Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

More Craziness From Restored Church of God: Two More Prophet/Elijah's Emerge From Dave Pack's Church


Only on Banned!

If you thought the craziness of Dave Pack's world couldn't get any crazier, then read what follows. How many more prophets and Elijahs does the Church of God need in its midst?

From an RCG source:

In addition to Alex Groen starting an organization, there are also two “prophets” that have come out of Restored, one of which has a small following.

The first one is a guy by the name of Joseph Birt. He has a number of posts on Facebook. I’ve included some of the more interesting ones in this email.


The second one is Alexandre Desmarais. Alexandre was kicked out of RCG in early 2020 for claiming to be none other than... drum roll... Elijah! He managed to convince his wife, two young children, his cousin, a longtime friend, and another member from Western Canada. So there are six people that follow him, including the kids. Together, they refer to themselves as “The Elijah Team.” All of those that are following Alexandre also consider themselves to be prophets.

“The Elijah Team” has produced several documents that “prove” that Alexandre is Elijah. Alexandre is from Quebec, Canada, and one of the documents supposedly proves that Elijah is from that area of the world. You can’t make this stuff up. I’ve included a couple of PDFs that they’ve produced.



  1. I say...




  2. Letter to Mr. Birt:

    I too have the gift of reading and I read that it's the book of Revelation--not Revelation'ssss! I'm glad you found Facebook. It's a great place where everyone can be wise in their own eyes!


  3. Eat your heart out Bob Thiel.

    You have competition.

  4. Well HWA, I hope you're proud of your legacy. This is all on you. What shameful creatures you spawned. At least they take after their father. God have mercy on you, but I wouldn't bet on it.

  5. The Madness intensifies. Now we have Dave and his former minions in direct competition. Crisis at the compound! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ezuQERNwkks

  6. Can I get a show of hands please? Is there anyone who is NOT claiming to be Elijah?

  7. I could not bear to do more than skim this material. Both examples contain prophetic interpretations that don't carry water. The interpretations are based on the misidentification of various nations because the propounders of these ideas are following the erroneous anthropology of Herman Hoeh.

    An easy refutation: The Russians are not racially different from other Central and East Europeans. If the Germans are descended from Shem and therefore Semitic then so are the Russians. Both the Eastern Germans and the Russians are principally haplogroup R1a. This is easy stuff to look up anymore.

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  8. Looks like Groen got TRIGGERED 🤣🤣🤣

  9. Skipping Medication has its downside ...

  10. Will Bob Petry come and call these morons false prophets, like he is, or will he give them pass like he normally does?

  11. What is this? The Marvel Comics version of Revelation? Super Heroes of Armstrongism? It's getting to be just as bad as the old AC 'dena insider joke of the '60s about the three Polish gentlemen going to Mr. Armstrong's office claiming to be the two witnesses!


    All the teachings in the Worldwide Church of God had come through Herbert W. Armstrong. So, near the end of his life HWA began to teach that he was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to “restore all things.”

    When David C. Pack started his Restored Church he initially taught that the understanding that HWA was the one who was prophesied to come in the spirit and power of Elijah to “restore all things” was a great wall of defence against doctrinal heresy.

    Later, David Pack came up with “130 PROOFS” that he himself was the Elijah and that HWA had actually been in the office of Moses.

    Over time, Dave Pack promoted himself from minister to apostle, Joshua the high priest, Elijah the prophet, That Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:18-19, and is currently working on becoming messiah.

    When the characters that Dave Pack set up as so-called “ministers” in his Restored Church break away to start their own sliver groups and income streams, they sometimes try to pass themselves off as Elijah. This is a big warning sign that they do not really know anything but nonsense.

    Dave Pack had originally tried to rewrite the old WCG literature in his own words. Dave Pack has that literature at his Restored Church's website to attract people before he tells them all his new nonsense that he makes up in his Bait & Switch scam. The breakaway so-called “ministers” have nothing but their own new nonsense to try to attract people, such as claiming to be Elijah.
