Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 23, 2022

Living Church of God Sees The Fourth Reich Emerging

A recent mailing from Living Church of God.

Where would the Church of God be without having Germany as their go-to villain of the day? Rod Meredith spent decades moaning about the rise of Germany and how they would eventually attack the United States, taking citizens back to Europe as slaves, throwing others into concentration camps, and others destined to die in gas chambers and ovens. Who can forget his rants on citizens being hung up on meat hooks in these camps!

Even Bob Theil who was trained at the glorious feet of Meredith carries on this hysteria. These guys get excited about the prospect of this happening as validation for their corny prophetic teachings.

Some of the Churches of God have spent decades using fear as their motivator to get people to join and keep them in the church. Anyone who questions them or dares leave the church will soon be fodder for these rampaging Germans and the hoards of Chinese that will be here doing the same thing. It will be a real-life version of The Man in the High Castle. 

The church lives in a constant state of fear and needs that fear in order to survive.

Here is what happens when church people are subjected day in and out to fear...

When we hear about adults who are oppressed with fear we have every reason to suspect that something is wrong. It may be a battered wife who walks on eggshells to avoid upsetting a volatile husband. A young woman who has been assaulted sexually may find it difficult to go anywhere alone, particularly after dark. Then we come across congregation members who long to hear something reassuring and comforting in church about the care and generosity of God. What they sometimes do hear is a message that is constantly putting them on edge. Salvation, they are told, is something that can be removed very quickly, apparently according to the whim of the Church pastor. Chris once mentioned a theology which could be summarised by three words, ‘turn or burn’. This kind of teaching is rooted in fear. At its most optimistic it offers a safe place in heaven in return for keeping on the right side of the church leader. Words like obedience and submission may describe the relationship that is expected of the church member towards the leader. This submission is also expressed through the compulsory tithe. Other demands on the family’s income and its free time may be demanded. All these rules are followed, not for reasons of joy or gratitude towards God, but simply because the relationship has become one based on fear. The pastor controls his flock with this weapon of fear. The sense of dread is very real. On this side of the grave there is fear of expulsion from the congregation through shunning. On the other side it is the fear of endless torment in hell. 

I have been recently reading on the topic of the susceptibility of mentally fragile people to religious messages. When a person has a history of mental distress, it is not difficult for a Church leader to control them by working on their fears. The initial friendship offered by a controlling pastor may seem very attractive and important to someone with a precarious mental history. Such individuals are however extraordinarily vulnerable to the abusive controlling techniques used by some religious leaders. Quite often there is an appeal to demonic forces as the explanation for symptoms of mental distress. If the individual buys into this explanation, the state of bondage is complete. Emotionally and psychologically they are in complete thrall to this religious leader who appears to offer them a way forward. Sometimes the help of specialised Christian institutions who specialise in demons are called upon. Few seem to emerge from such places with much in the way of healing. More often the mentally disturbed descend into a cycle of self-harm and even suicidal behaviour as the result of this kind of attention. 
The use of fear as a means of control in a religious context is an appalling abuse of power. While such fear-mongering is most quickly absorbed by the mentally fragile, a message involving fear can reach almost anyone, vulnerable or not. Unfortunately, Scripture does possess some narratives that seem to validate the use of these means of control. In America there were published a series of novels which were read by millions of people. These were known as the ‘Left Behind’ novels. The basic message of these books is that the Second Coming of Jesus is imminent. Large numbers of people will be either snatched up into the air or left behind on earth to suffer the most appalling events. The two words ‘left behind’ are a kind of threat directed at people who, by not following a millennial reading, will not be among the Elect. These are the chosen, as determined by the pastor, to qualify as ‘true’ Christians. These are those who agree with him and his teaching. 
To summarise this post, I would say that the moment an individual is made to feel fear in a church context, then I suspect that someone is likely engaged in spiritual abuse. Of course, we need to learn responsibility and good judgement in the way we live our Christian lives, but this never needs to involve the deliberate cultivation of fear by leaders. The use of fear as a weapon is, to my mind, a technique of spiritual abuse and there is no excuse for this. The Christian faith is a message of love. This love that we experience and preach is meant to cast out all fear. Were that to be true in all our churches! Fear and control in church -understanding Spiritual Abuse

Hat tip to an LCG source...


