Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, June 20, 2022

LCG And Its Incredible Impact Around The World!


Gerald Weston sent out a letter to the faithful today that told them what an incredible impact the church is having on the world. Bob Thiel was seen whimpering in the corner by the crooked bookcase. It is interesting that whenever LCG comes up with statistics of their amazing work, Bob Thiel has to post his stats and make them better than LCG's.

Dear Brethren and Co-workers with Christ, 
Do you realize how much of an impact this Work that you are a part of is having upon our world? We know that we are incredibly small in number, but it might surprise you that about half our membership lives outside North America. In addition to our offices in the U.S. and Canada, we have offices in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand, along with smaller in-home offices in other locations. Tomorrow’s World magazines are printed in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and the Philippines, and our Tomorrow’s World telecasts are produced in Canada as well as the United States. 
Our Tomorrow’s World subscription list continues to grow toward 600,000, and our combined English, Spanish, and French YouTube subscribers are also closing in on the same figure. This only scratches the surface of all our initiatives. With your help, we are doing a significant Work, but we are still a very little flock (Luke 12:32).

Notice how Gerald Weston skirts the issue of mandatory tithing in the LCG that keeps these things rolling out. He makes it seem like the church is filled with members who "freely give" instead of forced tithing.

We are often asked how we do all this without charging for our resources. As I explained at one of our recent Tomorrow’s World Presentations, we do not build “church” buildings, as that would consume vast sums that can go to preaching the good news of Christ’s coming Kingdom and warning the Israelite nations and the world of the disaster we are bringing upon ourselves. We follow Proverbs 23:23, “Buy the truth, and do not sell it,” and Christ’s instruction, “Freely you have received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). Therefore, instead of building elaborate facilities, we rent rooms and halls to fit the needs of local congregations. That is why you will generally not see marquees with “Living Church of God” on the streets of your city. But if you are interested in locating a Sabbath-keeping congregation near you, or speaking with a minister in your area, just let us know. You can call or write us or go to lcg.org and click on “Attend With Us” at the bottom of the page.

If the LCG and most any other COG had actual buildings IN communities, they would have a better response. They could show the world and the community that they actually care. Instead, they continue to isolate themselves with exclusivity and look at those daring to walk into a church service as outsiders.


  1. ‘warning the Israelite nations’…….
    Sorry Gerald, there’s one Israelite nation, and it’s called Israel, and its in the Middle East.
    And guess what Gerald, the gospel is been preached in Israel by Jews born and raised there, who have come to Jesus Christ.
    And many are coming to faith.
    And they have never heard of you or Armstrongism.

  2. How did the term "Joshuaists" not stick to early Christians back in the day? "Jesists" in the Greek I suppose. :)

  3. He and other ACOGs also skirt that their churches are run along North Korean lines. The Kim Jong-un Living church of God


  4. You never know what is really going on in overseas churches. In Africa, cults have invaded the churches, especially the JW's and the Brahamites. Also, they have a completely different mindset since they are highly infuluenced, to this day, by African Traditional Religions (witchcraft, ancestor worship, etc.) It is very hard for missions in Africa to convey the true gospel. The people they are trying to teach already have a different version of the gospel in their minds, all mixed with the cults and ATRs.

    There is a William Branham church near me. They have a disproportionate number of African or African-American members, probably from Africa and they possibly deliberatly came to this area to be near this cult church. They just started building what appears to be a much larger church. I feel for the people who buy into any cult, especially the children. Branham followers believe that Satan had sex with Eve--- and that women are the source of all sin.


  5. Every time I read some hype like this from one if these ACOG groups it reminds me of Professor Chaos on South Park and his plot to destroy the world through a catastrophic flood by leaving his mother's garden hose running in their back yard!

  6. In Gerald Weston’s latest letter he asked a question: “Do you realize how much of an impact this Work that you are a part of is having upon our world?”…” and Christ’s instruction, “Freely you have received, freely give”…”

    Christ also gave the following instructions:

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
    :17 "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."

    Christ did not lie to us. He freely gave all of us that sound advice about what His Father already ccomplished for this world, while the hirelings of the Living organization and other hirelings, who fled away from the former WCG, continue to believe and teach counterfeit theories such as: "You have to do your part...earn your salvation...qualify for salvation...pass test(s)...do your good works, so that get into God's Kingdom and get your reward," etc.

    When will the Living org actually follow all of Christ’s instructions freely given, and stop pursuing other agendas that seem right in their own eyes?

