Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The World Tomorrow - New podcast


Check out the latest from Glynn Washington, a former COG member and featured on the popular Snap Judgement Podcast.

The story behind the story of Glynn Washington… on life growing up in an apocalyptic cult like you’ve never heard before. Snap Judgment presents, “The World Tomorrow,” 
from Love & Radio with Nick van der Kolk.

Love & Radio features in-depth, otherworldly-produced interviews with an eclectic range of subjects, from the seedy to the sublime. It’s hosted by Nick van der Kolk who is a Snap Alum! Listen & subscribe to Love & Radio on your favorite podcast player… you won’t regret it.

If you haven’t already, be sure to also check out The Secrets Hotline podcast from Love & Radio. Share your secret and read others on Instagram.

Produced by Nick van der Kolk, Andrew Gill, Nicki Stein & Phil Dmochowski. Contributing Editor: Steven Jackson

Artwork by Teo Ducot

Season 13 – Episode 15


  1. Im disappointed...I wanted to "pan down" lower on the HWA pic, hoping to see that he was on a SURF BOARD!

  2. Interesting to hear a black take on his experience. Of course, many cogs still today employ some form of these racism still- however many seem to have moved to a less public way of enforcing and doing it behind closed doors.

    Does anyone have info on the statement that HWA is a descended of Jesus? Is that written anywhere or more of a church legend to create additional street cred to HWA?

  3. One very positive thing that came from my own experience growing up in the old WCG is that in some small way, as a member of a hated religious minority, I learned first hand about many of the bad things that happen to racial minorities. This greatly informed my sense of fairness, something that I have carried through the rest of my life. Obviously, I realize that what I experienced was miles away from what people of color go through every day in that I could avoid being mistreated by simply keeping my mouth shut about our beliefs, but that era of my life gave me the capacity to empathize with others who can't mask up or hide quite so easily, and therefore experience the full impact of prejudice and hatred. Oddly enough, total relief came when we actually moved to a predominantly Jewish community for my final years of high school, and except for being thought of as "Orthodox" by my peers, life was good.

    WCG was a paradox. It was a belief system in which members experienced persecution and prejudice from "the world", yet missed the same effects caused by the white supremacy which they were being taught was actually the mindset of God! No wonder ministers counselled members to ignore cause and effect! That was largely how cognitive dissonance was dealt with in Armstrongism!

  4. HWA claimed to be descended from the British Throne, and thus , by BI standards descended from King David.

    Never once did HWA ever claim to be descended from Jesus, as church dogma was that Jesus never was married, nor ever had sex. The only possible connection could be that both Jesus and HWA were descended from David.

    The claim of having "royal blood" is not a big deal. Virtually EVERYONE who had ancestors from Europe can make that claim, it just is not known to them. Any genealogist will tell you , that within the last 1000 years, ALL OF US are related to one another , likely many times over.

    It is for that reason, that EVERY American President is related to every other President , including Barack Obama , thru his caucasian mother.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love the artwork on this post...

    Awesome, as Ron Weinland would say.

  7. There was really not much to the "story" they were trying to push. It sounded too scripted! The real evils were not necessarily doctrinal, but no birthdays, no Christmas, no dating white chicks, the real mean stuff! He remembers too much, yet not enough! This is just another attempt to project our current woke mentality upon life in the 60's and 70's!
