Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 2, 2022

PCG Claims To Be Debt Free


Imagine bragging such a thing when all of your money comes from the pockets of church members guilt-tripped into tithing and giving as much money as they can just so Gerald Flurry and his spawn can fly around the world at the church members expense preaching heresy and paying for Flurry's grandchildren to dance Celtic dance around the country.


  1. Sure looks like a lot of closeted gay guys in that production!

  2. On the Trumpet Daily program, Steven Flurry is growing a beard. So first it's Gerald's Ming The Merciless beard, with the son next. The Bearded Ones..

  3. My question would be, is their version of the gospel any better known around the globe than it was prior to them taking delivery of the jet? More effective fulfillment of their mission statement would be the only payoff of any consequence. In my neck of the woods, the only place I would know they even exist is at the barber shop, where free copies of the Trumpet are evidently sent. No street buzz, and they never make the news.

  4. "On the Trumpet Daily program, Steven Flurry is growing a beard. So first it's Gerald's Ming The Merciless beard, with the son next. The Bearded Ones.."

    Now watch a bunch of HWA students and members start growing beards because the high and mighty are.

    Most of the time in the COG when ministers and other leaders start growing beards, porn mustaches, and goatees, it was a cover to butch them up from their weak effeminate state of existence. It doesn't help any of them but makes them look like fools and a laughing stock to those around them.

  5. Imagine bragging such a thing when all of your money comes from the pockets of church members

    No. More than is true for the other ACOGs, PCG gets a large portion of its income from donations made by people whose only contact with the cult is watching the TV program. With PCG membership shrinking, the percentage of its income that comes from non-members must be skyrocketing.

    1. Estates, they’ve had a LOT of elderly die

  6. Beards have been popular at PCG HQ for many years, even while the men were clean-shaven. Several PCG HQ wives have been beards for their light-in-the-loafers husbands for many years.


  7. RE: “PCG Claims To Be Debt Free”

    Not true. They owe me some money.

  8. They are just living off the backs of others. I wonder how they live with themselves knowing deep down what they are doing it wrong. Or are they highly delusional? One way or another they won’t get away with it forever, time and god will give justice to those members who have been cheated out of their hard earned money.


    PCG membership... not so lucky as to be "debt free" for sure!

  10. The truth comes to the true church only through the apostles herbert armstrong, and I can see that herbert armstrong has given you boys a little too much truth than you can bear.

  11. It is odd to me that these Splinterists have connected Celtic dance with Israel. The Celts, a branch of a larger family of Indo-European people, are Gentiles. The science of genetics has given us information, recorded in DNA, about the Celts and their migrational history. And genetics brings disarray to the ideas of Armstrongists about race. Let me cite an example.

    From the Armstrongist perspective the Spanish on the Iberian Peninsula are Gentiles. They are descended from Japheth. Hence, intermarriage between Hispanics and people of Northwest European descent would amount to racial intermarriage - marriage between Semites and Japhethites.

    I know of a couple in the WCG who were told they could not marry because he was Hispanic and she was a typical American descended from people from the British Isles. He was very European in physical appearance. But the marriage was prohibited. (I heard about this seondhand and never talked to either party but the information I received was reliable. I know nothing about the details of racial intermarriage policy as formulated by the WCG Church Administration Department during the last century. I do have some information taught in a class at AC Pasadena and related to me by an AC graduate. I am here drawing conclusions from empirical data rather that policy. The empirical data comports with what I know of policy.)

    The problem is this. From history, we know that the Iberian Spanish people are also Celts like the British Celts. The language that the Iberian Spanish spoke before the current Latin based Spanish language was a Celtic language. It is called Celtiberian. Herman Hoeh recognized the Celtic origin of the Spanish but claimed they were Gentile Celts. But genetics tells a different story. The DNA does not lie. It's truth can be laboratory tested. The Celts of Britain are haplogroup R1b and the Celts of Spain are haplogroup R1b. The Jews are haplogroup J. The populations that have the highest frequency of R1b along the broad Atlantic littoral are the Welsh, the Catalans, the Basque and the Portuguese. R1b is quite common throughout Britain and Spain. The British and the Spanish are the same race.

    If you want to rely on an Herman Hoehish angle, the Milesian Scots have an extensive history of their travels in Spain. They started in North Africa, migrated to Spain and later into Scotland. Where they did a lot of Celtic dance. I think this is all legendary but it is what Hoeh relied on. So even Hoeh's legendarium based conclusions need some re-examination.

    Let me put a point on it, since some people tend to flee from science. If the Spanish are Gentiles (most Armstrongists I knew would agree that they are), then the British are also Gentiles. This rule is locked into place by the laboratory repeatable findings of the science of genetics. If you are an Armstrongist, this is where you get angry and go into panicky denial.

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  12. Funny that they refuse to disclose how much they paid for Dr. Mazars books!


  13. Anonymous at 2:08:00 PM PST said...“The truth comes to the true church only through the apostles herbert armstrong, and I can see that herbert armstrong has given you boys a little too much truth than you can bear.”

    The teachings in the Worldwide Church of God came through Christ's Apostle Herbert W. Armstrong.

    The perversion of everything that HWA taught is coming through Satan's False Prophet Gerald Flurry.

