Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Dave Pack Continues To Troll His Members After Tammuz 15 Has Come And Gone With New Dates

Has Dave Pack been deliberately trolling his members and us all along? Never have we seen such a prophet with such an abysmal failure rate as we see in Dave today, well, maybe except for Bob Thiel, but that's another story.

Tammuz 15 has come and gone and like clockwork Dave told his faithful on Saturday there is a new date and time because everything is right on track!

Marc Cebrian posted this:

Dave set two dates during his landmark (heh heh) message yesterday.

Av 1 is The Day of the Lord, which begins after sunset on July 28, 2022. However, 10 days before that in Jerusalem is midday tomorrow.

Sunset tomorrow in Jerusalem is 7:45pm. Jerusalem is +7 hours ahead of Eastern Time, which means 12:45pm in Wadsworth on Monday, July 18th.

Set your phone alarm now to give you a 10-minute warning before nothing is going to happen.

Mark continues with this: 

With the Tammuz Cooking Table back on display, Dave was able to hold a straight face for 78-minutes explaining how correct he was even though Tammuz 15 (last Wednesday night) came and went without so much as his car alarm going off. 
@ 00:18 You have the picture. But, a short message and one that is truly eye opening is necessary. I spoke to all the ministers about what we’ll cover tonight and they know that we’re still right on time. I understand it’s the evening of July 16th and I still believe that the Day of the Lord is the night of July 28th.

Oh, come on. “Right on time” would have been last Wednesday night. Or July 3rd. Or Pentecost. Or May 30th. Or May 15th. Or the Days of Passover. Or any other time since Elul of 2013.

@ 01:55 I still believe all those things. Nothing’s changed. In fact, I have even a little bit of additional proof, fascinating things that we’ll cover real quickly that solidify that. Think of more proof of when everything starts.

You mean “more proof” supporting the stuff that already failed? 
At that exact moment, no one in the audience rose from their chair and walked out. 
My sympathy for those who choose to remain inside RCG is beginning to wane. Some are legitimately “trapped” there, but most are not. Everyone “gets what they deserve” until they leave. That certainly applies to me. I got what I deserved until March of 2021. Here we are in July of 2022 and the crazy train is still rolling on down the track with no sign or hint from David C. Pack that he will ever slow down on this or repent.

@ 09:34 I wanna illustrate some fascinating things and I’m gonna tell you why I still believe that Jesus Christ may just be, in essence, hours away. Not exactly hours, I’ll come and clarify that. But you can’t change, brethren, you cannot change you cannot change July 28th. The night of July 28th [Jerusalem time] which would be midday on Wednesday in about eleven and a half days from now. 
This was the Av 1 and then July 18th dates mentioned earlier.

@ 16:17 Now we’re gonna go over and look at an almost unbelievable mistranslation [in Ezekiel 7]…you’re almost not gonna believe the translators could’ve been so terribly wrong and how it affected my ability to figure out how the Day of the Lord comes. 
@ 20:37 For the longest time, I could not figure it out. And it has to do with a spectacular mistranslation. And it it also is gonna bleed in to helping you understand why we’re still right on track. 
This is standard procedure for Dave. Blame the translators and then cherry-pick a meaning that fits his new angle. He buys himself more time and then moves on. 
Morning does not mean “morning,” it means “crown” which is actually the Father. 
Look up Isaiah 28:5, Ezekiel 7:7 and 7:10. That is part of the big news of this message.
In order for this new fraud to work, Dave has to use a previous fraudulent teaching that the Lord of Hosts is the Father and NOT the Being which became Jesus Christ. That is the only way he can get this new theory to work.

There is a whole lot more posted on Marc's blog. Check it out here: David C. Pack Goes Trolling


  1. Well, COG ministers have been trolling us for the last 3 decades with lies and deceit.

  2. The only time I ever heard worse was when I made the mistake of lending a friend in high school some money. He kept promising me that on such and such date, he would pay me back. After about five lies, I gave up and accepted the fact that he was never going to repay me. Dave has told way more than five lies about Jesus, and Jesus is exponentially more important than a lousy dollar bill. I didn't let HWA get away with one lie about Him. What is wrong with the people in RCG? Come to think about it, how is it that Armstrongism even continues to exist???

  3. Crown doesn't mean crown in Dave's case it means clown. Several people have compared him to fairy tales, the emperor's naked, the wolf who cried sheep, how about chicken little, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!

