Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 23, 2022

LCG Members Still Do Not Know How To Dress For The Feast And At The Beach


Big Brother seeks to control every aspect of members' lives. No one is allowed to think for themselves. This silliness reminds me of the current situation in Iran right now with the killing of a young woman for not dressing "properly". The church needs to stop lording itself over members' lives in every manner possible.

Appropriate Dress for Feast Services 
While Scripture teaches that God looks on the heart, dress and outward decorum are also important (Matthew 22:8–14). As we prepare to be “lights to the world” at the Feast, it’s good to review some basic principles for attire at Feast services. For men, in most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties, and nice slacks are considered appropriate on special occasions. This may vary somewhat in tropical climates. For ladies, 1 Timothy 2:9–10 explains that dress should be “modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” Short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines flaunting cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, crop tops, etc., are not appropriate for Church services. We come to services to worship God, not to display our bodies. Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth! 


What About at the Beach? 

Appropriate beach attire for women and men at the Feast of Tabernacles is swimwear that is modest and in good taste. We should be guided by the two great commandments—to love God and love neighbor (Matthew 22:37–39; Mark 12:29–31)—so as not to offend God or neighbor in our dress at the Feast. Accordingly, following our Living Youth Programs policy, beachwear at the Feast for ladies should be a modest one-piece or a modest tankini (covering the mid-section), and for the men, no Speedo-type suits (unless pool facility rules require them, as is the case in some countries). Fathers and husbands have a responsibility to be leaders in their families to teach and guide regarding what is appropriate and what is not (Ezekiel 22:26).


  1. And of course the proper thing, as they define it, will always be the most conservative and unexciting frumpy old fogey attire, since the fogues are the ones running the ACOGs. Yeah, and white Israelite ones, at that.

  2. "...modest and in good taste."

    Yeah that leaves it wide open, as they indicate later when they mention speedos.
    Clothing is a cultural thing. What one society finds offensive, another finds perfectly acceptable. Somehow, mid-50s American clothing standards became God's standard. Go figure.

    IIRC, God designed man and put him on this planet sans clothing. Man felt no need to cover up until he sinned and became uncomfortable in God's presence.

  3. Modest apparel has always been 'old peoples clothes.'

  4. Do they still wear thrift shop leisure suits?

    1. You can't blame people if they can't afford much.

    2. Oh, not at all, but the preponderance of leisure suits well in the 90s...

  5. Are morbidly obese LCG men required to cover their man-boobs?


  6. The "living" members, treated like babes, are again admonished (by babes?) about their shortcomings in the following way: "...As we prepare to be “lights to the world” at the Feast...Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14–16). This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!..."
    "...As we prepare to be “lights to the world” at the Feast?..."

    If still babes, then yes, prepare. It takes time to prepare, but I thought those of the living group, especially if they were part of Global org., should already be mature, already be those lights to the word, and not just during some feast, but 24-7-365! In other words, why aren't they already lights to the world all year long on a daily basis?

    "...a world that has lost its way?..." What is that? God isn't dealing with this present evil world controlled by another spirit. Could it be that the Living group may have lost its way? Why point a finger at the world, when the remaining fingers on the hand point back to the SELF who is pointing that finger?

    How about Doug Winnail (similar to Dave Pack) with his MMMillennium expecting another Jesus to have returned yesterday....well, today...well "very soon to reign on earth for 1,000 years? Did Doug lose his way.

    Who said one gathers at "...the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth?" Where's the proof? Did Living lose its way? Where is their Jesus? Will all enemies be subdued very soon? Jesus is reigning now at the Father's right hand...been doing it for about 2,000 years now, and Satan (Eph 6:12) a real enemy exits the pit after 1,000 years to again deceive the world and cause worldwide war and destruction, and so bad and evil, that God will put a stop on Satan's works, his angels, his governments, etc. with His 7 Vials.

    The Feast of TabernacleS never was picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth, especially with any leaders of the Living group (throw in United Ass., cogwa, Philadelphia, etc. too) and members in that group(s) reigning and lording it over others like they do today?

    When will the real blind babes, leaders of the living group, unlearn SELF-righteousness and finally learn that the Feast of TabernacleS never was picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth, but is a picture of something else?

    Time will tell...


  7. What the heck, if the eighty year old women who attend LCG want to wear a STRING BIKINI to the beach, then hey, more power to em.

    Even then tho, LCG would probably make a mandatory "waxing" proclamation!