  1. A healthy respect for the negative consequences of not repenting is a good thing. But the use of terror religion that HWA and his minions used against his members was demonic. He lived like a king with his mansion, personal jets, his Rolls Royce and five star hotels, while his members had all joy sucked out of them with his constant mantra of 3 to 5 short years left.
    He preached one thing but practiced the opposite. Like all thugs, he would have rationalized this with the bully morality of the end justifies the means. It's always bully morality with Herb and his ministers. It would be more honest if these ministers walked around in Nazi uniforms.


  2. ‘However bible prophecy declares that Germany will play a powerful role in the future’…….if you are inferring that the Germans are the modern day descendants of the Assyrians you are simply wrong. This erroneous doctrine has been well debunked by this blog.
    As has BI.
    The essence, the heart of Christianity is love, personified in the person of Jesus Christ.
    Perfect love indeed casts out all fear. His gospel was something the prophets desired to look into and to see Him with their own eyes.
    That Armstrongism has failed to grasp the message of the gospel is reflected in their steady decline into near irrelevance.
    Whatever the future holds for Europe, and whatever form Europe will evolve into, we can be sure of one thing, the Armstrong movement has missed the boat.

  3. I do not see how they shovel out this. It has already pretty much been proved invalid. How about Franz Josef Strauss back in the day? Germany is probably the most reluctant nation in Europe to enforce sanctions against Putin other than Hungary. They are not the militant Prussians of the 19th century. The main reason the ACOG's are doomed to failure is basically they base their whole belief system on HWA rather than Christ. For some like Flurry, he is really their idol. Pack is his OWN idol.

    1. FJS was bandied about as personifying the Beast back in the day. He’s been dead for 34 years, HWA almost 36. Such a silly small movement that played so large in our lives. Lord help us all.

  4. "Man In the High Castle" was a great series. I highly recommend to any and all to watch.

    QUESTION: If the highest percentage ancestry of the United States Is GERMAN, and if Germans are the Assyrians, wouldn't that make the UNITED STATES then the ASSYIANS! ??

    Oh, silly Tonto, dont dare ask such confusing questions of the BI/Assyrian madness!

    1. Quite literally, the resurrected NEOASSYRIAN EMPIRE! Brethren, the master key has been found!

      Pity lamassu arent a thing in America.

    2. And isn’t the British royal family actually of Germanic origin with their real surname being Saxe-Coburg-Gotha?

  5. Amen, amen and amen to the above 4 comments. Very well said and tragically true. Wrong gospel, worship of HWA, law, law, law, fear and control ad nauseam, BI at its heart and NO Jesus. Thankfully, these groups will continue to fade into oblivion, and the sooner the better.

  6. Tonto asked, "QUESTION: If the highest percentage ancestry of the United States Is GERMAN, and if Germans are the Assyrians, wouldn't that make the UNITED STATES then the ASSYIANS! ??"

    MY COMMENT - A damn good question, Tonto!

    I have never heard this fact before, so I Googled it. Here is what I found:

    "With an estimated size of approximately 43 million in 2019, German Americans are the largest of the self-reported ancestry groups by the United States Census Bureau in its American Community Survey."

    I am 1 of the 43 million. Even when I was in WCG awaiting the start of the Great Tribulation predicted by the Church to start during the first week of January 1972 (coinciding with the second 19-year time cycle), I would lay awake at night thinking about my own family's German ancestry. German's dropping bombs on America killing me and my whole family (if we weren't counted worthy of escaping to Petra). My father was a Navy pilot in World War II fighting Germans.

    I remember the cognitive dissonance I experienced back in 1972 of my own German ancestry but now American for several generations back, and how could I be part of Manasseh with so much German ancestry in me?

    A damn good question Tonto. Damn good!


  7. Thiel and others have an easy answer to this. Those Germans living in the U.S. now will turn in their fellow citizens when Germany attacks. This is now Germany will be able to defeat the U.S.

