Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Restored Church of God: "Money Down The Drain" Part 6

Christ is set to return on Feast of Trumpets and yet Dave buys new land and homes while members are told to give more money and be ready to meet Christ.


Dawn Blue interviews Marc Cebrian over Dave Pack's recent purchase of new properties all the while expecting his followers to believe Christ's returning just a few days away and that they need to give as much money as they can.


  1. I wonder why they keep making new ones.

  2. Wow. Judging the man by his words and actions, it does look as though Dave Pack doesn't believe a word he's saying.

    What makes this man tick? What is his plan in all of this? Does he have an exit strategy?

    It looks as though he has backed himself into a corner with his prophetic nonsense about Christ's return, and I don't see how he can possibly recover from that gracefully. I don't see how he can avoid a crash-and-burn. After this set-up, telling his followers to sell all and send it in looks like simple, cynical, egregious fraud.

    The thing that baffles me though, is why hasn't it all come unravelled already? In William Miller's case, it only took one failure to cause the "great disappointment". What makes Dave Pack's followers inexplicably hang around?

  3. Anon on Sept 22 @ 5:01pm - "What makes Dave Pack's followers inexplicably hang around?"

    RCG used to teach the truth. WCG imploded due to the foundational doctrinal changes. DCP is changing prophetic doctrine. He does change others despite telling people they don't, but they do. The nature of the Father and Jesus Christ is no longer what it was when I joined in 2012. "The Father comes first" "The Father is the God of the Old Testament" "Moses and the elders at with the Father on the mount." -- No thank you.

    RCG used to teach the truth. DCP used to preach the truth. Then, prophecy addiction set in and he crossed the event horizon. There is no turning back. No stopping. No "waiting a year" because ego will not allow for that "rest for God's people."

    Folks in RCG stick because they do not see a better alternative. I certainly don't. COGwa, UCG, LCG...not the shining lights people want. "Good enough for now" is what I commonly hear. You don't leave RCG to be good enough for now. That is why they stick.

    A) They hope DCP will FINALLY be right and all the angst will be worth it.
    B) DCP will stop the date-setting and go back to RCG roots.

    Neither option is a reality for future fulfillment.

    The slow bleed is going to continue as each individual crosses their personal event horizon and departs. And they are departing...

  4. Interesting. I attend UCG, while also seeing UCG as having some frustrating issues (especially in my local area, with a particularly authoritarian leadership which has discouraged many). But I don't go elsewhere because I don't see a better alternative. Not RCG.

    I think UCG doctrine of Sabbath and Holy Days has good scriptural basis, so I couldn't in good conscience go to a Sunday church. Ironically, I think UCG is in danger of focusing on Sabbath and Holy Days to the neglect of other important Christian doctrines, all while criticising everyone else for not being us good as us. Growing up in WCG, teaching about Jesus was severely neglected, and predictions that Christ would return before my adulthood were terribly wrong. Despite these prophetic failures, UCG ministry regard us (or graciously, the Sabbath COGs) as being essentially the only ones with the truth.

    It's an awkward state to be in… thinking that we're better where we are, despite our [possibly obvious and serious] flaws, because at least we are better than [that other church] with their [obvious and serious] flaws.
