Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Gerald Weston: Is It Wrong To Have Ex Members As Friends?


Imagine being a friend of an LCG member after having left the church or having a friend who left the church and have to read this kind of tripe. Apparently leaving the one true faith is a sign of rebellion and witchcraft. Now we know why Bob Thiel is such a problem! His rebellion and lying tongue are a sign of witchcraft. Who knew!

Prioritize Your Loyalty

In the case of Romans, Paul’s address is to the brethren—believers as a body. The New King James Version carries the sense of taking note. Paul mentions no one in particular—just to take note of anyone causing division and avoid them. Certainly, it is best for the Church to make that determination and make members aware when they might not fully understand something. But, as in Corinth, there is also personal responsibility placed on the membership. When you see someone who claims to be a brother or sister in Christ causing division or living an openly immoral life, avoid that person. God’s mind regarding divisive people is not obscure:

These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren(Proverbs 6:16–19).

And remember what God tells us about rebellion and stubbornness: “For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry” (1 Samuel 15:23). If we understand these instructions, we realize that there are limits to friendship.

Jesus taught His disciples, “You are My friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:14). “A friend is a friend for life” is a sentiment that does not square with the Bible. The truth is that most friendships in this life are temporary. Circumstances and people change over time. Many close friends in the past are no longer close today, because they ceased sharing the interests and values that brought them together in the first place. Do we still remember them and care for them? Of course—but in the Church, we also recognize that basic question asked by the prophet Amos: “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” (Amos 3:3).

We should value friendship, but let us not allow our human reasoning and emotions to override important instructions from God. It is not a sin to have friends who have left our fellowship and see them at appropriate times—such as weddings, funerals, and other such events. But it can become a sin when we reject the biblical admonition to avoid those who live immoral lives or cause division. If you are a friend of God, you cannot be a friend of the world (James 4:4). Our loyalties must first and foremost be to our ultimate friend, Jesus Christ.

So, Jesus is LCG's "friend" now? They rarely speak of the guy and anything he accomplished or the New Covenant, but Jesus is their friend. Next, we will hear LCG adding new hymns to their song-book about Jesus being their boyfriend in five repeat stanzas.


  1. When it comes to the idea of "friends", it is always important to realize that each of us will end up being a composite of the 5 people we spend the most amount of time with.

    That said, there are people in your church fellowship that you should ABSOLUTELY stay away from, and those that are worthwhile as well. The same applies to those who are outside of your church fellowship.

    A good relationship should be one that is esteeming one another to achieve their worthwhile goals and objectives in life. If a relationship is creating obstacles for ones growth, or well being, and is tearing you down, then that relationship needs to be evaluated carefully.

    1. Gosh Tonto, you seem to be describing friendship as a trade. Now where have I heard that before?

  2. I never had friends in WCG, just people I attended church with.


  3. The COG advertisement: Meet some True Christians with the Holy Spirit and make good friends for life.

    The COG reality: Meet some Real Demoniacs and make bad enemies for life.

  4. Wow… Monson is living rent free in Westons head. It seems like every other letter from Weston is about avoiding all the people leaving LCG for CGA including all the people in the Philippines recently who left. The crazy thing is the tighter he squeezes the more people that keep leaving.

  5. Wow… Monson is living rent free in Westons head. It seems like every other letter from Weston is about avoiding all the people leaving LCG for CGA including all the people in the Philippines recently who left. The crazy thing is the tighter he squeezes the more people that keep leaving.

    1. Yes, that's the thing with "government" (aka lording) and soap...

  6. If you maintain a friendship with someone who has left the church, they may tell you the truth and once you know it, you'll also want to leave.

    I usually held everyone at church at arms length. On the occasions that I actually cultivated friendships, the ministers told me that those people were not good for me.

  7. Agree with Tonto on this one...true friendship is a relationship that edifies and lifts up. It transcends race, religion, gender, political affiliations, etc. ALL of the COGs need to stop meddling in the parts of people's lives where the ministry / leadership CLEARLY has no business involving themselves.

  8. The only friend I need is Jesus, if people in the ACOG have a problem with that they can stuff it.

  9. Jim

    Is LCG so weak that members can’t stand up for what they believe. A friend is someone you can openly discuss your feelings with. Proverbs 18:24 says there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. A friend will encourage you, inspire you, not judge you. When mistakes are made a fiend will forgive you and let bygones be bygones. Not so in a ACOG. You have to have your guard up at all times. You never express your true feelings about any matter that you don’t agree with. If you do your church friend will run to a deacon or minister to rat on you. You see that is how members get brownie points.

