing crazy stuff.

    But I wont, because he'll call it a "deepfake" even though itd obviously be drawn. Then again, maybe I should do it so he can say that and I'll quote him on my resume.

  10. On a somewhat related note, the Q fools Ive been monitoring were convinced Michael Jackson and others were going to make an appearance at the Trump rally tonight. They didnt, so now theyll go for the religious appeal "Its Gods plan not ours".

  11. Hah! The ACOG version of Max Headroom!

  12. Dr Bob, please get some help before it's too late...

  13. 7:40, Google "Thomas Homer-Dixon"

    But, mainly, you should come out of your vacuum, and read the news every day.

  14. Yeah, maybe someone might use the internet to create a fake title like DOCTOR for you Bob!

    OOPS!! ... Oh, you created that one yourself!

  15. Rsk,
    Your monitoring of q is noted and will be rewarded comrade.
    I have been monitoring those who have been monitoring q agents who have of late been monitoring me. I feel comfortable revealing this to you but ask that you keep this on the down low.

    1. Hahaha, well, once upon a time, I did work for the FBI. That was decades ago though.

    2. Haha. You definitely are more credentialed than I. :)

  16. I keep wondering why Q gets all the attention. What happened to L, G, B, and T?

  17. What happened to L, G, B, and T?

    Laodicean Goofball Bob Thiel? He's definitely representing the Q!

  18. ROTFL!! This article made me choke from laughing so hard!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍
