Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Crackpot Prophet Preaches A Sermon About Himself

There once was a time in our society when people tried to emulate great men and women as examples of greatness and sometimes to aspire to their great qualities. Some even looked to Herbert Armstrong for inspiration. But what about COG leaders? Are there any out there that you would want to look up to in admiration?

Today, the Great Bwana to 7,400 African Black Gentiles and 100 Israelitish Caucasians, the first COG leader ever to have  Germanic 1st-Nation blood coursing through his veins, the only doubly-blessed end-time prophet to the world, the one set aside by God before the foundations of the world ever came into existence, has just preached a sermon all about himself. Yes brethren, himself.

You too can aspire to great prophetic heights and learn how to flounce and bounce so that you never have to suffer the same horrific trials that the Germanic 1st Nations Doubly blessed prophet has had to endure.

Personal Christian trials, lessons, & faith

Do true Philadelphian Christians have trials? Once you are baptized, will everything be like a bowl of cherries without pits? What does the Bible say about Christians, trials, and tribulation? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over various events in his life that included trials and tests related to the Sabbath, Holy days, education, jobs, and marriage. He mentions Protestantism, his parents, and Roman Catholicism. He also discusses how to calculate tithes, getting financially ready for the Feast of Tabernacles, as well as being a doer of the word and not a hearer only. He talks about “the right church” and his first encounter with a claimed “Church of God” that met on Saturdays, but instead was Pentecostal. Tithing blessings are discussed. Dr. Thiel also discusses learning about when the Sabbath runs, and how to prepare for attending the Feast of Tabernacles.


No one is greater than me!


  1. Bob is so blind to his narcissism that he sets himself up to be mocked. He never disappoints. What a fool.

  2. He talks about “the right church” and his first encounter with a claimed “Church of God” that met on Saturdays, but instead was Pentecostal.

    Bob claims to be a both a prophet and a PhD-level researcher. He should know that there are currently fewer ACOG members in the USA than there are Black members of "Hebrew Israelite" and "Hebrew Pentecostal" Sabbath-keeping churches. Those churches are as varied as the ACOGs, ranging from nutty personality cults to full-fledged movements with checks and balances on the leadership to prevent abuses. Bob may have 7,000 Black followers in Africa, but he'll never get even 1/100th of that number in the USA.

  3. Simply a rehash of HWAs biography.
    Yes sir reeeeee….it’s all about Bob.
    To get the adoration he craves and the attention he yearns for, he had to start his own church.
    Nothing new here. Men have been doing this for centuries.
    So it is today, there is nothing new under the sun.

  4. His report card is his number of followers, and it is not legitmate for him to claim for himself the Africans whom he shares with other sabbatarian churches.

    I must confess to actually being vicariously embarrased for Bob Thiel. Somebody has to he because he surely isn't!

  5. Not the first to do this and certainly won't be the last.

    'A bad day for your ego is a good day for the soul'.

  6. Bob writes, "once you are baptized, will everything be like a bowl of cherries without pits?" Once again, I spit out what I was drinking! Being a member of Bob's teeny tiny little group is like a bowl of cherries WITH pits!!

    When will you learn, oh tiniest doubly blessed prophlet? When will you learn it's not about you, it's about Jesus! When will you cure yourself of you-itis? When will you learn how to rightly divide the Word of God and free your tormented mind from the deceptions of Armstrongism and law keeping? When will you learn God loves a humble heart and stop your incessant obsession with yourself? When will you become a doubly blessed Christian? When will you get new curtains?

  7. "Dr. Thiel goes over various events in his life that included trials and tests related to the Sabbath, Holy days, education, jobs, and marriage. He mentions Protestantism, his parents, and Roman Catholicism".

    MY COMMENT - A question: Is this Thiel himself writing this in the third person?


  8. A question: Is this Thiel himself writing this in the third person?

    It is. And we are not amused.

  9. Good question, Rich. These guys do that. Pack writes about himself in the third person all the time. I suppose it is a literary device intended to make them seem more objective?

  10. A question: Is this Thiel himself writing in the third person?

    I don't know anyone else who could make that stuff up. Perhaps he uses the third person so he doesn't appear boastfully using "I" repeatedly.

    When Bob documented his departure from LCG, he used the third person extensively - I (perhaps falsely) assumed it was for clarity.

  11. "Good question, Rich. These guys do that. Pack writes about himself in the third person all the time. I suppose it is a literary device intended to make them seem more objective?"

    That's Mr Pack, BTW.
