Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 1, 2022

Dave Pack: Sermon 360 - What a number to end on...STUNS me...STUNS me…THERE IS NO TIME FOR ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dave Pack continues his further decline into madness...

Like Bob Thiel, Dave gave himself a way out when the creature he calls "christ" does not return. 

I will deliver a more accurate prophecy: Dave's "christ" will NOT return Friday night or Saturday. That is a fact. Dave is a liar just like Bob Thiel.

"In conclusion...

I have given 360 messages and God KNOWS and all of you know from my comments, I don't know how many hundred times - I never intended to go to 360 messages...

WHAT a number to end on! The number of days and years. STUNS me...STUNS me...

There NO time for any more! And I DON'T know what I'd say next year that adds to what I said in OVER 700 hours, and 6 1/2 years, 360 messages.

It's like God wanted and is - we're writing a RECORD all of us brethren, as the little flock that goes 1st...

Did GOD want a record of 360 sermons? And it was NEVER gonna be LESS than that? It's divisible by 3, it's divisible by 12 - it's the number of foundations in many ways. That's the number 12, number of finality 3. It's also divisible by a number that I CAN RELATE TO - whether you can or not - it's divisible by 40, which is the number of trial and test - 9 times over! 9 times 40... Ok? WOW🤖...

It's also divisible by 30, the days of a month... Times 12...

The whole series, I mentioned to you - is gonna cover a period of 2331 days. That's divisible by 3, 7, 21 - NOW THAT IT'S OVER...

It's interesting, in the last 12 days, I have given 7 sermons, and 3 in-a-row to close - which is FASCINATING, last 12 days.

I HAVE KEPT MY CHARGE - I'M DONE... I'm done - and if you believe in Elul 1, and all the prophets - THEN YOU KNOW.

Now - FINAL comment ...

I want to just close with the ONLY WAY TO CLOSE...

IF Abib 1 comes and goes - I'D STILL GO DAY BY DAY - in fact I WILL!

The alternative is YEARS - somehow, maybe Abib 1, is NOT THE DAY - but 13 prophets and apostle and Christ POINT to Abib - and I think MANY verses DIRECTLY to Abib 1, and I don't know HOW, they point to Abib 1.

But what I KEEP WATCHING? And we go on into it, because maybe MAYBE God DOESN'T WANT US to know the day the 1st Kingdom starts as well? YES I WOULD - I WOULD...

Can I explain to you sitting here now - HOW all the verses that point to Abib 1 don't EXACTLY mean Abib 1, but some time NEAR it? No I CAN'T - I CAN'T DO THAT😭...

But I'm JUST telling you, I'm gonna KEEP WATCHING FOR A PERIOD OF TIME... I'm gonna GUARD THE WHOLE MONTH☠️, and that's JUST the way I'm gonna do it.

But if you ask me: Do you think THERE'S A CHANCE we're gonna go past tomorrow night? I would say NO - I've got a WHOLE LOT OF VERSES - I DON'T THINK there's a chance...

It's like they're all watching on a night, keep your lights burning, and it's gonna be some time at night, which would be morning in Jerusalem, it looks like Sabbath morning in Jerusalem...

Christ comes back on a Friday night - Sabbath morning in Jerusalem. Everybody WOHHH, Christ arises in their hearts- some days out. And he's gonna give them light. It looks like a Sabbath morning.

So it ALL lays out - all lays out PERFECTLY!

IF we believe it's a Sabbath, then I don't know HOW you get - I mean, I'll say ONE thing: It's EAAAASY for all of us to be comfortable to watch all the way through the Sabbath, it's easy - OF COURSE.

It MAY NOT BE TOMORROW NIGHT. It MIGHT BE Sabbath morning - I DON'T KNOW🤖... That's the 1st thing YOU SHOULD SAY.

But I DON'T KNOW HOW to conclude 6 1/2 years WITHOUT talking about WHAT HAPPENS IF Abib 1 PASSES?!!

The choice is MORE days OR MORE years... I don't see HOW THAT CAN BE!


God speed tomorrow night OR WHATEVER hour OR exactly how it plays out - and that is TRULY THE END OF THE GREATEST UNTOLD STORY - Good night...

