Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 3, 2022

More Record Shattering LCG Presentations


Recent and Upcoming Tomorrow’s World Presentations
Last week, we held eight Tomorrow’s World Presentations—two initial presentations, in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada; and Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada; and five follow-up presentations in Fargo, North Dakota; St. Louis, Missouri; Cookeville, Tennessee; Blue Ridge, Georgia; and Springfield, Illinois. These presentations had a combined total of 68 guests. This week we have two follow-up presentations in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada; and Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. One initial presentation is scheduled this week in Southampton, England, United Kingdom. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations.

St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada.   113, 948

Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.  167,162

Fargo, North Dakota.  123.550

St. Louis, Missouri    2,807,338

Cookeville, Tennessee.   33.922

Blue Ridge, Georgia.   1,245

Springfield, Illinois.  205,950

These cities provided a potential field ripe for the harvest of 3,433,115 souls with only 68 people showing up. Of that 68 attendees at least 40-50 of them were LCG members padding the audience. One presentation had ZERO guests!

Never fear though, LCG will bring in hundreds if not thousands of new members when they do a presentation in Southampton, England next week.  They will have a captive audience of 1,547,000 people. The field is ripe for harvest!



  1. If I held an open house for my small business and only 68 people showed up, I would consider it to have been an abject failure. Ditto with a trade show, 68 visitors to my booth? Total bummer.

  2. Decades ago before I started attending wwcog I went to a SDA promotion entitled The future of Israel or something similar.
    Advertisement in local paper caught my attention so off I went.
    The hall has absolutely packed with only standing room available for late comers.
    I would say there were 400 or so in attendance. I was impressed. I turned up in casual clothes.
    Then it stuck me. The vast majority were in suits and ties and the ladies in their smartest attire. And only a few in ‘casuals’.
    The vast majority were ‘SDA’ members filling the pews. I would say there were very very few ‘outsiders’ in the audience.
    And this seems to be the same with lcog presentations. But I would say their ‘presentations’ attendance’s all up are indefinitely smaller per head of population compared to the SDAs back then.
    That aside I did enjoy the SDA presentation. Unfortunately for Armstrongism, today we have the internet so the need to attend a presentation is more or less redundant. And there is so much available about there misdeeds, why do so.

  3. This pathetic LCG “harvest” has nothing to do with God promising an increase, as LCG does not have God’s blessing.
    LCG, like all ACOGs, do not experience anything like a ripe harvest, because they reject the New Covenant along with the Mediator of the New Covenant.
    Contrary to biblical promise, LCG’s harvest is famine-like.
    John 4:35: I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.
    Perhaps all of Old Herbie’s hundreds of predications of surely impending famine were just a bit askew, instead of intended for “Israelite-ish nations” the multitude of prophesies are befalling upon the twisted splinters, such as LCG.

  4. It really shows how bankrupt the thought process is with many of the ACOGS that they continue to follow the model laid down by HWA. Rented halls and a focus on Germany/Assyria is not gonna work and has been on a downward trend after the failure of HWA's prophecy of 1975. The retention rate of youth growing up in the ACOGS was usually around 8-10%. Most left as soon as they reached 18 or adulthood.

  5. God repeatedly warned ancient Israel through His prophets to repent, which they failed to do. Does this mean that the prophets wasted their time and effort? No! God exercised his "Ezekiel" warning, and it's on the head of those who didn't heed.
    So low numbers at presentations does not mean failure. An opportunity was offered, and mostly refused. Their blood is on their head.

  6. You criticize because of the low turn out numbers at these presentations. That to you validates your idea that we are wrong and nobody is interested in what we have to say. I guess in human reasoning you are right. But is God truly calling the masses now? Is God interested in high numbers now? Don’t think so. God has a timing plan for calling the world. Relatively few now as firstfruits and the masses later. Scoff and laugh as you love to do but the Church of God culture will never die nor go away regardless of your ideology. Yes we have a few so called leaders that are way out of line but make no mistake there is a body of us who are called faithful and true. God will sort it out.

  7. Anon 6:14:00 PM PDT

    ‘That to you validates your idea that we are wrong and no body is interested in what we have to say’.
    Well no. That ‘a few ‘ do turn up shows that there is an interest even if incredibly small.
    A huge contrast to Jesus who drew enormous crowds and said the harvest is great and to go out and make disciples of the nations. Yet the cog movement is in rapid decline and deeply divided, even as their doctrines and theology are indistinguishable from each other.
    ‘Yes we have a few so called leaders that are well out of line…’ would you care to name whose leaders who you believe to out of line. I presume your leadership are not included in that group.
    ‘but make no mistake there is a body of us who are called faithful and true’. And what is the criteria in your view that would describe faithful and true? Those who adhere to the cord doctrines of HWA?
    Does that make whose who have left Armstrongism not faithful and true to our Redeemer and Saviour Jesus Christ?
    You mention ‘your ideology’. Can you explain. Because one points out the very obvious flaws in Armstrong doctrines does not make one an enemy of the gospel, far from it. For many of us the spirit of God moves one out of concern for those still caught up in this movement with it’s flawed and demonstratedly so understanding of the gospel.
    We are in agreement with your comment that God will sort it out.

  8. Anonymous on September 4 at 2:18 AM declared, "An opportunity was offered, and mostly refused. Their blood is on their head."

    Oh yes, 2:18. Amen.

    And won't it be glorious to watch them weep and gnash their teeth--first in emotional, then in physical agony--as they realize what fools they were for turning down the opportunity to spend eternity singing dreary but righteous hymns out of the Purple Hymnal and endlessly repeating exclamations of righteous adoration over and over and over and over again throughout all of eternity? Anyone who rejects such an opportunity as that deserves to writhe and wail in agony while righteous obedient persons look on and jeer mercilessly, full of joyful righteous indignation over the iniquity that brought on such punishment.

  9. 7.30 PM
    Ha, ha, ha. Very funny. You should be a writer for Mad Magazine.

  10. Thanks Sept. 4 at 11:20.

    Back in my heyday (the last two years of the Eisenhower administration) I was an avid reader of Mad Magazine. It taught me to look at things from all angles and spawned in me a healthy skepticism. It kept me from swallowing HWA's "truth" and persuaded me to drop out of Ambassador College and make my way to a saner environment. It also prepared me to acknowledge that no environments with people in them are completely sane.

  11. Retire Prof
    I started to be an avid reader Mad Magazine on joining the church. It was humorous, but the reason I read it was purely technical. It's writers were very perceptive about the way the world and people really, really are. By contrast, the church literature was often about the way the writers wanted the world to be. A big difference. Since I had to live in the real world and not the ministers fantasy world, the magazine kept me grounded.
