Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 2, 2022

COG Leaders and Prophecy - Why You Cannot Trust Them




    "Monaco, Andorra, Lichtenstein, and San Marino in Prophecy"!

  2. I'm waiting for some Franco-American ACOG to give us:

    Reuben in Prophecy and Sandwiches


  3. Obviously it will depend which hole they speak out of.
    Some blow a lot of hot air from both ends.

    What we do know is that with not too much effort we can ‘fact check’ them with relative ease.
    In the past we didn’t have the resources readily available as we do now.
    And the ‘shepherds’ have being found wanting and juvenile at best.
    Jesus said in the latter days many would go to and thro and knowledge would increase.
    That knowledge would increase does not seem to apply to Armstrongism and the cogs sadly.

  4. "Just What Do You Mean Canada, Aye?"

    "The United States and Britain and Not Canada in Prophecy"

    "The Missing Dimension in Canadians"

    "The Wonderful World Tomorrow Without Canada"

    "Does Canada Exist?"

    "Do Canadians Go to Heaven?"

    "Will Canadians Be in Hell?"

    Bonus! Send for our free booklet, "Just What Do You Mean Dr. Hoeh?"

  5. Anon 2:55 PM left out what just might be the most classic, foundational item of them all:

    Canada Is...

  6. Don't leave out "The Missing Dementia in Canadians"

  7. "Will Cows be Flatulent in the Millennium?"

    "Which Cities Will Your Splinter Inherit in the Kingdom?"

    "Africa: Where Black Lives Will Finally Matter in 3-5 Years!"

    "What Pronouns Should Spirit Beings Use?"

    "Transylvanians in Prophecy."

    "Was Jesus Buddhist?"

    "I Ran to Petra With My Spirit Animal!"

  8. Oh come on…..
    Leave the poor Canadians alone.
    It could be worst………at least they aren’t Australians,lol.

    New book out by Dr Bob Thiel next month entitled ‘Kangaroo droppings prove Kangaroos are from Australia, astonishing find proves they are descendants of Abraham’.
    Should be a bestseller.

    We may well mock them, but the reality is they are most deserving of it.

  9. "What Pronouns Should Spirit Beings Use?"

    The Devil Is a 'Shim'

  10. I loved the booklet titles! A few more possibilities:

    Santa is the King of the North!

    Heat Miser is the King of the South!

    MRNA Vaccines are the Mark of the Beast!

    NATO is the Beast of Revelation!

    Gay folks will bring about the downfall of the United States!

    Joe Biden is the Antichrist!

    Sorry, too much reality - those last four are real possibilities!

  11. These ACOGs have harmed many members by presenting their prophecy speculation as fact. Members put off marriage, family, education or chose a different career than they would have otherwise. I've had members tell me that they lost the will to live as 1975 approached. Typically these people are too embarrassed to tell others that they were conned.

  12. "Just What Do You Mean 'You Have a Bad Attitude?'"

  13. You Must Revere Your Minister; Just Don't Call Him "Reverend"

  14. Jesus said, "“Do not think that I have come to abolish ... the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.

    First, the picture has nothing to do with Canada in particular. The brush just happens to be resting in that space. The picture illustrates the fact that apocalyptic Millerites seem to focus all of their ire on the USA because that is where most of them live and that is where the greatest potential for fund raising resides. The bias is so large as to be painful.

    Second, Jesus spoke the words I cited above in Matthew 5:17. I omitted the word "law" because controversy seems to incessantly underscore this part of the verse to the exclusion of the topic of prophecy.

    The Elephant in the Room: Jesus stated that he was the fulfillment of the OT prophecies. The prophecies are still there, well documented, not abolished - it is just that Jesus fulfilled them. In other words, not only culmination but closure has been achieved in Jesus - his life, his death, his resurrection.