One little comment: He did NOT end with a TOTAL of 360 Parts. Last year, he had 7-8 messages called "The end" - which he did NOT "consider" to be part of the series. So he is basically near at 370 parts...


  1. This series will only end with Dave's death. He'll continue to double down on his clueless prophecies so long as he draws breath. RCG members will just have to reconcile themselves to the belief that every couple days Jesus will return. Only, He won't because Dave never gives Him a chance to return at a time when they "think not".

  2. Abib Fools!

    How far you’ve come descendants of Millerites from down off your rooftops to the edge of your keyboards. It’s always minutes to midnight with the greater COG. Time is short gun lap 5-10 more years on and on ad infintum. The Apocalypse like the mirage of an oasis in a desert is just a few more feet off. People can’t get enough of that world that’s always ending and a kingdom that is always coming. The entire COG is in a Groundhog Day loop. Same messages. Same promises. Same results.

    I’ve seen hamsters on wheels go furthur.

  3. This series will only end with Dave's death.

    Does Dave have a nominated successor to carry his legacy of nonsense? Or will someone arise and do another Tkatch-22?

  4. The wolf who cried "Boy..."

  5. Anonymous 1:35 that is a good comment. Dave is driving himself to the loonie bin, racking his brains out trying to figure out when Yahshua is returning, which all of us do to a point, but he takes it way too far.

    There is so much truth in the Bible that yet needs to be preached but due to the fact that these leaders haven't spiritually grown, their tithe slaves miss out.

  6. This series will only end with Dave's death

    ...or with his humble, embarrassed admission that the returned Christ has been here all along, in the form of Dave Pack.


  7. “And I DON'T know what I'd say next year that adds to what I said in OVER 700 hours, and 6 1/2 years, 360 messages.” -- DCP

    What a waste of other people's time!

  8. David and his Goliath lies just keep spewing out of his lie hole. David lusts after your bank account like it was Bathsheba. David is the shepherd of his little flock of impoverished sheeple, which he rules with his rod of iron. David fancies himself as king of his little compound, watching his peasants toil away to add to his piles of cash. Just send it all in, over and over again.

  9. He'll take the series to 1,335. Count on it.

  10. To read the ENTIRE Bible only takes about 70 hours, from beginning to end.

    Pack's USELESS series of now more than 700 hours, is more than TEN TIMES the amount of time to read the Bible. Someone could read the Bible from cover to cover ten times over, while sitting captive in the Pack Prison Compound during services.

    1. Tonto
      Unfortunately many members have handed personal bible study over to their church leaders. This abdication is costing them dearly.

  11. In the cult hierarchy it is pretty obvious that Stephen Flurry will take over for Gerald in the next few years, once he starts pushing up daisies.

    Who is being groomed, or is trying to manipulate himself into , being the guy who takes over for the aging Pack? Any insiders or attendees have any idea?

  12. I sincerely hope his second wife will get tired of his insane rants and conspire with his children to put him in a padded cell before he ruins more lives with his prophecies and demands for his followers money and possessions.

  13. Tonto, to replace Pack, they'll have to find somebody ŵith super-human lung capacity!

  14. Phinnpoy said, "I sincerely hope his second wife will get tired of his insane rants and conspire with his children to put him in a padded cell before he ruins more lives with his prophecies and demands for his followers money and possessions."

    MY COMMENT - Your comment begs the question, "How many more lives are left in the Pack cult that can be ruined with his prophecies and demands for his followers money and possessions?"

    The cult can't be experiencing any material growth to speak of, so we must be talking about a small, fixed splinter group of people of Worldwide Church of God origins that are losing members ever year by attrition.

    Then the question becomes, "How many members' lives are left in the Pack Cult who have NOT answered the Clarion Call and the Pack "Common" Communist doctrine and liquidated all their assets (under Lake of Fire eternal damnation) and given the money to Pack to build his compound? Does the 80/20 rule apply here? Eighty percent have liquidated all their assets and twenty percent are left remaining? Who knows? Does Denne know??


  15. 360?? It means 360 degrees. Dave has come full circle, to back where he sta.............

  16. Pack's a poster child, Kids! He's what happens if you don't go to a good college or university!

  17. Who is being groomed, or is trying to manipulate himself into , being the guy who takes over for the aging Pack? Any insiders or attendees have any idea?

