Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Dave Pack sinks to new prophetic low…Claims Uvalde parents will see their kids again in 3 days

Just when you think Dave Pack cannot get any more disgusting he comes along and opens his unholy mouth and says one of the most disgusting things imaginable about the Uvalde School murders. Because the creature he calls "christ" is apparently coming back in 3 days the parents of the children killed will be able to see their kids again. How low can Dave go? How much sicker can Armstrongism get?

Even after all that, he cannot keep his mouth shut and continues to sprout more absurdities:

From an RCG source:

Dave Pack is at again,

Part 369 he stated he regretted putting dates and that the series is over and he will never make that mistake again of putting dates.

Part 370 he ask the congregation for a show of hands who would like to tell the parents of the children who dies at the mass shooting that they would see their kids again in 3 days.

Part 371 Guess what Dave Pack is doing setting dates again. he said Christ will return by Feast of Pentecost. If that date goes by it will be another 7 years before the dates line up right for his return.


  1. If Pack's statement is what this post says it is, and if it is recorded on audio or video, copies need to be sent IMMEDIATELY to media outlets across Texas and Ohio. Once Pack's statement is publicized and fails to come to pass, his reputation will be ruined once and for all in the eyes of anyone not already brainwashed into RCG membership.

  2. Anon @11:00 Amen and hallelujah to that! What a fantastic idea!

  3. Something is rotten in Wadsworth, and it's not in the produce section of the Giant Eagle...

  4. Yeah. Hopefully this is his Oral Roberts moment! Dawn, are you with us and seeing this????

  5. FOX channel 8 in Wadsworth has an e-mail address for tips. Don't just send them your complaints about Pack, but if you have access to audio of his Uvalde claim, send the link or the audio/video to the news desk at: tips@fox8.com

    You might also send it to the investigative news team at: wjwiteam@nexstar.tv

    Or try the news desk at the Fox station in San Antonio: news@kabb.com

    I hope someone has audio or video of Pack's statement and can get it to someone who can air it and draw attention to this dangerous man.

  6. At least Dave Pack has prophesied the fate of these children. Did Prophet Bob give us any advance warning of this tragedy?

  7. I nonetheless do wish Jesus would return on Pentecost. Which would begin the end of insanity.

  8. Don’t blame Packs craziness on Armstrongism. Pack owns this crap. It’s Packism. Mr Armstrong has nothing to do with this loony toon

  9. Oh, bull crap 2:35!

    Pack is the end product of the worst of Armstorngism. His entire belief system is mired in the craziness of Armstrongism and its many absurd beliefs. While Dave has certainly pulled more out of his ass than some COG leaders, it is all still the end product of Herbert Armstrong influencing the man.

  10. @ 2:35PM, it was "Mr. Armstrong" who kept transferring (or allowing the transfer of) Pack to new pastorates instead of firing his sorry ass after so many reports of bad pastoring.

  11. This is not new. He has called out members in the Headquarters congregation time and again, telling them they are going to see their dead children in the days to come. I mentioned this in Part 2 of my interview hosted by Dawn Blue. Not once did he apologize or beg for those parent's forgiveness when his teaching failed.

    This is the kind of damage David C. Pack inflicts upon the people of the Restored Church of God. Emotional, spiritual, and financial.

  12. The false prophets Flurry and Pack initially pretended to worship Armstrong in order to attract HWA's followers.

    Then the false prophets Flurry and Pack made it all about worshipping their own selves.

    While HWA came up with some interesting teachings, the false prophets Flurry and Pack come up with nothing but nonsense and evil.

  13. If you're considerate of the victims don't tell them in Texas. Don't overdo this indignation.

  14. Based on this post, the headline is incredibly misleading.

    Wouldn't anyone want to tell a grieving parent that they would see their child again in three days?

    He didn't prophecy it, based on your post. He asked how many would like to say that.

    May Jesus come back soon, to start the next step of the process with the first resurrection.

  15. What is the time stamp of these comments in part 370?

  16. Wadsworth Ohio, the epicenter of Looney Toons and Madness. Someday (soon), "The Compound" will be new headquarters for Carvana.

  17. For those asking for the video, here's the clip.


  18. This statement does not jibe with the typical COG timeline, which would state that the unconverted dead do not come back to life again until after the Millennium.

    Under that scenario, the more accurate Pack statement would be "They will see their children again in 1000 years and 3 days.