    What then are the apocalyptic Millerites talking about when they freely dip into the OT, apply type-antitype with abandon and spew recklessly the message that the sky is falling? Some have even found The Stable Genius in the Book of Kings I and II somewhere. If one understands the prophetic model to consist of a condemnation of Israel for bad behavior, a pronouncement of punishment and a final restoration and deliverance, it is easy to see this theme reflected in this life of Christ. From the account in Luke 24:

    "Then he (Jesus) opened their minds to understand the scriptures, and he said to them, “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from the dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem."

    The term "scriptures" is an in-line reference to the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. A term that refers to the entire OT canon. Jesus states explicitly what is important about the OT prophecies. And it is not about Germany attacking the United States. Apocalyptic Millerites need to get a clue.

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  15. The picture is bogus...the Earth is flat.

  16. NeoDromos said:
    The prophecies are still there, well documented, not abolished - it is just that Jesus fulfilled them. In other words, not only culmination but closure has been achieved in Jesus - his life, his death, his resurrection.

    Certainly Jesus fulfilled many of the Old Testament prophecies, but are you stating that all Old Testament prophecies have been fulfilled? Including the God's kingdom expanding to the whole world (Dan 2)? All flesh will worship God (Is 66:23)? And many more?

  17. If you actually believe that, 7:19, then your brain waves have flatlined.

  18. I do not believe all the buffoons are in the cogs. This site seems to have an overabundance of them also and I don't mean the ones that leave comments. A good portion of your stories have little validity and please get your facts straight there are enough liars, conmen and deceivers out there.

  19. "Where in the World Is South America In Prophecy?"

  20. Anonymous 5/3 @ 10:02,

    Neo is more than capable of explaining what his statement meant and answering your questions, but I simply could not resist giving my own response. Christ said that he came to fulfill/accomplish the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17). He didn't distinguish between different provisions of the Law or parse which prophecies he was talking about. In other words, he simply said that he came to fill to the full both the Law and the Prophets - period. What does that mean to you? I would say that Christ has fulfilled all of it - Remember, Paul said that God "calleth those things which be not as though they were." In other words, even the things that haven't happened yet are a sure thing - a fait accompli from God's perspective!

  21. Just What Do You Mean, "Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomy"?

  22. The interesting thing about Canada is that the population of that entire country is less than the population of California.

  23. Anonymous Tuesday, May 3, 2022 at 6:16:00 AM PDT said...
    "Just What Do You Mean 'You Have a Bad Attitude?"

    MY COMMENT - A booklet that is better understood (particularly on the Day of Atonement) by the Church's companion booklet, "Just What Do You Mean 'You Have Bad Breath!"


  24. This thread has turned silly, but stop for a moment and think how WCG brethren in Australia and South Africa felt whenever Pasadena put out message after message about the "Fall" festivals, which Southern Hemisphere countries for some inexplicable reason were required to observe in the Spring.

  25. Anonymous 10:02 wrote, "...but are you stating that all Old Testament prophecies have been fulfilled?"

    Yes - regarding the prophecies found in the OT canon. I have no other exegesis for Jesus' statement in Matt 5:17. For example, the Kingdom of God is already here. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus inaugurated it. Even HWA believed something like that. It dawned on him late in life that the KoG was now. He began to refer to the WCG as the Kingdom of God "in embryo." I heard him explain the KoG using that phrase many times.

    All of the major themes found in the OT prophecies are present in some form. They just have not come to full fruition and intensity. There is also the concept of "already but not yet." The KoG is here already spiritually in the Body of Christ but it is not yet here in the form of a global utopian theocracy, for instance.

    There are New Testament prophecies, resulting from the ministry of the Holy Spirit, that are yet to happen.

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  26. All these comments on Canada remind me of a good Israeli friend of mine who told me Moses meant to say, O Israel get up and go to Canada but because he had a stutter all that came out was Cacacaaaannnnnn………..
    And that’s why Israel is where it is today and not North America.

    I believe him,lol.

  27. @10:40, no I don't think the earth is flat. It was satire silly.