    1. Didnt happen in either world war though...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. But it could happen in the next one.

    4. They're even farther removed from the homeland at this point in time. Those massive boatloads of German, Austrian and Hungarian immigrants came over around the turn of the century.

  8. We had a lot of “Assyrians” in the WCG. And as I understand it, the indo-Europeans included the celtic and germanic. The Irish apparently include those with a fair amount of germanic blood, so even our high irish immigrant population adds to the percentage of “assyrians” in the wcg.

  9. "If the highest percentage ancestry of the United States is German......"

    Yes, when I first learned and verified that about ten years ago, I began entertaining quite interesting alternatives to the Armstrong interpretation of prophecy. Shortly thereafter, I learned that the British royal family is actually German, and literally had to change their name by order of the King around the time of WW-I. HWA was an absolute master of deceptive parsing to preserve his "hook"!

    In the Harrison Ford-Kelly McGillis movie "Witness", an Amish patriarch, when saying his goodbyes to Book, says "Do be careful out amongst the English!" it also rang a bell. Some of the old folks in our family were known to say the same thing!

    You really have to have tunnel-vision, shutting out all of the other ethnicities besides the English who were present during the colonization and repopulating of Native American lands to believe that north America was exclusively English/Manassite, even for the purpose of speculation or argumentation. Yet, if we had raised such issues during classic WCG heyday, we would have been sharply shot down mid-sentence because in those days, there were only "their truths". In the USA, English won when our national language was being considered and established. Canada, as it turns out, was much more democratic than we were. The large French population was able to preserve their language.

    During the 1950s, when my parents first fell victim to the scam, I even asked them what would happen to all my German classmates and some of our relatives when we were attacked in 1972. They told me that the Germans would not see them as their own. They would see them as Americans, the enemy, and would do the same things to them as to English people. I didn't even need to ask about the plight of Jewish and Black friends, because I already knew what the Nazis' attitudes were towards them.

    1. There’s a reason why England was known as perfidious Albion.

  10. I knew that when I heard of Germany easing out from some of the sanctions that some crackpot COG would use that as an excuse for their Germany position as the Beast….didn’t take long.

    The facts are that the USA/NATO block is the beast power of Rev 13…the seven heads (G7) and the ten zones (ten horns). The ten zones were created by the Club of Rome just after WWII. This point is why I left the COG world back in 2003.

    The USA/NATO block is the fourth and final Reich, and equates to the toes vs of Daniel’s statue….the last Roman Empire of this age. Trump is most likely the King of the North…just waiting on his announcement to run again, as we all know he will. Check out Dan 11:40-44. It’s clear that the BRICS nations are the Kings from the East…(Rev 16:12-16).

    Germany isn’t going to do squat with Ursula’s approval. They are part of the ten zones.

  11. German industry is being DESTROYED by the energy sanctions as the Ruble skyrockets.

  12. Anon 5:41:00 PM PDT

    'It's clear that the BRICS nations are the Kings from the East......'

    No it's not clear at all.
    That is why there are so many, uncountable opinions on prophecy, as numerous as the sands.
    That is why there are untold sects within Christanity and within Armstrongism.
    That is why the internet is awash with countless sermons and video's on prophecy.
    'The facts are....' we have all heard that before, comments thrown out into the public arena without evidence to support them.
    Yet Paul and the apostles came to preach Christ and Him crucified....the power of God and the wisdom of God.
    A far cry from the confusion so rampant in prophetic spectulation.


  13. That is why there are untold sects within Christanity and within Armstrongism.
    That is why the internet is awash with countless sermons and video's on prophecy.
    'The facts are....' we have all heard that before, comments thrown out into the public arena without evidence to support them.

    Without evidence…???

    You do realize this exact forces (BRICS) are battling NATO in Ukraine, right…??

    I’d call that EVIDENCE

  14. I doubt the king of the east includes those from the south (s.africa) and west (Brazil)

  15. Ever hear of Allies…?? Much like NATO trying to control the entire planet not just the global north. Either way Russia and China are clearly north and east of Jerusalem.
