Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Why you do not need to fear ANYTHING Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Ron Weinland, Rick Shabi, Gerald Weston or Beto Bob Theil has to say.

No one could have imagined that in 1996 we would have witnessed the Worldwide Church of God implode in a most destructive manner.

Neither could we have ever imagined so many self-appointed men would raise up with so many splinter groups, each one trying to out lie the other. Of course, the church had many men and women who tried to do the same thing previously by claiming they had special blessings from god. The difference between then and now is that Herbert Armstrong was alive and kicked them out of the church so fast they never knew what hit them. Plus, the membership remained loyal to Armstrong's edicts. If he said to not go with those people and to avoid them, the overwhelming majority of the membership did. 

Not so in the 2000's. The internet came into its own and the insanity of the splinter group leaders spread like wildfire. Church members no longer had a base to be loyal to and latched on to whichever group made their itching ears feel all warm and fuzzy. Church hopping quickly became the routine in the church as loyalty was no longer a controlling factor. 

Almost every year that went by saw a new self-appointed church leader arise and declare himself as the chosen one with all revealed truth. The craziness has multiplied exponentially and here we are today with some of the biggest liars and frauds the church has ever seen.

The Bible verse that self-appointed apostles, prophets, and an endless supply of wannabes NEVER want to talk about is found in Deuteronomy.

Deuteronomy 18:22 --- "If the prophet speaks in the Lord’s name but his prediction does not happen or come true, you will know that the Lord did not give that message. That prophet has spoken without my authority and need not be feared."

There is not one single man leading a Church of God today that has the authority to be doing so. Nothing any of them have to say has any direct impact upon your salvation or standing with God. Not one single thing!


  1. “Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see” Isaiah 42:18

    “His watchmen are blind; they are all ignorant; they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark, sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber” Isaiah 56:10

  2. In 2005 the minister kept saying, "In another 10 to 15 years"

  3. If HWA was alive today, it is likely that he would be discredited if not charged with some form of misappropriation of funds and brought to answer for his actions/ hypocrisy in a way that the would have led to demise of Worldwide back before his own death. With the internet and I- phones being ubiquitous even the decrees of a self appointed apostle would only lasted so long before he would have had to answer for his actions in spite of a ministry that acts to repel any accountability by excommuncating anyone who dares ask questions about corruption or contradictory behavior. I could easily see a much more thorough investigation by a show such as "American Greed" or more thorough "20/20" that would have brought all his malfeasance (not to mention his sexual perversions) to light. He would probably acted like Flurry and said "he was being attacked by "Satan" & banned all I-phones and droids like Flurry.

  4. HWA and his major splinters all had their chance, but blew it with their Pharisaic, Gestapo church culture. They all know that the bible condemns lording it over their members lives, especially their faith. They all know that Christ stuck around for only 40 days, and not 40 years or 400 years after His death, since He is not a micromanager, but rather a God of self responsibility. These churches, instead of being spiritual incubators, are spiritual gas Chambers.


  5. 1 Peter 5:1-3: Therefore, I exhort the elders among you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, 2 SHEPHERD the flock of God among you, EXERCISING OVERSIGHT not under compulsion, but voluntarily, ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF GOD; and NOT FOR SORDID GAIN, but with eagerness; 3 NOR YET AS LORDING IT OVER those allotted to your charge, but PROVING TO BE EXAMPLES FOR THE FLOCK.



    (Apostolic authority did not give Paul any such right. They stand in...faith. i.e., their own faith, not by Paul's control.)

  7. Actually it is not all that surprising. Many thought , in the early 80s, that after the "strongman" HWA died, the WCG would immediately fall apart, ala Tito/Yugoslavia or Saddam/Iraq. etc.

    The surprising thing was that WCG stayed fairly intact during the 1986 to 1991 "glasnost" era of Tkach.

    It is very easy and low cost to start a spinoff group. Similar to small businesses like pool cleaning, or lawn services, there is a reason why those types of businesses are not companies that trade on the New York Stock Exchange, as they do not "pyramid" real well, and employees can split off and start their own thing.

  8. Tonto
    I'm not surprised that members stayed put during 1986 to 1991. Members were loyal to the church, and walking away would mean turning their backs on their church friends. It's when Tkach came out of the shadows that the reluctance turn to having to make hard choices.

  9. Seriously? People here are still quoting scripture? Some of you people still believe that stuff? Good grief.

    1. 5.01, yep, as long as my prayers are being answered, I "still believe that stuff."

  10. "Seriously? People here are still quoting scripture? Some of you people still believe that stuff? Good grief."

    Oh, look. Another crybaby.

  11. Anon501,
    You never were exposed to the real Christ in WCG and yet were told all Christianity was false except WCG. I’m sorry this cult presented a false ch**st to you and denied His Presence outside their cult.
    The Lord knows this and He sees you and cares for you.
