Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, August 15, 2022

Well Into Week Two of "All is Well" From Dave

 Send for our new Booklet!

Just What Do You Mean TRANSPARANCY?

From David C Pack and the Ministry of the Restored Church of God


  1. “Well Into Week Two of 'All is Well' From Dave”

    Well, well, well now. After having some time to recover from his latest prophetic fiasco, Dave should now be even weller.

  2. New cog booklet out….’See No Evil, Speak No evil, Do No evil’…………….unless you are ‘Ministry’ or ‘doubly blessed’.
    1st Chapter…Do as you are told
    2nd Chapter….Do as you are told
    3rd Chapter……Do as you are told……and so on to the 11 Chapter which is entitled Do as you are told (surprise surprise)

    12 Chapter………Do not think for yourself.

    Proudly provided free by the GENEROUS offerings and support of the membership (few, very few, very very few, very very very few) remaining.

    1. speak no abhorrent, do no malevolent actions but if you see people harming others or breaking the law in a harmful report it to the police.

  3. Well. I hope Dave himself didn't have a blackout. The Pack movie has been entertaining but now his condition may be serious. Oh wait. It is.

  4. Marc, any word on how many left attending at the Wadsworth Compound? I understand that you can hear echos in the halls.

  5. Hitler used to use a technique to heighten the tensions and expectations of his followers.

    He would deliberately come late and at unpredictable times to rallies of supporters.

    This would create the wondering of whether or not he was going to show up at all, and when he finally did, it created a relief and orgasmic response of joy from the faithful.

    Is Pack playing a similar psychological ploy?? Silence and absence are powerful tools in many situations.

    1. Had that happen at a church sabbath service once many years ago. The pastor turned up extremely late but was not delayed in travel and offered no excuses or explanation as to why.
      Seemed pre planned as the deacons had the congregation ushered to be sitting waiting as lemmings.

    2. But no one should accuse Mr. Pack of that without excuse.

    3. Mister lol … Mr. Cult Leader, Packatollah, Pack of lies..

      Zero respect for liars and false prophets

  6. Why does everyone refer to Davie C as Mr. What has the false prophet done to deserve the title Mr?

  7. "Marc, any word on how many left attending at the Wadsworth Compound?"

    Yes, we need a spy to report on HQ attendance as a barometer of of current condition.

  8. Hitler?

    Pretty much everything we have been told about Hitler is rubbish designed to demonize the enemy. That promoted the war effort for those who stood to gain financially and politically. Perhaps it would be more effective to use an example from reliable history rather than from mass propaganda.

    Plenty of other people arrive late. Some people use it as a status/power statement. Other people are just into drama. Arriving late for parties was fashonible when I was a teenager. Some people just get lost. Perhaps Dave has lost his way.

  9. Why does everyone refer to Davie C as Mr. What has the false prophet done to deserve the title Mr?

    Because the Bible uses titles like Mr. Paul, Mr. Peter, and Mr. Luke. So they are just following the Bible, giving a true man of God the respect that he craves.

  10. It has become fashionable today for people who lust after power to imitate Hitler's methodology. Armstrongism thrived as a result of existing in a democracy, yet never functioned as a democracy or embraced the Bill of Rights. Church members have been programmed to accept and to love authoritarian strong men who usurp their freedoms. And, it is not just Armstrongism that embraces this. The so-called "Christian right" craves it, and relies upon it to inflict their values on others whose beliefs and perspectives are different from their own. It's the American version of the Taliban.

    1. "If I approach the masses with reasoned arguments, they will not understand me. But if I awaken in them the appropriate emotions, then they will follow the simple slogans I give them."

  11. WOW….!!!!

    Three in a row Dave articles…..what luck we have….
