Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 23, 2022

Tiny Little Prophet Continues To Be "Shadow Banned" By Big Tech!


The world's foremost authority on Christianity, church history, the Mayans, red heifers, the CERT accelerator, the Catholic Church, Satan's chair, the EU, world financial issues, food production, medical issues, and homeopathic mumbo jumbo is back today telling his few faithful how Big Tech is persecuting him as they try and stop him from spreading his lies. Someone is NOT happy in Grover Beach!

Never has the Church of God had a more powerful man speaking the truth than it does in Bwana Beto Bob today! Never has more truth been spoken than in this present moment in the history of humanity and Christendom. Satan and his minions are trembling at his presence and are seeking every avenue possible to destroy him through Big Tech.

Bwana Beto writes:

While we are being shadow-banned (made so we are hard to find) by Google and YouTube (otherwise that video may have had ten or more times that number of views), we have about 6,000 subscribers on the YouTube channel that would have received some notification and apparently most viewed it. 
By the way, to see if we were still being shadow-banned, yesterday I did that a search which showed our video in the number 2 spot and a related article on the number 3 spot of the first page of Duck-Duck-Go. Yet, we do not come up until the sixth page with a Google search of the same search terms, even though our YouTube video had more views than all but the first search result on the first page of Google. 
Big Tech is working to suppress our messages, which, as mentioned before, we are looking more at other media, like radio. Yet, Matthew 24:14 will be fulfilled.



  1. Sorry, Bob.

    People pay good money to show up near the top in a Google search- it's how they do business.

  2. Maybe Bob ought to reconsider, as he might not like the reality. I searched on several search engines for: Bob Thiel False Prophet

    On Google, seven of the ten results on the first page were positive, either promoting one of his books or giving a neutral/positive biography of Bob and/or his church.

    On DuckDuckGo, by contrast, six of the eight results on the first page were negative, documenting some aspect of Bob's failure as a prophet. By the way, DuckDuckGo gave the exact same results as Bing.

    Bob likes to whine, it's just what a Petulant Prophlet of Possiblys does. But he should be grateful for Google, which seems to be giving him some value for his money in how it shades organic results and reshapes them in Bob's favor.

  3. Ugghh, our petulant little fake prophlet is whining again? If you belonged to Jesus, Bob and if you were a Christian, you would not complain about everything. You would ask Jesus to help you get the message out, any way He sees fit. But until you become a Christian, Bob, all your whining will just continue unabated. There is no power behind anything you do, because you are doing it under your own steam, without Jesus. You are spitting in the wind. You really should start to consider becoming a follower of Christ. Repent of your deception and so-called prophet status, teaching outright heresies for doctrines and your oversized pride. Joy, peace and salvation are just one prayer away.

    By the way, news flash! The Gospel (the correct one, 1 Cor 15:1-4), HAS ALREADY BEEN PREACHED around the entire world back in Paul's day. You are attempting to do what has already been done, by genuine Apostles and Prophets two thousand years ago, but with the wrong gospel and without the One who made it possible.

    Time to grow up, Bob. Stop fooling yourself and your <100 members playing prophet and find the peace that surpasses all understanding by receiving Jesus as your Savior. The whining will stop and joy will abound, because it is NOT ABOUT YOU anymore. It's about Him.

  4. Mat 24:14 was fulfilled: Mat 24:14 with 1Cor 10:11; Romans 10:14-18; Col 1:23. Bob, as the self-declared only prophet among the COGs, it’s Mat 24:24 that you should be concerned with. Will you ever acknowledge Jerusalem was and is being trodden down by the Gentiles (Luke 21:20-24) AFTER the great tribulation of Mat 24:21?? Which won’t happen again.

  5. Awesome! Thanks for the great news, Beto. Most of us here have wanted to see Armstrongism simply die a quiet death. Good to know that Google and big tech are on out team. Now, about this orange Trump dude.....................

  6. Bob got a very positive presence when I searched for him on the Ecosia search engine (Ecosia.org) - only the first Bob to show was Bob Thiele, and other Bob Thiels were listed too. Still, the first page listings were all positive.

  7. Hasn't Dr. Thiel heard those ads on radio for "Reputation Defender" and similar services?

    The weapons of his warfare don't have to be carnal - but maybe technical.

  8. If only PACK and FLURRY could "DUCK DUCK GO" ... AWAY!

  9. Doubly Blessed, almost arrested for Sabbath keeping Dr. Bobby Thiel said, " Yet, Matthew 24:14 will be fulfilled".

    MY COMMENT - Near the end of his life, Herbert Armstrong proclaimed that Matthew 24:14 HAS BEEN fulfilled by the Worldwide Church of God. Is little Bobby Thiel calling Herbert Armstrong a liar?

    Herbert Armstrong would have thrown this crackpot out of the Church quicker than Rod Meredith can say "We have 3-5 years left". Suggest Thiel should stick to his calling in animations morphed as Cartoon Bob.


  10. Poor little Bobbie….I was recently deplatformed from YT for speaking truth to power….16 years and 850+ bible studies gone in a blink.

    Boblet needs to stop whining.

  11. Big Tech is suppressing a LOT of messages! So did Herb. So do most websites. So does Thiel.
