Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, March 18, 2022

LCG Members Marching To The Beat Of Their Own Drums Causing Them To Lose Sight Of The Mission Of The Church


It's time for the Friday Night Smackdown!

LCG members are at it again! What's a person to do???????????? Apparently, some LCG members dare to march to their own drum and think differently. When they do so they break up the wonderful unity that the LCG experiences on a daily basis. 

When the world needs to see a unified church, LCG sets the example!

Blessings of Unity: David wrote, “How good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm133:1). Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30), and He prayed that His disciples “may be one as We are” (John 17:11). While the disciples at times had different personal perspectives (Acts 15; Galatians 2), they learned to work together to achieve their mission (2 Peter 3:14–16). They obviously realized that if they each marched to their own drum, they would not accomplish their mission. This is why the Apostle Paul stated that as we do the Work of God, we must be respectful and patient with each other, “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1–3). Paul also emphasized that there is “one body and one Spirit” (v. 4) and the work of the ministry involves fostering the unity of the faith (Ephesians 4:11–16). As we are led by God’s Spirit, we will have more of God’s mind and fewer divisions that can disrupt relationships within families and within the Work of God.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

“One body and one Spirit”? Really? LCG has NEVER been this since the day Meredith plotted with Don Davis and others to form the breakaway Global Church of God to provide Meredith his rightful place as the true COG leader. That spirit of unity was fraught with division and rebellion from its inception and soon resulted in LCG splitting off into their own group taking Global's money and members. True Christianity at its finest, but this is the Church of God, after all.

Something deeper must be going on in LCG when Winnail is not only talking about church divisions but divisions going on in families right now. That is a very telling statement!


  1. Why the hell do members of these cults tell the minister & other members about things in their personal life. KEEP YOUR LIVES PRIVATE FROM THESE HOOLIGANS!

    1. You are absolutely correct, Anon 11:34, but it's a lesson many learned too late.

  2. Yup probably another break up in the near future. I'll quote Rod "5 to 10 or 15 years".

  3. Something deeper must be going on in LCG when Winnail is not only talking about church divisions but divisions going on in families right now. That is a very telling statement!

    The only thing it's telling is that Doug is getting lazy again. He sent out almost the identical comments in August 2011 and December 2012, and again in November 2021, just four months ago. Probably also some other times I haven't noticed.

    1. "Getting lazy again"??? Not sure about this one. Not sure he hasn't used a repeat for a while. Also ministerial conferences were always the same thing. Nothing to original going on there.

  4. Why a picture from My Little Pony? In light of Wally Smith's bigness, wouldn't Teletubbies be more apt?

  5. There is unity...........and then of course there is "the Borg".

    I can't recall a single sermon from my Radio and Worldwide days on the freedom in Jesus Christ. I did learn what it must have been like for Russian people living under Khruschev, though. Classic WCG was right out of Orwell.

  6. Poor LCG, they were born from splintering and thus splintering is bound to be their destiny.
    Their destiny is tied to the fact that Doug Winnail teaches justification by law instead of justification by Jesus.

    This preference for the law does not produce unity; rather, it has alienated his church from Jesus and caused a falling from grace.
    In addition to a lack of interest in justification by Jesus and grace, Doug's body of sermons and writings also displays a lack of interest in the redemptive work of Jesus.

    If Doug would repent and turn toward Jesus, he could be turned on to the Christian doctrine of Union with Christ.
    I'm glad Doug is quoting the words of Jesus in John 10:30 and John 17:11; however, he lacks context and depth.
    Union with Christ starts with the fact that God chose us in him before the foundation of the world” - we were predestined for adoption through Jesus (Ephesians 1:4- 5).
    This is the beginning of the redemptive work of Jesus.

    The poor LCG members are not being taught that we are unified with Jesus at every phase of his redemptive work.
    We are crucified with him (Galatians 2:20).
    We died with him (Colossians 2:20).
    We were buried with him (Romans 6:4).
    We are made alive and raised up with him (Ephesians 2:5, 6).
    Currently, we are positionally seated with him in heaven (Ephesians 2:6).

    If LCG members truly want to have a profitable Sabbath, they should study the redemptive work of The Redeemer and glory in how it opens them to union with Christ.

    Unity in a church body that neglects Jesus is nothing compared to being in the Body of Christ with union in Christ.

    Acts 17:28 “In him we live and move and have our being”

    Gal. 4:4-5 "God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we receive adoption as sons"

  7. The WWCG culture was and still is "obey your corporate church rather than God."
    Even Dougs' "As we are led by God's Spirit" is deliberately not explained. In the ten years that I attended services, I only heard a one line mention of it from the pulpit. These power hungry ministers lust Christ's responsibilities, so they hide that Christ directly communicates to each Christian. No minister middlemen is required.
    The ACOGs muddy the waters by portraying "following Christ" as some sort of abstract concept.

  8. Does not profit have to do with money?
    Should not the word be fruitful?

    This man is surely showing where his mind is at.

  9. Continued:
    Kenneth Copeland has guest speakers on his program. He once had a guest minister who spend the whole week (ie, 5, half hour episodes) explaining that the Holy Spirit leads individual Christians. I still recall his white hair and sky blue shirt.

    How about some ACOG minister doing the same? Or will this never happen because HWA never did this. In which case, these groups are (still) worshipping HWA.

  10. Doug Winnail writes on December 20th:

    ‘Blessings of Unity: David wrote, “how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Jesus said, “I and My Father are one” (John 10:30), and He prayed for His disciples, “that they may be one as We are” (John 17:11). The Scriptures reveal that the disciples had different personal perspectives (Acts 2; Galatians 2), but they learned to work together as a coordinated team to achieve their mission (2 Peter 3:14-16). They obviously realized that if each marched to his own drum, the job they were given would not get done. This is why the Apostle Paul stated that as we do the Work of God we need to be respectful and patient with each other, “endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3). Paul also emphasized there is “one body and one Spirit… one Lord, one faith, one baptism” and the work of the ministry involves fostering the unity of the faith and not being split apart by different ideas about methods or doctrine (Ephesians 4:4-16). As we are led by the same Spirit, we will see divisions diminish and we will be more “perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10). Peace, harmony and unity in the Church of God will become visible fruits when we are led by God’s Spirit.’
    Doug Winnail believes repetition is the best form of emphasis, and apparently those of the living group just don't "get it!" Or, is it Doug that just doesn't "get it?"

    Who will read this? Will Doug or others in the living (dead?) group come alive and learn any more from this 2012 writing of Doug's? Will Doug or any of his followers repent/change as a result?

    Time will tell...


    1. Interesting John that he adds that part about families being split apart...

    2. 7.21 AM
      The ACOGs don't just use repetition for emphasis. They use it primarily to brainwash their members by crashing their mental barriers. This is both lording it over their members faith, and plain murder.
      Repetition means that these groups are trying to shove beliefs down members throats that critical evaluation would reject.
      Any concept that is repeated by these groups needs to be treated with great suspicion.

  11. Does LCG allow members to wear casual attire to services, such as nice jeans and a T-shirt, or do they still prefer collared people?

  12. Suit and Tie is what is expected.
