Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Sideshow Bob Ridicules David Hulme For Starting A Splinter Group While Tripping Over The Same Rake


It's another sunny glorious day in California and Sideshow Bob is giving us more slapstick comedy by stepping on his proverbial rake. Who would ever have suspected that the Church of God, in these frightful end times, would have such a slapstick comedian as a prophet! We are truly blessed!!!!!!!!

A reader here sent this:

Bob has an article up on Vic Kubic's not being appointed again as President of UCG.  He goes over a brief history of UCG presidents and has this gem
"UCG’s first president, David Hulme, started his own church when he was not reconfirmed in 1998. His church is called:  COGaIC: Church of God, an International Community.' 
United Church of God: Victor Kubik not reconfirmed as president, though he wanted to be
Oblivious to the fact he did the same thing when he was not "confirmed" as a prophet.  

Hilarious! After Rod Meredith and the Living Church of God hierarchy turned their backs on his self-appointed prophethood and his wild demands that the church change their doctrines and beliefs to suit his interpretations, Sideshow Bob, in typical COG fashion, threw a self-righteous sanctimonious hissy fit and started his own new and improved Church of God.  

Rod Meredith and crew never confirmed Bob Thiel's legitimacy. That's part of the reason LCG refused to ordain him. They knew trouble was bound to happen if they did. Look at the mess Theil has created today as a non-confirmed church leader and you can see that Meredith was justified in rebuking him.

Rake on dude! Keep us entertained!


  1. Im rebelling against Bob Thiels authority and prophet status.

    Obviously, this is an insubordination by me against Gods ordained government on Earth.

    Therefore, I demand that Thiel brandish and exile me to HAWAII , with full pay , just like HWA did to Rod Meredith back in 1980 when he was supposedly in rebellion against God's government. .

    Bob, will you follow the example set by HWA or not??

  2. Whenever there’s a post about Dr Rabbi Booby boy, end time ‘Prophet’, Amos, Ezekiel,one of the two witnesses, spongy pants Thiel I just have too comment, lol. So here goes.
    Bob Thiel credibility, scale of 1-10……………..ZERO
    Bob Thiel entertainment value, scale of 1-10……..TEN
    Bob Thiel hypocrisy value, scale of 1-10……………….TEN
    2 out of 3 is not bad Bob but still short of a cigar………..

  3. An old philosopher, wiser than myself, once observed that we tend to hate in others what we see in ourselves. It's kind of a corollary to the rule that opposites attract. Or closing a door on everyone else once you've gone through it.

    If nothing else, Bob Thiel is strangely predictable.

  4. I take great pleasure in knowing that Rod Meredith turned his back on Bob in the end. No one has ever been humiliated by a COG leader like Bob Thiel was. It was a truly delightful moment!

  5. Not only did Meredith humiliate Bob, but he had to learn about Meredith's condemnation from this blog! That was the best day ever!!!!!!!

  6. Each in their own time, both Meredith & Thiel were both "Shanghaied" (to use Meredith's word) by the COG establishment.

    I too am declaring my heresy in the hope of being 'Shanghaied' to Hawaii on full pay!

    More COG news:
    Under Armstrong orthodoxy, and to justify the leader's addiction, Alcohol was considered a health benefit: Now science says it's anything but, and causes brain-shrinkage: Thus the patent decline in the quality of HWA's thinking/analysis 1926 to 1986!

  7. Bob Thiel is strangely predictable

    But that doesn't make him a prophet.

  8. When will any of these clowns proclaim the actual gospel of Christ?!

    1. A at 4:24:00 AM PST, Armstrongism is a heresy, a work of the flesh. (See Gal 5:19-21) As long as they cling to Millerite Adventism, the clowns will proclaim Moses and Herb.

  9. Bob should forget about other organizations and focus on his own. David Hulme did not leave and decide to form another organization. Events around him resulted in the formation of the organization. One thing of note: you never see or hear David Hulme comment on any other organization.

  10. One thing of note: you never see or hear David Hulme comment on any other organization.

    The italicized statement above is what's known as a half-truth.

    The reason you never see or hear David Hulme comment on any other organization is that you never see or hear David Hulme. He's crafted a cult even more insular and secretive than Flurry's cult. If you are one of his insiders, you'll hear plenty of his comments about other organizations. But his public proclamation is so weak and ineffectual that it rarely even comments on the Sabbath or tithing or unclean meats, or any other ACOG distinctive. Right now, as I write this, the lead articles in Hulme's online Vision [sic] magazine discuss:

    • Climate Change
    • DNA
    • Prejudice

    At least when Flurry remarried, he married a woman more or less of his own age. Hulme pulled a David Koresh and married a woman young enough to be his daughter. One of the perks of being the man in charge, I guess.

  11. Those three topics which you enumerated are very contemporary, and the other ACOGs should be factoring them into their messages as well, along with expanded coverage of Jesus.

    Alas, I do not wish to vomit, which is what happens if I read any of the garbage put out by purveyors of Armstrongism. So, perhaps you can elucidate Hulme's positions on these. Is he your typical Armstrongite ostrich regarding climate change? Does he accept the extreme doubt dna casts upon British Israelism and supposed national identities? Does he view "non-Israelites" as cultural pollution in typical myopic white nationalist fashion?

    How do minorites fare in his splinter group? Are they treated as adults, and equals, or treated paternalistically?
