Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, August 5, 2022

LCG: Attracts 44 people out of a field white for harvest of over 14 million people

Recent and Upcoming Tomorrow’s World Presentations
Last week, we held three Tomorrow’s World Presentations—one initial presentation in Morristown, Tennessee; and two follow-ups, in London, England; and Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. These presentations had a combined total of 44 guests. This weekend we have three initial presentations, in Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois;and one follow-up in Morristown, Tennessee. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations.

The work of God marches forward in amazing power and glory!   44 people's lives have been touched by the amazing ministry of the LCG, mind you this is 44 people out of a potential field white for the harvest of 14,346.069 million people! Woo Hoo and pass the offering plate! Never have we seen such amazing work that is touching the lives of so many!

Morristown TN 29,887

London: 8.982 million 
Metropolitan London 14,257,962 million

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. 58,220


  1. 44 GUESTS... all of which will not become taken.

  2. It would be nice to see a demographic of the guests to these events.
    I've seen far better turnouts at old WCG presentations in much smaller cities. But things were different 50 years ago.

  3. For many are called, but few are chosen! (Matt. 22:14).

    In the case of the low wattage alleged Work of God, Matthew 22:14 appears to condemn Living Church of God proving their Work is not of God. WHY? Because "few are called and even fewer to almost zilch are chosen"!


    P.S. No2HWA, did you mean in your title "field of white for harvest" or did you mean "field of wheat for harvest"?

    1. I had wondered that as well, Ri hard, but since in both the post title and body the phrase is used without the "of" before "white", I assume its some kind of catchphrase I am not familiar with or recalling at the moment.

  4. As LCG continues to shrink, expect TV program to close down any day now, just as happened to their shrinking clone competitor RCG.

    1. Oh my God. That is terrible. But we must recognize that they have the right to stay up just as any mainstream ministry does. We must have the freedom to pick Cog or not.

  5. It’s a real ‘market’ out there.
    LCG will have to have a point of difference to stand out from the same old same old same regurgitated Armstrong message.
    So their point of difference is…………………………………………….it’s…………………………………………………….
    Of those 44, how many will be turned into money giving tithe payers?
    Or will they just wander off into the sunset as a passing ship in the night?

    1. I wonder exactly that as well. But it's up to them to decide not us every each individual must use their free will do that.

  6. With all the information available, only the mentally disabled will join. You know the ones, the weirdos that are acceptable to fringe ideas.

    1. It's not Christ-like or nice to put down the disabled not to mention most Cog members I've ever met are not disabled. Jesus helped the disabled and the poor regardless of whether they were his followers or not Christ helped them healed them he fed them there's a couple of stories in the Gospels as Christ being moved by compassion if Christ was here today he would be at the local homeless shelter or at the goodwill or the salvation army that's where you would find him.
      It's clear that Christ believed in helping people that need help the point is not even debatable it is as clear as the sun outside Christ's example Is to help people who need help the clearer implications from his words was that Christians should be open-handed that they should be willing to help and that they should be willing to give. I know that Christ commanded to give to those that ask you is there another way to understand that or does it mean to be ready and willing to give to people who ask you? So don't complain that church of God isn't holy or good when you are a bully yourself.

  7. This is probably the best time in decades for all the ACOGs to attract massive numbers of new members. When could we ever imagine people being more receptive to conspiracy theories? I am just astounded that Mark Armstrong has not become the darling of the MAGA nation.

    1. I know Mark from several summers at the SEP Summer Camp in Orr, MN -- AND from Imperial Schools in Pasadena and the TV Studio in Pasadena where I would see him. I like Mark -- and his recent writings show some great FRUSTRATION with what is happening in the country here in the US (for good reason -- country is in BIG TROUBLE!)

  8. David C. Pack isn't disabled but he is a false prophet, Ron Weinland is the church of God's leader who was a convicted felon they are corrupt but none of them are disabled. Be mad at people like Gerald Flurry that separates families and does harm not the disabled. Which most Cog members are not and neither are any Cog leaders disabled in the first place.

  9. They're having a TW presentation in Peoria, Il? I'm a native Peorian. I wish I could be invisible. and attend that meeting. I'd certainly know some of the LCG members who would be there. But as far as attracting new members, I'm willing to bet the presentation won't play in Peoria.

  10. I think either side sees big trouble, 11:10! But, the biggest trouble to me is that radicals on both sides have seized power and are holding our political parties hostage, unfortunately the conservatives more so than the liberals. I know that I'm very disturbed by the results of last week's primary election in our state. Just trying to enjoy the relative normalcy of the rest of the year, making as many memories as possible in case the big one hits in November through January. Sadly, we thought we had obliterated the possibility of that happening, and then our hero proved inept.

  11. Just got me a nice little idea for the ACOGs! Blanket all possible media with the following message: OUR CHURCH WAS STOLEN!!!

    I just bet that millions of dollars will start rolling in, and new members will be attracted like flies!

  12. Comment was made saying: "Recent and Upcoming Tomorrow’s World Presentations
    Last week, we held three Tomorrow’s World Presentations—one initial presentation in Morristown, Tennessee; and two follow-ups, in London, England; and Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. These presentations had a combined total of 44 guests. This weekend we have three initial presentations, in Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois;and one follow-up in Morristown, Tennessee. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations."
    Continued prayers to who/whom? Is anyone listening? Who is listening?

    Prayers to the God of the Old Testament? Who is that? Jesus? Father? The Living God?

    We are also told this:

    "Now we know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth his will, him he heareth." John 9:31

    Virtually all of the hirelings of the groups split off from the former WCG of Pasadena ask in very similar words that their followers provide "continued prayers for" this and that (for SELF: the gimmies? the Get Way?), but do they all believe they pray to the same Being? Is God the author of confusion? Does God listen to sinners after all?

    The hirelings of most of the xcog groups lack the faith to believe that God can really work through one individual, so many set up their councils of 12 (pick a #), but it is as though none of them hirelings can reason. After all, if God could not work through 1 man as the workmanship of His hands, then what makes them think that that God has the power to work through 12 (pick a #) men? Duh!

    Doug Winnail recently said that we/they should not "do our own thing:" what seems right in our/their own eyes? How does Doug get around that? How does Doug not do his own thing? Really?

    Time will tell...


  13. In a small town with a population of about 15K the SDA church put on a series of lectures where they talked about healthy living. They hid the fact that the SDA church was behind these lectures. I attended several nights and they had more visitors than the LCG had in their presentations to outsiders. Did the LCG promote this as a church backed event or as HWA would do, use Ambassador College or AICF as the front sponsor?

  14. How many unsuspecting attendees would know it's actually cultic Armstrongism - not Christianity!