  4. Gosh, the second coming is supposed to happen on my birthday! I'll guess my family will have to cancel the party they'll have for me, because I'll be raptured to Wadsworth!

  5. Very well written article, Marc. At this point, only Divine intervention will help any of these people see the light. Those who have not already left must be the truest of true Dave believers. Sadly, I think Dave is all too aware of that and uses it to play with them.

    Every clown/magician needs audience participation. Unfortunately, his audience is all too willing to participate. On their own heads be it.

  6. You cannot understand insanity. It makes no sense. It is not logical. Insanity resides in its own little world. Its a land of make believe. It is nonsense. It makes no sense. It is stupid. It is foolish for a sane rational human being to try to make sense of something that has no sense. Insanity makes itself known by the works it produces. Insanity needs to be addressed with proper medical protocols. Sane individuals should not try to make sense of those who are not!

  7. Like our non-profit/non-psychic says when nothing happens on Av 1 The 9th and 10th of Av will come in handy as a backup. Solomon's Temple and Herod's temple for both destroyed on those days hundreds of years apart. So I'm sure there's many scenarios he can come up with, perhaps Christ coming then to rebuild the destroyed Temple or the two witnesses coming to rebuild the temple for Christ's return or whatever new thing he thinks up. The neverending never told story.

  8. While it is easy to leave a place like RCG, it is difficult to leave the core doctrines of the COG once you have been exposed to them. How do you leave the Sabbath for Sunday? Or the Holy Days for pagan holidays? Or eating pork or shellfish? Those doctrines, if you truly believed them, will always stay with you.

    1. Because the old testament commands that we don't eat shellfish. The dietary laws included prohibitions against eating pork, shrimp, shellfish and many types of seafood, most insects, scavenger birds, and various other animals. 

  9. While it is easy to leave a place like RCG, it is difficult to leave the core doctrines of the COG once you have been exposed to them. How do you leave the Sabbath for Sunday? Or the Holy Days for pagan holidays? Or eating pork or shellfish? Those doctrines, if you truly believed them, will always stay with you.

    That'll be different for different people. Some people leave an ACOG because totalitarian leadership has shown itself unfit. Others leave because the leader may or may not be a nice man, but he is teaching things you know to be false.

    There were disputes about Saturday/Sunday and about clean/unclean meats within 20 years of Jesus' death. There were disputes about tithing. There were disputes about Diotrephes, Apollos, or Paul.

    Very little an RCG member faces today wasn't also faced by Christians in the first century. Today, many RCG members could join a Messianic Jewish congregation and hardly skip a beat. Others could join the Seventh-Day Adventists and barely notice a difference. Or Church of God Seventh-Day. Depending on what is your pain-point with RCG, alternatives exist.

  10. I don't necessarily find it incredible that Dave feels the whole conclusion turned on a "spectacular" mistranslation, what I find disturbing is Dave Pack digging in to solidify his prominence in this whole wild conclusion and his continued wielding of fear upon his members.

    Of course according to Dave, a final righteous messanger would know the day he tells them. He tells them God is giving him a special feeling in love to correctly hone in on the day. He reininforces the fact that "we" don't have any more time left and if this is a test or a delay, would the membership dare entertain the thought or possibility that the Lord delays his coming.

    Dave has pitted his membership directly against God in a believe it all scenario or believe none of it - including God himself. Dave has offered his membership kingdoms, cities, mansions, power, prophets and salvation if they just belive him. The Devil offered Jesus Christ all the kingdoms of the world if he would in the least believe him.

    It is about 12:30 Wadsworth time (15 minutes before the conclusion) as I write this, which is just about the time Dave should be getting another fuzzy feeling and the temptation of his membership will continue on. Believe him or deny God, is the only option Dave has given his followers. A very wicked option indeed!

  11. Waiting for Godot, déjà vu all over again, what goes around, uh, goes around...

  12. Plummeting RCG membership now approaching that of Bwana Bob cult

  13. Mark, I truly believed on those doctrines, but two years after I departed from the WCG, I left them all behind. And I slowly did it while still attending COG's. I started to read the Bible for myself, without any ACOG or COG ministers looking over my shoulders. I didn't set out to disprove any COG doctrines, but reading what the Scriptures actually said about those subjects, without imposing my own views on them, showed me my previous understanding was wrong. So, I left COGdom for good in 1983, and started to look into Protestant churches. I was in the Protestant orbit for about a decade, until I saw an article about the history of the early church. That article was the start of some intense reading of the Bible and ancient history. Within a couple of years, I was Catholic. So Mark, it's quite possible to leave the the core ACOG doctrines behind. It sll depends on what you care for most, the truth, or the lies of Judaizing-Armstrongism.

