Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Dave Pack Is Getting Electrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there has ever been a Church of God leader locked into a perpetual Groundhogs Day loop, it has to be Dave Pack. Other than Bob Thiel, the church has never had a leader with such an abysmal prophetic failure as Dave Pack has. Not one thing he has said about his "christ" returning has happened, not even after 350+ sermons, Bible studies, and stupid articles. Dave's "christ" has had his bags packed and waiting by the pearly gates for years now and still hasn't been able to return because Dave has not figured out the right time.

On March 22, one of Dave's fanboys sent out the following to the faithful:

"Dear brethren,

Warm greetings from Headquarters!

God’s people are ⚡electrified⚡ after the message last Sabbath.

Please NOTE that Mr. Pack is planning to give another Bible Study tomorrow, Wednesday, March 23. A second study will likely follow this coming Sabbath.

He wanted to LET YOU KNOW that IF you were ☠️INSPIRED☠️ by the previous message, he is JUST getting 🔥warmed🔥 up!" (From an RCG source, emoji's where added by source)

These stupid little sound bites used to "electrify" the brethren are getting so predictable.  This Saturday after he delivers another mind-boggling sermon that is shocking beyond measure, his "christ" will still not be returning on time.



  1. When I was in Wadsworth I was always creeped out at how Pack has surrounded himself with good-looking young men. It was actually kind of creepy in a "bondage master" kind of way. Pack inflicts a lot of pain and they willingly let him do it. I don't know if these young guys were looking for a father figure or what, but Pack is NOT a father figure. Many of these guys seem to be beta soy boys so I imagine they are kind of like Bob Thiel looking at stern Rod Meredith as his father figure. They need a strong Master/Daddy telling them what to do and believe.

    1. 20.29 AM
      My experience in the WWCG was that many members were in that category. They were morally confused and viewed their minister as the solution. But the ministers were morally just as backward. Being Pharisees, they projected an image of having all the answers, but they were lying. The proper solution is for every person to do their bible study and own research. But it's the narrow gate, so many choose to dump this responsibility on some daddy minister.

  2. Electrified? Not even. Dave is 100% gas.

  3. Note to RCG members: It is simply good, practical, defensive navigation of your life's journey to "fact-check" your guides! You have relatively easy means to do this with a few judicious clicks of the mouse. Up until the '90s, deep research was so cumbersome, that it was easy for Armstrongite ministers to baffle and manipulate us with total bullshit. You today have no excuse for being mushrooms, and it is even more difficult to assume the position of an ostrich than it was back in the day.

    These are the good old days! Learn to be free and to enjoy them!

  4. Dave is electrified... As in ELECTRIC SHOCK TREATMENT!

  5. Yes...... work out your own salvation with fear and trembling....Phil 2:12

  6. Anon 12:04:00 & 1:15:00

    Good points raised by you both.
    It’s important to have ones bullsh*t ‘o meter’ on.
    We are fortunate to live in an age where we can access information readily and fast.
    And this has been and remains the biggest threat to Armstrongism in all its variants and colours.
    I have said before and say it again; if Armstrongism had the ability, the internet would be heavily censored, with its freedom of information severely curtailed. Particularly that which would expose their theology and practices and hence underline their totalitarian nature.
    Quite a contrast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  7. "God’s people are ⚡electrified⚡ after the message last Sabbath."

    It's those high-tension wires that span the Glorious Campus- they're simply electrifying!


  8. “Dave Pack's Getting Electrified!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    Kelpto-Dave Pack-of-lies will SHOCK you with all his lying, stealing, destroying, and killing!

    False prophets like Dave Pack and his RCG cult are the exact diametrical opposite of the way things ought to be.

  9. "Many of these guys seem to be beta soy boys so I imagine they are kind of like Bob Thiel looking at stern Rod Meredith as his father figure. They need a strong Master/Daddy telling them what to do and believe."

    The sexual tension at the HQ is pretty intense at times.

    When they can only date in-house and the pickings are slim and the end is always coming tomorrow, it has some of these guys wound up pretty tight!

  10. Shocking! Positively shocking!
    - James Bond Goldfinger

  11. Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, electrifying about Pack!

  12. "Nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, electrifying about Pack!"

    I wish that were true of the devotees of his. So many of them are young men who are wasting their lives over this nonsense and look at him as God's true messenger. It is sick watching them waste their lives following this idiot.

  13. Maybe there's a silver lining. When Dylan went electric, he got booed! Hopefully, that'll happen to Dave, too.

  14. The RCG Cycle repeats itself. When I left about 1 year ago, we were "on the verge" of the Kingdom of God arriving. The quotes, the scriptures, the logic, the "proofs", the "I'm right and I know that I'm right," the "the Mystery of God is ended," the "Daniel has been unsealed," the "days of his voice," -- all of it is a clone repeating year after year after year.

    The same scriptures are thrown into a hat and pulled out in a different order to slightly change the picture and timing. All David Pack knows how to do is kick the can down the road. The road is downhill.

    Dave Pack is a street magician with the scriptures. He moves the cards around and distracts you. Just when you think you've got a handle on it, you find out you lost. Again.

    He can NEVER stop. He can NEVER be right.