    1. HWA was a fraud and a greedy money scamming thief.

  14. PCG "debt free" ?!?! I find that to be one lie to many coming out of Edmond.

  15. COGWA had a big '21 as well - income up enough to pay off the HQ mortgage years early.

    Now they're talking about increasing the media budget 30% this year. Apparently more videos are on the way.

  16. Herbert W. Armstrong was not an apostle. He was a garbage.

  17. I think the PCG takes the cake when it comes to having the most haters. Family wrecking cult.
    PS - their Irish dance that they do (solely to showcase Jude, is of Pagan origin certainly not king David. Pretty easily provable.


  18. Anonymous at 10:57:00 PM PST said...“I think the PCG takes the cake when it comes to having the most haters.”

    Probably because the PCG has done more evil to more people than has any other satanic imposter cult.

  19. IF and that’s a big IF, they are debt free, it comes on the backs of the members debt

    1. So true, when I was a member I went into debt just to be able to tithe and live. Now finally I’m out, I’m in a better financial position. Even got a raise and am able to start saving again. Huge relief to be out of this blood sucking cult

  20. The ACOGs are shrinking since their members are dying off from old age. And they are willing much of their inheritance to these groups. So it's not surprising that they are debt free.

    1. And thanks in large to the internet and sites such as these that expose Armstrongism, they aren’t filling their seats with new “converts”
      PCG is dying they will be half of their 3500 in less than 10 years and basically dead in 20.


  21. The PCG's Great Irish Dancing “Work”

    The PCG built an expensive auditorium for its Irish dancers to perform in.

    The PCG bought an expensive jet airplane to fly its Irish dancers around.

    Debt free, the PCG will now be able to devote even more money to its great Irish dancing “work.”

  22. Members estates that have passed away have sold over 6000 Homes aver a period of 12 years. You call this Christian ? My family gave there own House, Land, Cars, and small business over to flurry and now his Debt-free off the backs and Hard work of others. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; You have destroyed many and you steal. All who have come before me are thieves and robbers. This evil is right among you all! False teachers are thieves who may claim to offer salvation, but their intentions are not good. Jesus had earlier told some unbelievers, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44. I missed out on my estate through inheritance because of this evil Church. I left soon after . Waste of Life 37 years in the group hearing Fear, GET OUT GET A LIFE. This Church will suffer Soon. May the sword of Christ fall upon it. Members contributed up to 30% of their income abut the real truth is it's over 80% .

    1. I don’t think the number 6000 is accurate, in fact I know it’s not. Not for the PCG anyway, they never have had the membershipor even co workers to support such a claim. They do snag what ever estate they can’t squeeze out of a dying members hands….at any cost! But unfortunately for them, it hasn’t been 6000. Thank God!

  23. Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 8:21:00 PM PST

    Yes your correct! your not the only one! Call your local governs city/county or city affairs pray for them that those governs act to stop this control and influence. Manipulation is an emotionally unhealthy psychological act flurry uses his predictions upon those young minds.


  24. Anonymous at 8:21 PM said...“This Church will suffer Soon. May the sword of Christ fall upon it.”

    Sadly, the false prophets like Gerald Flurry and their SATANIC imposter cults like the PCG seem to do just fine financially. It is actually their thousands of victims who do the suffering all along. The PCG members suffer horribly at the hands of the very false prophet and SATANIC imposter cult that they got tricked into financially supporting. PCG members support Gerald Flurry's family while he tries to destroy them and their families.

    I would not hold my breath waiting for the PCG to disappear even though its membership has been dwindling for many years now. Thousands of people left the PCG, got kicked out of it, or died. My guess is that Satan wants to use the PCG some more and will sort of “take care” of it financially for a while yet. What Satan will do to the little PCG members is another thing entirely.

    Jesus said to beware of false prophets. He warned that many false prophets would arise and would deceive many people. He did not seem to say that He would do much about them in this present evil age. The false prophets and their SATANIC imposter cults will get uprooted later.

    1. I hopefully disagree with you, they are losing people every month, they aren’t getting new people, their public appearance campaigns were totally “fruitless”, very few babies being born, and if they are most end up leaving in their teens. Regardless if Trump gets in or not, when the prophecy fails, which it will BecUse it’s utter BS, trump won’t kick them out, more people will leave! Add to that the internet, this isn’t 1990, a quick google search reveals what utter nonsense Armstrongism is. And all the elderly which make up 80% of the church are dying off everyday. The PCG is dying!😁


  25. Anonymous at 4:26 PM said...“And all the elderly which make up 80% of the church are dying off everyday. The PCG is dying!?”

    Long ago when the PCG had about 7,000 people attending, it was announced that more people had already left the PCG than were still in it, and the PCG attendance has continued to decline ever since then. Many people smartened up early on and left the PCG. Also, the fake PCG “ministers” got a perverse thrill from kicking people out of the PCG and, they fiendishly hoped, into the lake of fire.

    The old people in the PCG are the ones who are dying and leaving their estates to the PCG (that is, to Gerald Flurry). This enables the PCG (that is, Gerald Flurry and his own family) to live and not die.

    Furthermore, all the alcohol that Gerald Flurry drank in his younger days appears to have given him the clear arteries to last a long time.

    Life can be so unfair.
