Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Our Favorite Crackpot COG False Prophet Blasts Other False Prophets


Our very own COG false prophet is starting the year off with a bang as he denounces other false prophets for making stupid prophecies and predictions. They are all wrong in his sight, so he has to set them straight with his own false wishy-washy propehcy. It's wishy-washy because he doesn't have the testicular fortitude to make a real prediction or propehcy and stand by it with faith that his god will make it happen.

The Great Bwana to Africa and 305 Caucaisons wries:

Related to nearly every individual year beginning in 2008, I have denounced false prophets as well as those that speculated on each of those years as to the start of the Great Tribulation, as all who did so were much too close to that date/year for it to be possible. 
Consider, for example, that although some claimed that the blood moons in 2014 and 2015 may have marked the beginning, I correctly denounced that years ago (Blood Moons, Eclipses, and Prophecy; a related YouTube video is also available: Blood Moons, Prophecy, 2014, and 2015) and was proven right. I also denounced the so-called Shemitah year and the claimed devastation that was supposed to hit the world economy, etc. in late 2015 (see also 6000 years up and Jesus to return in 2016? and September ‘convergence’: a harbinger of potential disaster?), and again was right. On January 1, 2017, I blasted the idea of the claimed “Jubilee of 2017” would mark the end (see Can the Great Tribulation Start in 2017? Furthermore, I blasted the idea that the solar eclipse of August 21, 2017 (see Solar Eclipse and the Apocalypse) or Planet Nibiru would begin the tribulation or destroy the Earth (see Doomsayers: Planet Nibiru to destroy Planet Earth in four weeks). I also denounced the view that because of the formation of the tiny nation of Israel in 1948, that the Great Tribulation needed to start 70 years later, like in 2018 (watch Can the Great Tribulation begin in 2018?). Some wrongly claimed that something from the “Sabbatical Code” as well as a shemita-decree calculation or a message from Fatima predicted 2019 (see False ‘Great Tribulation’ predictions/calculations for 2019). Some pointed to astronomy and even John 20:20 as proof for 2020 as the beginning, but this was denounced as well (watch Could the Great Tribulation Begin in 2020?). Certain ones who claimed to be COG pointed to 2020 and/or 2021 were wrong (see PCG claims Revelation 17:12 prophecy can happen this year! James Malm wrong about 2021)and some pointed to Israel’s 1948 formation and the US presidential election in 2020 as pointing to 2021 (watch also 2021: The Great Tribulation or the Great Reset?)–which I also denounced.

Aren't we so fortunate to have such a ballsy prophet in our midst! We should all be thanking his creature god every day that we have the most theologically educated man that has ever graced this world since the day Adam was formed of the dirt in the ground.

The Great Bwana writes:

Now, a true prophet of God realizes that any who claim prior to 2025 are in error. There is NO possibility that the Great Tribulation will begin in 2022, 2023 or 2024 nor that Jesus will return before 2028.

Whew! Party time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After posting a lot of fear-based crap that COG members like to cling to as secular proof trouble is with us and the end is nigh, the Great Bwana writes:

Therefore, even though the Great Tribulation is coming soon, it will not begin in 2022. 
Christians, Philadelphian ones, are to understand Jesus said tribulation-related events tie in with Daniel. Yet, most who profess Christ do not fully get it. Anyway, after Daniel 11:31 and the fleeing (Matthew 24:15; Revelation 12:14-17), the Great Tribulation begins:

21 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened. (Matthew 24:21-22) 
This cannot possibly happen before 2025 and I currently doubt believe the Great Tribulation can start before 2026.

Oh great! Four more years of weaseling his way with prophecy addiction and scaring his African's that the ends nigh. Come 2026 and the Great Bwana will shift his date once again.


  1. Now, a true prophet of God realizes that any who claim prior to 2025 are in error. There is NO possibility that the Great Tribulation will begin in 2022, 2023 or 2024 nor that Jesus will return before 2028.

    If you die tonight, none of the prophetic events between now and Jesus' return will matter at all to you and your salvation or reward. By giving his followers the idea that they have at least six years to get themselves together and be ready for their Savior, Bob might possibly be putting their eternal destiny at risk.

