Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Prophet Roach: Took His Powerful Witness to Waffle House and was Ignored…Until...


We reported the other day about the Church of God's newest prophet, Tony Roach, that pushed Bwana Bobalina Thiel off his self-righteous pedestal.

Roach says God has given him information in a dream, just like Bob Thiel claims. Roach also had multiple dreams, just like the false prophet Thiel. Which one is right? Thiel will claim Roach is not receiving godly dreams like he does.

A reader here asked our most accurate prophet a few questions. Here is what transpired.

Reader asks:

I read a bit about what you wrote. You said you knew something was going to happen on 9/11 and wrote to several TV news casts along with President Bush. They ignored you till it happened. Then they were calling you constantly. My question is what exactly did you say in your letters and how did you know about 9/11? Was It a dream that or something like that? And also what did the press say to you assuming you talked to them or left you a voice message. I'd appreciate your reply.

Tony's reply:

No the news station never contacted me but everyone I had told along the way was calling me> I was over all the Waffle Houses from Tallahassee to Destine so I met a lot of people and I was telling everyone that would listen... No one believed... Until the day it happened and everyone was calling me amazed... The way God shows me things.... One through the scriptures reading and searching them daily.... two when I speak with people about the Bible many times I'll tell them it's not for their benefit because they will continue on never to think of it again.... But while I'm speaking with them... It will just come out of my mouth like I've known it all along.... Or when I'm answering emails through my website it happens also... Now the dates I'm releasing now after God showed them to me I would ot release them because I did not want the evil to know.... I'm hard headed... So He gave me a dream... So I released 2 of the dates... But would not release the others.... So He gave me another dream and told me release them and He would handle it when He gets here.. Trying to save space... All this on one of my post on Facebook and my website... Now 9/11 it just came out of my mouth one night and I counted the days of Daniel... Ended up with the date the WWCOG sold the church warned everyone... Counted the dates from when they changed the Sabbath and no longer was required to keep it to come up with 9/11... Then God led me through the scriptures showing me the verse of what would happen on that day...


Thanks for answering my question. I won't take up too much of your time but I've got to ask these 2 next questions: you claim to be a prophet but you need some proof to back your word up for obvious reasons because it seems everyone and their grandma claims to be a prophet these days. Lol. Do you have undeniable proof from your past, other than telling your friends about 9/11? Because I've only known about you a few days and I need more to consider someone being a prophet. And secondly you prophecied 9/16/23 as a day "sound an alarm for the War of Armageddon." For arguments sake, what if that doesn't happen? Will you admit you're not a prophet or will you do what Ron Weinland did and say God changed his mind and will give mankind more time?


LOL... God never changes..... In Malachi 3:6 it is recorded.. "For I am the LORD, I CHANGE NOT... It will happen my God is not a deceiver... I never listen to man... Only God.... No offense but I never feel I have to prove myself to any man.... I tell everyone Never believe me... Prove all things.... and search the scriptures daily to prove these things are so... The only way to prove these dates is wait and see. or seek the Lord with ALL your heart and soul.... And be tho perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect.... I NEVER assume anything... No private interpretations.... Now if I am wrong on anything I will be the first to say so... I'm not infallible.... And that's why I will always know I have the truth.... I am willing to admit when I am wrong.... And one more thing as you see by Isaiah 48 that I included with the chart... It is not me foretelling these things... It is God... He wanted me to put those verses with the chart...


I understand. I will keep 9/16/23 in mind and see how it plays out. Thanks for your time


Anytime you have a question feel free to ask... I have several post on my page showing more into my life... If you would like to read them.... Maybe give you a better insight into my soul... But man I'm nothing... I'm No One... I have sinned in my past much worse than you probably... Don't think of me.... I'm No One... God uses me because I'm hard headed and won't give an inch... I enjoyed talking with you and hope to be able to do it again sometimes....

One thing I do have to hand to Roach is that he will answer questions about what he predicts. Thiel will not. Thiel knows he will get raked over the coals and exposed as the liar he is. This is one of the reasons people mock Thiel so much.

Roach is as big a fraud as Thiel is, but at least with Roach you probably would be made to feel right at home with him in a conversation. With Thiel, if he would even dare share his righteousness and his holy space with you, would ignore you and piss you off immediately.