  8. I wonder if Weston and many others are still doing a "brisk towel rubdown" after leaving the shower just because Herbie said to do it.

    1. Because massaging is good for your health.

    2. I think that’s what Garner Ted Armstrong said also.

  9. The Laodicean has no clothes! They're naked. The Laodicean: what a sight to behold. They know but they don't know. They think they're in God's church. No, He's outside knocking on the door. They think the more tithes they get, the more God is blessing them. But tithing's not commanded and their "commanded" teaching is sheer extortion. They think "Feast of Trumpets" but that day is not a feast and where does the Hebrew specifiy trumpets? Tell the Laodicean there are only three feasts and they will look at you with pity: don't you know there are seven feasts?? The Laodicean knows ""God's Plan"" by the holy days. Oh really? Nowhere does the Bible says the last great day is the 8th day. HWA was Christ's apostle, the Laodicean (some, probably not all) thinks. The Laodicean: wretched, blind....and naked.

  10. The overriding principle is to not do anything to cause a brother (or sister) to stumble. Let's be conscious of local sensitivities and dress in a manner that will not offend. Even if it's ok to go starkers, don't do that if it would cause distress to others.


  11. LCG claims their god has placed its name, for FOT 2022, on the town in which I spend most of my time.

    I find it humorous that the hotel and connected convention center that LCG will use for their non-biblical version of the FOT was used, a couple of weeks ago, as the site of a huge tattoo festival.
    Most of the women, and probably the men too, who attended this festival were dressed to show off their bodies and tatts - LCG would strongly disapprove!
    I fondly renamed it the “Festival of Tits for Tatts”.

    Furthermore, in full view of the crowd, people where getting tattooed on body parts that should be covered by an LCG-approved swimsuit and even in places so intimate, I’m not sure even LCG married couples are allowed to see. This was taking place in the very spot LCG will soon be gathering in their holy convocation to honor their god.

    My guess is that LCG would have labeled the entire crowd as satanic.
    Indeed, there were a lot of tattoos and displays that most people, even non-COGlodytes, would label as something like satanic, demonic, or devilish.
    However, if you looked close enough, there were a very few Christian-themed tatts, and even a stray Jesus rendering, here and there, amongst the vast, vibrating party people.

    I’m not at all into tattoos, yet the festival held special interest for me because I make products that are highly prized in those wild circles.
    I always marvel at the very nice people I meet at these types of events, and how kind, appreciative they are to me.

    I suspect that if I showed at LCG’s feast, I would meet more of a self righteous, vain group.
    Unlike the genuine sweetness of the tattoo enthusiasts, I doubt the LCG would show any respect for me - just because I’m an outsider who doesn’t share their views.

    I wonder if the spirit of the tattoo fest will haunt the LCG feast.
    Too late; obvious similarities already exist.
    Whether you observe the Feast of Boo-tay or the LCG Feast of Booze or Booths, at each, Satan is likely to be given primo billing and Jesus will be scarcely seen or heard.

    I know I’d feel more welcome and comfortable amongst the sincere who claim no special righteousness, than to be in the midst of the pharisaical LCG.

    I read a book that makes me think Jesus may agree with me about there being valuable humanity among the unwashed, tattooed, and barely dressed at the tattoo festival.
    While there, I prayed that the crowd would hearJesus knocking at their hearts.

    During LCG’s feast, I will pray that the people will hear Jesus knocking above the drumbeat of defunct law and false prophecies.
    LCG, forget about swimsuit rules, and let Jesus in!

  12. During LCG’s FOT, I will do my duty for the people of the LCG by vigilantly patrolling the local beaches and liquor stores in search of victims of COG “child-rearing” techniques and RCM- endorsed wife disciplining.

    I will know the COGlodytes by their oddly outdated swimwear and the distress in the faces of the women and children.

    If I see Wally G. Smith on the beach, I hope he has the decency to fully cover the man-boobs, instead of imposing a double standard on the ladies.
    The same goes for the feast-fed butt cleavage Wally is famous for.

    If I happen upon Doug Winnail or Mario Hernandez on the beach, I think I’d run the other way.
    However, I know a couple who could not resist the temptation to “pants” that pair - to discover if the carpet does match the lovely, dyed drapes.

    I hope the LCG people will freely enjoy our stunning beaches while shunning their oppressive, yet hilarious, leadership circus.

    Galatians 5:1
    It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