    Time will tell…


  7. Yup, forced tithing: The Greek word metatithemi, Strong’s 3346, is defined in biblehub.com as change, transfer. The Greek word metathesis, Strong’s 3331, is defined as change, removal. If something should be transferred, 3346 should be written. If something is removed, 3331 should be written. The 3331 is written in Hebrews 7:12, translated change, and in Hebrews 12:27, translated removing (KJV). The context of Heb 12:27 shows “removing” is the intended meaning, not “transfer(ing)”. The “change” (of the law) should be translated “removal”, otherwise if a transfer is meant 3346 would be in the phrase “a change also of the law” in Heb 7:12. But it isn’t. The law (tithing) was removed. There couldn’t be a transfer because there was no law of tithing (before Moses) to transfer to. Abraham and Jacob tithing are historical accounts, not readable laws. It could be pointed out that the two words, 3346 and 3331, are both used in Heb 7:12 and Heb 11:5 which appears to indicate the words are synonymous, but the words do not have the exact same meaning. The Levitical Priesthood was changed, transferred to the Melchisedec Priesthood but the law was removed, not transferred because there was no law to transfer to.

    PIRYID!!!!! (My grandson’s spelling)

  8. Anon @8:04 We should add a rendition of both HWA and Gerald Waterhouse singing "I've got something in my front pocket for you" to the COG greatest hits, South Park soundtrack!

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In Gerald Weston’s latest letter he asked a question: “Do you realize how much of an impact this Work that you are a part of is having upon our world?”…” and Christ’s instruction, “Freely you have received, freely give”…”

    Christ also gave the following instructions:

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

    430 / 5.000
    Resultados de traducción
    How can there be comments with such a lack of discernment... how do you misinterpret the scripture, that is, if everything is ready and Christ died for us, go and sin what you want, eat and drink, murder, fornicate and do as much as you can because you are already saved and you have nothing else to do because Christ has already paid for you and set you free.

    This blog is an insult to intelligence, they only write stupid things that they don't even believe.

    1. I agree. A lot of comments on this website are totally ignorant. Sounds like a website full of atheists and liberal so called Christian’s who twist scriptures to their own demise. Certainly the church has some problems. It always has since the beginning. But obedience to God is definitely a requirement for salvation. Yes Christ died for all so that we could attain salvation , which is a free gift. But many teach a false cheap grace which gives license to sin. Christ told the man that if he wanted eternal life then he must keep the commandments. Cheap grace proponent’s says Christ did it all for us and just say the magic words God wants to hear and you are saved. I am amazed every time I read posts and comments on this site from liberal Christian’s and atheists. They love to poke fun at the churches of God and mock us. No we are not perfect and yes we have a few quacks trying to be leaders but we put our Faith in God and Christ and follow his commandments and his prophecies which will come to pass. I wouldn’t put much stock into this website and the spirit that drives it

    2. 4.09 PM
      " Certainly the church has some problems" is textbook gaslighting. So the ministers lording it over their members is no big deal. The ministers infantilizing members is no big deal. The ministers stealing their members adult responsibilities is no big deal. The ministers pretending that members have no rights is no big deal, etc, etc.
      Why do you think God is not blessing the ACOGs and instructing members to be stay at home "independent Christians?"

      My last minister followed me around like a dog, being my resident critic, judge and executioner. Which he had no right to be. These churches are Nazi hell holes.

  10. Koke61,
    If one repents and believes then they are saved.
    You know we cannot be saved without the gift of the Holy Spirit. Do you disbelieve that the Holy Spirit is capable of leading you from hate, murder, adultery, etc.? Can you not imagine someone committing to God and being saved then and there because the gift of the Holy Spirit is strong enough to lead him?
    Millions of Christians believe this, and they aren’t murdering, stealing, etc at a higher rate than the COGS have done.

  11. As I explained at one of our recent Tomorrow’s World Presentations, we do not build “church” buildings, as that would consume vast sums that can go to preaching the good news of Christ’s coming Kingdom...

    This comes across as a swipe against UCG and COGWA, which are moving toward having their own buildings and halls.

    But why can't LCG use its own buildings to preach the gospel in a "micro" sense, as opposed to "macro"? Would that be more cost-effective in the long run?

    (Not that UCG and COGWA really use their buildings to do this. They could do much more along those lines.)