More from his Facebook Page:

"God had a job for me to do and that was to release these dates... I was hard headed not wanting to release these dates... I did not want the evil of this world to know.... I am jealous of my God as He is me... He had to give me two dreams before my hard head would release these dates... After the first dream I released only two...I would not release the others... After the second dream He told me to put it out there and He would handle it when he comes... So I did... I am NOT a preacher if I was to preach to you I would just overload your mind and you would have a meltdown... I am a SEER only because of my Great Lord Jesus Christ... NOT for my righteousness... I am exactly what He says I am... I am base, poor, foolish and week... I am hated by the world... I understand Jealousy provokes you to anger... I can understand that I'm very Jealous of my Lord... But I am No One... Just a dusty dirt road God has made me from and there I will return.. But I love the Lord with ALL my heart... I fear the Lord with ALL my soul... And I sought the Lord many years ago with ALL my heart and ALL my soul... I could NOT care less if you believe a word that proceedeth out of my mouth... Most of the time I never know what is going to come out of my mouth... When I prophecy the words just come out of my mouth like I’ve always new it... I have a job to do not for man but for my Awesome Lord... I knew you would deal very treacherously with me and I know you are called a transgressor from the womb.... But I am here with the knowledge, wisdom, secrets, and mysteries of God.... For you to reject my Dear Lord one last time... So believe it or NOT I could NOT care less...."
"At Armstrong's death God gave me the job at the age of 27 to keep His Word and lead His people... I had a thirst for the Word of God like I can't even describe... He started pouring wisdom and knowledge in me like I was an empty vase... I had no idea that was what He was doing... I started my website just to have a place to keep my notes..."  Facebook page 


  1. Tony Roach sent me a "friend" request on Facebook, how the hell he got my name/profile is anybody's guess, in which I blocked him!

  2. If God "started pouring wisdom and wisdom into me like I was a empty vase," then why doesn't he write an encyclopedia? He can call it encyclopedia Roach.

  3. I'm sorry. I totally believe that anyone who would follow this guy is a total fool! First of all, the Herbert W. Armstrong name has been totally burned. He was a 100% failure as a prophet. HWA even refused to call himself a prophet, in defense of claims against being called a false prophet. So, anyone who says they are taking up HWA's mantle is taking up the mantle of a failure. Everyone claiming to be HWA's spiritual heir has also failed spectacularly while teaching or using the HWA prophecy mold. Even evangelicals who co-opted HWA's prophecy mold have failed. Understand? Armstrongites have zero credibility as prophets, so much so, that God will need to use someone else to warn the world from some other background, one who is not associated with a long track record of complete failure.

    Next, the way a track record for a prophet is built is not through the prophet reciting his own successes. Large numbers of people calling him to tell him he was right are of no value! Large numbers of people calling newspapers, or radio and TV stations, some of whom can provide tapes of him prophesying to substantiate the claim, provided that those people are not related to him or even know him for that matter, would build some buzz surrounding him. And, then he could begin to be considered as a prophet until he actually made a prophesy that failed. That's the kiss of death for a prophet. One strike, and you are out, because we know you are not speaking for God!

    There was a shocking story that came out at the time of HWA's death. As the story went, as HWA passed away, a comatose woman in a Pasadena hospital suddenly awoke and began shrieking "I'm Herbert W. Armstrong, and I'm going to Hell," The woman was inconsolable and had to be restrained and medicated. Now, I don't know whether this story is true, or is an urban legend, but it is understandable that some people with a certain set of beliefs could see it as a true representation of what HWA's disembodied spirit might be undergoing after living a hedonistic life while ruining the lives of so many of his followers. When will people stop attempting to take on HWA's mantle? There is serious bad juju attached to that mantle! How could they not know this???

  4. "Waffle House" would actually be a really good name for the ministry of our favorite Pathetic Prophet of Possiblys, Bwana Bob Thiel. Some people like blueberry waffles, some like Belgian waffles, some like Bob's prophetic waffles.

  5. What a mess.
    At the present time the ‘web’ is awash with dime a dozen prophets predicting the outcome of the Russia (Rosh, lol) invasion of Ukraine etc etc etc. Yet no one saw this coming, certainly not Armstrongism’s most prominent ‘prophet’ Dr Thiel. And certainly not ‘that prophet’ who is most likely more interested in Celtic dancing than the suffering of the Ukrainian people. Was God asleep?
    Or did He forget to forewarn His ‘prophets’?
    The reality is no. The ‘prophets’ live in a reality of their own devising.
    We may mock Thiel Flurry and co and rightly so. They add nothing of substance to society, and it would be said they only inject uncertainty and confusion into the lives of many, sadly. A far cry from the hope that Jesus Christ brought us.

    1. Boy, is it. Five years ago they were telling us Gog & Magog meant North Korea, now its somehow Russia. I dont even want to know how they reconcile Ezekiel's GogMagog with Revelation's.

  6. Did they ever tell us who the Slavs were in prophecy? How did they fit into the Table of Nations? The Czars were royalty, and cousins of the royals of Western Europe. Doesn't that presume that they are some kind of Israelites, based on HWA's theory that the Germanic tribes were the lost ten tribes of Israel?