    1. 2.57 PM
      What's the difference between Herbs "3 to 5 short years" and Bobs 6 years? I question whether such time spans should be given at all since they help some and harm others. Anyway, most ACOG are elderly, so death from old age is a prod in itself.

  2. By giving his followers the idea that they have at least six years to get themselves together and be ready for their Savior, Bob might possibly be putting their eternal destiny at risk.

    Any time Bob speaks he puts his follower's salvation at risk. Bob is not a Christian by any sense of the word.

  3. Bob Thiel has a lot of truth but no one is perfect so go easy on him.

  4. Anon 3:12 Mr. Bob Thiel and other Armstrongite are Christians because believe that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ and therefore Christian it's very simple.

  5. Bob Thiel and other Armstrongite are Christians because believe that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ

    FALSE. Bob and his ACOG buddies believe that Jesus only saves you IF you do a selective, inconsistent, and incomplete bunch of Old Covenant stuff. That's not Christian.

  6. Bob Thiel is not a Christian because he refuses to follow or preach what Jesus taught. Instead, it is a plethora of idiotic topics that no one needs to worry about. The very fact Bob requires tithing, old covenant laws and refuses to practice the new covenant proves he is not a Christ-follower.

  7. I had thought that the tribulation began when Donald Trump took office in 2017. Maybe he was only allowed to do about 3-1/2 years of damage during his first term. His cronies have certainly shored up the bases so that if he does get re-elected in 2025, he will be able to quickly finish off our democracy in the following 3-1/2 years, and nobody will have any access to any of the power bases to be able to do anything to counteract it.

    People don't realize how close he got on Jan 6. It was hours of out and out guerilla warfare at that back tunnel!

  8. A true prophet would have a misquoted verse next to his almost, as in almost arrested, mug shot on his website? No. The verse should read .....to the saints, not for the saints. Meanwhile....his Great Tribulation mantra knows no bounds. Has already occurred. In Judea. In the first century. Then after comes false prophets - Mat 24:24!!


    (An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase.
    Example: The word lemon is an anagram of melon.)

    == Banal White

    == Anal Web Hit

  10. "Bob Thiel has a lot of truth but no one is perfect so go easy on him"

    LOL! Bob has no truth that anyone needs to hear or even worry about. The fact that 99.99 of the world has never heard of and never will, is a glorious thing to behold. Heretical nonChristian preaching by a self-appointed cult member of Armstrongism is not needed by anyone in this world, including his African members.

  11. Anon 3:38 PM the fact is Bob is right about that Jesus himself said if you will enter into life keep the commandments and since he kept anyone who is Christ-like would keep it as he did so this is just another thing bob is right about.

  12. Any of these guys who thinks they're a prophet needs to read Hebrews 1:1

  13. "Anon 3:38 PM the fact is Bob is right about that Jesus himself said if you will enter into life keep the commandments and since he kept anyone who is Christ-like would keep it as he did so this is just another thing bob is right about."

    Bob is as far from Christ-like than an elephant is a jackass.

  14. Isn’t it so refreshing to read the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
    That we are saved by grace…….
    And the book of Acts, especially chapter 15.
    The cog has bound burdens upon people, heavy and tiring.
    And yet Jesus said come to Me I will give you rest, for my yolk and burden is light.
    The cog we see today most certainly does not resemble the church of Acts15.
    And has forgotten the salvation that Christ brought into the world.
    Bob, when was the last time you preached forgiveness of sin and repentance and salvation by grace through the sacrifice of our Lord and Saviour?

  15. "3 to 5 short years" "is a jackass"

    It's like the carrot on a stick, leading the donkey along.

    "In the next 5 years" seemed a mantra for LCG. Years after 9/11, "What's ahead in 2001" was in their collection of podcasts - not even a clue about what was about to happen in that year... Which then changed their whole "prophetic focus".

    Bob's review of 2021 and projections for 2022 show a few things. One is that if you make enough possibility predictions, something is bound to appear have been forecast correctly. To deny anthropomorphic climate change and yet use the likely outcomes as a prediction is also a winner.

  16. Bob is not so much a prophet, evidently, as a denouncer. Anyone can be that. Just pick a prophetic blathering and denounce it. Good chance you'll be right.