  14. To Anon @11:11 No. The nation of Israel/Jews were given those dietary restrictions.

    In Acts 15:17-20, the matter of dietary restrictions for the new, Gentile converts, was being discussed. In Acts 15:19-20 We read, "It is my judgment, therefore, that we ought not to cause God's Gentile converts any difficulties. We should merely write to them to abstain from anything contaminated by idol's, from illicit sexual union, from the meat of strangled animals and from eating blood." Then, very importantly, in Acts 15:28-29 We read in a letter sent from Paul and Barnabas, "It is the DECISION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, and ours too, not to lay on you Gentiles any burden beyond that which is strictly necessary, namely, to abstain from meat sacrificed to idols, from blood, from the meat of strangled animals and illicit sexual union".

    So unless you are an Old Testament Jew under the Old Covenant, you are free to eat anything you wish, with the only restriction being not to eat meat that has been strangled or sacrificed to idols. Paul later reiterates the Old Covenant rules and laws are not in effect any longer for believers in Jesus under the New Covenant. Colossians 2:20-23 sums up by saying that not eating something based on the Old Covenant laws may make a certain show of wisdom, piety, humility and bodily austerity, but their chief effect is they indulge men's PRIDE. Look what I do for God! Look what I gave up for God. Look at my obedience to God! No. Just look at God and say thank you for this food. I receive it with gratitude to you Lord.

  15. @ DW @ 2:53 PM... how soon they forget... you are RIGHT that the dietary laws were only for Israel. However, HWA's big come-on for decades was that the US&GB WERE ACTUALLY LOST TRIBES OF ANCIENT ISRAEL and would prosper if they began to follow the laws God made for them!

  16. This is the terrifying stage with Pack…is he next going to tell the members that a spaceship is coming for them behind the next comet, and that to get there they must drink the horse tranquilizers and wear Nike shoes…?? Someone has a serious case of Jerusalem Syndrome.

  17. Speaking of lost tribes, my research in secular and Biblical sources has led me to the realization that these tribes were lost to assimilation. They did not as a group wander off into hiding, and stay intact as a group, shedding their culture along the way.

    The fact is, the same phenomenon has been happening in the British and American melting pots for centuries now, and this process was accelerated starting with Wilbur and Orville Wright at Kitty Hawk. It really hit the USA following the Hart-Celler Act of 1965, which reformed the immigration policies of the USA which had previously favored immigration from Western European nations, and had had strict draconian quotas for all other groups.

    I don't know why some white people feel threatened by the USA becoming a world class culture, adding flavors and freshening the gene pool.
    I would laugh to myself as I had so much fun revising my dating policies and visualizing a world in which British Israelism and the HWA prophecy mold became even more impossible.

    We live in times when certain white people are becoming very concerned about loss of their culture. They work to curtail studies as to how our ancestors formulated institutionally racist policies and used them to control and persecute African Americans, Native Americans, the Chinese who built our railroad system, and sent loyal Japanese-Americans to internment camps during WWII. These are people who deserve to have their stories told, not repressed! I won't apologize to Donald Trump and his militias, or his advisor Steve Bannon, for refusing to be that white guy for them, the white guy who regresses into the behavioral patterns of his ancestors!

    I understand that Dave Pack is scared as he is faced with quite a different ending than what he expected. I can understand his deep psychological need for Jesus to return and preempt today's realities. White people will soon not be the majority, and climate change is about to change our culture in ways he never thought possible in light of all the answers HWA spoon fed him! It must be terrifying for Dave, and driving him and his people crazy. Sad thing is, they are not open to the obvious paradigm shifts because they are too enmeshed in all the answers which they believe they have. Caution: dangerous road ahead.

  18. Funny how a lot of people here are commenting using quotes from the Bible to prove Dave wrong.. What you guys still don’t understand, is that RCG (or any of the COG’s) has nothing to do with religion.

    It’s a CULT. End of story.

    1. Well that's odd because they all use the Bible to prove their right, their prophecies, their titles, your tithes etc. Scientologists use L. Ron Hubbard, Muslims use the Quran, Jews use the Talmud. C o g's use the Bible. End of story.