    Burn all the bridges with family and former friends. Don’t get to know your neighbors. Only fellowship with church members. Then disagree with anything your minister says. You will be out on the street with one swift kick. See how many church friends you have.

    Fear of being banned from the group is what keep many in line, sit down, shut up, smile and agree.

    Those that leave the herd will often comment on how relieved, happy, and excited it is to live without fear of being judged and criticized.

    Happy to have left WCG.


    1. 4.59 PM
      Exactly. Many members make the mistake of letting go of their friends outside of the church. If put out of the church, people find themselves friendless. This threat gives undue influence to the ministers.
      Believing one thing but saying something different is a skill people develop in all dictatorships. It has the label of double think.

  10. Seems like Weston is the one causing division in the body of Christ, maybe one should avoid listening to him...

  11. The best friend my father ever had were some common protestant friends he had known all his life. We did meet some friends in Worldwide but the ones who turned out to be REAL friends were the ones that left due to the hypocrisy of HWA and most of the ministers.

  12. Ah, just more hot air from the Loveless Church of God. IF we were to listen to Weston, then we shouldn't have anything to do with Doug Winnail and many others who claim to be ministers or leaders in that loveless church. LCG is nothing more than a cult that will do and say anything to control its members.

  13. This becomes a camel/needle type thing. It is far easier to get new outside friends to welcome you and bring you into the fold than to get people in an ACOG whom you thought were your friends to re-embrace you once you have been out and return. There is much suspicion and wariness surrounding anyone who has ever been disfellowshipped for any reason. Getting your friends back is a false attraction. Better to just get over it and start fresh with people who need something deeper than the church policies of a cloistered group to defriend you.

  14. So if you follow through with Gerald's warning article then the way forward is obvious. Avoid those steeped in open sin, who cause division ect ect... Well how obvious it is then, thanks Gerald. Avoid those sinful, rabble rousers..... who are without doubt ...the ministry.

  15. "We should value friendship, but let us not allow our human reasoning and emotions to override important instructions from God."

    Another frightening statement on several levels, straight out of the How To Start A Cult handbook.

  16. Once again Gerald sneaks in the political buzzword “personal responsibility”. On the surface it makes sense that one should take responsibility for oneself. But looking deeper anytime a politician or politically motivated commentator such as Gerald makes that statement, it means in the given situation, you as the individual are left holding the bag or given the blame.

    1. 8.48 AM
      How do the ACOGs reconcile " personal responsibility" with a lording ministry? Where's the freedom inherent in "personal responsibility" if members lives are being micro-managed? "Personal responsibility" is compartmentalized and narrowly defined by the splinters.

      It's ridiculous that members have to behave like criminals, tip toeing around, hiding their decision making from the ministers and their lapdog snitches.

      Btw, these sniches are regarded as traitors by God, since they are complicit in the immoral behavior by the ministers.

  17. "The truth is that most friendships in this life are temporary."

    These sort of comments never appeared in the WWCG or the ACOGs over the decades.
    Now they decide to write such articles once their members are old and have lived their lives. And even then, only because such points have being bought up on dissident sites.

    Thanks Gerald for giving your members some spiritual meat just before they drop dead from old age. Thanks a lot.

  18. I agree with Weston in his statement that "Our loyalties must first and foremost be to our ultimate friend, Jesus Christ."

    However, the over all tone of this address subtly misapplies scripture to serve his own purposes. If the Ekklesia is defined as those whose names are written in heaven, as Hebrews 12:22-23 tells us, then that body cannot be contained or defined by the member roster of any incorporated church organization, including his. It is therefore divisive to that body to imply that people are "sinning" if they fellowship with other believers outside his COG org, except at the odd wedding or funeral. Many who have left LCG over the years, have simply transferred their weekly "fellowship" to other Sabbath keeping groups, with some having left because of hypocrisy and sin that goes on and is often covered up within his own group.

    If you are going to imply that everyone who has "left" your "fellowship" is now "of the world" you are taking it upon yourself to make a judgement that is God's alone to make. Only He determines who occupies a place on His list. Your "list" isn't synonymous with His.

    Concerned Sister

    1. Well written Concerned Sister. That should be applied that in real life.

  19. I've had 1 friend in my life as a corporeal being and while we don't do things or hardly see one another anymore I "KNOW" he's got my back & he "KNOWS" I've got his no matter what comes up... is he of this world??? Hell yeah he is bi-sexual but niether he or his male partner treat me bad so what do I care what he does on his own time.
    He's my brother from another mother and until I met him I never knew what that mint.

    My friend has been there when my blood kin left me high & dry and alone cuz I was still in that "Cult"

    Hope Y'all have a good weekend :)