  7. Im inspired by Roach!

    Im taking my ministry to A&W Root Beers, and Subway Sandwich shops.

  8. Ezekiel GogMagog timing same as Revelation ? After the 1000 years of Rev 20.

    1. Are they though? Ezekiel goes on to watch a temple being measured excessively after GogMagog's attack. The city of Jerusalem in Revelation pointedly has no temple. Either GogMagog attacks and gets destroyed twice, or Ezekiel wasted an awful lot of ink and parchment over a temple that is just a metaphor.

  9. How curious... Does God choose for his prophets people who can't end a sentence.... Are prophets required to write sentences with no actual end...

    This... is... strange... Ah, prophets write only with elipses..., with no periods...

    Got it... This guy... must be real... Connect the dots....

  10. ""Waffle House" would actually be a really good name for the ministry of our favorite Pathetic Prophet of Possiblys, Bwana Bob Thiel. Some people like blueberry waffles, some like Belgian waffles, some like Bob's prophetic waffles."

    Careful with your mocking now, our doubly blessed Dr Bob might just call some bears out of the woods to maul us all!

  11. Be sure to call Jack Vale's toll free number and order a Pooter to take with you to Waffle House, Subway, A&W, etc to help attract attention to your personal evangelism! Might as well have some fun if you're going to ruin peoples' lives by lying to them about the end times! Sure wish they'd lied to me about Santa Claus instead. Much less painful!

  12. Ye shall know them by their hashbrown toppings.

  13. Didn't Bob Thiel have a dream or vision after eating Angel Food cake?

  14. Ralph Alexander in his commentary on Ezekiel notes that the Millennium, that is the Messianic Age, is the firsfruits of the Eternal State (cp. Rev 21:25).

    Put differently the Messianic Age, where Christ will have a ‘dwelling’ presence in Ezekiel’s Temple, while in heaven, is a type of the Eternal State where God and Jesus Christ are the temple, with both God and Christ literally present on the earth.

    So the defeat of Gog in Ezekiel 38-39, before the Millennium is a type of the defeat of Gog and Magog before the Eternal State.

    “In Ezek 38:2 Gog is the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, who leads the invasion against Israel. Magog according to Ezek 39:2, is a territory located in “the far north.” In Revelation, however, both Gog and Magog are symbolic figures representing the nations of the world that band together for a final assault upon God and his people. No specific geographical designations are intended. They are simply hostile nations from across the world” (Robert H. Mounce, The Book of Revelation, Revised, NICNT, p.372).

    Ro 11:15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?

    The ‘resurrection’ of Israel as a nation after Jacob’s Trouble in Ezekiel 37 - this is not a resurrection of the dead - before the Gog episode provides a type of the second resurrection - that is a resurrection of the dead - after the Gog-Magog antitype.

    Isa 49:6a And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.

    Prior to the Messianic Age Christ has to complete the second half of His prophetic week where he raises up the tribes of Israel, cp. Ezekiel 37:15-28, especially v.21; and, after the ‘failure’ of the Church, appoint the nation, as always intended from Gen 12:1-3, as His light to the Gentiles.

    Zec 14:4 And his feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east
    Ac 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

    Zech 14 is indirect Messianic prophecy, that is, it is fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

    The first half of Christ’s prophetic week provides a ‘type’ for the ‘antitype’ for His second half:

    Zec 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of an ass.

    Mk 11:1 ... they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount of Olives,

    Mk 11:7 And they brought the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him; and he sat upon him.
    Mk 11:9 And they that went before, and they that followed, cried, saying, Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord: (, NIV).

    "Interpreters have long recognized the role of Zechariah 14 in Mark's account of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11). Jesus begins on the Mount of Olives (Mark 11:1), which is where God stands in Zech 14:4. Entering Jerusalem, in a way that reflects Zech 9:9, Jesus is hailed as King (Mark 11:9-10), echoing Zech 14:9. Jesus comes finally to the Temple (Mark 11:15), as all people do in Zech 14:20-21. In the Temple, Jesus drives out those engaged in trade (Mark 11:15-16), interpreting Zechariah 14:2 as does the Targum to Zachariah... in Mark, two chapters later, when Jesus is on the Mount of Olives (Mark 13:3; again echoing Zech 14:4), he tells his disciples that the way to the future will involve war and suffering no less awful than that envisioned by Zechariah, before the "Son of man comes with great power and glory"" (Mark 13:26)...” (Ben C. Ollenburger, Zechariah, NIB, p.840).

  15. Early in 2008, Weinland claimed that he would admit to being a false prophet if his prophecies didn't happen, and mocked those who wouldn't as "It's about the paycheck".

    That didn't happen with Weinland. It won't happen with Roach.