  12. Anon 4:09:00 PM PDT

    'certainly the church has some problems'.
    Quite possibly the understatement of the year.
    And what problems would you say they are?
    'I am amazed every time I read posts and comments on this site by liberal Christians and atheists'.
    What would you define as a comment by a 'liberal Christian'? What is your criteria?
    'I wouldn't put much stock into this website and the spirit that drives it'.
    Are you not making assumptions? Because posts here expose the deep rooted issues within Armstrongism and it's deeply flawed theology, and provide solid scholarship to back their claims; this does not mean they are incorrect and in error. To state 'the spirit' that drives it' is a copout and intellectually weak.
    That the Armstrong churches have not publicly come out and openly challenged some of the posts here, such as abuse and BI is an indictment against them.

  13. we do not build “church” buildings

    Do people not realize that Weston was sitting in a church building when he wrote that?

  14. Koke61, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 11:15:00 AM PDT, said:

    "...Anonymous Anonymous said...
    In Gerald Weston’s latest letter he asked a question: “Do you realize how much of an impact this Work that you are a part of is having upon our world?”…” and Christ’s instruction, “Freely you have received, freely give”…”

    Christ also gave the following instructions:

    John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

    430 / 5.000
    Resultados de traducción
    How can there be comments with such a lack of discernment... how do you misinterpret the scripture, that is, if everything is ready and Christ died for us, go and sin what you want, eat and drink, murder, fornicate and do as much as you can because you are already saved and you have nothing else to do because Christ has already paid for you and set you free.

    This blog is an insult to intelligence, they only write stupid things that they don't even believe.
    Apparently, you think just like the hirelings I cited: the ones who don't believe/preach John 3:16-17, because they apparently think Jesus lied to us.

    Who told you that if an individual is saved by God, by His Spirit, through His Son, that that individual could then "...go and sin what you want, eat and drink, murder, fornicate and do as much as you can..."

    I didn't say that; you did! Where did you get such thoughts? They never came from me. If you were to go out and do any of that as a way of life you would, by your fruits, prove that you lacked the receipt of God's Spirit and had not been sealed by God's Spirit as a Firstfruit (Rev 14:4).

    Jesus Christ never went along with "once saved, always saved WITH LASCIVIOUSNESS:" such as you spouted in your post. Who would behave that way? Not a person guided by God's Spirit!

    Did you read and understand the following words?
    "...If one repents and believes then they are saved.
    You know we cannot be saved without the gift of the Holy Spirit. Do you disbelieve that the Holy Spirit is capable of leading you from hate, murder, adultery, etc.? Can you not imagine someone committing to God and being saved then and there because the gift of the Holy Spirit is strong enough to lead him?
    Millions of Christians believe this, and they aren’t murdering, stealing, etc at a higher rate than the COGS have done..." provided by Anon, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 at 3:06:00 PM PDT

    When will you ever believe Jesus' words of John 3:17-17, which may be summarized to say the following?

    "It's once saved, always saved, but WITHOUT LASCIVIOUSNESS!"

    Time will tell...


  15. 2 Timothy 1:9
    He has saved us and called us to a holy life — not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.

    We can only live holy lives because Jesus has saved us - contrary to the thoughts expressed above that claim we must be righteous before we can be saved.

    Poor COGlodytes do not know what the law is.
    Hebrews 7:12
    For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also.

    Galatians 2:16
    know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.

    Any doctrine that preaches salvation by works rejects Jesus as the Savior.
    Galatians 2:16
    know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.

    Those that think true Christianity embraces "cheap grace" do not know what grace is.
    Jesus gave us himself to pay for grace.

    Romans 5:21
    so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    COGlodytes like to mock the "Christians, falsely so-called" but, the COGlodytes cannot actually refute these Christians, if they cannot understand what these Christians believe.

  16. The purposefully deceptive Weston wrote:
    "Do you realize how much of an impact this Work that you are a part of is having upon our world?"
    Weston tries to encourage the people to stay in the LCG by making believe that LCG is doing something important.
    Reality is that LCG's is continually doing a smaller work, within a world that is enlarging every day.
    Weston's claim to be closing in on 600,000 whatevers means that LCG's efforts have a proportionally smaller impact on a world that is growing at a faster pace.

    Come out from under your rock, ye COGlodytes, and curse the deception of your overseers.

  17. When do these so called Ministers “FREELY GIVE” to the brethren????????????????????? They preach GIVE but TAKE and TAKE and TAKE!!!! They charge the brethren for EVERYTHING!! Let’s not forget the so called tithe of the tithe!! It is utter NONSENSE!! How about giving to the brethren!! They take in an abundance of money and send out cheap little booklets and meet in cheap hotel rooms!! It is all about maximizing THEIR income and supporting retired Ministers!! Your fear tactics only work on DUMB SHEEP!! The smart ones have woken up and high tailed it out of your organizations!!
