Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Hypocritical Prophet Condemns Another COG


Nothing irritates a self-appointed Church of God prophet more than seeing other COG's spend money, money that HE doesn't have and will NEVER have.

Beto Bwana Bob is not happy about the Church of the Eternal God and a recent series of articles about a supposed temple being built in Jerusalem by the Jews.

09/05/22 a.m. This morning, saw an online advertisement from CEG that had the following:
Coming soon – a 3rd temple

Plans to build a 3rd temple are ready. Construction will soon begin.

It is distressing when any COG spends tithes to promote something that is false. 

Wut? Seriously, dude! If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black I do not know what is. Beto Bwana Bob is using the tithes of his followers to pay for all kinds of heresies that he preaches. His entire ministry is a fraud and it is a shame that people are spending their hard-earned money on something so useless and false. 

Jews cannot possibly construct the Temple of God. No massive '3rd temple' needs to be built in this age--nor is such a massive temple about to be constructed. 
Instead of realizing that, CEG is wasting money promoting something that is false. 

Note: Beto Bwana Bob and Norbert Link are both equally delusional in their biblical interpretations. Neither has an understanding of what they preach on, particularly when they do happen to discuss that Jesus dude.



  1. As a pick me up I enjoy going over to YTube and watching old comedians and comedy shows.
    Back in the day when you could laugh aloud at political incorrectness and the like.
    Where no one was offended and you didn’t hear a ‘swear’ word at all.
    Well today for entertainment we have Bob Thiel.
    For him to point his finger at another ‘shepherd’ points to his shamelessness and shear hypocrisy.
    And the desperation he has in seeking an audience, any audience.
    Good for ‘Banned’ to be on the case exposing this charlatan for what he is.

    The reality is, Bob’s ‘church’ is going nowhere.
    What a narcissistic so and so he is.

  2. The problem Bob has with a Third Temple is his timeline - even with wiggle room, waiting for a Temple doesn't fit his speculative math of the "6000 year plan". With support of info from the Temple Institute, Bob's argument is that an altar is sufficient to satisfy that end-time prophecies about daily offerings being stopped.

    One of the first Plain Truth magazines I received had an article about the "soon coming" Temple, and after June 1967, HWA said that the "Jews only have 5 years" to rebuild it (by 1972). Yet I've read Bob selectively quote HWA's comments to make it look like he never supported the necessity of the Temple.

    As for "wasting tithes" in the COGs, where do you begin? It's everywhere...

  3. The Temple Institute has had plans and is ready to build the next Temple…and have been pushing for one for decades, along with Gershom Solomon and others.

    The next and last Temple is the FIFTH Temple and all Temples were built in the exact same location as Solomon’s, and were all located in the City of David, just over the Gihon Spring. The “Temple Mount” was a Roman Fortress called Ft Antonia…so named after Herod’s Roman supported Marc Antony.

  4. The Jews can plow whatever resources they have into building a new temple, but it will never be built. The New Covenant made the Old obsolete. (Heb. 8:13) The New Testament says absolutely nothing about rebuilding the the Old Covenant temple. It teaches very empathically that the Old Covenant was to be abolished in Hebrews, and Christ in his Olivet prophecy predicted the temple would be torn down, with no stone on top another. (Matt. 24:1-3) Nope, the New Covenant is here to stay. If the Temple Institute tries to rebuild it, something similar to what happened in the 4th century will occur to stop it. Fire broke out from the bowels of the earth to prevent the construction of the temple. The fires killed many of the would be builders, and left crosses burnt into the clothes of those who weren't killed. Yep, when The Lord says New Covenant, he means exactly that!

  5. :43:00 PM PDT
    The Jews can plow whatever resources they have into building a new temple, but it will never be built. The New Covenant made the Old obsolete. (Heb. 8:13) The New Testament says absolutely nothing about rebuilding the the Old Covenant temple. It teaches very empathically that the Old Covenant was to be abolished in Hebrews, and Christ in his Olivet prophecy predicted the temple would be torn down, with no stone on top another. (Matt. 24:1-3) Nope, the New Covenant is here to stay. If the Temple Institute tries to rebuild it, something similar to what happened in the 4th century will occur to stop it. Fire broke out from the bowels of the earth to prevent the construction of the temple. The fires killed many of the would be builders, and left crosses burnt into the clothes of those who weren't killed. Yep, when The Lord says New Covenant, he means exactly that!

    So what you are saying is that you disagree with scripture where the Messiah makes it perfectly clear that the Holy of Holies will be desecrated again, just as it was done by Antiochus Ephanies in 165BC..?? In order for this prophecy to take place there must be a physical Temple in Jerusalem…seriously you need to tighten up on you biblical studies. Otherwise you are beginning to sound like Beto Theil…..not a good look.

  6. Jesus's prophecy, for the most part, was about the events leading up to the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. The only part of the prophecy dealing with the end times is what comes after the temple's doom.

    There's isn't going to be a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. The Old Covenant has vanished away (Heb.8:13) and the New had taken its place. The Levitical priest hood and its sacrifices has been replaced by Christ and his sacrifice. Any prophecies for the Old Testament must be understood in the light of the New, otherwise you will be blinded by everytime you read of listen to it. (II Cor. 3:6-18)

  7. The Old Covenant has vanished away...

    The book of Hebrews is very easy to misunderstand, aided by translation bias, which includes errors in verb tenses. Your misunderstanding, Phinnpoy, is not uncommon: even Bob Thiel doesn't get it. Got it?


  8. PhinnpoyThursday, September 8, 2022 at 8:10:00 AM PDT
    Jesus's prophecy, for the most part, was about the events leading up to the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. The only part of the prophecy dealing with the end times is what comes after the temple's doom.

    There's isn't going to be a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. The Old Covenant has vanished away (Heb.8:13) and the New had taken its place. The Levitical priest hood and its sacrifices has been replaced by Christ and his sacrifice. Any prophecies for the Old Testament must be understood in the light of the New, otherwise you will be blinded by everytime you read of listen to it. (II Cor. 3:6-18)

    You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you…???