    Bradford "Evangelist" Schleiffer

  18. Pack imitates HWA. Most likely, when he is demented and dying, Pack will appoint someone at the last minute. The guy will be in place for a year or two, will notice Romans and Galatians, begin making corrections, and the whole thing will splinter. Some alcoholic deacon will claim to be the preservationist of the original doctrines, will steal the intellectual properties and will buy up all the Pack artifacts. Someone will claim to have been third in charge, and will start another splinter. Most of the ministers will start a group largely to collect tithes and assure themselves of continued paychecks. Dissident websites for former members will become all the rage, and some of the losers from Pack's Spokesmen's Club will begin ordaining themselves evangelists, apostles, and prophets. Pack's kids and other relatives will give "tell all" interviews, and Wikipedia articles will spring up. Did I miss anything?

    The problem will be that at best the numbers we're dealing with are about 1/100 of HWA's, so virtually nobody will notice. LOL! Kind of like it is at RCG now.

  19. Sorry Dave your Christ or any other Christ didn’t return today. You need about 200 more sermons. You need to scream, spit, glare, shout a little louder. Why anyone would follow this idiot is beyond me. Giving money to this charlatan is insane.


  20. "There NO time for any more! And I DON'T know what I'd say next year that adds to what I said in OVER 700 hours, and 6 1/2 years, 360 messages.

    It's like God wanted and is - we're writing a RECORD all of us brethren, as the little flock that goes 1st...

    Did GOD want a record of 360 sermons? And it was NEVER gonna be LESS than that? It's divisible by 3, it's divisible by 12 - it's the number of foundations in many ways. That's the number 12, number of finality 3. It's also divisible by a number that I CAN RELATE TO - whether you can or not - it's divisible by 40, which is the number of trial and test - 9 times over! 9 times 40... Ok? WOW🤖"

    Let the record be known. I mean LET THE RECORD BE KNOWN!

    Since this is the lost for all time and unknown to all gospel message, shouldn't the whole world hear it?

    And what about the the record of legitimately sourced facts about the "one" deciphering this message and his parallel conclusions of a definitive advent.

    In Mr. Pack's own words, all of these messages, all of these words, all of the statements of fact, all of the prophetic declarations were sourced from and derived by the very Jesus Christ himself and the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of Truth.

    The well known record is that a great multitude of these 6 1/2 years of messages were either completely thrown away in the trash or heavily post edited and redacted.

    There is the well known record of what? 20 + definitive - impossible not to happen - can't be anymore time - this is the last message - the long wait is over, Jesus is returning to Wadsworth on this day (___________).

    Then there is the parallel record of what Jesus Christ supposedly demands within this 6 1/2 year story, his price according to Mr. Pack, which is all that you physically have. This has by the call of "Corban" made destitute all the widows. It has also destroyed very many marriages by the declaration for men to take 100% of the household assets and for women to take their 50% and send it all in. How many "fatherless" have been made in this scenario for fulfilling "Christ's price"?

    So whether Jesus Christ returns today or not, Dave Pack has left a clear and concise record for the last 6 1/2 years concerning either himself or Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit.

    The conclusion of this 6 1/2 year record is either or; that is Jesus Christ is the one inspiring hour upon hour upon hour of messages that have to later be either trashed or edited and reedited again, or inspiring his exact coming even the day and hour over 20 times and not even showing up and during this whole time He is taking great satisfaction in seeing widows made destitute, marriages destroyed and the resulting creation of more non present fathers of the children.

    Or have we witnessed for the last 6 1/2 years a man so presumptuous that he thinks he only knows the day and the hour of the advent of Christ, and a man so caught up unto his own self importance that vast sums of money laid at his feet comes by, with his knowledge, that his charges are to be made destitute, the widows ravaged, marriages destroyed and children made fatherless.

    God has indeed written a record, and I say let THAT RECORD BE KNOWN!

  21. That's what happens, WATT, when someone's Holy Spirit is anthropomorphic! The real one would be getting things right the first time, or have better communicatiin skills so that the message was relayed and interpreted properly. Surely at least some of the RCG members must realize this???