  17. Hey Bob, that's calling the kettle black!

  18. As an aside, the "prophet" has an article on his website discussing the Biblical year beginning in the spring. No. The Biblical year ends, and the next year begins, at the feast of tabernacles - Ex 23:16; 34:22; Deut 31:10. Young's Literal Translation is, IMHO, the most accurate: This month [is] to you the chief of months -- it [is] the first to you of the months of the year - Exodus 12:2. Or, paraphrasing ....the chief of months; it is the most important month of the year to you.

  19. Mainstream Christianity is not truly Christian, but a combination of various non-biblical religions that attempt to appear to be Christian the church of God is the only place where Christ is the head of his sabbath keeping church. You can still accept Jesus and keep the law.

  20. If you Keep on celebrating new years with fellow pagans you abandon ur stand as christians, Jesus Christ and the apostles did not celebrate it, and christians we're supposed to follow Christ steps closely, world and life you're celebrating is nothing compared to one promised by God.

  21. Well then, Happy Hannukah, Anon 9:39! (John 10:22-23)

  22. Why do apocalyptic Millerites even believe we are in the end times? The Parousia could be centuries away. William Miller, et al, computed the time of the Parousia using interpretations of arcane OT prophecies. Later Millerites did the same thing. Davidian Victor Houteff for example. This, as you know, did not work.

    I don't see how anybody could sit down with a big blue pencil and Big Chief tablet and work out some arithmetic about the Parousia. Because the Parousia is not fixed in time. In the OT we find that God can change his mind about prophetic events (Jer 18:5-10). In the NT we find that the timing of the Parousia may be conditioned by ecclessiastical events (2 Pet 3:9, 2 Pet 3:11-12, Acts 3:19-21). With these factors that can operate in an unforseeable fashion, the Parousia literally "does not compute."

    The scripture that Armstrongist apocalyptic Millerites use to fasten the end times to the current period is Matt 24:22: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." This pseudo-savvy idea is that the end times must happen in the epoch of nuclear weapons because never before could all of humanity be in jeopardy. But the nuclear epoch is a big epoch. How do proponents justify placing everything at the very beginning? Then there is the problem of this scripture describing something that is in the context of Jerusalem during the tribulation which we know happened in 70 AD. How does one take something that is localized and globalize it without some kind of exegetically based rationale? An if this prophecy anti-typically can be true now only because of nuclear weapons how could it be true typically back in 70 AD when there were no nuclear weapons?

    Oh, well. Imagination knows no bounds. Too bad somebody wants to turn this untenable gallimaufry about the end times being now into a religion.

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    1. So you are denying the climate crisis the world is on NEO.

  23. So many generations have passed since Miller and then Armstrong. Just for Armstrong it's been 90 years which has touched around 8+ or more different generations (in 1932 and at any given date, 4-5 generations are alive). Most who have heard Armstrong's false prophesies are now dead or certainly quite old. Even his 1972 prophecy has primarily among the living those that were under 25 when they first heard it in the 1960s. All that effort and thought given to something that was false. And what good was there in it? All these generations focusing on things that will affect relatively few people among the billions that have lived.

    As Anon528 said:
    "The cog we see today most certainly does not resemble the church of Acts15.
    And has forgotten the salvation that Christ brought into the world."

  24. Doesn't Paul write in Galatians that the Law, the Law of Moses, was in force only until the Messiah came? If so, then to continue to follow the Law of Moses, as Jews do, doesn't this suggest that they deny that Jesus was the Messiah? Just thinking.

  25. Anonymous 5:27 wrote, The cog we see today most certainly does not resemble the church of Acts15"

    But Splinterdom does closely resemble the Circumcision Party of the First Century. These were the Pharisees in the Jerusalem Church that opposed Paul and said that converts to Christianity must be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses. Only circumcision has dropped out of the picture.

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  26. Doesn't Paul write in Galatians that the Law, the Law of Moses, was in force only until the Messiah came? If so, then to continue to follow the Law of Moses, as Jews do, doesn't this suggest that they deny that Jesus was the Messiah? Just thinking.

  27. Neo therm those are the only correct Christians. It makes no sense for Jesus to say the law is not done away only to have men disobey the law.

  28. Are you considered to be a real prophet if you simply correct all of the other wannabees? Don't you have to be brave and to make some prophecies yourself so that others can trash you? Maybe Bob thinks he's already getting his quota of trashing from us.
